Aerobic reoxidation in marine sediments This exercise consists of two small experiments\demonstrations and you get your data almost instantaneously. Thus you can already start data treatment during the exercise (see “theoretical work” below). A full report contains answers to all 16 points listed below and should be delivered no later than the 13. of Marts. Most of the time at 1. of Marts is dedicated report-writing at MBL. Microprofile experiment Background In coastal environments, only a minor part of the benthic oxygen consumption is related to direct aerobic respiration. The major part of the oxygen consumption is caused by reoxidation of products from the anaerobic heterotrophic activity in the deeper sediment layers. These products include NH4+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and H2S. The latter is the result of sulfate reduction and in sediments with low iron- and manganese- oxide concentrations the H2S can diffuse up to the oxic sediment zone. H2S is a very potent poison that inactivates many metal carrying enzymes and benthic H2S release often leads to fauna death in coastal lagoons and isolated sedimentation basins. H2S-oxidation is an exergonic process and many chemoautotrophic bacteria have specialized in gaining energy from aerobic oxidation of H2S. In reduced sediments this becomes very apparent as the bacteria form a massive white cover on the sediment surface optimizing their position to the H2S - O2 interphase. In such instances the bacteria mat form the last barrier before H2S emerges to the overlying water. At present there is no simple technique to discriminate between the oxygen consumption related to respiration or reoxidation. But from porewater microprofiles of H2S and O2 it is possible to quantitatively evaluate the importance of H2S oxidation for the total oxygen consumption rate. Oxygen and H2S profiles can be measured by microelectrodes. However, “sulfide” actually exists in three forms S2-, HS-, H2S and the sensor applied in the present exercise is only sensitive to the H2S fraction. The equilibrium between the three forms is pH dependent as outlined by the diagram below: Thus in order to recalculate H2S profiles to total H2S (called TH2S below), the pH has to be measured in parallel and the pH-effect has to be accounted for. Description of work: We have collected sediment cores from two different locations in “Øresund”. The two stations mainly differ by the water depth and thereby in the external supply of organic material. The cores are labeled A (shallow water) and B (deep water). Each team has a core from each site and should 1) describe the two cores (color, texture, fauna etc.) and any visual macroscopic irregularities. Both cores are submerged in well-mixed water baths (salinity 30) kept at room temperature (20 oC). Three different calibrated microsensors H2S, pH and O2 are ready for mounting in the micro-manipulator to obtain a number of individual profiles of each chemical specimen (Fig 1). Microsensor Water Strip-chart recorder Air-pump Picoamp meter Profiling start 0% 214.3 100% Sediment Start profiling with the O2 microsensor in an area free of shells or hard substrata. When the sensor has been positioned at the selected spot, you estimate the relative position of the sediment surface. This is done by moving the sensor slowly downwards - using the micromanipulator - until a signal change at the strip-chart recorder is observed – this position is close to the sediment surface. The sensor is then moved a few hundred microns backwards until the 100%-saturation value (equivalent to 238 M) is reached, the sensor is now ready for microprofiling. This it is done by moving the sensor downwards in increments of 0.1 mm. Each time the sensor is moved a small mark is made on the recorder paper. The profiling is continued until a low constant value (signal at 0% saturation) is reached. Subsequently the sensor is moved back up in the water phase, moved horizontally to another position and the procedure is repeated at different locations (a minimum of three profiles are measured in each of the two cores) - if times allow you can make a small microtransect with multiple profiling to characterize the small scale heterogeneity. After this the H2S and the pH-sensor is mounted in the micromanipulator. The two sensors are fixed together and are vertically aligned so that microprofiles of the two chemical specimens are obtained at the same depth horizon simultaneously. Try to locate the position of the sediment surface visually (for later alignment between the O2 and the H2S/pH profiles) and perform 2-3 microprofiles with a reasonable vertical resolution in the sediment corer from site A (the sediment from the deeper site, B, does not contain H2S). If time allows you can try and add formalin to one of the cores and follow the response in the benthic O2 distribution. Slurry experiment Background Aerobic reoxidation of the reduced products from the anaerobic activity occur spontaneously. However, most processes are catalyzed by chemoautotrophic bacteria that increase the oxidation rates by a factor of 100-1000 and the bacteria harvest the energy. The accumulated reduced products can