570 570-540 570-550 570,10 570,17 SOCIAL WELFARE Social Social Social Social * welfare policy welfare administration welfare theory & philosophy welfare agents Expand 570,17,30 to 570,17,87 with meanings as at 528,30 to 528,87, e.g. 570,17,34 Youth participating in social welfare activity * Expand 570,17,90,10 to 570,17,90,79 with meanings as at 529,10 to 529,79, e.g. 570,17,90,70 Religious groups as agents for social welfare 570,20 social welfare 570,22 570,24 570,26 570,28 570,29,50 570,30 570,40 570,50 social aid 570,52 570,55 570,70 Social work * Day-to-day activities in Field work Case work Group work Community work Mutual benefit societies Private relief & welfare activities * Including private charities Public welfare activities & services National social aid = Government Welfare economics Social security International social & economic aid * Including "technical cooperation" & International Red Cross * For international economics, see 582,70 573 particular Social welfare & relief against social ills * For welfare of the handicapped & sick, see 575,50 * For health services, see 423 * For socio-economic ills in sociology, see 535,55 573,31 573,33 Poverty relief * Including financial aid Starvation & famine relief 573,35 573,50 573,53 earthquakes 573,56 disasters 573,58 disasters 575 particular social Homelessness relief Disaster relief & aid * For environmental disasters, see 390,50 and 395,50 Aid against natural disasters * Including floods, Aid against technological Aid against socially generated Social welfare & relief for groups * Expand 575,31 to 575,87 with meanings as at 528,31 to 528,87. Examples are given in the schedule following, together with some additions special 575,30 575,32,40 575,32,50 575,34 575,37 575,43 575,43,50 575,43,70 575,50 see 465,50 575,51 575,52 575,53 575,53,90 575,54 575,56 575,58 575,67 575,67,70 575,87 580 to the field of social welfare Child welfare Adoption Orphans Youth welfare Old people's welfare Women's welfare Ill-treated women * Including "battered" wives Widows Welfare of the handicapped & sick * For education of handicapped, Welfare of physically handicapped = Welfare of the disabled Welfare of the blind Welfare of the deaf Welfare of deaf-mutes Welfare of the dumb Welfare of the mentally handicapped Welfare of the socially handicapped = Welfare of the socially disadvantaged Welfare of expatriates Welfare of refugees Welfare of national minority groups ECONOMICS * For welfare economics, see 570,52 580-140 580-182 580,12 see 530,21 580,12,50 Economic information work & services Economics research Economic investigation techniques * For socio-economic surveys, Econometrics 580,13 Economic forecasting 580,15 580,17 Economic theory Economic conditions * Including economic history Economic statistics Economic processes Economic policy * For economic planning, see 580,18 580,20 580,21 584,53 580,23 fluctuations 580,25 584,30 580,27 580,28,20 Economic cycles * Including stability & Competition * For capitalist system, see Economic growth & development Markets **Relocated from BSO Referral Index 580,28,25 580,28,27 580,29,20 Supply & demand Demand * For demand & consumption economics, 580,29,20 580,31 see 580,64 <Markets> **BSO Referral Index 580,29,20 relocated to 580,28,20 Capital * Capital formation & its application as economic resource, treated together * For capital formation, see 580,68,50 * For capital resources, see 580,78 580,34 580,35 580,37 Interest Investment = Capital market Securities 580,40 Finance * For public finance, see 582,54 Banking Money Currency * Including exchange Coinage Numismatics Credit Mortgages Trust finance 580,41 580,42 580,43,20 580,43,33 588,43,33-477,65 580,44 580,44,70 580,47 580,50 570,55 Insurance * For social insurance, see 580,60 580,60,40 580,60,45 580,60,85 580,60,87 Trade Prices Inflation Wholesale trade Retail trade * For management & operation of retail 580,61 580,62 580,62,40 580,62,50 580,62,60 countries trading, see 588,67 Domestic trade * Wholesale & retail International trade = Foreign trade Imports Exports International trade of particular * Expand 580,62,60,30 to 580,62,66,Z with meanings as -020,30 to -026,Z (in file BSO17) * To specify trade between two countries, or between transnational groups of countries, form the code for the first of the two countries or groups given in the BSO schedule, as indicated in the foregoing note, add ,99, followed by the code for second country or group, as drawn from -026,20 to -026,Z (in file BSO17) but with the digits -026 omitted, e.g. 580,62,66,20,37,99,23,35 Trade between NATO countries & Warsaw Pact countries 580,64 Demand & consumption economics * Including standards of living * For demand as market mechanism, see 580,65 580,66 580,66,20 580,67 580,68 580,68,32 580,68,40 580,68,50 580,28,27 Production & distribution economics Production economics Input-output analysis Distributive service economics Wealth Savings Income Capital formation * For capital formation & its application as an economic resource, treated together, see 580,31 * For capital as an economic resource, 580,68,70 580,68,72 580,70 580,71 see 397 580,72 580,72,26 580,73 580,74 580,75 580,77 economics see 580,78 Distribution of wealth Poverty Economic resources Natural resources * For natural resources in multidisciplinary aspects, Land resources Land ownership Energy resources Raw materials resources Technical resources * Including industrial plant Human resources = Manpower * For labour economics, see 580,80 580,78 Capital resources * For capital formation & application together, see 580,31 * For capital formation, see 580,68,50 580,80 580,80,25 580,80,40 Labour economics Labour productivity Industrial & labour relations **4.89 Change from BSO Referral Index 580,81 580,82 580,84 Work Employment & unemployment **4.89 new caption & notation. Previously part of 580,81 caption 580,83 580,83,31 580,84 Pay = Remuneration Collective bargaining 580,84,45 Industrial disputes **4.89 new caption & notation Strikes 580,85 580,87 Employers' associations Trade unions 580,88 social groups Labour economics of particular * Expand 580,88,30 to 580,88,87 with meanings as at 528,30 to 528,87, e.g. 580,88,43 580,89 groups Women workers Ethnic, linguistic & religious * Expand 580,89,10 to 580,89,79 with meanings as at 529,10 to 529,79, 580,89,78 581,80 e.g. Moslem workers Microeconomics * General considerations only * For personal & home economics, see 475,16 * For economics of individual firms, see 588,40 582 582,30 582,50 582,52 582,54 Macroeconomics Regional National Social Public * * economics economy accounting finance economics For finance, see 580,40 For public financial administration, see, 550,40 **BSO Referral Index error gives 582,54,40 582,54,50 582,55 582,57 582,70 582,74 investment 582,40 Public finance Public expenditure Public debt Fiscal policy = Taxation Trade barriers International economics International finance & **BSO Referral Index International liquidities 580,74,0,80,43,20,0,80,28,27 582,74,50 582,77 relations 584 584,20 584,30 cancelled Balance of payments International business & trade Economic organisation Craft system Capitalist system = Capitalism * Including private enterprise * For capitalist political systems, 584,33 584,35 584,37 see 543,54 Joint stock companies or firms Multinational firms Monopoly 584,40 584,50 584,51 584,53 584,55 enterprise 584,57 nationalisation 584,57,70 584,70 Cooperatives & cooperation State enterprise & intervention Subsidies Economic planning Mixed economy * Public & private Nationalised economy & Municipal commercial enterprise Socialist economics & economy * For socialist political systems, 584,76 584,79 586 586,30 586,40 586,50 see 543,57 Marxism-Leninism Socialist self-management Sectorial economics Public sector Private sector Production industries * Treated generally * For economics of particular industries, use relevant BSO codes from 600 to 890 with added 580 586,52 586,54 586,70 588 588,10 588,15 588,17 Primary product industries * For agricultural economics, see 360-580 Secondary product industries Service industries MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES * Business & industry * For management not limited to economic enterprise, see 165 Management theory * In economic enterprises Management policy * In economic enterprises Office management * In economic enterprises 588,20 techniques 588,20,14 588,21 588,22 588,25 588,25,40 Business organisation & management 588,30 Personnel management * In economic enterprises only * For personnel management Management information Surveys & survey techniques Business forecasting Enterprise planning Corporate planning applied more widely than in economic enterprises, see 165,30 * For ergonomics, see 165,35 * For commercial industrial training, see 467,50 588,30,40 Industrial & labour relations * Within the context of management of an economic enterprise only * For industrial & labour relations generally, see 580,80,40 588,33 management Employees' participation in = Industrial democracy 588,40 Financial management * Of economic enterprises only * For financial management applied 588,41 588,45 588,46,38 588,48 588,50 more widely, see 165,40 Accountancy * Including cost accounting Bookkeeping Inventory Cost & value engineering Production management * For management of projects of all kinds, both commercially and non-commercially oriented, see 165,50 * For production economics, see 580,65 * For production technology, see 620 588,53 588,53,50 588,54 588,57 588,60 588,61 588,61,18 Production planning & control Reliability control Quality control Product design & planning Distribution & retailing Marketing Market research * For consumer oriented research, 588,62 588,65 588,67 588,80 588,82 600 see 470,21 Sales management & salesmanship Wholesale distribution Retailing = Shop & store management Commercial publicity & advertising * For publicity & advertising generally, see 158,20 Advertising TECHNOLOGY = Engineering * For science & technology treated together, see 200 * Use this code 600 for general aspects of technology .* For "internal" combinations in the area 600 to 890, the simple link symbol ,0, is replaced by ,06 or ,07 or ,08 in order to differentiate the first digits 6, or 7 or 8 of the second element. See also File BSO14 600-140 and 600,06 600,07 600,08 below * For "external" combinations, use the -... device, e.g. Technical information work * Including technical information centres & 600-156 600-166 600-178 600-182 600-182,46 600-460 600-512,20 600-580 600,05 technologies> services Technical reporting * Including press & broadcasting Technical standardisation & standards Technologists & engineering profession Technical research Technical development Technical education Industrial archaeology Economics of technology <Environmental aspects of particular * For environmental aspects of technology generally, see 730 * Codes beginning 600,05, other than 600,05,90, are not be used alone. They are inserted here to indicate that the suffixes ,05 alone or expanded as scheduled immediately below, are to be combined with the codes for particular technologies, e.g. 657,46,05 Environmental aspects of wind power 600,05,27 600,05,28 600,05,30 electrical generation <Waste management> <Re-use> <Pollution control aspects> * For pollution control generally, see 730,30 * Expand ,05,31 to ,05,78 with meanings as at 730,31 to 730,78 , e.g. 747,85,05,65 Noise control at airports 600,05,84 <Public & industrial health aspects> * For public & industrial health engineering generally, see 734 * Expand ,05,84,15 to ,05,84,70 with meanings 600,05,86 as at 734,15 to 734,70 <Safety engineering aspects> * For safety engineering generally, see 736 * Expand ,05,86,30 to ,05,86,57 with meanings as at 736,30 to 736,57, e.g. 625,05,86,40 Fire safety in materials 600,05,88 handling <Rescue & salvage aspects> * For rescue & salvage operations generally, see 738 * Expand ,05,88,30 to ,05,88,40 with meanings 600,05,90 as at 738,30 to 738,40 Technical defects * For materials deterioration & protection, see 635,50 * For defects in particular branches of technology or technical objects, use the suffix ,05,90 added to the code for the particular technology or object concerned, unless other provision has been made in the schedule for the particular technology concerned 600,06 element code <Internal combinations where the second begins with 6> * Do not use 600,06 * Use ,06 as link symbol where the second element has a code beginning with 6. Omit the initial 6 of the second cited element, e.g 657,70,06,15 Electrical machinery (657,70) testing (615) **BSO 1978 gives the information now spelled at 600,06 600,07 600,08 in a note which is in correct position, but is not an appendage to any caption and would not be accepted in the Bliss computer programs. An alternative manoeuvre would be to use 600,99 <Captionless record> followed by 600,07 element code the BSO 1978 note <Internal combinations where the second begins with 7> * Do not use 600,07 * Use ,07 as link symbol when the second cited element has a code beginning with 7. Omit the initial 7 of the second cited element 600,08 element code <Internal combinations where the second begins with 8> * Do not use 600,08 * Use ,08 as link symbol when the second cited element has a code beginning 8. Omit the initial 8 of the second cited element 610 610-120 610-210 610-310 SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF TECHNOLOGY Engineering mathematics Engineering physics Bionics 610,09 APPLICATION ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE * For applied chemistry, see 810 * For applied biology, see 310,19 610,10 610,24,83,25 610,24,85,27 airflow 610,25,75,27 610,25,80,27 610,50 Applied physics Applied fluid mechanics Applied gas dynamics = Applied Applied liquid-solid dispersion flow Applied hydrodynamics Applied space & earth sciences * Expand 610,52 to 610,78 with meanings as 610,60 610,63 611 250 to 278, e.g. Applied earth sciences Applied geophysics EQUIPMENT & PLANT * Not limited to a particular technology 611,30 611,35 611,36 Instrumentation Materials of instruments Particular materials of instruments * Expand 611,36,23,60 to 611,36,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 611,38 611,38,24 611,38,25 611,38,50 Components of instruments Control systems Computers Electrotechnology components * Expand 611,38,50,20 to 611,38,57,87 with meanings as at 650,20 to 657,87 611,38,70 Thermal engineering components * Expand 611,38,70,22 to 611,38,70,40 with meanings as at 670,22 to 670,40 611,38,78 611,38,80 Refrigeration components Mechanical engineering components * Expand 611,38,80,30 to 611,38,88,56 with meanings as at 680,30 to 688,56 611,40 Kinds of instruments * For kinds of instruments, specified by possession of a given component, expand 611,48,24 to 611,48,88,56 with meanings as 611,38,24 to 611,38,88,56 * For instruments specified by function or target, if the function or target is within area 600 to 890, use the BSO code for the function or target with suffix ...,11,18,30. If the function or target is outside of area 600 to 890, use the suffix ...-200,18,30 611,49,50 Remote indication systems * For telemetering engineering, see 655,85 612 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING * For systemology, systems theory & cybernetics, see 160 612,40 Control systems engineering * For cybernetics, see 160,40 612,49 Guidance systems 612,55 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 612,55,20,80 hardware 612,56 * Including technology of hardware and computer applications in technology * For computer science, see 128 **Relocated from BSO 1978 612,50 Mechanical engineering in computer Materials of computers * For particular materials of computers, expand 612,56,23,60 to 612,56,78 with 612,58 612,58,50,20 612,70 612,71 612,73 612,74,60 meanings as at 823,60 to 878 Components of computers * Expand as 611,38 Logical elements Kinds of computers Main frame Minicomputers Microcomputers 615 615,19 615,25 615,25,21 615,25,23 615,50 615,52 615,53 615,53,21 615,53,50 615,54,20 615,54,30 615,54,80 615,55,50 615,60 615,60,30 615,60,35 615,61 615,61,53 615,62 615,63 615,66 615,66,33 615,66,33,60 615,66,42 615,66,43 615,66,48 615,66,48,35 615,66,55,5O TECHNICAL TESTING Acceptance testing Mechanical testing Test pieces Notch tests Non-destructive testing Mechanical non-destructive testing Acoustic non-destructive testing Acoustic emission testing Thermal non-destructive testing Electrical non-destructive testing Electronic non-destructive testing Magnetic testing Testing with ionising radiation Imaging Visual inspection Penetrant dye testing Microscopy Acoustic microscopy Optical microscopy Electron microscopy Macroscopic imaging Acoustic imaging Ultrasonic imaging Electrical imaging Electronic imaging Magnetic imaging Magnetic particle testing Radiography 617 MAINTENANCE & SERVICING ENGINEERING * Including repairs 618 618,40 618,70 TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Technical design Industrial design = Appearance design 620 620-182,46 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Production development 620,11,60 620,11,63 620,12 620,13 620,15 Tools Portable tools <Production equipment & installations> **BSO 1978 now deleted Hand tools Materials in production technology * Expand 620,15,20 to 620,15,83 with meanings 620,16 as at 635,20 to 635,83 Particular materials * Expand 620,16,23,60 to 620,16,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 620,20 620,22 620,25 production 620,27 Systems of production Craft production & crafts Power-aided production = Mechanised 620,40 620,44 620,45 620,45,50 620,45,58 620,46 620,50 Production processes Casting Deposition Spraying Plasma spraying Powder fabrication processes Working & forming * Including extrusion, rolling, pressworking 620,61 620,62 620,65 620,65,80 620,66 620,68 620,71 620,72,30 Index 620,72 620,72,45,50 620,72,45,58 620,74 materials 620,74,28 620,74,54 620,74,56 620,74,65 620,74,66 620,74,67 620,75 620,75,40 Automated production Cutting * Including sawing Machining Joining Soldering Welding Atomizing Finishing Coating **Changed from BSO Referral Spraying Plasma spraying Coating with particular coating Polymers * Expand as 828 Ceramics * Expand as 854 Glass * Expand as 856 Metals Ferrous metals * Expand as 866 Non-ferrous metals * Expand as 867 Assembly Positioning 625 MATERIALS HANDLING = Mechanical handling * For short-range transport outside plant, see 740,70 * For transport of particular objects or materials, see 627,40, but use only for retro combinations 625,23 625,24 625,25 Power transmission equipment Chains Wire ropes & cables 625,30 625,40 625,41 625,41,90 625,42 625,50 625,51 625,52 Batch handling equipment Lifting equipment Hoists Derricks Cranes Continuous handling equipment Conveyors & elevators Conveyors 627 627,20 PACKAGING & STORAGE & DISPATCH Packaging 627,20,27 Wastes 627,21,68 Machinery 627,22,30 627,22,31 Packaging processes Filling **Relocated from BSO Referral Index 627,22,30 Weighing Closing Taping & sealing Strapping & tying Stitching & stapling & nailing Labelling Marking 627,22,35 627,22,40 627,22,45 627,22,50 627,22,55 627,22,60 627,22,65 627,25 Packaging materials * Expand 627,25,20 to 627,25,83 with meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83, e.g. 627,25,52 627,25,83 627,26 Waterproofing materials Laminates Particular packaging materials * Expand 627,26,23,60 to 627,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, e.g. 627,26,28,50 627,26,31,45 627,26,54 627,26,56 627,26,60 627,26,67,72 627,26,73,50 Plastics Adhesives Ceramics Glass Metals Aluminium Paper 627,27,25 627,27,25,27 627,27,28 627,27,33 627,27,34 627,27,35 627,27,36 Parts of packages Partitions Cushioning Opening & dispensing devices Closures Tapes Labels 627,27,54 627,27,55 627,27,56 627,27,66 Kinds of packaging systems Wrapped packages Container packages Containers specified by material **Notation changes from BSO Referral Index. For each specifying material in list following, notation element ,27 changes from ,28, and notation element ,66 changes from 627,27,66,28 627,27,66,54 627,27,66,56 627,27,66,60 627,27,66,72 627,27,66,72,72 627,27,70 ,86 * Expand 627,27,66,23,60 to 627,27,66,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, e.g. Plastics Ceramics Glass Metals = Cans Wood Fibre board Other kinds of containers **Notation changes from BSO Referral Index. Pouches to Collapsible tubes below change element ,73 to ,77 from 627,27,73 627,27,74 627,27,75 627,27,75,80 627,27,76 627,27,77 627,27,81 ,63 to ,67 Pouches Strip packages Bags Sachets Sacks Collapsible tubes Cartons **Notation change from BSO Referral Index. ,27,81 changes from ,28,87,50 627,27,82 Cases **Notation change from BSO Referral Index. ,27,82 changes from ,28,87,60 627,27,83 Boxes **Notation change from BSO Referral Index. from ,27,83 changes ,28,87,70 Moulded pulp boxes **Caption & notation 627,27,83,80 change from BSO Referral Index. Caption was Containers, Moulded pulp. Notation ,83,80 changes from 627,28 627,28,88 627,28,90 627,28,91 627,28,92 627,28,94 627,28,96 627,28,98 ,87,80 Special packaging systems Vacuum packaging Gas packaging Skin packaging Blister packaging Aerosol containers Retail units Fragile article packaging 627,30 Storage 627,40 materials> <Transport of particular objects or * The notations 627,40 to 627,48, whether or not expanded in accordance with the "Expand" note below, are not to be used alone * Use only as second element in retro combinations * For transport technology generally, see 740 * Expand 627,40 to 627,48, with meanings as at 740 to 748, e.g. 832,50,06,27,43 Railway transport of liquid fuel 631 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY * Energy technology generally * For technical utilisation of particular forms of energy, see 640 to 688 631-020 Place or location aspect * Expand 631-020,20 to 631-026,ZW with meanings as at -020,30 to -026,ZW (In File BSO17) 631-580 631-588 Economic aspects of energy technology * For energy as an economic resource, see 580,73 Energy technology management * Including forecasting & planning 631,05 631,17 631,18 Environmental impact Energy utilisation Energy recycling 631,30 Non-fossil fuel energy conversion * For fossil-fuel energy conversion, see 832 631,32 631,35 631,36,40 Solar energy conversion Geothermal energy conversion Energy from the sea 631,40 Total energy technology 631,50 Energy storage 635 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY = Materials science 635,20 635,21 635,22 635,23 Structure of materials Microstructure Impurities Inclusions 635,25 635,26 General properties of materials Durability 635,30 635,30,15 635,30,15,12 635,30,15,20 635,30,15,25 635,30,15,27 635,30,15,99 635,30,16 635,30,17 635,30,18 635,30,19 635,30,20 635,30,22 635,30,23 635,30,24 635,30,25 635,30,26 635,30,27 635,30,28 635,30,28,50 635,31,99 635,32 635,33 635,33,35 635,33,40 635,35 635,35,35 635,35,40 635,35,42 635,35,44 635,36 change 635,37 635,37,38 635,37,39 Applied mechanics = Strength of materials Stress Stress analysis Stress distribution Stress-strain relationships Yield Kinds of loading Dynamic loading Cyclic loading Static loading Pressure loading Combined loading Tensile loading Compression loading Shear loading Bending Torsion Impact Thermal stresses Residual stresses Results of loading Deformation Plastic deformation Superplasticity Hardness Elastic deformation Ductility Brittleness Stiffness Rigidity Kind of deformation by dimensional Failure Strength Toughness 635,38 635,38,43 635,38,44 635,38,46 635,38,46,25 635,38,46,26 635,38,48 635,38,49 635,39,50 635,39,55 635,39,77 635,39,77,20 635,39,77,25 635,39,77,30 635,39,77,40 635,40 635,41 635,42 635,43 635,47 Fracture Ductile fracture Brittle fracture Cracks Crack initiation Crack propagation Buckling Tearing Fatigue Creep Surface properties Shape Surface defects Roughness = Contour Porosity Applied tribology Friction Erosion Wear Lubrication 635,48,35 635,48,35,17 Thermal properties of materials Thermal cycling **Notation change from Post- switching-test 635,48,36 635,48,40 635,50 635,52 draft, which gave 635,48,35,31 Thermal conductivity Fire damage & protection Materials deterioration & protection Preservation **Change of meaning from BSO 1978 & BSO Referral Index 635,52 Waterproofing materials, which is now relocated to 635,55 635,55,15 635,55,20 635,55,22 635,55,23 635,55,24 635,55,26 635,55,30 635,55,31 635,55,31,28 635,55,32 635,55,32,33 635,55,32,34 635,55,33 635,55,34 635,55,35 635,55,37 635,55,40 635,55,45 635,55,46 635,55,47 635,57,20,67 Corrosion technology Corrosion resistance Corrosion protection Passivation & passivators Inhibitors Protective atmospheres Coatings Kinds of corrosion Electrochemical corrosion Cathodic protection Aqueous corrosion Sea water corrosion Steam corrosion Gaseous corrosion Non-electrolytic liquid corrosion Atmospheric corrosion Soil corrrosion Biological corrosion Stress corrosion Cavitation corrosion Fretting corrosion 635,56 Biodeterioration 635,56,80 635,56,84 635,56,85,40 635,56,85,50 635,56,86,30 635,56,86,40 635,57 properties 635,57,20 635,57,20,67 Microbiological deterioration Bacterial deterioration Algal deterioration Mycological deterioration = Fungal deterioration Deterioration caused by plants = Phytodeterioration Deterioration caused by animals = Zoodeterioration Materials specified by significant Insulating materials Waterproofing materials **Relocated from BSO 1978 & BSO Referral 635,57,21 635,57,35 Index 635,52 Mechanically significant properties Thermally significant properties 635,60 Composite materials 635,70 635,70,40 635,72 Particle technology Powder technology Sintered materials technology 635,80 635,81 635,82 635,83 Materials specified by form Sheet materials Film Laminates 640 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY * For nuclear physics, see 215 * For nuclear weapons, see 767,73 640,20 Peaceful uses of nuclear energy 642 642,05 642,05,27 Nuclear reactor technology