CE 485: Solid Waste Management Instructor: Office Address: Dr. Milind V. Khire, P.E. Course Website: http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ce485/khire/ Class Time/Location: M & W: 8:30 – 9:50 AM; 313 Ernst Bessey Hall (EBH) Make up Classes: As part of my job responsibilities related research, I travel and may be out of town for up to 5 classes during the course of the semester. During those days, I may either find a substitute instructor or cancel the class. If I cancel the class, I will make up the class by starting subsequent classes as early as 8:00 AM until the lost time is made up. If this may become a problem for you, please drop the course immediately. Office Hours: M & W: 10:00 to 11:00 AM, 3550 Engr. Building; Ph. No. 355-5110 At your request, I may revise office hours to align with the due date of the HWs or exams/quizzes for your benefit. A135 Engineering Research Complex, Ph: (517) 432-3130 email: khire@egr.msu.edu “Open Hours” at A135 Research Complex Engr (just email or call me before you plan to stop by or knock on the door if you happen to be in RCE). Required Textbook: Integrated Solid Waste Management by Tchobanoglous/Theisen/Vigil; Publisher: McGraw Hill Prerequisite(s): CE 280 or permission of the instructor. If the instructor has waived the prerequisite(s), you still take full responsibility for your performance in this course. Reference Book: Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd Edition, MD LaGrega, PL Buckingham and JC Evans, McGraw-Hill, 2001. Grading Assistant: A graduate student will be assigned to grade your homeworks and selective questions in your exams. I will provide you the name and contact information as soon as I have recruited a grading assistant. Introduction: During my recent discussion with a senior engineer in a large engineering consulting company, he told me that his organization is in constant need to hire geoenvironmental engineers. Majority of times, geoenvironmental engineers are working on geotechnical projects with Page 1 of 5 Amended: 2/15/2016 environmental applications, such as, municipal solid waste landfills, hazardous waste landfills, agricultural waste treatment ponds, runoff management from processing plants, etc. This course will equip you with geoenvironmental engineering knowledge that you can apply in industry or academic settings. In this course you will learn the fundamental principles and key technologies that are used to manage municipal, commercial, and industrial solid waste that is generated in United States. Almost all “waste” on this planet is created by humans as we enjoy our lifestyle. Industrialization has contributed to significant increase in waste generation. Broadly, waste is grouped into municipal solid waste (MSW) and hazardous (solid or liquid) waste. In order to manage waste economically and comply with environmental regulations, you would require specialized training and experience. All civil, environmental, chemical, and agricultural engineers can benefit from this course. I have numerous research projects where my graduate students are working on real landfills in Jackson, Harrison, and other parts of the country on field-scale projects. If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in this area, please talk to me to explore the opportunity to work on my research projects and get the hands on experience from professionals in this field. Student Background: I assume and hope that the background and interest of students in this class will be quite diverse. Diverse backgrounds will add to the learning process – both yours and mine! I expect the students have basic knowledge in environmental engineering (CE280 or equivalent) and soil properties (soil mechanics – CE312 or equivalent). If you have noit taken CE312 (soil Mechanics) or equivalent, I will do a basic review. However, if you need further help, it is your responsibility to spend the extra time to learn the basics of soil mechanics by reading the appropriate sections of a text book. Objectives: CE485 is a 3-credit course. When you complete this course, you will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identify key sources, typical quantities generated, composition, and properties of solid and hazrdous wastes; Identify waste disposal or transformation technics (landfills and incinerators); Recognize the relevant regulations that apply for facilities used for disposal, and destruction of waste; Conduct invasive and non-invasive site investigation and understand permitting process for constructing landfills; Idnetify and design Solid and Hazardous Waste Landfills (RCRA Subtitle D and C) including closure, post-closure, and rehab issues; Estimate typical waste disposal costs; and Identify recycling and reuse options (composting, source separation, and re-use of shredded tires, recycled glass, fly ash, etc.). Page 2 of 5 Amended: 2/15/2016 Grading Criteria: Attendance & Participation (5%): Attendance will be randomly recorded during class hours. If you missed any class(s) on the days when the attendance is recorded, you will receive a reduced grade proportional to the number of missed classes. Your participation in the class will be recorded based on answering oral questions in the class (right or wrong, does nto matter) and participating in all class discussions. Homework (10%). If not specified, home work will be due a week after it is handed out. Homework must be turned in during the class hour in the classroom on the due date. Late turned in homeworks will receive a zero grade. Students are expected to turn in neat and organized homework. Any homework which is sloppy, difficult to read, or difficult to understand will receive a reduced grade. Quizzes (10%). Total 4 to 8 in-lecture