04 June 2015 - St Mary`s Primary School

St Mary’s Church School, Hadleigh
Tel: 01473 823268
Newsletter – 4th June 2015
Welcome Back
to all the children. We hope you have had a lovely half term break and are
refreshed and ready for the rest of the summer term!
Please see below the Certificate winners for 22nd May 2015
‘Working Well’
‘Our Christian Values’
Kira Tiernan
Seth Tilsley
Nicole Fryer
Honey Clements Smith
Keera Kelly
Shaeden Warren
Matthew Caley
Lily Freeman
Hayden Watts
David Kennington
Matthew Hughes
Alfred Dedman
Ethan Hek
Maddie Oakes
Reuben Buss
Dona Eldho
Holly Warner
‘Good Learning Behaviour’
Umar Javed
Emily Bignell
Rhianna Girling
Jamie John Maddison
Gabriel Tuscarny
Cory Bignell
Eve O’Shea Warner
Bradley Oxford
Handwriting Heroes:Henry – Year 6
Flora – Year 5
Megan Hammond – Year 4
Thomas Simon – Year 3
Liam Freeman Bloomfield – Year 2
Deena Eldho – Year 1
Nicole Fryer – Reception
Aissata Lees Demi – Nursery
Elm Class Cake Sale – Thank you to everyone who donated cakes for Elm Class’ Cake Sale. I am pleased
to say £61.25 was raised!
Hadleigh Year of the Sheep – Hadleigh Brownies and Guides will be holding a “Spectacular Sheep Night”
on Friday, 5th June at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh. 7-10 year old girls and boys from 6pm until 7.30pm and
10-13 year old girls and boys from 7.30pm until 9pm. There will be a disco, sheep crafts, games and a Tuck
shop. Tickets cost £5 each and can be purchased on the door. Come along for a great night of fun to
celebrate “The Year of the Sheep”!
Maths Cafés – During next week we will be holding ‘Maths Café’. Please join your child to enjoy some
shared maths activities. Details are as follows:Monday, 8th June – Year 6 (Willow) – 11am in their classroom
Tuesday, 9th June – Year 4 (Rowan) – 9.30am in their classroom
Tuesday, 9th June – Reception (Ash) – 2pm – in their classroom
Tuesday, 9th June – Year 3 (Beech) – 2.10pm in their classroom
Wednesday, 10th June – Year 5 (Chestnut) – 2pm in their classroom
Thursday, 11th June – Year 1 (Oak) – 9am in their classroom
Friday, 12th June – Year 2 (Elm) – 2.15pm in their classroom
Art Work - Years 3 and 4 have taken part in a project called ‘It’s Our World’. The artwork that the children
have created will become part of an online collection which will be available to view this week. The website is
www.itsourworld.org.uk. This entire collection will soon be owned by the British Library in December, in order
to coincide with the World Leaders Climate Change Summit. The actual artwork will be handed over to form
part of the Environment Inspired Art Exhibition at St Mary's Church Hadleigh from 4 th – 15th June to coincide
with the Whose Future? Whose Planet? Climate Change Talk & Workshop on Saturday, 13th June.
After School - Gardening Club – Wednesdays after school from 3.20pm until 4.30pm starting on
Wednesday, 17th June. The children will be involved in general gardening, weeding, planting and watering.
If your child would like to attend this after school club please complete the slip at the end of this Newsletter
and return to the school office as soon as possible.
Father’s/Grandfather’s Day Lunch – Our Head of Kitchen, Jeanie, will be preparing a special lunch to
celebrate Father’s/Grandfather’s Day on Thursday, 18th June. The menu will be Roast Chicken or Quorn fillet
served with stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, green beans and gravy. Desert will be Sticky toffee pudding
served with toffee sauce and ice cream. The cost of the lunch is £3.47 for an adult and the usual £2.30 for a
child. If you would like to order this Lunch, please use the slip provided at the end of this Newsletter and
return with your payment to the school office no later than Thursday, 11th June first thing. Cheques payable
to Suffolk County Council. Lunch for the children is to be ordered in the normal way on Monday, 8th June.
Please note that because this is a popular event and extra food for adults has to be ordered in advance, we
cannot accept any late requests. Of course if Dad can’t come another male guest can be invited. Lunch will be
served at 12 o’clock.
