Example Chapter Outline – Chemistry Use this outline as a template (pattern) to follow when writing chapter outlines for chemistry class. For my example, I have outlined the first section of Chapter19. Please refer to the chapter to get a feel for the depth of information I am looking for. Chapter 19 – Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Jane Doe (your name) Chemistry – W5 (your class period) 8/16/2011 (the date you write the outline) Section 19.1 – Radioactivity Nuclei of atoms are very small and very dense. Large amount of energy involved in holding nucleons together in small space. Protons and neutrons make up nucleus. Nucleons: protons and neutrons Atomic number: number of protons in nucleus (Z) Mass number: sum of number of protons and neutrons in nucleus (A) Isotopes: Atoms that have identical atomic numbers but different mass numbers Nuclide: term applied to each unique atom, represented by AZX where X represents symbol for element. A. Radioactive Decay Nuclei can decay – in other words they can lose particles. A nuclear equation can represent this decay – it shows the nuclide before and after decomposition. The Z number on both sides of the equation must be equal. Radioactive: a nuclide that experiences spontaneous decomposition Beta particle: an electron, represented by 0-1e. Mass number = 0 Nuclear equation: Symbolic representation of nuclear decay; e.g. 146C 147N + 0-1e Types of Radioactivity Different types of radioactive decay: production of an alpha particle, results in loss of mass nuber and loss of 2 in atomic number: o 22288Ra 42He + 21886Rn production of a beta particle, results in no change in mass number, but increase of 1 in atomic number: o 23490Th 23491Pa + 0-1e production of gamma rays, results in no change in mass number and no change in atomic number: o 23892U 42He + 23490Th + 200γ production of a positron, results in no change in mass number and decrease of 1 in atom number o 2211Na 01e + 2210Ne electron capture, rare, results in decrease of atomic number and production of gamma rays: o 20180Hg + 0-1e 20179Au + 00γ Sometimes nuclide must go through series of radioactive decays to reach stability. Alpha particle: helium nucleus 42He Alpha particle production: very common mode of decay for heavy radioactive nuclides Beta particle production: another common decay process Gamma ray: a high-energy photon of light Positron: a particle with the same mass as electron by opposite charge Positron production: type of radioactive decay Electron capture: process in which one of the inner-orbital electrons is captured by the nucleus B. Nuclear Transformations Particles of an element can be bombarded by smaller particles moving at very high speeds and thus be made to transform into another element. Particle accelerators are used to achieve the high particle speeds necessary. Positively charged α particles (He nuclei) and neutrally charged neutrons can be used to bombard particles along with other small nuclei. This is how scientists make new elements. Transuranium elements: synthesized elements with atomic numbers 93 112 C. Detection of Radioactivity and the Concept of Half-life There are two ways of detecting radioactivity mentioned in text – Geiger counter and scintillation counter. Both involve the detection of particles being struck by high-energy particles. Half-life is important concept – a radioactive nucleus with a short half-life is much more likely to decay than a nucleus with a long half-life. Geiger-Muller or Geiger Counter: Detects radioactivity by measuring ionization of Argon gas in the presence of rapidly moving particles being released by radioactive decay Scintillation Counter: Detects radioactivity by measuring light given off by substance as its particles are hit by rapidly moving particles given off by radioactive decay. Half-life: Time required for half of the original sample of nuclei to decay.