quizzes (5 to 20 min duration) will be given throughout the semester. If the class attendance is below what I believe is appropriate, I will give these quizzes spontaneously. Each quiz will include basic material covered in the class during the previous four weeks. The total grade for these quizzes will be worth 10%. I will drop one quiz with the least score for final grade computation. Under no circumstances you will be allowed to make up any missed quizzes. Exams (30%): Three exams (10% each of the total grade) will be given during the semester. Theses exams are tentatively scheduled for 16 Feb., 7 March, and 6 April 2005 and will be held at the same location as the class. Students should plan their schedules around these times. These dates will be confirmed or revised no sooner than 1 week prior to the exams. It is your responsibility to attend the class and record any schedule deviations. You can reschedule the class exam times only by obtaining consent of the instructor at least 2 working days before the exam. If you are sick, you can re-schedule the exams only by providing a registered doctor’s certificate within a week after the missed exam or when you attend the next class, whichever comes first. Term Paper (20%): You can pick any topic related to waste disposal or waste management and write a term paper. Your topic needs to be approved by the instructor. If you do not have a topic in mind, I will give you possible topics for your paper. You will need to type your paper (double-spaced, left and right justified, 1” margins on all sides). Total single-sided pages in the paper including tables and figures shall not exceed 15. You may choose to pair up with your classmate to write the term paper. Final Exam (25%): A final exam worth 25% of the total grade will be given at the end of the semester on the date/time listed in the MSU Calender. The final exam would cover the entire syllabus (comprehensive). Other Grade Rekated Rules: 1. If your final answer is incorrect, I will not negotiate partial grades that you may receive for homework, quiz, or exam problems. 2. You must collect graded material during the class hours within one week after it is handed out in the class. After one week, you will need to stop by the instructor’s office in A135 RCE to pick up your graded material before the end of the semester. After that, I will assume that you have waived your right to access your graded material. Page 3 of 5 Amended: 2/15/2016 Grading Scale: Total Score Grade Point Total Score Grade Point ≥ 90 ≥ 85 to < 90 ≥ 80 to < 85 ≥ 75 to < 80 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 ≥ 70 to < 75 ≥ 65 to < 70 ≥ 60 to < 65 < 60 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 Notes: 1. If the class average is above 77.5, grades will be based on the “traditional” scale presented in the above table. If the class average is below 77.5, I may translate the grading scheme by statistical curving to reflect the true class average. 2. The instructor will make the borderline decisions based on the student’s motivation, attendance, participation in the class, and quality of work. Other Important Notes: Academic Honesty: The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering adheres to the policies on academic honesty as specified in General Student Regulations 1.0, Protection of Scholarship and Grades, and in the all-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades, which are included in Spartan Life, Student Handbook and Resource Guide. Students who plagiarize will receive a 0.0 grade on the relevant assignment. Accommodations for Disabilities: Students with disabilities should contact the Resource Center for People with Disabilities to develop reasonable accommodations. For an appointment with a counselor, call 353-9642 (voice) or 355-1293 (TTY). Missing Class to Participate in a Required Activity or Religious Observance: To be excused from this class to participate in a required activity for another course, a university-sanctioned event, or a religious event, you must provide the instructor with advanced notice and, when applicable, a written authorization from the faculty member of the other course or from a university administrator. Amendments: If we make any changes to this syllabus including grading policies, we will note down the amendments in this section. 1. Page 4 of 5 Amended: 2/15/2016 Tentative Syllabus for CE485 – Spring 2005 Week 1 Topic Sources, quantities generated, and physochemical properties of municipal solid waste and hazardous waste 2 Solid Waste Management Pyramid – Key Technologies for SWM (collection, handling, transformation, landfills, incinerators, composting) 3 Relevant environmental regulations for waste disposal, site investigations 4 Site investigations, Site Selection (NIMBY), Regulatory permitting process 5 Incineration, composting 6 Types of Landfills, basic geotechnical considerations, earthen liners for waste disposal 7 Clay mineralogy, factors controlling hydraulic conductivity, methods to measure k in the lab and field, compatibility of liner materials to chemicals in leachate 8 Contamiannt and liquid Transport in soil liners for RCRA liners (advection and diffusion) 9 Geosynthetics for waste disposal – overview, Geomembranes-leakage, transport, and structural stability, Gesosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) 10 Design of Leachate Collection System for Landfills – Use of gravel and GDLs 11 Operational aspects of MSW landfills (daily cover, leachate disposal, GW monitoring) 12 Landfill Gas Collection System and Leachate Recirculation System Design 13 Landfill Final Cap Design and Water Balance (demonstration of HELP Model) Modeling 14 Review Problems 15 Review Problems Page 5 of 5 Amended: 2/15/2016