Environmental aspects Nuclear reactor waste management * Including treatment & disposal **Relocated from BSO 1978 642,05,80 642,05,30 642,05,30,50 642,05,80 Pollution control Radiation control <Nuclear reactor waste management> **BSO 1978 642,05,80 now relocated to 642,18 642,20,80 642,05,27 Nuclear reactor instrumentation <Mechanical engineering> ** Post-switching Test draft and BSO Referral Index notations 642,20,80 to 642,20,88,56 amended to 642,27,80 to 642,25 642,27,88,56 Nuclear reactor materials * Other than feed materials * Expand 642,25,20 to 642,25,83 with 642,26 meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83 Particular materials * Expand 642,26,23,60 to 642,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 642,27 642,27,50 Nuclear reactor components **Relocated from 1978 BSO 642,30 Electrotechnology equipment * Expand 642,27,50,19 to 642,27,57,87 with meanings as at 650,19 to 657,87 642,27,70 Thermal equipment * For cooling systems, see 642,33 * Expand 642,27,70,17 to 642,27,78,40 with meanings as at 670,17 to 678,40 642,27,80 Mechanical equipment * For fuel handling equipment, see 642,35,20 * Expand 642,27,80,20 to 642,27,88,56 with meanings as at 680,20 to 688,56 **642,27,80 to 642,27,84,70 relocated from 642,20,80 to 642,20,84,70 in Postswitching-test draft and BSO Referral 642,27,84 642,27,84,60 642,27,84,70 642,28 Construction Index Fluid power equipment Hydraulic machinery Pneumatic machinery Nuclear reactor structures = engineering works in nuclear reactors * For containment structures, see 642,31 * Expand 642,28,10 to 642,28,16,53,60 with meanings as at 710 to 716,53,60 642,31 structures 642,33 642,35 642,35,20 642,35,25 642,37 Nuclear reactor containment Nuclear reactor cooling systems Nuclear reactor fuel assemblies Management & handling Reprocessing Kinds of nuclear reactors **642,37 to 642,40,90 are 1989 additions 642,37,31 642,37,35 642,37,40 642,37,41 642,37,42 642,38,35 642,38,48 642,38,58 642,38,59,75 642,38,60 642,38,67 642,38,68 642,38,91 642,38,91,40 642,38,94 642,39 642,39,59 642,39,60 642,39,61 642,39,70 642,40 642,40,48 642,40,59 642,40,66 642,40,75 642,40,90 642,41 642,42 642,43 642,45,99 642,46 642,48 By kind of containment structure Pressure tube By fuel-moderator homogeneity Homogeneous Inhomogeneous By fuel Gas fuelled Liquid fuelled Disperson fuelled Solid fuelled Ceramic fuelled Oxide fuelled Uranium fuelled Enriched uranium fuelled Plutonium fuelled By moderator Water moderated Light water moderated Heavy water moderated Organic moderated By coolant Gas cooled Water cooled Liquid metal cooled Molten salt cooled By neutron power Thermal reactors Intermediate reactors **1989 new caption & notation Fast reactors By purpose Power reactors Special-purpose nuclear reactors * Including research reactors, & test 642,48,50 reactors Breeder reactors **1989 new caption & notation 645 650 650-166 electrical 650-182 electrical Isotope technology ELECTRONIC & ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES = Electrotechnology Standardisation in electronic & technology Research & development in electronic & technology 650,19,25 650,19,26 Materials in electrotechnology Particular materials * Expand 650,19,26,23,60 to 650,19,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 * This "Expand like" facility may be applied throughout 650, 655 and 657, e.g. 650,19,26,67,72 Aluminium in electrotechnology * Where a material is not discussed as such, but is used to specify a type of device, e.g. Tantalum capacitor, add suffix ,76 to the notation for the device and further expand like 823,60 to 878, giving in this case 650,42,76,76,75,73 Tantalum capacitors 650,19,31 Electric & magnetic fields 650,20 650,23 Electronic & electrical circuits Transmission lines * Including waveguides & antennas 650,26 taken together Electrical networks 650,30 650,30,48 Electronic & electrical components Magnetic devices & materials 650,30,50 650,31 Passive circuit components Active circuit components 650,32 650,34 650,36 650,42 650,45 650,48 650,51 650,52 650,54 650,57 Electrical converters Inductors Transformers Capacitors Resistors Relays Contacts Switches Conductors Insulating materials 653 653,11,25 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Materials in electronic technology * Expand 653,11,25,20 to 653,11,25,83 with 653,11,26 meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83 Particular materials * Expand 653,11,26,23,60 to 653,11,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 653,13 653,20 653,25 653,32 Electron tubes Semiconductor technology Photoelectric devices * For solar cells, see 631,32 Electro-optical devices 653,35 653,37 653,50 striplines 653,52 653,54 circuits, Thermo-electric devices Acousto-electric devices Microwave electronics * Including waveguides & Printed circuits Microminiature circuits = Integrated * Including thin-film circuits, single 653,57 653,58 653,70 655 655,25,30 655,30 655,35 655,50 655,55 655,60 655,65 655,80 655,85 & multi-chip monolithic circuits Masers Lasers Superconductor technology TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Optical communications engineering Satellite communication Data transmission Telegraph & telex engineering Telephone engineering Radio engineering Television engineering Radar engineering Telemetering engineering * For remote indication in instrumentation, 655,86 657 657,20 657,25 engineering 657,30 657,40 657,41 657,42 see 642,46 657,42,27 see 611,49,50 Telecontrol engineering ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Alternating current engineering = A.C. engineering Direct current engineering = D.C. Electric power systems Electrical generation Thermal generation Nuclear-thermal generation * For nuclear power reactors, Thermal processing & equipment * Expand 657,42,27,17 to 657,42,27,28 with meanings as at 670,17 to 670,28 657,42,28 657,42,28,25 657,43 657,46 657,48 Heat engines Steam turbines Hydroelectric generation * Including tidal & wave power Wind power generation Direct conversion * For solar energy conversion, see 657,48,32 657,48,33 657,49,50 631,32 Chemoelectric generation Fuel cells Electrical energy storage 657,50 657,55 657,60 657,70 657,73 657,82 657,85 657,87 670 THERMODYNAMICS Electrical power transmission & lines Electrical power distribution & lines Electrical power installations * At consumer end of line Electrical machinery Electric motors Electrical protection gear Switchgear & circuit breakers Electric reactors THERMAL ENGINEERING & APPLIED 670,17 670,18 Heat utilisation Heat recycling 670,20 670,20,25 Thermal engineering Materials in thermal engineering * Other than feed materials and working fluids * Expand 670,20,25,20 to 670,20,25,83 with 670,20,26 meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83 Particular materials * Expand 670,20,26,23,60 to 670,20,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 * Where material is used to specify a type of device, use suffix ,76 to notation for the device, and expand further as needed by ,23,60 to ,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 670,22 670,23 670,25 670,26 670,26,42 Heat exchangers Burners Boilers Furnaces Linings 670,28 Thermal insulation 670,40 Heat energy sources * For fossil fuel energy conversion, see 832 * For non-fossil fuel energy conversion, 670,40,22,59,30 670,40,32,56 673 673,11,25 see 631,30 Infra-red radiation Fossil fuel combustion Heat engines = Prime movers Materials of heat engines * Expand 673,11,25,20 to 673,11,25,83 with meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83 673,11,26 Particular materials * Expand 673,11,26,23,60 to 673,11,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 * Where material is used to specify a type of heat engine, use 673,76 and expand further by ,23,60 to ,78, with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 673,20 673,25 673,40 673,42 ignition engines 673,45 673,47 engines 673,50 673,70 678 678,40 680 Steam engineering Steam turbines Internal combustion engines Diesel engines = Compression Gas engines Spark-ignition engines = Petrol = Gasoline engines Gas turbines Chemical rockets Refrigeration technology Heat pumps MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 680-168 Mechanical engineering organisations 680,05 engineering 680,05,27 Environmental aspects of mechanical 680,20 680,25 Mechanical engineering waste disposal **Relocated from BSO Referral Index 680,05,31 Machine building Materials in mechanical engineering * Expand 680,25,20 to 680,25,83 with meanings as at 635,20 to 635,83, e.g. 680,26 680,25,40 Tribology Particular materials * Expand 680,26,23,60 to 680,26,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, e.g. 680,26,67,72 Aluminium * To specify a type of device by its material, in the area 680 & 684, add ,76 to the notation for the device, & expand further by ,23,60 to ,78, with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 680,30 680,31 680,33 680,33,50 680,34 680,34,60 680,35,50 680,35,99 680,36 680,38 680,40 680,41 680,41,25 680,42 680,43 680,44 680,45 680,46 680,47 680,70 Machine components & mechanisms Linkage mechanisms Mechanical transmissions Speed changers Couplings Clutches Gears Energy storage components Springs Damping devices Fasteners Permanent fasteners Bellows joints Rivets Pins Moveable fasteners Screws Nuts Bolts Machine housings & mountings 684 684,05 684,05,65 684,25 684,25,30 FLUID ENGINEERING Environmental aspects Noise control Fluid engineering materials Strength of materials 684,31 684,31,60 684,31,62 684,31,63 684,31,76 Pipes & piping Parts of pipes Pipe connections Pipe bends Types of pipes specified by material * Expand 684,31,76,23,60 to 684,31,76,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878 684,33 684,33,25,40 684,34,95 684,35 684,37 684,40 Seals Tribology Compressors & pumps Pumps Valves Pressure vessels 684,50 684,55 Turbomachinery Turbines 684,60 684,60,06,80,33,50 684,70 Hydraulic machinery Speed changers Pneumatic machinery **BSO Referral Index gives 684,46,48,47. in error 684,70,06,12,40 684,70,06,84,35,60 684,70,06,84,35,62 684,70,06,84,36 Control systems Fans Blowers Compressors 686 VACUUM TECHNOLOGY 688 688,15 688,30 688,50 688,50,30 688,50,40 688,52 688,54 688,56 VIBRATION & ACOUSTIC ENGINEERING Noise Vibration engineering Acoustic engineering Sound propagation Reverberation Applied ultrasonics Sound insulation Hydroacoustics * Including sonar & echo ranging 710 710-166 710-580 710-588 710,05 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Standardisation * Including codes of practice Economic aspects of construction industry Management of construction work Environmental aspects * Including health & safety aspects * Expand 710,05,27 to 710,05,88,40 with meanings as expansions of 600,05,27 to 600,05,88,40 710,14 710,15 710,16 710,20 710,24 710,25 Operations Surveying Quantity surveying Site organisation Constructing Construction equipment 710,25,71 710,25,73 710,25,75 710,28,70 Soil mechanics Frozen ground Earthwork Protection of structures **Relocated from BSO 1978 710,40 Maintenance & repair of structures **Relocated from BSO 1978 710,50 Construction materials Soil Masonry Concrete Metals Steel Non-ferrous metals * Expand 710,36,20 to 710,36,90 710,28,87 710,30 710,31 710,32 710,33 710,34 710,35 710,36 with meanings as at 867,20 to 867,90, e.g. 710,36,72 710,38 Aluminium Wood 710,40 710,28,70 710,50 710,28,87 710,60 <Protection of structures> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to <Maintenance & repair of structures> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to <Prefabricated structures> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 710,75 710,70 710,74 710,75 710,76 Types of structures By process Prefabricated structures **Relocated from BSO 1978 710,60 By material * Expand 710,76,31 to 710,76,38 with meanings as at 710,31 to 710,38 712 CIVIL ENGINEERING * For highway engineering, see 742,80 * For railway track engineering, see 743,80 712,05 712,09,99 Environmental aspects <Captionless note> * Expand 712,14 to 712,25,75 with meanings as at 710,14 to 710,25,75, e.g. 712,21 <Soil mechanics> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,23 712,25,71 <Frozen ground> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,25 712,25,73 <Earthwork> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,25,75 712,25,71 712,25,73 Soil mechanics **Relocation from BSO 1978 712,21 Frozen ground * Including permafrost, ice & snow engineering **Relocation from BSO 1978 712,23 712,25,75 Earthwork * Including excavation, cuts & fills **Relocation from BSO 1978 712,25 712,27 Maintenance & repair 712,30 712,31 Structural engineering Structural design & analysis 712,34 712,36 712,37 <Substructures & foundations> **BSO 1978 now deleted <Superstructures> **BSO 1978 now deleted <Tall structures> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,38 712,77,37 <Large span structures> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,40 712,77,38 <Tunnel engineering> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,84 712,40,30 Civil engineering materials * Expand 712,40,32 to 712,40,38 with meanings as at 710,32 to 710,38 712,40,39 712,40,40 712,40,50 712,40,51 712,40,52 712,40,53 712,40,54 712,45 Parts of civil engineering structures Structural members Girders Trusses Columns Shells Membranes Walls **Concept change from BSO 1978 712,45. 