Oct. 13 - Nov. 3

AP Bio Assignments - Oct. 13 - Nov. 3
Quiz on Chap. 16 - Mon., Oct. 23.
Next Test - Friday, Nov. 3 - Chaps. 17 - 19.
Fri., Oct. 13 - Read 16.1 - 16.4.
Write short definitions of these terms: restriction enzyme, plasmid, cloning vector (read
the whole paragraph before you jump to an answer), reverse transcriptase, gene library,
nucleic acid hybridization, PCR, DNA fingerprint, tandem repeat.
Mon., Oct. 16 - Read 16.5 - 16.10.
1. What was the goal of the Human Genome Project? Has it been reached?
2. What is genomics?
3. What can researchers learn from DNA chips?
4. What is genetic engineering?
5. What is a transgenic organism?
6. List several potential benefits of genetic engineering.
7. List several potential problems from genetic engineering.
Tues., Oct. 17 - Do Self-Quiz on P. 257.
Wed., Oct. 18 - No classes in morning (PSAT and application time)
Thurs., Oct. 19 - Study for Quiz on Monday - Chap. 16.
Fri., Oct. 20 - Teacher Workday.
Mon., Oct. 23 - Quiz on Chap. 16. HWK: Read 17.1 - 17.3.
1. What lines of questions helped to frame the study of evolution?
2. What is the difference between theories of catastrophism and uniformity?
3. What do biologists mean by the term natural selection?
Tues., Oct. 24 - Read. 17.4 - 17.9.
1. What is a fossil? Why are there gaps in the fossil record?
2. What is radiometric dating? What is its relation to the study of evolution?
3. Why are biologists interested in plate tectonics?
4. What are the difference beween homologous and analogous structures?
5. Give examples of morphological divergence and convergence?
6. What is the relationship between master genes and evolution?
7. How can nucleic acid hybridization and molecular clocks help scientists to determine
relationships between species?
Wed., Oct. 25 - Read 18.1 - 18.5.
1. What is a gene pool? How is it related to evolution?
2. List the conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. (You will have to learn
3. Explain the meanings of directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection.
Thurs., Oct. 26 -Read 18.6 - 18.9.
1. What is sexual selection? Give an example of a trait determined in this way.
2. What is balanced polymorphism.
3. What is the difference between genetic drift and gene flow?
4. What is an evolutionary adaptation?
Fri., Oct. 27 - Read 19.1 - 19.4.
1. What is a species? Answer this question in two ways - the biological species concept
and the "legacy" idea.
2. What is a reproductive isolating mechanism?
3. What is the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation?
5. State the difference between cladogenesis and anagenesis?
6. What is the difference between the gradual and punctuation models of speciation?
7. Explain the meaning of adaptive radiation. Give an example.
Mon., Oct. 30 - Read 19.5 - 19.8.
1. List the three domains used in classification. Why is this scheme now widely adopted
by biologists?
2. What is unique about evolutionary trees drawn as cladograms?
Tues., Oct. 31 - Review. Work on Study Guide.
Wed., Nov. 1 -Half day. Study for test.
Thurs. Nov. 2 - Half day. No class for Per. 1/2. Single period for Per. 3/4.
Fri., Nov. 3 - Test on Chaps. 17 - 19.