represent a significant “oxygen dept” that can be re-paid over short time during storm events. Here sediment is resuspended up into the overlying oxic water column. This can be visualized by incubating reduced sediment in slurries and compare the rates to the results of the microprofile data above. Biological inactivation (by formalin) can indicate to what extent the oxidation during resuspension is biological or chemical mediated and to what extent the O2 consumption rate is constant with decreasing O2 concentration provide information on the oxidation kinetics. Description of work Surface sediment (0-5 mm) from a core from each station (A and B) is transferred to each their weighing boat and the sediment is gently homogenized. Subsequently 4x 3.0g (write down the exact weight) of sediment from each weighing-boat is transferred to 4 Winklerbottles that subsequently are filled with 100% air-saturated sea-water (corresponding to 238 M). Each team now has 4 resuspension-bottles (remember to label them with teamnumber and the respective station index). One ml of formalin (37%) is added to one bottle from station A and B respectively (use gloves). A small magnet is added to each bottle and all bottles are placed on two central stirring plates that are runnig at a speed sufficient to induce resuspension. The O2 concentration in each bottle is now followed by successively transferring an O2 microelectrode between the bottles at a reasonable time interval (measurements should preferentially be done in each bottle every 10 min). The sensor current of the calibrated sensor at each time and for each bottle is noted when the signal has stabilized along with the time of measurement. If time allows the O2 concentration is followed until 0 uM is reached. After each measurement a small amount of water is added to avoid bubbles inside the bottles. Theoretical work Microelectrode experiment 2) Plot the 2-3 sets of O2, H2S and pH data versus sediment depth for the shallow site and the 3 O2 microprofiles from the deeper site - indicate the estimated position of the sediment surface as (Y=0). Use the units M and mm. 3) Plot the two TH2S values versus depth for the shallow site (indicate the estimated position of the sediment surface as (Y=0)). For pH <9 the TH2S can be estimated from: TH2S = H2S (1 + 10-7/10-x), where x equals the pH at the respective sediment depths. Use the unit’s M and mm. 4) Describe the oxygen profiles from each site and calculate the average DBL-thickness, the Diffusive O2 Uptake (DOU) and the volume specific respiration (R) for each site in the following units mm, mmol m-2d-1, and mol cm-3 d-1, respectively DOU (mmol m-2 d-1) * D * 8640, where is the slope of the concentration profile within the DBL (unit M mm-1) and D is the molecular diffusion coefficient of oxygen in water (unit 10-5cm2s-1). D equals 1.98 *10-5cm2s-1 at salinity 30 and 20oC. The value 8640 is a conversion factor to get the right units. R (molcm-3d-1) = (DOU/OP) * 0.1, where OP is the oxygen penetration depth (unit cm) and DOU the diffusive O2 uptake (unit mmol m-2 d-1). The value 0.1 is a conversion factor to get the right units. This calculation assumes constant activity in the oxic zone and zero-order kinetics. 5) Compare and comment upon the values from the two sites. How close are the values to the theoretical possible DOU at the given conditions? 6) Explain the shape of the TH2S profiles and define the zones of sulfide production and sulfide consumption. 7) Calculate the diffusive flux of TH2S into the oxic zone using a D-value of 1.4 10-5 cm2s-1 and calculate the fraction of O2 consumption used for TH2S oxidation assuming complete aerobic sulfide oxidation to sulfate: H2S + 2O2 -> SO42- + 2H+. Is that a reasonable assumption? Calculate the volume specific consumption rate of TH2S in the oxic zone. 8) Calculate the average concentration of O2 and TH2S in the overlap zone. With these concentrations and the rates calculated above what is the turn overtime (in sec), meaning how long time does it take to consume the available O2 and TH2S in the reaction zone ? In a pure un-catalyzed chemical oxidation of H2S with O2 it takes approximately 60 min to remove 50% of the sulfide. How much faster is the sulfide oxidation in the sediment of the shallow water station? Slurry experiment 1) Describe how the O2 concentration in the Winkler bottles decrease. Give an explanation for the respective phases. 2) Calculate the O2 consumption rate for the two respective stations during the initial and the subsequent oxidation phase. Rslurry (mol cm-3d-1) = 0.05 /(y/2.0), where is the rate of O2 decrease in the bottles (uM d-1), 0.05 (l) the bottle volume, y the number of gram sediment added and 2.0 the estimated density of the sediment. Comment upon potential differences between the incubations – how do they compare to your expectations? 3) How does the values compare to the volume specific respiration (R) calculated from the O2 microprofiles ? Comment and give suggestions for any potential differences. 4) How many days of diffusive mediated O2 consumption does a storm induced resuspension event lasting for 1 day of the upper 5 mm of sediment compare to for each station?