Online Course Syllabus Template

University of North Texas
Online Course Syllabus Template
Blackboard Learn 9.1
Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign
Revised August 01, 2013
Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
[insert course title & semester here in lieu of above template info]
Course Information | Tech Requirements | Access & Navigation | Requirements | Communications |
Assessment | Academic Calendar | Course Evaluation | Scholarly Expectations | Resources |
Course Policies | UNT Policies | Bibliography
- Course Title / Name
- Term / Year
- Course Catalog Number, Section, Credit Hours
- Class meeting time & place if applicable OR mandatory online meeting times
Professor / Instructor Contact Information
- Full name & title
- Office location & building
- Office phone & fax number
- Office hours – face to face and online
- Email address
- Other information: Teaching Assistant information, etc
About the Professor / Instructor
[Brief intro about the instructor. You might also consider using Voice Recorder (or similar software) for a
personal audio or visual introduction.]
Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions
- Pre- requisites if applicable
- Instructor permissions
Materials – Text, Readings, Supplementary Readings
[Insert full bibliographic entry for each textbook required for the course. Use either the MLA, Turabian, or
APA format. The format used in this part should be the form you require the students to use. ]
- Textbook information (title, author, date and edition, publisher, cost, where available) [Consider
inserting a screen shot/.jpg image of the text book]
- Required materials
CLEAR | University of North Texas
Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
- Required readings
- Supplementary readings (including whether they are required or recommended)
Course Description
- Description of general content of the course
- Instructional methods
- Goals / Rationale of the course:
How the content will benefit the student; how the course relates to the content, primary
concepts and principles of the discipline
Types of knowledge and abilities that will be emphasized
How and why the course is organized in a particular sequence (explanation of learning modules,
- Learning Objectives (Should be provided for overall course, as well as each unit, module, assignment)
[Insert course objectives/outcomes (usually no more than 5 or 6 objectives/outcomes) as established by
your academic department. Objectives should be stated as behavioral objectives in non-subjective terms
which are clear, concise and measurable. Learning outcomes should be observable, measurable and be
done by the learner. It is what the learner will be able to do or know as a result of an activity or set of
activities. A good learning outcome identifies: 1) who will perform the task, 2) what action they will take
when performing the task and 3) ends with some result/product/artifact of that task which is
Examples from varied disciplines: [Consider major/elective learning objectives]
The learner will be an active and engaged participant in discussion forums within his/her
learning community by analyzing, constructing/creating, and evaluating information presented
within the textbook, external readings/resources, student research, and class activities.
The learner will describe and synthesize learning, theory, educational technology, and
instructional design as it relates to teaching and learning through empirically based research.
The learner will be able to construct an appropriate bibliography from scholarly sources of
material for study and research.
The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between art
and elements of its surrounding contextual environment including but not limited to commerce,
aesthetics, entertainment, history, science, and socialization.
The learner will analyze the effect of enterprise systems and other technologies on the revenue
collection process.
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Teaching Philosophy
What is your approach for teaching this course? What do you think students should do to best benefit
from the course? You may include your expected teaching methods and a statement regarding students’
responsibility for learning and your responsibility as their instructor.
The following information has been provided to assist you in preparation for the technological aspect of
the course.
UIT Help Desk:
Hardware and software necessary to use Bb Learn:
Browser requirements:
Computer and Internet Literacy:
Necessary plug-ins:
Internet Access with compatible web browser
Headset/Microphone (if required for synchronous chats)
Word Processor
[Other related hardware or software necessary for the course]
Minimum Technical Skills Needed:
Examples include:
Using the learning management system
Using email with attachments
Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats
Copying and pasting
Downloading and installing software
Using spreadsheet programs
Access and Log in Information
This course was developed and will be facilitated utilizing the University of North Texas’ Learning
Management System, Blackboard Learn. To get started with the course, please go to:
You will need your EUID and password to log in to the course. If you do not know your EUID or have
forgotten your password, please go to:
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Student Resources
As a student, you will have access to:
Student Orientation via Blackboard Learn. It is recommended that you become familiar with the
tools and tutorials within the Orientation to better equip you in navigating the course.
Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center for Students . It is recommended that you become
familiar with the tools and tutorials to better equip you to navigate the course.
From within Blackboard, you will have access to the “UNT Helpdesk “ tab which provides student
resources and Help Desk Information.
Being a Successful Online Student
-What Makes a Successful Online Student?
-Self Evaluation for Potential Online Students
How the Course is Organized
[Provide a brief statement as to how the course information is organized: are you using learning modules
or is information located in folders from the home page? Is it structured by week, chapter, module, unit?]
What Should Students Do First?
[Indicate what students should do first once they have accessed the course and the syllabus. Do you have
a “Start Here” module they need to complete that has a syllabus quiz? Is there an introductory
assignment or discussion post they need to complete? Do they need to send contact information to the
instructor via the email tool?]
How Students Should Proceed Each Week for Class Activities
[Explain to students how they should access the materials in order to successfully complete the course
activities. Where are necessary files located? Are you using the assignment drop box? Have you created
a class activity schedule? ]
Student Support
The University of North Texas provides student technical support in the use of Blackboard and
supported resources. The student help desk may be reached at:
Phone: 940.565-2324
In Person: Sage Hall, Room 130
Regular hours are maintained to provide support to students. Please refer to the website
( for updated hours.
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
[List the required components that students must meet to complete the course. This section should
include any requirements for materials not listed in the Textbook section such as online lectures recorded
with Adobe Presenter. The course requirements should show an overview of the course requirements and
provide a brief notation of where and how students will complete each requirement. It is suggested that
requirements not be added during the semester, which are not included in this list.]
As per HB2504, undergraduate syllabi must include:
A brief description of each major course requirement, including each major assignment and
Any required or recommended reading; and
A general description of the subject matter of EACH lecture or discussion
For example:
1. The student will access and follow all course instructions found in the weekly/unit content area
of the Blackboard course.
2. The student will listen to all online lectures provided in the [insert here where in the course they
will find the links to your online lectures.]
3. The student will complete the assigned ‘online’ exams/quizzes by accessing the ‘assessment’ tool
in the Blackboard course. [Insert info on where the exams are located, i.e. under each
corresponding weekly content page, under an ‘exam’ area you created in your course, so forth]
4. The student will respond to posted online course discussion questions using the Blackboard
discussion tool.
5. The student will complete and submit assignments electronically using the Blackboard
assignment drop box tool/tab.
6. The student will complete an on-going semester project in accordance with the instructions
given in this syllabus and the online course.
Information about the communication tools in the course and how they will be used:
- Announcements
- Blackboard Collaborate
- Blackboard IM
- Email / Messages [contact your Instructional Consultant for information on best practices and uses]
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
- Live Classroom
Interaction with Instructor Statement: Indicate the primary tool that will be used to communicate
directly with students. Indicate where students should send personal concerns or questions (email tool).
State clearly communication policy: when students can expect to receive a response to course e-mail and
discussion board postings, along with time frame in receiving feedback on assignments and when grades
will be posted. . Customize based on your course needs and also state any additional communication
policies and netiquette for your course.
Provide details on any discussion and participation requirements and guidelines using one or more of the
communication tools applicable to your course.
[Insert each type of assessment assigned in this course along with a description of that assessment. You
may include due dates here or provide students a separate course outline page which contains due dates.
It is important that there is a CLEAR, WRITTEN STATEMENT that fully explains how the course grades are
calculated. The points, percentages, and weights for each component of the course grade are clearly
stated AND the relationship between points, percentages, weights, and letter grades are explained. It is
suggested that you include an introductory statement such as the following:
“This course is made up of a series of assignments and assessments to assist you in achieving the course
learning objectives/outcomes. Each week you will work on various combinations of assignments,
activities, discussions, readings, research, etc. which will be made available to you by each Monday and
close on the following Sunday.”
