Conferences "Sustainable construction & renovation: the

Conferences "Sustainable construction & renovation: the EnergyDays", Brussels, 3,
8 & 9 March 2006 ....................................................................................................... 1
3 March 2006: How to make construction "sustainable" and competitive ............... 1
From 10.30 - 13.30 .............................................................................................. 2
8 March: Energy management: a necessary evil? .................................................. 2
From 10.30 - 13.30 .............................................................................................. 2
9 March 2006: Energy management in buildings: the role of public authorities ...... 3
From 10.30 à 13.30 ............................................................................................. 3
Practical information ............................................................................................ 4
To reach the conferences .................................................................................... 4
Languages........................................................................................................... 4
How to get there .................................................................................................. 4
CONTACT ........................................................................................................... 5
"Sustainable construction & renovation: the EnergyDays",
Brussels, 3, 8 & 9 March 2006
The more scarce, the more costly…Energy prices are steadily climbing.
They will continue to do so because fossil energy is rapidly being depleted.
At current rates of consumption, experts predict that we can count on
supplies of: uranium for only 30 more years petroleum, for only 40 more
years gas, for only 60 more years coal, for 200 more years.
What can we do?
Conserve fossil energy, develop sources of renewable energy, renovate and
construct our homes and buildings to make them more energy efficient.
there are many realistic and practical solutions that are not overly
A unique event!
We are bringing together for you a number of leading Belgian and European
specialists and practitioners, who will clearly explain to you the new
"energy" legislation and its consequences on our daily life, as well as
validated technical and .nancial solutions.
They are eager to share their knowledge and experience.
Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity!
3 March 2006: How to make construction "sustainable" and
There will be a roundtable discussion, bringing together representatives of
the construction sector, architects, and organisations active in the field
of sustainable construction.
Its purpose is to examine the current situation, identify barriers to
integration of good practices, and to start down the path towards promoting
the types of construction that respect both the environment and human health
whilst maintaining the competitiveness of the sector.
This day will be devoted to the means of achieving best use of energy in
From 10.30 - 13.30
Moderator: Christine Donjean, "For the Solidarity".
The importance of energy in sustainable construction
Introduction by the Construction Confederation.
"Economic analysis of energy-saving investments - in search of the optimum",
Roel De Coninck, engineer, 3E.
"The practical consequences of the new Flemish energy legislation
‘Energie prestatie richtlijn’ for contractors",
Nadia Schepens, legal advisor, Bouwunie.
"Towards transposition of the Energy directive in the Walloon
region: the state of play", Benoit Fourez, Division of Energy, General
Directorate for Technology, Minister of the Walloon Region.
"The Energy Charter: a tool for promoting the rational use of
energy, a joint action of Bouwunie, the Flemish Association of Christian
Employers and Executives, and the Bond Beter Leefmilieu", Dirk Knappen,
energy & climate project manager, Bond Beter Leefmilieu.
Case Stories
"85% energy savings, the story of a passive project in Brussels",
Sebastien Moreno-Vacca, architect-administrator, A2M.
"Cluster eco-construction a tool for developing the eco-construction
sector in the Walloon Region", Eddy Beauraing, co-ordinator.
"Energy-saving construction is good. Ecological construction is
better. The VIBE label for the construction sector", Peter Thoelen, VIBE
director – Flemish Institution for Bio-ecological Buildings and Houses.
"Elico & sustainable construction: when quality work and worker
dignity go together", Emmanuel Everarts de Velp, administrator.
8 March: Energy management: a necessary evil?
The objective here is, through a series of presentations and a thematic
workshop, to use validated scientific data to strengthen the public’s
understanding of the need to integrate energy criteria at the earliest stage
of a new building’s design.
The session will also present the tools and good practices involved in the
rational use of energy, and especially renewable energy, in buildings.
From 10.30 - 13.30
Moderator:Benoît Thielemans, architect, Centre d’Etude, de Recherche
et d’Action en Architecture (CERAA)
"The European energy building directive", CE, DG Energy.
"Increasing the energy performance of buildings: a European
Commission priority", Vincent Berrutto, Head of Unit SAVE & STEER,
EC-Executive Agency for Intelligent Energy.
"The impact of the European energy building directive", John
Goodall, technical director, European Construction Federation.
Practical implementation of the Energy Performance for Buildings
directive: the Flemish approach", Peter Wouters, director of the department
of "Physics of building, indoor climate and equipment", Belgium Building
Research Institute.
"European legislation relevant for the building sector: state of
play", Marc Timmer, managing director, European Forum for Renewable energy
"The Danish energy labelling system for buildings", Jens H. Lausten,
Project manager, Danish Energy authority.