712,46 712,48 712,50 Bridges relocated to 712,85 Roofs Floors Engineering services * Expand 712,52 to 712,57 with meanings as at 716,52 to 716,57 712,60 <Public works engineering> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,86 712,67 <Land reclamation & drainage> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,86,80 712,70 Types of civil engineering structure **Concept change from BSO 1978 712,70. Hydraulic construction engineering relocated to 712,87 712,72 <Dams> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,87,82 712,74 By process 712,75 structures 712,76 Prefabricated civil engineering By material **Concept change from 1978 BSO 712,76. Flood control relocated to 712,87,86 * Expand 712,76,31 to 712,76,38 with meanings as at 710,31 to 712,38 712,77 712,77,37 Towers By form Tall civil engineering structures = **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,37 712,77,38 structures Large span civil engineering **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,38 712,80 <Ocean engineering> **BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 712,88 712,80,34 structures 712,84 Underground civil engineering **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,34 Tunnels **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,40 * Expand 712,84,14 to 712,84,57 with meanings as at 712,14 to 712,57, e.g. 712,84,25 Tunnel construction 712,85 equipment Bridges **Relocated from BSO Referral Index 712,84,50 & from BSO 1978 712,45 * Expand 712,85,14 to 712,85,77,38 712,86 with meanings as at 712,14 to 712,77,38, e.g. 712,85,75 Prefabricated bridges Public works engineering **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,60 * Expand 712,86,14 to 712,86,77,38 with meanings as at 712,14, to 712,77,38, e.g. 712,86,27 Public works maintenance & repair 712,86,80 712,86,82 Land reclamation & drainage **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,67 Soil conservation 712,86,85 712,87 Watershed management **Relocated from BSO Referral Index 712,86,80 Hydraulic construction engineering **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,70 * For waterway & port engineering, see 745,80 * Expand 712,87,14 to 712,87,77,38 with meanings as at 712,14 to 712,77,38, e.g. 712,87,40,30 Hydraulic construction materials 712,87,82 Dams **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,72 712,87,86 works Flood control & coast protection **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,76 712,88 712,88,05,30 712,88,09,99 Ocean engineering **Relocated from BSO 1978 712,80 Environmental pollution <Captionless note> * Expand 712,88,10,14 to 712,88,10,77,38 with meanings as at 712,14 to 712,77,38 712,88,30 712,88,30,44 712,88,32 712,88,50 712,88,60 712,88,61 712,88,63 714 engineering 714,40 714,60 716 Offshore structures Sea floor installations Artificial islands Underwater environment Diving Life support systems Pressure chambers ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING = Lighting Outdoor illumination * Including street lighting Indoor illumination = Interior lighting BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & SERVICES * Expand 716,10,14 to 716,25,75 with meanings as at 710,14 to 710,25,75. Examples are scheduled below together with some topics which are special to building construction & services 716,10,14 716,10,15 716,10,16 716,10,24 Operations Building surveying Building quantity surveying Constructing 716,10,30 <Building materials> ** BSO 1978 caption now relocated to 716,30 716,16 Masonry * Including bricklaying * For masonry as building material, see 716,17 716,18 716,22 716,23 716,23,80 716,70 716,23,82 716,24 716,27 716,30 716,32 Concreting Carpentry & joinery Weatherproofing * Including sealing Thermal insulation Plastering **Relocated from BSO 1978 Glazing Decorating Maintenance & repair Building materials **Concept change from BSO 716,30 Building constructing relocated to 716,10,24 **Relocated from BSO 1978 716,10,30 * Expand 716,31 to 716,38 with meanings as at 710,31 to 710,38, e.g. 716,32 Masonry * For masonry as building operation, see 716,33 716,35 716,37 716,16 Concrete * For concreting, see 716,17 Steel <Timber construction> **BSO 1978 notation & caption deleted * For carpentry & joinery, see 716,18 716,38 716,40 Wood = Timber Parts of buildings * Expand 716,40,40 to 716,40,54 with meanings as at 712,40,40 to 712,40,54 716,40,70 716,44 716,45 Coverings = Facings Foundations Walls 716,45,75 716,46 716,48 716,50 buildings 716,52 716,53 716,53,40 716,53,60 716,55 714,60 716,57 716,70 Wallpaper Roofs Floors Engineering services & installations in Heating * Including district heating Ventilation & air conditioning Ventilation Air conditioning Electrical installations * For indoor illumination, see Plumbing * Including pipework & sanitary installations Types of buildings **Relocation from BSO 1978 718 **Concept change from BSO 1978 716,70. Plastering relocated to 716,23,80 Glazing relocated to 716,23,23,82 Decoating relocated to 716,24 716,74 716,75 716,76 By process Prefabricated buildings By material * Expand 716,76,31 to 717,76,38 with meanings as at 710,31 to 710,38 718 By purpose **Concept change from BSO 1978 718 Types of buildings relocated to 716,70 * For architecture of a particular type of building, add -711 to any following 718 code * Buildings serving more specialised functions than those given below are specified by the BSO code for the specialised activity with added -718, unless the schedule makes provision for buildings under the specialised activity 718,30 Residential buildings * Including houses & flats * Expand 718,30,10 to 718,30,60, with meanings as at 716,10, to 716,60 718,50 buildings Public service & commercial * Expand 718,50,10 to 718,50,60 with meanings as at 716,10 to 716,60 718,70 Industrial buildings * Including factory & works buildings * For farm buildings, see 360,62 * Expand 718,70,10 to 718,80,60, with meanings as at 716,10,15 to 716,70,60 722 722-168 722-178 722-940 ARCHITECTURE Architectural organisations Architects & architectural profession Architecture as an art * Expand 722-940,10 to 722-940,Z with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,Z, e.g. 722-940,10 722-940,30 Architectural aesthetics Architectural periods & styles 722,05 722,05,84 722,05,86 Environmental factors in architecture Health considerations in architecture Safety considerations in architecture 722,20 722,22 722,60 Architectural practice Architectural design & draughtsmanship Interior design 724 724-940 LANDSCAPE DESIGN * Including parks & gardens Landscaping as an art * For home & pleasure gardening, see 363,78 * Expand 724-940,10 to 724-940,Z with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,Z 726 726-168 726-940 726,05 planning PHYSICAL PLANNING * For ecosociology, see 535,30 * For settlement geography, see 295,65 Physical planning organisations Art & aesthetics of physical planning Environmental factors in physical 726,05,84 planning 726,05,86 planning 726,20 580,72 726,40 726,60 726,70 726,80 areas 726,80,53 730 Health considerations in physical Safety considerations in physical Land use * For land as economic resource, see Regional planning * Including country planning Urban planning = Town planning Settlement & estate planning Physical planning of particular types of Coastal zones ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY * For environmental aspects of particular technologies, use BSO code for the technology with added ,05, e.g. 642,05 Environmental aspects of nuclear reactor technology 730,27 734,40 730,28 730,30 Wastes * For urban refuse disposal, see Re-use Pollution control * General studies of pollution control 730,31 730,35 Industrial pollution control Domestic pollution control 730,40 730,50 730,65 Chemical pollution control Radiation control Noise control 730,72 pollution Air pollution control = Atmosphere 730,75 730,78 pollution control control Water pollution control Land pollution control = Ground = Soil pollution control 734 Public & industrial health engineering * For public & industrial health aspects of particular technologies, use the BSO code for the technology, with added ,05,84 734,15 734,20 734,26,80 734,30 734,40 734,70 Public health engineering Water supply engineering Fresh water from the sea Sewage technology Urban hygiene & refuse disposal Industrial health engineering 736 Safety engineering * For safety aspect of particular technologies, use the BSO code for the technology with added ,05,86 736,30 736,40 736,50 736,57 738 Accident prevention & protection Fire safety & services Earth movement protection * e.g. against landslides Earthquake safety & protection Rescue & salvage operations * For rescue & salvage aspects of particular technologies, use BSO code for the technology, with added ,05,88 738,30 738,40 740 740-182 740-580 740,05 traffic Rescue operations Salvage TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY & SERVICES Transport investigation & research Transport economics Environmental aspects of transport & * Expand 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40 with meanings as at 600,05,27 to 600,05,88,40, 740,05,30 740,05,86 740,05,88 740,10,15 740,10,16 e.g. Transport-generated pollution control Traffic safety & accident prevention Rescue & salvage operations Materials used in transport technology Particular materials * Expand 740,16,23,60 to 740,16,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, e.g. 740,10,16,67,72 740,15 Aluminium Traffic engineering * Including analysis, surveys & planning 740,20 740,20,19 Transport services & systems Modal profiles 740,20,21 740,20,25 Scheduled transport Non-scheduled transport * Including charter services 740,20,60 Urban transit systems 740,22 Private transport 740,23 Public transport 740,26 Cargo Freight transport = Goods transport = transport * For transport of particular objects, see 627,40, used only as second element 740,26,20 740,26,22 740,26,22,50 740,26,22,60 740,26,22,68 in retro combinations Containerisation Containers Kinds of containers By material Particular materials * Expand 740,26,22,68,28 to 740,26,22,68,78 with meanings as at 828 to 878, e.g. Plastics & rubber 740,26,22,68,28 740,26,40 740,28 740,30 Pipeline transport Passenger transport Traffic control * For safety, accidents & rescue, see 740,05,86 & 740,05,88 740,35 route finding 740,40 740,42 740,44 740,45 740,45,46 Vehicle operation * Including course navigating & Vehicle technology Vehicle design & construction Vehicle maintenance & repair Vehicle materials Particular materials * Expand 740,45,46,23,60 to 740,45,46,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, e.g. 740,45,46,72 Wood 740,45,90 740,46 740,47 Vehicle parts Vehicle bodies Propulsion systems 740,49 740,50 740,60 machines Kinds of vehicles Amphibious vehicles Air-cushion vehicles = Ground-effect = Hovercraft 740,70 740,72 740,74 740,75 Short-range transport * For materials handling, see 625 Aerial ropeways & cableways * Including telphers Travelators = Moving walkways Escalators = Moving stairs 740,77 742 742,05 Lifts = Elevators Road transport technology & services * For touring, see 478,40 * For wheel sports, see 486,40 Environmental aspects * Expand 742,05,27 to 742,05,88,40 with meanings as at 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40, 742,05,86 e.g. Road safety & accident prevention **Relocated from BSO 1978 742,05,84 Road transport rescue & salvage 742,05,88 relocated to 742,05,88 Road transport rescue & salvage **Relocated from BSO 1978 742,05,86 742,15 Road traffic engineering * Including analysis & planning 742,17 Pedestrian traffic 742,20 Road transport services & systems * Expand 742,20 to 742,23 with meanings as 742,23 742,26 = Road 742,28 742,30 at 740,20 to 740,23, Public road transport e.g. Road haulage = Road freight transport goods transport Road passenger transport Road traffic control * Including traffic signs, signals & lights * For safety, accidents, rescue & salvage, see 742,05,86 & 742,05,88 742,35 driving Road vehicle operation = Road vehicle 742,40 Road vehicle technology * Expand 742,40 to 742,45,46 with meanings as at 740,40 to 740,45,46 742,50 742,52 Pedal cycles 742,54 742,56 Non-powered vehicles Cycles = Bicycles & tricycles = Carts & carriages * Including waggons Trailers 742,60 Automotive * Including towed caravans Motor vehicle engineering = engineering * Expand 742,60,40 to 742,60,47 with meanings as at 740,40 to 740,47, e.g. 742,60,45,90 742,60,46 742,60,47 Motor 742,60,49 742,62 742,63 cars 742,65 vehicles 742,66 road 742,66,50 742,66,70 742,73 742,75 742,76 Motor vehicle parts Motor vehicle bodies Motor vehicle propulsion units = vehicle engines Kinds of motor vehicles Motorcycles * Including mopeds Automobiles = Motor cars * Four- or three-wheeled Commercial passenger road * Including buses & coaches Freight road vehicles = Goods vehicles Trucks = Lorries & vans Road tankers Articulated vehicles Tractors = Towing vehicles Tracked vehicles * Including half-tracked vehicles 742,80 Highway engineering = Road engineering 742,87 Off-the-road-transport * Including rough-terrain vehicles 743 Railway transport technology & services 743,20 services) Railway transport services (= Train * Expand 743,20 to 743,23 with meanings 743,26 743,28 743,30 as at 740,20 to 740,23 Railway freight & goods transport Railway passenger transport Railway traffic control * Including signalling & marshalling 743,35 Railway vehicle operation & control = Train driving 743,40 stock 743,42 Railway vehicle technology = Rolling Coach or waggon design & construction 743,47 propulsion Locomotive engineering = Railway units 743,65 743,68 743,70 743,71 systems 743,73 743,74 743,76 743,78 = Railway engines Electric railways Tramways Special railways Urban railways * Including rapid transit Underground railways Elevated railways Monorail systems Steep or high-gradient railways * Including rack-and-pinion & funicular railways 743,80 743,85 Railway track engineering Railway installations * Including construction & operation of stations, depots & yards 745 745,05 transport Water transport technology & services Environmental aspects of water * Expand 745,05,27 to 745,05,88,40, with meanings as at 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40, 745,05,86 prevention 745,05,88 e.g. Water transport safety & accident Water transport rescue & salvage 745,20 Water transport services 745,26 745,28 Merchant shipping * Freight & cargo services Passenger shipping 745,30 745,32,50 Water traffic & shipping control Buoys 745,35 745,36 Ship operation Navigation * Sea & inland water navigation together 745,40 745,42 745,43 745,45 745,45,45 materials Ship & boat technology * Both sea & inland water craft Ship & boat design * For naval architecture, see 745,70,42 Shipbuilding & boatbuilding Marine engineering * Both sea & inland water craft Shipbuilding & boatbuilding 745,45,46 Particular materials * Expand 745,45,46,23,60 to 745,45,46,78 with meanings as at 745,45,46,72 745,46 745,46,48,46 745,46,48,47 745,47 745,49,99 745,50 745,52 745,53 sailers 745,54 823,60 to 878, e.g. Wood = Timber **BSO Referral Index gives 745,46,72 in error Parts of ships & boats Hydraulic machinery Pneumatic machinery Ship propulsion systems Kinds of ships & boats * For naval craft, see 764,50 Surface craft Small boats * Including canoes, rowboats & dinghies Yachts * Including sailers & motorSailing ships * Including schooners, barques 745,55 launches 745,58 745,59 & brigs Motor vessels * Including large motor Hydrofoil craft Underwater craft * Including bathyscaphes & bathyspheres * For naval submarines,see 764,56 745,70 Sea transport technology & services * Expand 745,70,05 to 745,70,59 with meanings as at 745,05 to 745,59 Sea 745,70,05,88 745,70,26 745,70,28 745,70,30 & inland water transport treated together, e.g. Marine rescue & salvage * Including lifeboat service Seagoing merchant shipping Seagoing passenger shipping Marine traffic control * Including shipping lanes & open channel marking 745,70,35 745,70,35,05 Seagoing ship operation & navigation Environmental factors * Expand 745,70,35,05,27 to 745,70,35,05,88,40 with meanings as at 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40, 745,70,35,05,30 e.g. Pollution control 745,70,35,05,65 745,70,35,05,86 Noise control Safety 745,70,36 745,70,37 745,70,37,31 745,70,38 Navigation Handling Mooring Cargo handling 745,70,40 745,70,42 745,70,43 745,70,45 745,70,45,45 745,70,45,45,30 745,70,45,45,40 745,70,45,45,47 745,70,45,45,55 745,70,45,45,56 745,70,45,45,56,30 745,70,46,50 745,70,46,52,40 745,70,47 745,70,47,23 745,70,47,24 745,70,47,34 745,70,47,35,50 745,70,47,45,30 745,70,47,70 745,70,47,77 745,70,48,32 745,70,48,33,60 745,70,48,38 745,70,48,42 745,70,49,99 745,70,54 745,70,55 745,70,56 745,70,58 745,70,59 craft Seagoing ship technology Naval architecture Shipbuilding * Of seagoing vessels Marine engineering * Of seagoing vessels Materials of seagoing ships Strength of materials Applied tribology Lubrication Corrosion Fouling Biodeterioration control Parts of seagoing ships Control systems Engines Combustion Fuels Couplings Gears Propellers Steering gear Deck machinery Heating systems Air conditioning Refrigeration Water treatment systems Kinds of seagoing ships Seagoing sailing ships Seagoing motorships * Including ocean liners Seagoing freighters Tankers Underwater craft = Submarine * For naval submarines, see 764,56 745,75 services Inland water transport technology & * Expand 745,75,05,27 to 745,75,59 with meanings as at 745,05,27 to 745,59 as far as applicable to inland water transport, 745,75,30 control 745,75,40 engineering e.g. Inland water shipping traffic * Including channel marking Inland water ship technology * Including building & 745,75,49,99 745,75,50 745,75,56 Kinds of Inland Inland * inland water craft water surface craft water cargo vessels Including barges & lighters 745,80 Waterway & port engineering * Including dock engineering * For hydraulic construction engineering 745,80,33 745,82 engineering 745,85 generally, see 712,87 Dredging Waterway engineering * Including canal & river Port engineering * Including harbour & dock engineering 747 Aviation Air transport technology & services = = Aeronautics 747,05 Environmental aspects of aviation * Expand 747,05,27 to 747,05,88,40 with meanings as at 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40, 747,05,86 747,20 e.g. Air safety & accident prevention Air transport services * Expand 747,20 to 747,23 with meanings as 747,22 at 740,20 to 740,23, e.g. Scheduled air transport Non-scheduled air transport * Including charter services Private air transport & aviation 747,26 747,28 Air freight transport Air passenger transport 747,20,21 747,20,25 747,30 Air traffic control * For air safety & accidents, see 747,05,86 747,35 747,36 Aircraft operation = Flying Air navigation 747,40 747,42 747,43 747,45 747,46 747,47 Aircraft Aircraft engineering Aircraft design Aircraft construction Parts of aircraft Aircraft body & fuselage Aircraft propulsion systems = 747,49,99 engines Kinds of aircraft 747,50 Aeroplanes 747,51 747,52 747,53 747,54 747,56 off aircraft 747,58 747,58,50 747,60 Heavier-than-air aircraft = = Airplanes Non-powered airplanes = Gliders & sailplanes Light aircraft Transport aircraft * Including air liners Supersonic aircraft Short take-off & vertical takeRotary-wing aircraft = Rotorcraft Helicopters Lighter-than-air aircraft * Including balloons & airships 747,85 Airports * Including construction & operation 748 748,05 Space transport technology = Astronautics * For space research, see 258 Environmental aspects of astronautics * Expand 748,05,27 to 748,05,88,40 with meanings as at 740,05,27 to 740,05,88,40, 748,05,88,40 748,35 748,40 e.g. Recovery & salvage Spacecraft operation & control Spacecraft engineering * Expand 748,42 to 748,47 with meanings as 748,42 748,47 748,80 at 747,42 to 747,47, e.g. Spacecraft design Spacecraft propulsion systems Artificial satellites * For satellite astronomy, see 252,28 760 760-125,57 & MILITARY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Games theory applied to military science 760-420 760-460 technology Military medicine Military education 760,10 Military science = Theory & art of war 760,20 760,23 760,25 760,27 760,32 Armed forces & military organisation Air Force Navy Army Military personnel * Including selection, training, & conditions 760,35 of service Logistics 760,35,20 barracks 760,35,40 760,35,70 movements 760,40 760,50 760,70 764 760,10 764,16 764,17 764,19 764,21 764,23 764,26 764,40 operations & aircraft 764,42 764,44 764,50 warships 764,50,24 Military facilities * Including bases, depots & Military supplies = Materiel Military mobility & transport = Troop Military intelligence Military communications Civil defence Warfare * For theory & art of war, see Strategy Tactics Combined operations Global warfare National war Civil war Air warfare = Military & naval air Fighter operations & aircraft Bomber operations & aircraft Naval warfare * Including naval engineering & Naval vessels * Surface & submarine vessels taken 764,53 764,56 764,60 764,62 764,64 together Naval surface warfare & surface craft Submarine & antisubmarine warfare * Including naval submarines Ground warfare = Land warfare * Including military engineering Field engineering Fortification works & warfare * Including siege works & warfare, defence works & warfare, trench 764,68 764,80 764,82 764,85 764,88 767 767,14 767,15 767,20 767,22 767,23 767,26 767,27 767,28 767,30 warfare Urban warfare = Street warfare Special & unconventional warfare Guerilla & counterguerilla warfare Subversive warfare Psychological warfare * Including propaganda Weapons in warfare * For logistics, see 760,35 Ordnance Ammunition Guns Small arms Artillery Grenades Bombs Mines Missiles 767,32 missiles 767,34 torpedoes 767,40 767,43 cars 767,47 767,73 767,75 767,76 767,77 780 780-270 780-580 780,05 Rocket propelled missiles * Including ballistic & guided Motor propelled missiles * Including flying bombs & Armoured vehicles = Combat vehicles Armoured fighting vehicles * Including tanks & armoured Armoured carrier vehicles * For military transport & troop movements, see 760,35,70 Nuclear weapons & warfare Chemical & biological weapons & warfare Chemical weapons & warfare Biological weapons & warfare MINING Mining geology Mining economics Environmental & safety aspects * Expand 780,05,27 to 780,05,88,40 with meanings as at 600,05,27 to 600,05,88,40, 780,05,86 780,05,88 780,12 780,12,20 780,20 780,23 780,24 780,26 780,40 e.g. Mine safety & accidents Mine rescue & salvage operations Mine equipment & installations Mining machinery Mine services Mine ventilation Mine lighting Mine drainage = Mine dewatering Mine transport * Underground & surface * Expand 788,40 to 788,45 with meanings as 780,60 780,62 780,65 at 740 to 745 Mining methods Opencast mining Underground mining * Including tunnelling & shaft- sinking 782 782,10 Solid fuel extraction * Mainly coal & peat Equipment & operations * Expand 782,10,12 to 782,10,65 with meanings as at 780,12 to 780,65 782,20 782,20,10,12 782,22 Coal mining Colliery equipment & installations Anthracite mining 782,25 782,30 783 783,50 783,60 783,62 783,63 783,64 783,65 783,72 783,74 783,77 784 Bituminous coal & lignite mining Peat cutting Metal mining Iron ore mining Non-ferrous ore mining Copper ore mining Lead ore mining Tin ore mining Zinc ore mining Aluminium ore mining Magnesium ore mining Radioactive ore mining Non-metallic mineral mining * Including stone, sand & clay * For non-metallic mineral processing technologies, see 849 784,10 Equipment & operations * Expand 784,10,12 to 784,10,65 with meanings as 780,12 to 780,65, e.g. 784,10,62 mineral Quarrying = Opencast non-metallic extraction 784,30 784,32 784,33 784,36 784,40 minerals 784,60 784,80 786 786,40 Petroleum Stone Dimension stone Crushed & broken stone Sand & gravel Clay * Including ceramic & refractory Chemical & fertiliser minerals Precious & semi-precious stones Oil & gas extraction technology Oil extraction & oilwell technology = extraction * For petroleum processing after extraction 786,50 786,60 from ground, see 825 Gas extraction technology 786,60,20,35 Offshore oil & gas extraction * For ocean engineering & offshore structures, see 712,88 Drilling rigs 786,70 786,75 Oil shales mining Tar sand extraction 788 Ore & mineral dressing 800 810 Applied PROCESS INDUSTRIES Chemical technology & engineering = chemistry * Examples of combinations, external (with link symbol - ), & internal (with link symbols ,06 ,07 ,08) are given immediately below * Additionally, particular technologies, 815 to 875 inclusive, may be expanded by ,10 to ,12 with meanings as at 810 to 812, e.g. 817,12,33 Catalyst technology in process biochemistry; 854,11,41 Mixing techniques in the ceramics & clayware industries 810-168 organisations 810-182,40 development 810-580 industry Chemical technology & engineering 810,05 Environmental aspects * Expand 810,05,27 to 810,05,88,40 Chemical technology research & Economics of chemical technology & with meanings as at 600,05,27 to 600,05,88,40, e.g. 810,05,75 Water pollution control in chemical technology 810,06,25 chemical Materials handling techniques in technology 811 811,12 Chemical 811,16 811,20 811,25 811,31 811,35 811,41 811,45 811,51 811,54 811,61 811,63 811,65 811,68 811,75 Chemical engineering Chemical engineering equipment = plant Process dynamics Physical operations = Unit operations Fluid handling Size reduction Size enlargement = Agglomeration Mixing Separation Process heating Drying Crystallisation Liquefaction Distillation Evaporation Sorption * Including