[Restate the course objective/outcome in order to tie the assignment/activity to the focus of the course.
Consider adding color in order to draw attention to the type of activity, the objective/learning outcome,
and the means of assessing this specific activity. Link to a copy of the assessment instrument (rubric)
when applicable and include specific and descriptive criteria in the syllabus OR indicate where such
information can be found in the online component. ]
Example 1:
Mini-Research Paper: 100 points
Course Objective/Learning Outcome #1: The learner will describe and synthesize learning, theory,
educational technology and instructional design as it relates to teaching and learning through
empirically based research.
This mini-research paper is assigned as a means of recapping your previous learning in other
coursework. By writing this mini-research paper you will demonstrate your ability to describe and
CLEAR | University of North Texas
Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
synthesize learning, the theory associated with learning, and how instructional design relates to
teaching and learning. You will also demonstrate your writing and research skills.
Assessment Method: Your mini-research paper will be graded using a Mini-Research Paper Rubric
(examples) provided by the instructor.
Example 2:
Exams: 100 points each (60% of total course grade)
Course Objective/Learning Outcomes #2 & 3: [Insert text of objective/learning outcome(s)]
State whether the exams are open- or closed-book, the material over which the student will be tested,
and how the student will take the exam (e.g. Blackboard Exam tool).
Example: Closed book exams will cover the required textbook reading and the content of the
online lectures. Complete the exams online by accessing the Blackboard exam tool. The exams
will be timed and grades made available to students following the submission of the exam. If
you lose Internet connectivity during the exam, log back in immediately and continue on with
the exam. Save your answers often (every 5-10 minutes). If you experience any issues while
taking the exam, you must contact the Blackboard Helpdesk immediately so that your issue is
documented with a helpdesk ticket number. Considerations regarding exam issues will be made
by the instructor on an individual basis based on the documentation.
Assessment Method: Multiple Choice and Essay Exam
Example 3:
Discussion Forums: 8 total @ 25 points/discussion = 200 points
Course Objectives/Learning Outcome #2: The learner will be an active and engaged participant in
discussion forums within his/her learning community by analyzing, constructing/creating, and evaluating
information presented within the textbook, external readings/resources, student research, and class
The discussion forums are related to the chapter readings, external resources and activities. Upon
completion or near completion of the assigned readings and activities, you are expected to engage in an
ongoing discussion/debate with your learning community peers. Your contributions to the discussion
forums will be graded for quality not quantity, timeliness of your contributions, and a detailed analysis
of linking together theory (readings) to application (activities).
One major piece of advice for this assignment....Do not wait until Saturday and Sunday to engage in a
discussion – this should be ongoing!!!! Failure to do so will result in a poor grade in this course.
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Assessment Method: Each forum will be graded using the Discussion Forum Rubric (examples). (Check
out downloadable rubrics created in and for Blackboard Learn – Click HERE).
[Be clear concerning your method of grading. Are you grading solely on points, or using weighted
categories? Be specific in the weight each exam and assignment will carry. An example in table format is
helpful for students to understand your method of grading.]
Example of grading by points:
Total Points Possible for Semester = 490
490-441 = A
440-392 = B
391-343 = C
342-294 = D
293-0 = F
(Note: grading by points allows the students to easily calculate their current grade by dividing their
points earned by the total possible points they could have earned to date.)
Example of weighted categories grading:
Grades will be determined as follows:
Grading Scale
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Below 60
Accessing Grades
Assignment Submission Instructions
Provide information as to what file type the submission should be saved and naming format. Provide
information about due /cut off dates, late submission and how to utilize the assignment drop box (if
used). Also provide information regarding policies or procedures for alternates for submitting work in the
event of technical issues.
