Draft Report of Board Corporate Risk Workshop held on 29 January

BSO 31/2015
Report of BSO Corporate Risk Workshop,
29th January 2015
Introduction and background
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the workshop which was included in the
annual Board calendar following the inaugural Corporate Risk workshop in
January 2014.
The objectives of the event were to reflect on the BSO approach to risk
management, review the risks contained on the Corporate Risk & Assurance
report and identify any gaps. As in 2014, Board members would scrutinise the
risk register by considering the following 3 aspects of the risks:
Scoping the Risk– whether the current description reflects all the risks
or whether there are other factors that need to be included;
Information Flow –the timing of information, whether the Board receive
the correct information and quantity/quality of information; and
Remedial approach – is the current strategy sufficient to manage the
Discussion on risks
Risk 1: “Levels of savings in the overall environment for HSC are so great that
BSO service provision to customers is negatively affected and/or we fail to
breakeven (The Leadership Centre may be particularly affected by a reduced
level of client income).”
Members debated whether there needs to be an additional risk to reflect
potential inability for BSO to live within financial limits, however it was agreed
that the current description reflects this. The CX advised that the issue of
reduced funding for the Leadership Centre has been resolved for 2014-15,
with a commitment from the Trusts that they will negotiate with BSO regarding
any reductions in the Service Level Agreement for 2015-16. HSC Leadership
Centre have also been in discussion with DHSSPS regarding the expansion
of Leadership training.
Risk 3: “Lack of resources to unlock the business case benefits for Finance,
HR, Procurement and FPS Business Systems Replacement.”
Members discussed a potential emerging risk of staff members having to deal
with system problems rather than concentrating on Benefits realisation which
may necessitate a change in the risk description in future months. It was
agreed to keep the situation under review.
Risk 9: “BSO current skill mix does not meet future business needs.”
The score of the risk was debated and whether this should be raised given
difficulties in attracting high calibre quality project managers. The impact of
the risk was raised from 2 (Minor) to 3 (Moderate), this raised the risk
classification to Medium.
Risk 10: “Fail to implement robust information governance process.”
The Director of HR&CS advised the Board that this risk had been discussed in
depth at the Information Governance Management Group and subsequently,
the Likelihood Score had been increased from 2 (Unlikely) to 3 (Possible), the
Risk Classification remained at Medium.
Members then went on to discuss the risks around security issues and
especially deployment of mobile devices which could lead to access to HSC
information, as reflected in part (b) of risk 10. It was agreed that this poses a
serious risk for BSO but members were advised that there are mitigating
actions taking place, including HSCB organising a regional meeting to
address the issue.
Action: It was agreed that a new risk will be added to the Corporate Risk
Register to reflect the issues above.
The remainder of the risks were scrutinised and left unchanged, except for
several minor amendments.
Identification of risks / gaps in the Register
The Board went on to consider if there were any upcoming risks on the
horizon, including any risks external to BSO. Discussion centred on potential
growth areas and how the BSO would manage this in terms of capacity.
There was particular focus on the area of Social Care procurement where a
change in public procurement regulations will result in the mainstreaming of
social care procurement under the banner of services to the person. This
would require the expansion of PaLS Social Care Procurement Unit, with the
value of expenditure expected to at least double the current spend managed
by PaLS.
Action: Members agreed that this should be added as a new risk to the
Corporate Risk Register.
Action Sheet from BSO Corporate Risk Workshop, 29th January 2015
Action (s)
By Whom
By When
Following DHSSPS approval of the new Corporate
Objectives, the Corporate risks will be aligned to the
new objectives and a revised Corporate Risk &
Assurance report will be presented to Board.
New risk to be added to the Corporate Risk Register DoCCP &
to reflect the Information and IT issues around the
deployment of mobile devices.
New risk to be added to the Corporate Risk Register
to reflect the change in social care procurement
regulations and the impact on PaLS.
D of Ops