adsorption & absorption 811,75,50 811,80 811,82 812 812,30 812,33 812,35 812,35,60 812,37 812,50 812,51 812,53 812,55 812,57 812,70 812,72 812,73 technology Molecular sieve separation Chemical engineering processes Synthesis Chemical technology Chemical technical reactions Catalyst technology Decomposition Hydrolysis Polymerisation Applied physical chemistry Applied electrochemistry Applied photochemistry Applied radiochemistry Applied surface chemistry Applied chemistry of dispersions Applied colloid chemistry Applied coarse dispersion chemistry 812,74 812,74,40 812,75 Gas in liquid dispersions Foams Liquid in gas dispersions ** Concept change from BSO 1978 812,75,40 812,76 812,76,40 812,77 812,77,40 Aerosols = Mists Liquid in liquid dispersions Emulsions Liquid in solid dispersions Gels 813 chemicals 813,25 813,26,80 813,30 815 815,11 Chemical agents & basic industrial * Raw & other starting materials Sources Sea = Oceans = Marine sources Basic industrial chemicals Industrial gases technology Chemical engineering * Including equipment, operations & processes * Expand 815,11,12 to 815,11,82 with meanings as at 811,12 to 811,82 815,12 gases as far as applicable Chemical technology of industrial * Expand 815,12,30 to 815,12,55 with meanings as at 812,30 to 812,57 816,90 engineering 817 817,11 Biotechnology * Including applied genetic Process biochemistry Chemical engineering * Including equipment, operations & processes * Expand 817,11,12 to 817,11,82 with meanings as at 811,12 to 811,82 817,12 biochemistry as far as applicable Chemical technology of process * Expand 817,12,30 to 817,12,77,40 with meanings as at 812,30 to 812,77,40 817,30 Fermentation 822,90 Chemical products generally 823 chemicals 823,30 823,40 Technology of particular groups of Fine chemicals Heavy chemicals 823,50 Chemurgy * Production of chemicals from agricultural crops 823,60 Inorganic chemicals technology * For metal technology, see 860 * For non-metallic mineral technologies, see 850 823,61,13,68 Chemicals from the sea 823,62 elements 823,62,13 Inorganic compounds of particular 823,70 823,70,58 823,70,58,67 823,70,58,67,62 823,70,58,67,66 823,70,58,69 Aluminium compounds Organic chemicals technology Carbohydrates Starch Maize starch Rice starch Cellulose * For wood chemical utilisation, see 872,91,20 823,75 825 Tars Petroleum technology * Including petroleum derivatives * For petroleum extraction, see 786,40 825,05 Environmental aspects * Expand 825,05,27 to 825,05,88,40 with meanings as at 600,05,27 to 600,05,88,40 825,20 825,25 Petroleum processing Crude oil conversion & refining 825,40 825,43 825,44 825,45 Petroleum products Light distillates Medium distillates Heavy distillates **Relocated from BSO 1978 & BSO Referral Index 825,50 * Including petroleum bitumen, pitch 825,47 to 825,57 825,50 & tar <Petrochemicals> **BSO 1978 825,47 relocated <Bitumen, asphalt, pitch, tars> **BSO 1978 & BSO Referral Index now 825,57 relocated to 825,45 Petrochemicals **Relocated from BSO 1987 825,47 826 826,30 826,40 826,50 826,70 828 828,30 828,50 resin 828,52 828,54 828,70 828,73 828,75 Natural oils fats & waxes technology Natural oils & fats technology Vegetable oils & fats technology Animal oils & fats technology Waxes technology Polymer technology Resins & gums Plastics = Plastomers = Synthetic plastics Thermoplastic resins Thermosetting resins Rubber technology = Elastomers Natural rubber Synthetic rubber 831,30 processing 831,30,41 831,30,45 831,30,54 831,30,56 831,30,58 831,30,65 Chemical agents for materials 831,40 Surface-active agents = Surfactants * Including detergents Thickeners & thinners Emulsifiers & foaming agents Drying agents Anti-freeze agents Refrigerants Solvents 831,44 831,45 * For soap, see 836,44 Adhesives & sealants Adhesives 831,47 Lubricants 831,60 831,62 831,64 Surface-finishing agents Abrasives Cleaning & polishing agents 832 832,05 Fuels & explosives technology Environmental aspects * Expand 832,05,27 to 832,05,88,40 with meanings as at 600,05,27 to 832,05,72 control 600,05,88,40, e.g. Combustion & fuel air pollution 832,20 832,30 832,40 832,50 832,60 832,62 832,64 832,67,20 Combustion technology Fuel technology Gaseous fuel technology Liquid fuel technology Solid fuel technology Coal Coke Fuel wood 832,80 832,82 832,83 Explosives technology Pyrotechnics Matches 832,85 Propellants technology 834 834,30 834,40 834,50 Colour industry technology Pigments technology Dyestuffs technology Inks technology 834,70 Coatings technology * Including paints, varnishes & lacquers 836 technologies 836,30 technology 836,38 836,40 836,41 836,42 836,44 836,60 technology 836,62 836,65 836,80 technology Pharmaceuticals & related Pharmaceuticals technology = Drugs Antibiotics technology Essential oils Toiletries Perfumes & cosmetics Soap technology * For detergents, see 831,40 Pesticides & disinfectants Pesticides Disinfectants Photographic chemicals production 838 838,30 838,50 838,50,11 838,50,11,24 838,50,11,29,24 838,50,11,31 838,50,11,41 838,50,11,45 838,50,11,51 838,50,11,54 838,50,12 838,71 840 840-182 840,11 Agricultural chemicals technology Fertilisers manufacture Animal feedingstuffs manufacture Chemical engineering Mechanical treatment Pressure treatment Size reduction Mixing Separation Heating Drying Chemical technology Additives FOOD & DRINK TECHNOLOGY Food & drinks research Chemical engineering * Including equipment, operations & processes * Expand 840,11,12 to 840,11,82 with 840,12 stimulants meanings as at 811,12 to 811,82 Chemical technology of food, drinks & * Expand 840,12,30 to 841,12,75 with meanings as at 812,30 to 812,75 841 841,20 841,31 841,31,25 841,31,40 841,35 841,40 841,40,05,27 841,40,12,30 841,40,12,34 841,43 841,43,48,20 841,43,51 Food technology Food preservation & refrigeration Cereals & cereal products processing Milling = Flour milling Bakery Edible fats & oils processing Milk & dairy products processing Waste disposal Cleaning Sterilisation Milk Proteins Whey 841,43,63 841,43,64 841,43,65 841,43,70 Dried & concentrated milk Dried milk Concentrated milk Cultured milk products 841,44,40 841,44,50 841,44,60 Cream Butter Cheese 841,47 processing Meat processing * Including poultry & fish 841,47,71 Poultry 841,50 Fruit & vegetable processing * Including nut processing 841,55 Cocoa & chocolate processing 841,60 Sugar technology * Including sweets 841,65 Ices & ice-cream technology 841,71 technology 841,72 Flavourings & food additives 841,74 Compound foods 841,75 Synthetic food technology 845 technology 845,30 Alcoholic drinks 845,32 845,34 845,37 & gins 845,50 alcoholic 845,62 845,64 Food flavouring materials Drinks technology = Beverages Fermented drinks technology = technology Beer technology = Brewing Wines & winemaking Spirits * Including brandies, whiskies Unfermented drinks technology = Nondrinks technology Coffee processing Tea processing 847,50 TOBACCO PROCESSING 849,13 MINERAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY * For ore & mineral dressing, see 788 849,13,68 850 850,11 Minerals from the sea Non-metallic mineral technologies Chemical engineering * Including equipment, operations & processes * Expand 850,11,12 to 850,11,82 with meanings as at 811,12 to 811,82 850,12 minerals Chemical technology of non-metallic * Expand 850,12,30 to 850,12,75 with meanings as at 812,30 to 812,75 852,32 852,34 852,50 852,60 Lime & lime products * Including lime plasters Gypsum & anhydrite products * Including gypsum plasters Cement & mortar technology Concrete technology * For concrete in construction technology, see 710,33 712,40,33 and 716,33 854 854,30 854,32 854,33 854,34 854,36 854,50 854,70 products Ceramics & clayware technology Ceramics Earthenware Stoneware Porcelain & china Technical ceramics Refractories technology Heavy clayware = Structural clay 856 856,20 856,28 856,29 856,40 856,70 Glass & glass ceramics technology Glass technology & products Flat glass Glassware Glass ceramics = Devitrified glass Vitreous enamels 858 Fibrous & layered silicate mineral technologies Asbestos Mica 858,50 858,60 860 860,18 860,22 860,25 860,30 860,35 860,37 860,37,26 860,37,26,42 860,37,26,43 860,37,26,44 860,40 860,40,25,30 860,40,50 860,41 860,41,83 860,41,85 860,42 860,42,70 860,43 860,44 860,44,30 860,44,31 860,44,40 860,44,43 METAL TECHNOLOGY = Metallurgy Metallography Physical metallurgy Chemical metallurgy Extraction metallurgy Electrowinning Pyrometallurgy * Including smelting & roasting Furnaces Refractory linings Acid Basic Production metallurgy Ladles Continuous metal production methods Melting Electroslag melting Induction melting Vacuum metallurgy Protective atmospheres Metal refining Foundry practice & technology Moulds Patterns Sand casting Centrifugal casting 860,44,45 860,45 860,45,50 860,45,58 860,46 860,46,40 860,46,50 860,47 860,47,50 860,47,51 860,48 860,48,40 860,48,41 860,48,44 860.48,48 860,48,50 860,50 860,51 860,52 860,54 860,55 860,55,40 860,55,42 860,57 860,61 860,61,35 860,62 860,63 860,63,48 860,64 860,65 860,65,80 860,65,85 860,66 860,66,15 860,66,21 860,66,23 860,66,25 860,66,26 860,66,31 860,66,32 860,66,34 860,66,35 860,66,36 860,66,37 860,66,60 860,66,63 860,66,63,63 860,66,63,65 860,66,63,68 860,66,65 860,66,67 860,66,68 860,66,74 860,66,76 860,66,76,80 860,66,78 860,66,80 Investment casting Metal deposition Spraying Plasma spraying Powder & fibre metallurgy Powder metallurgy Fibre metallurgy Thermal & mechanical treatment Mechanical treatment Work hardening Heat treatment Tempering Annealing Stress relieving Quenching Hardening Metal working techniques Metal forming Forging Extrusion Rolling Hot rolling Cold rolling Pressworking Metal cutting * Including machining Shearing Thermal cutting Arc cutting Laser cutting Gas flame cutting Metal joining Soldering Brazing Welding Weldability Shielding gases Fillers Fluxes Electrodes Weld zone Welded joints Butt welded joints Fillet welded joints Edge welded joints Circumferential welded joints Kinds of welding Arc welding Submerged arc welding Plasma arc welding Electroslag welding Microjoining Electron beam welding Laser welding Gas welding Resistance welding Resistance spot welding Explosive welding Diffusion welding 860,66,81 860,66,82 860,66,82,40 860,66,82,42 860,71 Friction welding Pressure welding Hot pressure welding Cold pressure welding Metal finishing * Expand 860,71 to 860,74,67 with meanings as at 620,71 to 620,74,67. As well as examples of this expansion, additional codes & captions, applicable only to metal finishing, and not included in 620,71 to 621,74, are also included below 860,71,70 860,71,71 860,71,72 860,72,30 Surfacing Overlaying Cladding Coating **Relocated from BSO 1978 860,72 **BSO 1978 860,72,30 Plating changed 860,72,35 860,74 materials 860,74,28 materials 860,74,54 860,74,56 860,74,65 meaning Electroplating Coating with particular coating Coating with polymeric * Expand as 828 Coating with ceramics * Expand as 854 Coating with glass * Expand as 856 Coating with metals * For electroplating generally, see 860,72,35 * For electroplating of a particular metal upon a variety of substrates, add suffix ,35 to notation for the plating metal under 860,74,66 860,74,66 or 860,74,67 Coating with ferrous metals * Expand 860,74,66,30 to 860,74,69- with meanings as at 866,30 to 866,69- 860,74,67 metals Coating with non-ferrous * Expand 860,74,67,20 to 860,74,67,90 with meanings as at 867,20 to 867,90 864 864,20 864,20,27 864,20,28 864,20,44 864,20,52 864,20,54 864,30 864,31 864,31,80 864,32 864,33 864,33,80 864,34 864,35 864,37 864,38 864,60 Metal products Ingots Slabs Billets Castings Forgings Extrusions Basic metal products Strip & sheet Sheet Strip Rod & wire Rod Wire Tube Bar Plate Metal secondary products * Use only for metal secondary products generally or for multi-purpose products * For single-purpose products, use 890 with added BSO code denoting the purpose, e.g. 890,953 Musical instrument making 865,50 865,50,39 865.50,40 865,50,41,A 865,50,41,B 865,50,42,A 865,50,42,B 865,50,43,A 865,50,43,B 865,50,44,A 865,50,44,B 865,50,45,A 865,50,45,B 865,50,46,A 865,50,46,B 865,50,47,A 865,50,47,B 865,50,48 865,50,50 see 867,90 865,60 865,60,21 Particular groups of metals Periodic table groups Group 0 Group IA Group IB Group IIA Group IIB Group IIIA Group IIIB Group IVA Group IVB Group VA Group VB Group VIA Group VIB Group VIIA Group VIIB Group VIII Transition metals * For lanthanides & actinides, Alloys Thermodynamics 865,60,22 865,60,23 Phase diagrams Constitution 865,60,40 865,60,40,25 865,60,40,35 865,60,40,35,60 865,60,40,42 865,60,40,48 865,60,40,58 865,60,40,65 radiation Kinds of alloys By special mechanical property By special thermal property Controlled expansion alloys By special electrical property By special magnetic property By crystallographic feature By interaction with ionising 865,60,42 866 metallurgy 866,30 866,30,08,60,40,27 866,30,08,60,40,30 treatment 866,30,08,60,40,31 866,30,08,60,40,32 866,32 866,32,50 866,33 866,33,33,30 866,33,33,40 866,36 866,37 866,38 866,40 866,40,08,60,40,41 