Turnitin Submission Instructions and Information
Participation / Discussions
Information about the student’s responsibility in the course discussions; grading and posting criteria;
how to post to the online discussion board, etc. Also include etiquette/protocol for participating in the
online discussion board. For examples, see:
Online Tests/ Quizzes (to include final or proctored exam information)
(Descriptions and details if any. For example: You can access quizzes/exams by clicking the Assessments
link on the course menu or see the quiz/exam icon on the designated page. Each quiz is timed and can be
accessed only one time within the scheduled time window. Please read the on-screen instructions
carefully before you click “Begin Assessment”. After each quiz is graded and released, you may go back
to the Assessments page and click “View All Submissions” to review your exam results. (Add if
Blackboard Quiz tool is to be used).
[Include an outline of all due dates for the course. You may choose to provide the students with this
information in a separate ‘course outline’ document or with a document attached to the end of this
syllabus. Your choice may be determined by how often you will update your online course syllabus.]
Provide information as to how the student will be able to participate in the course evaluation.
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
[Sample statement: All works submitted for credit must be original works created by the scholar
uniquely for the class. It is considered inappropriate and unethical, particularly at the graduate level, to
make duplicate submissions of a single work for credit in multiple classes, unless specifically requested
by the instructor. Work submitted at the graduate level is expected to demonstrate higher-order
thinking skills and be of significantly higher quality than work produced at the undergraduate level. ]
Links to Academic Support Services, such as Office of Disability Accommodation, Counseling and
Testing Services, UNT Libraries, Online Tutoring, UNT Writing Lab and Math Tutor Lab can be located
within Blackboard Learn on the “Academic Support” tab.
UNT Portal:
UNT Blackboard Learn Student Resources: Technical Support:
UNT Library Information for Off-Campus Users:
UNT Computing and Information Technology Center:
UNT Academic Resources for Students:
Computer Labs: [provide information if departmental labs are available for use to students]. General
access computer lab information (including locations and hours of operation) can be located at:
Assignment Policy
State how students will know what the official due dates are for each assignment, where they will find
assignment instructions, what file type assignments should be saved as (e.g., .DOC or .RTF), where/how
files should be submitted (i.e. Assignment drop box). Also include information about extra credit and
special assignments.
Examination Policy
You may choose to state whether your tests are open- or closed-book exams and your policy on the
student not meeting the exam due date. Explain your policy should a student lose Internet connection
during an exam. Include information about make-up exams. Advise students to contact the Student
helpdesk and document the remedy ticket number before contacting you.
CLEAR | University of North Texas
Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Instructor Responsibilities and Feedback
Include a statement:
regarding your responsibilities in the course (i.e.: helping students grow and learn; responsible
for providing clear instructions for projects and assessments, answer questions about
assignments, identify additional resources as necessary, provide rubrics, continually reviewing
and updating course content, etc.);
regarding feedback and timeline and format in which students can anticipate a response
regarding 1) emails; 2) discussion board posts 3) assignment feedback 4) and grades.
Turnitin Notice
Sample notice: Students are required to submit written assignments for this class to Turnitin, a webbased plagiarism detection service. Before submitting your paper to Turnitin, please remove your title
page and other personal information. (OPTIONAL: Any paper that is not submitted to Turnitin prior to
submission to the instructor will not be accepted by the instructor and will not be graded.) (Note to
instructors: Any assignments submitted on behalf of the students must have a written or electronically
signed consent to do so. Additional information can be found at: )
Podcasting/Vodcasting Notice
Sample notice: Podcasts of the class or some sessions may be retained and used in future course
offerings via digital voice recording, classroom capture, video, Live Classroom or Blackboard Collaborate.
A digital copy of the release is located at:
(Note to instructor: A digital signature using Blackboard quizzing function is suitable as well. Contact
your Instructional Consultant for assistance on creating the release. Students under the age of 18 will
also need to have a guardian release form on file).
Late Work
The faculty member has the prerogative to accept or not to accept late work. Specify your policy in this
Class Participation
Students are required to login regularly to the online class site. The instructor will use the tracking
feature in Blackboard to monitor student activity. Students are also required to participate in all class
activities such as discussion board, chat or conference sessions and group projects.
