Genesis 1-11 - College Press

Genesis 1-11
God’s Attempt to Sustain a Relationship with All Humankind
The Creator and His Creation
The Creation viewed Cosmically
The First Act of Creation
Excursus on the Translation of Genesis 1:1-3
The State of the Unfinished Earth at Its Creation: Unformed and Unfilled
The Forming of the Earth – The First Three Days
Day One: The Forming of Day and Night
Day Two: The Forming of the Atmosphere and Seas
Day Three: The Forming of the Land
The Filling OF the Earth – Days Four to Six
Day Four: The Filling of Day and Night
Day Five: The Filling of the Atmosphere and Seas
Day Six: The Filling of the Land
Man: The Goal and Crown of Creation
Excursus on the Interpretation of Humanity as “The Image and Likeness of God”
The Creator’s Evaluation of His Work
The Creator’s Cessation of His Work
Summary Inclusio
The Creation Viewed in Terms of Personal Relationships
The Pre-Fall Male
The Environment of the Pre-Fall Male
Excursus: Parallels between the Garden of Eden and the Tabernacle
The Pre-Fall Work of Man and the Limitations on His Freedom
The Completion of the Pre-Fall Male
The Relationship Between God and Humanity Broken
The First Disobedience
Excursus on the Lord God’s Words and Their Distortion in the Temptation Scene
The Discovery and Punishment of the Disobedience
The Discovery of Disobedience
The Punishment of the Disobedience
The Punishment of the Serpent
The Punishment of the Woman
The Punishment of the Man
Grace in the Midst of Judgment
Human Society without the Divine-Human Relationship
The Sacrifices of Cain and Abel
The Birth of Cain and Abel
The First Offerings to the Lord
The Lord’s Evaluation of the Offerings
Cain’s Reaction to the Rejection of His Offering
The Lord Warns Cain about His Reaction
The Onset and Punishment of Violence
Cain Becomes the First Murderer
The Lord Confronts Cain for His Violence
The Lord’s Punishment of Cain for His Violence
The Mitigation for the Punishment
Cain’s Plea to the Lord
The Protective Sign for Cain
Cain Settle East of Eden
The Family History from Cain to Lamech
The Line from Cain to Lamech
The Polygamous Family Line of Lamech
Civilization Beings
Lamech’s Cynical Boast
Partial rehabilitation of Divine-Human Relationships
The Birth of Seth to Replace Abel
Humanity Beings to Call on the Name of the Lord
The Destruction and Restoration of Creation
The Family Line from Seth to Noah
Special Study: Concrete Evidence That Biblical Genealogies Are Not Modern
Resumptive Repetition of Creation
Ten “Generations” from Adam to Noah
The Sons of Noah
The Two Lines Intermarry
The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men
The Decision to Reduce the Life Span of Humanity
The Nephilim
The Warrior Children Born from the Illicit Unions
The Decision to Send the Flood
The Lord Recognizes the Extent of the Evil
The Lord’s Regret at Having Made Humankind
Decision to Destroy Creation
The Exception of Noah
Introduction to the Flood Narrative
Noah Introduced
Reiteration of the Corruption and God’s Recognition of It
Announcement to Noah of Decision to Judge Humanity
The Directive to Build the Ark
Command to Build the Ark with Detailed Instructions
Warning of the Flood
God’s Promise of a Covenant with Noah and Family
Command to Preserve Animals
Food for Noah’s Family and the Animals
Noah’s Obedience
The Command to Enter the Ark
The Command to Enter
Provision for Clean and Unclean Animals
God’s Pronouncement of Imminent Destruction
Noah’s Obedience
Noah’s Family and the Animals Actually Enter the Ark
Seven-Day Waiting Period for the Flood
The Floodwaters Rise
The Underground and Aboveground Waters Begin
Noah’s Family and Creatures Safe in the Ark
The Rising of the Floodwaters to Their Peak
The Turning Point of the Flood: God Remembers Noah
The Floodwaters Abate
The Rain Stops and the Flood Beings to Abate
The Floodwaters Dry Up and the Dry Land Reappears
Exiting the Ark
The Command to Exit the Ark
The Exiting of the Ark
Yahweh’s Gracious Response to Noah’s Altar
The Altar and Sacrifice Noah
Yahweh’s Response
The Preservation of Noah’s Line
The Recommissioning of Humanity
The Conditions under Which Animals May Now Be Eaten
Prohibition of Killing Other Humans
Reminder of the Recommissioning
The Covenant and Its Sign
The Covenant with the New Creation
The Sign of the Covenant: The Bow
Excursus: The Bow in Genesis 9:12-17
The Fall of the Post-Flood Generations
The Fall of Noah
The Sin of Ham
The Contrasting Respectfulness of Shem and Japheth
The Curse of Ham’s Son Canaan
The Blessing of Shem and Japheth
The Remainder of Noah’s Life and His Death
The Families of the Sons of Noah
The Descendants of Japheth
The Descendants of Ham
The Descendants of Ham
The Descendants of Cush (Ethiopia)
The Descendants of Mizraim (Egypt)
The Descendants of Canaan
Summary Statement
The Descendants of Shem
The Descendants of Shem
The Descendants of Aram (Syria)
The Descendants of Arphaxad
The Descendants of Eber
Summary Statement
Overall Summary Statement
The Babel Episode
The Setting of the Episode
The Goals of Babel
The Lord’s Judgment on Babel
The Family History from Shem to Abraham’s Father Terah
Ten “Generations” between Shem and Abram