866,40,08,60,40,42 866,40,08,60,40,43 866,40,08,60,40,44 866,40,08,60,40,45 866,40,08,60,40,46 866,40,08,60,40,47 866,40,08,60,40,48 866,40,08,60,40,49 866,50 866,52 866,52,25 866,52,35 866,52,42 866,52,48 866,52,65 ionising 866,53 866,53,50 866,54 866,54,40 866,54,41 866,54,42 866,54,43 866,54,44 Eutectics Ferrous metallurgy = Iron & steel Iron Blast furnace practice Iron production by chemical Electrolytic iron production Direct reduction processes Kinds of iron Pure iron Cast iron Spheroidal graphite cast iron Malleable iron Wrought iron Ferro alloys Sponge iron Steel Open hearth practice Converter practice Acid Bessemer Basic Bessemer Oxygen blast practice Crucible practice Electric furnace practice Acid electric furnace practice Basic electric furnace practice Kinds of steel By properties Mechanical properties Thermal properties Electrical properties Magnetic properties By properties in respect of radiation By chemical properties Corrosion resistant steel By microstructure Pearlitic Bainitic Martensitic Austenitic Ferritic 866,54,45 866,55 866,55,99 866,56 866,57 866,58 866,59 866,60 866,63 866,64 866,65 866,69- Acicular By method of production By use Structural steel Tool steel By composition Carbon steels Alloy steels Microalloy steels Low alloy steels High alloy steels By alloying elements * Add codes for individual alloying elements, as at 866,69-72 866,69-84-88 867 867, e.g. Aluminium-steels Chromium-nickel steels Non-ferrous metallurgy * All metals, except copper, lead, tin, zinc, form codes for alloys by the suffixes ,69 and ,69- in the manner of 866,69867,20 867,29 867,29elements Copper Copper alloys Copper with particular alloying * Individualise particular alloying 867,30 867,39 967,39elements elements as at 866,69Lead Lead alloys Lead with particular alloying * Individualise particular alloying 867,40 867,49 867,49elements elements as at 866,69Tin Tin alloys Tin with particular alloying * Individualise particular alloying 867,49,51 867,49,83 867,50 867,59 867,59elements elements as at 866,69Antimony Bismuth Zinc Zinc alloys Zinc with particular alloying * Individualise particular alloying 867,60,48 867,70 867,72 elements as at 866,69Cadmium Light metals technology Aluminium 867,72,69 867,73 867,74 867,75 867,75,41 867,75,42 867,75,73 867,75,74 867,75,75 867,78 867,78,47 867,78,50 867,78,54 867,78,55 867,78,56 867,78,76 867,78,77 867,78,78 867,78,79 867,80 867,82 867,83 867,84 867,85 867,87 867,88 867,90 871,95 TECHNOLOGY 872 872,20 872,30 872,35 872,36 872,50 872,55 872,55,80 872,70 technology 872,72 872,86 872,87 reinforcing Aluminium alloys Magnesium Beryllium Refractory metals technology Niobium Molybdenum Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Noble metals technology Silver Platinum metals Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Zirconium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Cobalt Nickel Lanthanides & actinides WOOD TOGETHER WITH PULP & PAPER Wood technology * For forest products, see 370,80 Wood technology equipment Sawmill practice Seasoning Grading Wood manufactures Laminated wood technology Veneers Fibreboard & particle-board Fibre board technology Wood composites Composites with particular materials * Expand 872,87,23,60 to 872,87,78 with meanings as at 823,60 to 878, 872,87,52,50 872,91,20 e.g. Wood-cement products Wood chemical utilisation * For cellulose technology generally, 872,91,25 872,91,35 see 823,70,58,69 Wood extractives Wood decomposition 872,91,35,60 872,91,35,73 872,92,83 872,92,85 873 873,20 873,30 873,50 873,60 875 TECHNOLOGY 875,30 875,50 875,70 877 877-168 877-182 877,10 877,20 877,25 877,30 877,32 877,34 877,36 877,37 877,38 877,40 fibres Hydrolysis Destructive distillation Lignin Wood derived plastics Pulp & paper technology Pulp- & paper-making equipment Pulp technology Papermaking Paper conversion LEATHER & OTHER ANIMAL PRODUCTS Leather technology * Including tanning Fur technology Animal carcass wastes & byproducts * Including catgut, horn, ivory & tortoiseshell TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY Textiles technology organisations Textiles research Textiles technology equipment Textiles processing * For spinning, see 877,52 * For weaving, see 877,62 Textiles finishing technology Natural fibres technology Bast fibres * Including flax, hemp & jute Cotton Silk fibres Wool & other animal hairs Wool Manmade fibres technology = Synthetic 877,47 technology Cellulosic synthetics * Including rayon Polyamide synthetics * Including nylon Polyester synthetics 877,50 877,52 877,60 877,62 Yarn technology Spinning Cloth & fabric technology Weaving 877,42 877,45 878 890 PRODUCTS NOT CORDAGE & WIRE ROPE MAKING MANUFACTURE & TECHNOLOGY OF PARTICULAR SCHEDULED IN THE FOREGOING FIELDS 600 to 878 * The principle of arrangement here reflects the purposes of the respective products. Accordingly, the BSO code for the purpose activity is added directly to 890. Where necessary, a specific process in the production of a particular product may be coded by the internal combination procedure for Technology (as explained under 600) e.g. 890,152,06,20,75 Assembly in reprographic & printing equipment manufacture. * Some more general examples follow: 890,150,42 materials 890,152 manufacture 890,165,74 890,230 890,460 890,472 890,472,80 890,474 890,478 manufacture 890,480 890,953 910 910-01 Stationery manufacture = Writing manufacture Reprographic & printing equipment Office machine & equipment manufacture Chemical laboratory equipment manufacture Educational equipment & aids manufacture Clothing & adornment articles manufacture Jewellery manufacture House fittings & furniture manufacture Touring travel & camping goods Sports equipment manufacture Musical instrument manufacture LANGUAGE & LITERATURE = Philology Time & date aspects * Expand 910-012 to 910-017 with meanings as 910-014 literatures 910-015 910-02 at -012 to -017 in Fle BSO16, e.g. Mediaeval forms of languages & Modern forms of languages & literatures Place & country aspects * Expand 910-020,30 to 910-026,Z as at -020,30 910-026,A to ,Z countries to -026,Z in Fle BSO17, e.g. Languages & literatures of particular * Specified by ISO 3166 alpha-2 code 910-182 research 910-460 910-460,11 Language & literature investigation & Language & literature teaching & learning Teaching equipment * Including language laboratories 911 911,10 911,12 911,15 911,15,50 911,17 911,20 911,21 911,21,30 LINGUISTICS Linguistics theory Computational linguistics = Mathematical linguistics Translation & interpreting Machine translation Bilingualism & Multilingualism Applied linguistics Language acquisition & development * For teaching of languages, use 910-469,50 Native language 910-469,60 Non-native language Verbal learning ** BSO Referral Index carries erroneous qualifier & leading term Psycholinguistics, which should be 911,21,40 911,21,60 Applied linguistics Adult language development Non-native language acquisition 911,23 911,23,52 911,23,52,21 911,23,52,21,30 911,23,52,21,50 911,23,52,21,60 Psycholinguistics Child psycholinguistics Children's language acquisition Verbal learning Native language Non-native language 911,25,33 911,25,35 911,25,35-165,25 Ethnolinguistics Sociolinguistics Language planning 911,27 <Comparative linguistics> **BSO 1978 code & caption now relocated to 911,34,27 911,30 time 911,31 time 911,32 Synchronic linguistics * Linguistic structure at a given Diachronic linguistics * Including linguistic changes with <Origin of language> **BSO 1978 notation & caption now relocated 911,34,37 911,35 911,36 to 911,32,50 Linguistic change Languages in contact Origin of language **Relocated from BSO 1978 911,32 Etymology Language variety Comparative linguistics **Relocated from BSO 1978 911,27 Typology in linguistics Dialectology Areal linguistics 911,40 Grammars = Algebraic linguistics 911,32,20 911,32,21 911,32,50 911,33 911,34 911,34,27 * Models of linguistic form * For grammar as grammatical units, see 911,45 911,40,50 grammars 911,40,70 Generative grammars * Including transformational Stratificational grammars 911,41 911,41,40 Descriptive linguistics Language universals 911,41,50 Structural linguistics 911,42 911,42,30 911,42,40 911,43 Spoken language Phonetics Phonology Written language * Including graphonomy & graphemics Reading * For reading in most general 911,43,21 aspects, see 912,30 * For teaching of reading, use 911,43,21-460,20 * For teaching materials for reading, use 911,43,21-460,12 * For testing of reading ability, use 911,43,23,52,22 911,43,31 911,43,40 911,45 grammar 911,43,21-460,29,80 Readiness for reading Reading processes Orthography Grammar = Grammatical units = Structural * For grammars as models of linguistic form, 911,46 911,47 see 911,40 Morphology Syntax 911,52 Semantics 911,56 Lexicology 911,58 Terminology 911,82 general Artificial languages = Constructed languages * Including Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua & Interlinguistics * For machine languages, see 128,28 911,88 912 912,20 Sign & gesture languages * Including deaf-mute languages USE OF LANGUAGE Authorship * For authorship of works of literary art, 912,30 see 915,22 Reading * Reading in most general aspects * For linguistics aspects of reading, see 911,43,21 915 915,10 915,12 915,15 literary 915,17 915,20 915,22 LITERATURE = Belles lettres = Literary art Literary theory Literary style & aesthetics Literary analysis & interpretation = hermeneutics Literary criticism Literary techniques Creative writing = Literary composition * For authorship more widely, not confined to authorship of works of 915,24 915,27 915,30 literary art, see 912,20 Editing * Including adapting & compiling Rhetoric * Including oratory & declamation Literary genres * Expand 915,30 to 915,48 with meanings as at 940,30 to 940,48, using -01... (see File BSO16) to specify time & date as needed 915,52 915,54 915,56 915,64 510,24 915,66 915,67 915,68 915,70 915,72 915,74 915,76 915,76,30 Folk literature Popular & light literature "Serious" & intellectual literature Biography & memoirs * For biography in history, see Travel literature Adventure literature Mystery & detection literature Literary forms Poetry & verse Prose * Including literary essays Novel & short story = Fiction Genres of the novel * Expand 915,76,52 to 915,76,68 with meanings as at 915,52 to 915,68 915,76,70 915,78 Science fiction Drama = Plays * For performance & production aspects of drama, see 955 920 SPECIAL PHILOLOGICAL STUDIES * Language & literature taken together * The following numbers may be added to any BSO code 921 to 928 for a particular language or language group:- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ,11 Language & linguistics (not literature) ___ ___ __* Expand ,11,10 to 11,58 with ___ ___ ___ meanings as at 911,10 to 911,58 ,15 Literature (not language & linguistics) --- --- --* Expand to ,15,78 ,15,10 with ___ ___ ___ meanings as at 915,10 to 915,78 ,19 Extinct languages --- --- --- - ,23 Old or early form ___ ___ ___ -- --- -___ ___ __ ___ ___ __* ,23 to ,27 are applicable only to ___ ___ ___ particular languages (but not to ___ ___ ___ groups) ,25 Middle form ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ,27 Modern form ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ 921 921,21 921,21,30 921,21,35 921,21,50 921,21,55 921,21,60 921,21,65 921,21,70 921,21,75 921,23 Tajiki 921,24 literatures 921,24,15 921,25,23 921,25,23,15 921,25,27 921,28 921,29 921,29,23,15 921,30 921,30,15 921,31 921,32 921,34 921,35 921,36 Indo-European languages & literatures Indic languages & literatures Sanskrit Pali Hindi & Urdu Bengali Marathi Panjabi = Punjabi Gujarati Sinhalese Iranic languages & literatures * Including Persian, Kurdish & Classical European languages & Classical European literature Classical Greek Classical Greek literature Modern Greek Italic languages & literatures Latin Classical Latin literature Romance languages & literatures Romance literature French Italian Catalan Spanish Portuguese 921,38 921,40 921,50 921,50,15 921,52 921,52,15 921,53 921,54 921,56 921,56,80 921,57 921,58 921,59 921,60 921,70 921,70,15 921,71 921,72 921,74 921,75 921,77 921,79 921,80 literatures Romanian = Roumanian = Rumanian Celtic languages & literatures * Including Gaelic, Welsh & Breton Germanic languages & literatures Germanic literature English English literature German Dutch & Flemish North Germanic languages & literature Icelandic Danish Norwegian Swedish Baltic languages & literature * Including Lithuanian & Latvian Slavonic languages & literatures Slavonic literatures Russian Ukrainian Polish Czech & Slovak Serbo-Croat Bulgarian Other Indo-European languages & * Including Albanian & Armenian 923,20 Afro-Asiatic languages & literatures = Hamito-Semitic languages & literatures = Semito-Hamitic languages & literatures 923,21 923,22 923,23 923,24 Tigrinya 923,24,90 see 927 923,25 923,25,19 923,25,70 923,26 923,28 923,30 923,31 Semitic languages & literatures Hebrew Arabic Ethiopic group * Including Amharic, Tigre & Hamitic languages & literatures * For African languages generally, Egyptian Ancient Egyptian Coptic Libyan-Berber Cushitic Chadic Hausa **Relocated from BSO 1978 927,25 923,60 923,62 Caucasian languages & literatures Georgian 923,70 Basque language & literature 924 literature 924,20 924,20,90 924,21 Eurasian & North Asian languages & Uralic languages & literatures Finno-Ugric languages & literatures Finnic languages & literatures 924,22,70 924,24 924,24,80 924,25 924,26 924,28 924,30 924,32 924,33 924,35 924,39 924,60 924,70 925 languages> 925,20 925,22 925,23 925,26 925,27 925,30 925,50 925,51 925,52 925,52,60 925,52,70 925,53 925,53,60 925,54 925,55 925,55,19 925,55,23 925,56 925,56,50 925,56,70 925,56,75 925,56,88 925,57 925,58 925,70 literatures 925,71 = Estonian Finnish = Suomi Lapp Ugrian languages & literatures Hungarian = Magyar Samoyedic languages & literatures Altaic languages & literatures Tungusic languages & literatures Mongolian languages & literatures Turkic languages & literatures Turkish Korean Japanese <Dravidian, South-east Asian & Oceanic **BSO 1978 925 deleted Dravidian languages & literatures Tamil Malayalam Telugu Kanarese Andaman languages <South-east Asian languages> **BSO 1978 925,50 deleted Sino-Tibetan languages & literature Tibeto-Burmese languages Tibetan Burmese Thai languages Central Thai = Siamese Vietnamese Chinese Archaic Chinese Ancient Chinese Mandarin Kyo-yu * Modern standard Chinese Wenyen Parhua * Literary plain talk Wu dialects Mon-Khmer languages Munda languages Austronesian & Oceanic languages & Malayo-Polynesian languages & literatures Austronesian languages & literatures 925,72 925,72,40 925,72,41 925,72,42 925,72,45 Malayan languages & literatures Indonesian Bahasa Javanese Balinese 925,73 925,74 925,74,70 Melanesian languages Polynesian languages Micronesian languages 925,74,90 925,75 925,76 925,78 927 Maori Australian languages Tasmanian languages Papuan languages African languages * For Ethiopic group languages & literature, see 923,24,98 * For Hamitic languages & literatures, see 927,20 927,25 Chari-Nile 923,24,90 Nilo-Saharan languages Shari-Nile languages & literatures = languages & literature = Sudanic languages & literatures * For Chadic languages, see 923,30 **Hausa relocated to 923,31 927,29 = Congo Niger-Kordofanian languages & literatures Kordofanian languages & literatures 927,30 927,36 927,40 927,42 927,43 927,60 928 928,20 928,30 928,50 languages 928,70 940 Niger-Congo languages & literatures * Including Mande branch Kwa Bantoid languages Bantu Swahili Khoisan languages = Click languages * Including Hottentot & Bushman Amerindian languages Eskimo-Aleut languages North American Indian languages Mexican & Central American Indian South American Indian languages ARTS = Fine arts * For architecture & landscape design, see 722 & 724 * For physical, town & country planning, see 726 940-146 940-477,65 Art museums, galleries & exhibitions Art collecting 940,09,99 <Captionless record> * The following numbers ,10 to ,68 may be added to the BSO code for any particular art or art group 943 to 949,87 940,10 940,12 Art theory & design Art aesthetics * For aesthetics in widest sense, see 112,50 940,17 940,20 940,25 940,27 940,28 Art criticism Art techniques Art objects Preservation Restoration 940,30 Art history 940,31 940,32 Kinds of art by period Primitive & prehistoric art * Including Pre-Columbian American art 940,35 Indian art 940,37 940,41 940,43 940,45 940,46 styles 940,48 940,50 940,52 940,54 940,56 Oriental classical art * Including Chinese, Japanese & West Asian & Egyptian art Western classical art = Graeco-Roman art Mediaeval Christian & Byzantine art * Including Romanesque & Gothic art Renaissance art * Including Baroque & Rococo art Post-Renaissance art * Including revivals of earlier Modern art Kinds of art by social role Folk & traditional art Popular art * Including "pop" art Academic art * So-called "classical" or "serious" art 940,58 abstract 940,59 940,59,60 940,59,70 940,60 940,61 940,62 scenes 940,64 940,65 940,67 940,59 940,68 940,A to ,Z Kinds of art by representational or character Representational art **Relocated from BSO 1978 940,67 Realist art = Naturalistic art Impressionistic & expressionistic art Kinds of art by subject represented Sacred art = Religious art Genre art = Historical & everyday Landscape art Life studies & portraiture <Representational art> **BSO 1978 940,67 relocated to Abstract art Individual artists * Artists associated with several art forms * Enumerate alphabetically * For individual sculptors, see 943,78,A to ,Z * For individual painters, see 945,88,A to ,Z * For individual musical composers, see 953,98,A to Z 943 943,70 PLASTIC ARTS Sculpture * Expand 943,70,10 to 943,70,68 with meanings 943,78,A to ,Z as at 940,10 to 940,68 Individual sculptors * Enumerate alphabetically 943,85 Pottery * Expand 943,85,10 to 943,85,68 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,68 943,86 Metalwork art * Expand 943,86,10 to 943,86,68 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,68 945 GRAPHIC FINE ARTS * For reprography & printing, see 152 * Expand 945,10 to 945,68 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,68 * The preceding "Expand" facility is also applicable to the codes 945,70 to 945,80 immediately following 945,70 945,75 945,80 945,88,A to ,Z 947 Drawing Print making * Including engraving & lithography Painting Individual painters * Enumerate alphabetically PHOTOGRAPHY * Artistic aspects only * For photography & film as record, see 150,70 * Expand 947,10 to 947,68 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,68 * The preceding "Expand" facility is also applicable to the codes 947,70 & 947,80 immediately following 947,70 947,80 Still photography Cinematography * For film or motion picture production, see 957 949 DECORATIVE ARTS & HANDICRAFTS * Expand 949,10 to 949,68 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,68. * The preceding "Expand" facility is also applicable to the codes 949,83 & 949,87 immediately following 949,83 949,87 950 Needlecraft * Including tapestry Hand weaving & loom handicrafts MUSIC & THE PERFORMING ARTS * Music & the performing arts treated together 951 Music 951-152 Music printing & publishing 951,09,99 <Captionless record> * For musical theory, techniques, history, styles & genres, expand 951,10 to 951,61 with meanings as at 940,10 to 940,61. The schedule immediately following gives some examples of this expansion together with additional concepts peculiar to music 951,10 study of 951,20 951,21 951,24 951,27 951,30 951,32 951,35 951,40 951,48 Musicology = Theoretical & critical music Musical techniques Composing Execution * For singing, see 952,24 * For performing on an instrument, see 953,24 Conducting Musical styles & genres Primitive music Oriental classical music Western music * Mainly European music Modern music * Including atonal & twelve note music 951,52 951,54 music Folk & traditional music Popular music * Including jazz, swing & "pop" 951,56 Classical music 951,61 951,63 Sacred music = Religious music Concert music * For theatre music, use 955-951 Dance music Programme music 951,65 951,67 952 952,09,99 Vocal music * For opera music, use 955,53-951 <Captionless record> * Expand 952,10 to 952,67 with meanings as at 951,10 to 951,67 952,24 Singing = Vocal technique 952,70 Choral music * Including oratorios & cantatas Music for vocal ensemble = Vocal 952,75 chamber music 952,80 solo music 953 953,08 Music for individual voices = Vocal Instrumental music * For making & repair of musical instruments, see 890,953 Musical instruments * Particular groups of instruments are coded by citing type of music, 953,81 to 953,89 below and adding ,08, e.g. 953,81,08 Keyboard instruments 953,09,99 <Captionless record> * Expand 953,10 to 953,67 with meanings 953,24 as at 951,10 to 951,67, e.g. Playing musical instruments 953,70 953,75 music Orchestral music Chamber music = Instrumental ensemble 953,81 Keyboard music * Including piano & organ music String music * Including bowed & plucked 953,83 instrumental 953,85 music 953,87 953,89 953,98,A to ,Z music Wind music * Woodwind & brass instrumental Percussion music Electronic music Individual composers * Enumerate alphabetically 955 955-951 955,08 955,10 Performing arts * Including theatre Theatre music Theatre stage & equipment Dramaturgy * Including theory, aesthetics & criticism * For drama as literary form, see 915,78 955,20 955,24 955,27 955,40 tragedies 955,50 955,53 955,53-951 955,57 955,60 955,61 955,64 955,67 955,70 955,72 955,74 955,77 955,80 957 Stagecraft = Dramatic art techniques Acting = Performing Producing = Stage production "Straight" theatre * Production of plays, comedies & Musical theatre * Including music drama Operas & operettas Opera music Musicals & musical comedies Dance theatre * Including ballet & mime Choreography & decor Classical ballet Modern dance theatre & mime Spectacle theatre Variety & revues Circus Son et lumiere Miniature theatre * Including puppets & marionettes Cinema = Motion picture or film art * For film in most general aspect, see 150,75 * For visual art aspects of cinematography, see 947 957-951 957,08 957,20 957,24 Film Film Film Film music sets & equipment producing acting 957,60 957,70 Documentary & other non-fiction films Fiction films * Including film epics & musicals 970 971 971,10 971,60 RELIGION & ATHEISM * Treated together * For philosophical systems, see 112,70 Atheism & rationalism Atheistic theory Atheistic organisations 972 Religion * Questions common to all or several religions * For particular religions, see 974 to 979 972,12 972,20 universe 972,21 972,22 972,23 polytheism 972,24 972,25 972,27 972,28 972,30 972,31 972,33 972,35 972,36 972,37 972,38 972,41 112,60 972,45 972,50 972,51 972,51,30 972,52 972,53 972,54 972,55 972,55,30 972,55,40 972,55,70 972,56 972,57 972,60 972,62 972,64 972,68 Comparative religion Religious beliefs in relation to deity & Primitive religion Mythology Theism * Including monotheism & Deism Pantheism Theosophy & anthroposophy Spiritualism Theology Natural theology Positive theology = Revealed truth Dogmatic theology Religious sources Sacred books Doctrinal theology Moral theology * For ethics in philosophy, see Mysticism Religious practice Personal religion = Devotional religion Asceticism Ritual Missionary activity Social theology & work Religious personages Founders Prophets Saints Priests Pastoral activity Religious organisations & institutions Churches Religious orders Nonconformity & dissent * For nonconformity in Christianity, see 977,76 973,90 Particular religions * Except where provision is otherwise made in the enumerated schedules, particular aspects of a particular religion are specified, according to the normal internal combination mechanism, by adding ,0,72,20 to ,0,72,68 with meanings as at 972,20 to 972,68, to the BSO code for the particular religion concerned 974 974,70 systems 974,75 974,77 974,80 974,83 974,86 & Jodo 974,87 Religions of Indian origin Hinduism & Hindu philosophical Jainism Sikhism Buddhism Theravada = Hinayana Mahayana * Including Lamaism, Tantrism Zen Buddhism 975 975,20 975,40 975,50 Religions of Far Eastern origin Shintoism Confucianism Taoism 975,70 975,72 975,74 Religions of Iranian origin Zoroastrianism Parseeism 976 Judaism * Including orthodox, conservative & reformed Judaism 977 977,0,72,37 977,0,72,37,10 977,0,72,37,50 977,0,72,52 977,0,72,62 977,60 977,62 Orthodox Church 977,65 977,70 977,72 Christianity The Holy Bible Old Testament New Testament Christian ritual Christian churches Catholicism Orthodox Church = Eastern Roman Catholic Church Protestantism Anglican Communion * Including Church of England & Protestant Episcopal Church in 977,74 977,76 977,80 Christian bodies USA Lutheran & Calvinist churches Nonconformist or "Free" churches Other Christian or quasi& sects * Including Christian Science, Mormonism, Society of Friends, Adventists, Swedenborgians, Jehovah's Witnesses & Brethren 978 = Muslim 978,0,72,37 978,60 978,68 now deleted 978,70 Islam= Mohammedanism = Moslem religion religion Koran Sunnite Islam <Heterodox sects> **1978 BSO notation & caption Shi'ite Islam **1989 new specific topic, relocated from 978,80 978,82 978,84 978,85 BSO 1978 978,68 Shaikhism **1989 new specific topic Babism Bahaism Sufism **1989 new specific topic, relocated from BSO 1978 978,68 979 Other religions & semireligious cults * For primitive religion, see 972,21 * For mythology, see 972,22 992 992,30 992,32 992,33 992,34 992,37 ESOTERIC PRACTICES & MOVEMENTS * For parapsychology, see 450,48 * For mysticism in religion, see 972,45 Occultism & the supernatural Alchemy Astrology Chiromancy = Palmistry Magic * Including folk magic, witchcraft & sorcery 992,40 992,45 992,60 fraternities * For primitive religion, see 972,21 Sciosophic practices & movements * For theosophy, see 972,27 Scientology Secret & semi-secret societies & * With esoteric or occult ritual, including freemasons & Rosicrucians