Virtual Classroom Citizenship
The same guidelines that apply to traditional classes should be observed in the virtual classroom
environment. Please use proper netiquette when interacting with class members and the professor.
Include your policy for distributing incompletes for the course.
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties
Copyright Notice
Some or all of the materials on this course Web site may be protected by copyright. Federal copyright
law prohibits the reproduction, distribution, public performance, or public display of copyrighted
materials without the express and written permission of the copyright owner, unless fair use or another
exemption under copyright law applies. [Additional sample statements can be located at:] Additional copyright information may be
located at:
Graduate Online Course Attendance Policy
State your policy if you have one.
Undergraduate Online Course Attendance Policy
State your policy if you have one.
Information about the University of Texas’ Attendance Policy may be found at:
Administrative Withdrawal
State your policy if you have one.
Syllabus Change Policy
Provide information as to policies regarding changes to the syllabus, course information, due dates.
Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties
[Sample statement: The University is committed to providing a reliable online course system to all users.
However, in the event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents
students from completing a time sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will extend the time
windows and provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. Students should
immediately report any problems to the instructor and also contact the UNT Student Help Desk: or 940.565.2324. The instructor and the UNT Student Help Desk will work with the
student to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time. (Revise as needed)]
Student Conduct and Discipline: Student Handbook.
Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Student Code of Conduct
Academic Honesty Policy
Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Academic Policy. A sample
statement may include the following:
"You are encouraged to become familiar with the University's Policy of Academic dishonesty found in
CLEAR | University of North Texas
Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
the Student Handbook. The content of the Handbook applies to this course. Additionally, the following
specific requirements will be expected in this class: (enter specific requirements). If you are in doubt
regarding the requirements, please consult with me before you complete any requirements of the
ADA Policy
As per the Office of Disability Accommodation, a syllabus for a course SHALL include the following
The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities.
Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA)
to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter
to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may
request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as
early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a
new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to
implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation
website at You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.
Add/Drop Policy
Please refer to the UNT Faculty Handbook or your department regarding the Add/Drop Policy.
Important Notice for F-1 Students taking Distance Education Courses:
Federal Regulation
To read detailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations for F-1 students taking online
courses, please go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations website at The specific portion
concerning distance education courses is located at "Title 8 CFR 214.2 Paragraph (f) (6) (i) (G)” and can
be found buried within this document:
The paragraph reads:
(G) For F–1 students enrolled in classes for credit or classroom hours, no more than the equivalent of
one class or three credits per session, term, semester, trimester, or quarter may be counted toward the
full course of study requirement if the class is taken on-line or through distance education and does not
require the student's physical attendance for classes, examination or other purposes integral to
completion of the class. An on-line or distance education course is a course that is offered principally
through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission including open broadcast, closed circuit,
cable, microwave, or satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing. If the F–1 student's course
of study is in a language study program, no on-line or distance education classes may be considered to
count toward a student's full course of study requirement.
University of North Texas Compliance
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Online Course Syllabus Template – Blackboard Learn 2013
To comply with immigration regulations, an F-1 visa holder within the United States may need to engage
in an on-campus experiential component for this course. This component (which must be approved in
advance by the instructor) can include activities such as taking an on-campus exam, participating in an
on-campus lecture or lab activity, or other on-campus experience integral to the completion of this
If such an on-campus activity is required, it is the student’s responsibility to do the following:
(1) Submit a written request to the instructor for an on-campus experiential component within one
week of the start of the course.
(2) Ensure that the activity on campus takes place and the instructor documents it in writing with a
notice sent to the International Student and Scholar Services Office. ISSS has a form available that you
may use for this purpose.
Because the decision may have serious immigration consequences, if an F-1 student is unsure about his
or her need to participate in an on-campus experiential component for this course, s/he should contact
the UNT International Student and Scholar Services Office (telephone 940-565-2195 or email to get clarification before the one-week deadline.
[Include applicable books to assist the student in producing written reports, or directing the student if
he/she desires further investigation into the course topic.]
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