Coffee Morning – Friday, 19th June - St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh – 9.30am until 12. All profits in aid of
LIFE expo 2017. There will be a raffle and cake stall.
Summer Fete – Saturday, 11th July – 11am until 3pm - The Parent Support Group would be grateful for
any offers of help in organising the Summer Fete both in advance and volunteering on the day. If you are able
to give up any time, please contact Wendy Bannister on 07532195963.
Teaching Staff for September – I am now able to confirm staffing arrangements for September. Mrs
Stairmand will be leaving school at the end of term. Mrs Dowling is reducing her hours and Mrs Hough will be
leaving her teaching role but will remain as the school’s SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator). We are extremely grateful for the commitment, energy and hard work that they have all put into
St Mary’s school and wish them all the best for the future.
With other adjustments in teachers’ hours, this has given us the opportunity to hire two new full-time teachers.
Miss Natalie Pimm will be teaching Year 2 from September and Mrs Daphne Dunham will be teaching in Year 5.
We are absolutely delighted with these appointments and both teachers come to the school with great
enthusiasm and creativity. We are really looking forward to working with them in the autumn term.
Nursery – Mrs Warren
Reception (Ash) – Mrs Jarrald
Year 1 – (Oak) – Mrs Ratcliffe (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays); Mrs Young (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Year 2 – (Elm) – Miss Pimm
Year 3 – (Beech) – Mrs Bartram (Mondays and Tuesdays); Miss Oliver (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)
Year 4 – (Rowan) – Mrs Seed
Year 5 – (Chestnut) – Mrs Dunham
Year 6 – (Willow) – Mr Coombs (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays); Mrs Dowling (Wednesdays)
Bonding with Baby – Small group classes and 1-1 available for Infant Massage and Baby Yoga. To find out
more contact Nicola Hicks on 01449 741056 / 07824181511 / www.bondingwithbaby.net
Sign up before 31st July and receive 10% discount. Quote reference Promo3SMH.
Ash Class to lead Worship – Ash Class will be leading assembly on Friday, 5th June. Parents welcome!
Cake Sale – Beech Class and Rowan Class will be holding a Cake Sale after school on Friday, 5th June.
Please bring in cakes for the sale that morning. Thank you.
Rosa Simon Music Fund: Come to the concert!
There are a lot of enthusiastic children signed up for the Rosa Simon Music Fund Workshop and Concert on
Saturday June 6th at the Hadleigh United Reformed Church.
We now just need an audience - we just need you to come along!
So if you want to see and hear a dazzling range of musical styles and lots of different songs - which the
children will have rehearsed at the earlier workshop run by renowned jazz musician Pete Letanka - please
come to the concert!
Tickets costs £5 each (under-fives go free) and can be purchased from the receptions at St. Mary's Primary
School and the Hadleigh Community Primary School or by emailing: danton89@hotmail.com
The concert is at the Hadleigh United Reformed Church and starts at 3pm and there will be free
refreshments afterwards.
The workshop and concert is funded by the Rosa Simon Music Fund and any monies made will be reinvested in
the Fund in supporting local musical projects for children.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breakfast Club – Fri 5th Jun – Painting, Mon 8th Jun – Construction, Tues 9th Jun – Table Tennis, Wed 10th
Jun – Table Games, Thurs 11th Jun – Make a Badge.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Frolish
The inclusion of details of extra-curricular, local and out-of-School activities in this Newsletter in no way implies that they are supported or
endorsed by St. Mary's CEVAP School, its Governors or any member of Staff. Parents are advised to make the appropriate enquiries
regarding supervision, insurance and other matters.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After School Gardening Club – Return to the School Office
My Child ……………………………………………………………………… Class ………………………………………………………….
would like to attend this club, starting on Wednesday, 17th June.
Signed: …………………………………………………………………….. Dated ………………………………………………………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To: School Office - Father’s Day Lunch – Thursday, 18th June - £3.47 (forms and money by 9am
Thursday, 11th June). No late forms will be accepted.
I would like to order a Father’s Day Lunch.
I enclose £3.47 – cash or cheque.
Thursday, 18th June
I would like
Roast Chicken
Quorn Fillet
Please tick your choice.
Name of child__________________________________________ Class____________________
Child’s lunch to be ordered week beginning Monday, 8th June.