"Energy trophy: results of an initiative to promote energy savings",
Theresa Glassmacher, Project manager, Beratungs-und Service-Gesellschaft
From 13.30 - 14.00 : Lunch-sandwiches
From 14.00 - 16.30 : Workshop "Sustainable city and energy": How to promote
the use of renewable energy in the construction/renovation of housing and
buildings: opportunities, obstacles and drivers, success factors.
Moderator: Pierre Vanderstraeten, Town planner en professor St Luc,
A. Haulot et Isuru
"Integrated Planning for Building Refurbishment. Taking
Life-Cycle-Costs into Account", Gerhard Hofer, project manager, Austrian
Energy Agency.
"Role of local authorities", Council of European Municipalities and
"Energy savings in housing; the Estonian model", Marit Otsing,
member of the Board of Directors, Baltic Association of Housing
"The thermally e.cient building: €3 billion in energy savings",
Laurent Minguet, Manager the Year 2004.
From 16.30 - 18.30 : Guided visit of the "Environment Energy route"
9 March 2006: Energy management in buildings: the role of public
The objective here is, using a series of presentations and a thematic
workshop, to show the innovative actions and initiatives set into motion by
public authorities to promote energy saving and use of renewable energy in
public and private buildings.
It includes methods of financing and the institutional and legislative
changes that need to be put into place.
From 10.30 à 13.30
Moderator: Gabrielle Lefèvre, responsible for "Le Soir Immo".
Introduction by Els Van Weert, Belgian Secretary of State for
Sustainable Development, and giving of the "Energy Saving Award".
"EU involvement in the renovation of social housing in the context
of sustainable development", Alain Hutchinson, member of the European
Parliament (MEP) and vice-president of Intergroupe URBAN-Logement.
"The stakes of better control of energy use in existing social
housing in France", Frédéric Groulet, Union Sociale pour l’Habitat.
"Social housing in Estonia: problems and issues", Marianne Mikko,
member of the European Parliament (MEP), Estonia.
"Energy savings in government buildings via a third party .nancing
methodology", Rudi Vanderbeecken and Christophe Madam, Fedesco.
"Performance contracting for public buildings and supply contracting
for social housing", Michael Geissler, managing director, Berlin Energy
"Intelligent Energy Europe: an overview of projects supporting the
retro.tting of social housing", Paula Cadima, project officer, EC Intelligent Energy Executive Agency.
From 13.30 - 14.00 : Lunch-sandwiches.
From 14.00 - 16.00 : Workshop "Social housing and Energy" How to integrate
and duplicate good practices in the rational use of energy and sources of
renewable energy in social housing.
Moderator: Laurent Ghekiere, representative to the EU of "Union
sociale pour l’habitat".
"Sustainable energy in social housing in the Flemish region", Luc
Stijnen, engineer, Zonnige Kempen.
"How to handle energy issues in housing: the experience of a French
social housing contractor", Michel Deom, technical director of S.P.L. and
Dominique Hays, director of Chenelet.
"Tools and actions of the energy facilitator in social housing in
the Brussels region", Jonathan Fronho.s, Energy facilitator-social housing.
"Keeping warm for €25 a year, is it really possible? The example of
a passive, lowenergy social housing project in the Walloon Region",
Sebastien Moreno-Vacca, architect-administrator A2M.
Practical information
Opens at 10.00.
Conference starts at 10.30.
The number of places is limited.
Programme, presentations and press release at:
Participation is free.
To reach the conferences
Enter at gate C (Palais 5, opposite the Atomium).
On presentation of your registration, you will receive your badge for
admission to the conferences.
From parking C, go to the Architects counter (Hall Astrid).
On presentation of your registration, you will receive your badge for
admission to the conferences.
Address: Palace 5, opposite the Atomium, VIP room.
Brussels Expo, Place de Belgique 1, 1030 Brussels.
Conferences on 3 March: bilingual Dutch and French.
Conferences on 8 and 9 March: simultaneous translation in Dutch, English, &
How to get there
Train: from the Central Station, take Metro 1A, direction "Roi Baudouin",
get off at "Heysel".
From the Gare du Midi (South Station), which is the arrival point for Thalys
from Paris, Amsterdam and Cologne, and Eurostar from Lille and London, take
Metro 2, direction "Simonis", then Metro 1A direction "Roi Baudouin", get o.
at "Heysel".
Subway: Take Line 1A and get o.
at the "Heysel" station, which is directly opposite Palace 1 of
Trams: lines 23 and 81 stop directly in front of Palace 1, "Heysel".
Line 52 stops in front of the "Esplanade".
Bus: lines 84 and 89 stop directly in front of Palace 1, "Heysel" .
Taxis: Always available in front of Palace 3, in front of Palace 5 (opposite
the Atomium), and in front of gate G, Chaussée Romaine.
Car: Direct connection to the motorway network.
Mandatory prior registration via email with "For the Solidarity":