town of weathersfield, vermont - Vermont Business Registry and Bid

Baltimore Road (T.H. 5)
Concrete Box Culvert Project
Request for Proposals
Topographic Survey, Design, and Construction Inspection Services
Issued: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mandatory Pre-bid meeting for Engineers:
8:00 AM, Wednesday, November 23, 2011
at Site of Culvert on Baltimore Road
Proposals due: Noon, Thursday, 12/1/11
The Town of Weathersfield, Vermont is soliciting Topographic Survey, Design, and
Construction Inspection Services for the following work: Assist the Town with the replacement
of the Irene-damaged, undersize culvert on Baltimore Road that is located 0.6 miles west of VT
Route 106 with a 60’ +/- concrete box culvert that has a 14’ wide by 5’ high inside opening as
recommended in the 4/16/10 VTrans Hydraulic Study. (see Appendix 1)
On 11/2/11, the Town submitted a Letter of Intent to apply for a grant from the Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program to fund this project. This grant program is administered by Vermont
Emergency Management. The grant application is due January 20, 2012. The grant application
requires “maps, a list of alternative proposals, engineering plans, hydrology studies (if needed),
and a full benefit cost analysis (BCA).” A hydraulic study was completed by VTrans on 4/16/10.
The estimated cost of this project is $140,000. A Hazard Mitigation Grant, if awarded, will
provide 75% funding, with the town providing the balance in cash and in-kind services.
All Work will be accomplished in accordance with the following:
VTrans Construction Manual
VTrans Materials Sampling Manual
VTrans Approved Products List
VTrans List of Materials with Advance Certification
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction 2006
VTrans Supplemental Specifications
VTrans General Special Provisions for All Projects
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
The consultant hired to perform these services shall be qualified to perform a variety of
topographic survey, design, inspection, record keeping and construction engineering activities
including, but not limited to:
Task 1: Topographic Survey and Design Services
1. Assist the Town to prepare an application for a Hazard Mitigation Grant to fund this
project. The grant application is due January 20, 2012. The grant application
requires “maps, a list of alternative proposals, engineering plans, hydrology studies
(these were already completed by VTrans on 4/16/10), and a full benefit cost analysis
2. As soon as possible after award of contract, assist the town make an initial
determination of whether the project will meet the Cost Benefit Analysis requirement
of the grant that the projected savings realized by the project will exceed the original
construction costs of the project. If the answer is “no,” the project will end; if the
answer is “yes,” proceed to task #3, topographic survey.
3. Perform a topographic survey of the existing culvert area as follows:
 Control shall be assumed (rather than based on USGS Datum).
 Contours shall be minimum of 2’ intervals.
 Length of survey to begin 100’ upstream and extend 100’ downstream from the
existing culvert.
 Width of survey to begin 100’ east of the culvert and extend 300’ west (that is,
uphill) of the culvert along Baltimore Road.
 At least 2 control points shall be provided in locations that will not be effected by
the construction.
 Show on plans highway right-of-way and property lines as shown on the two land
surveys on file in the Town Land Records. In the third location, where there is no
survey on file, show an assumed 3 rod highway right-of-way.
 The topographic survey does not need to be performed by a Licensed Vermont
Land Surveyor.
4. Provide typical sections, including the centerline of the stream channel through the
culvert and the centerline of the road.
5. Show on plans an area at the project site that may be used by the Contractor to
construct a temporary bypass.
6. Coordinate and obtain Stream Alteration Permit from the State of Vermont.
7. Prepare an erosion control plan in accordance with Stream Alteration Permit.
8. Provide stakeout and offset stakeout prior to construction bidding.
9. Prepare construction bid package based on VTrans unit cost items.
10. Maintain communication with the Town on an as-needed basis.
11. Accompany the State or Federal representatives and Municipal representatives on
visits to the project site..
12. Assist the Town in drawing up the physical description and conditions for any
necessary easements (estimated at 3 temporary and 2 permanent).
[Note: The Town will hire a Vermont Registered Land Surveyor to draw up any
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
easements recommended by the engineer and the Town will hire an attorney to
prepare the easements. The Town will assume the cost of both tasks.]
13. Task 1: Topographic Survey and Design Services: Provide a fixed cost for a
topographic survey. Provide a low and high estimate of the hours for design services.
Provide an hourly rate for design services. Provide a maximum limiting amount for
design services.
COST FOR TASK 1: Topographic Survey and Design Services
Low: ____________hours
High: ___________hours
DESIGN HOURLY RATE: $_____________
First date consultant is available to assist town with Cost Benefit Analysis: ___________
(assuming contract is awarded 12/7/11)
Task 2: Construction Inspection
1. Assist the Town prepare the advertisement for the Request for Bids for construction.
2. Hold pre-bid meeting with potential contractors and Town.
3. Respond to contractor questions during bidding. Issue any addendums via email.
4. Attend bid opening, review bids received, and prepare recommendation to the Town.
5. Ensure contractor contacts Dig-Safe.
6. Check on progress of construction.
7. Verify grades and alignment are as specified.
8. Schedule compaction testing (if applicable, depending on materials used).
9. Prepare Daily Reports, including quantities.
10. Review Contractor invoices.
11. Assist Town in grant administration by preparing engineering documents required for
grant administration.
12. Calculate and verify the final contract quantities.
13. Review Contractor’s progress payments.
14. Maintain communication with the Town on an as-needed basis.
15. Accompany Municipal, State, and/or Federal representatives on scheduled visits to
the project.
16. Participate in Construction Status meetings with the Contractor and Town.
17. Report immediately any unusual occurrences and all accidents occurring within the
project limits to the Town.
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
18. Review and submit to the Town any suggestions or requests made by the Contractor
to change or modify any requirements of the Plans or Contract Documents.
19. Receive certificates, computations and reference materials submitted by the
Contractor. Maintain files of all items submitted by the Contractor.
20. Check that the Contractor is in compliance with all construction contract
requirements; Town of Weathersfield ordinances; property rights agreements; erosion
and sediment control plans; storm water management plans; state permits, regulations
and statutes; federal regulations and statutes; and exercise the engineer’s authority as
provided in the contract documents.
21. Inspect and approve material sources.
22. Review and verify traffic and pedestrian control activities.
23. Check that completed work complies with the plans and specifications and is true to
line and grade.
24. Make an inspection of work completed at such time as the Contractor may claim
substantial completion, with a Contractor’s representative, and issue a list of items to
be corrected or completed.
25. Coordinate, schedule and attend the Final Inspection. Attend all other job related
26. Maintain a photographic record of the progress of construction, annotating such
photos to indicate their content and context including date. This photographic record
must be available for reference by Town, State or Federal representatives.
27. Issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion at the appropriate time.
28. Provide certification to the Town that this project was constructed as designed,
subject to appropriate and necessary revisions during construction, in conformance
with all project specifications and that all necessary contract provisions were fully
complied with.
29. Provide a low and high estimate of the hours for construction inspection services.
This may range from full time to partial inspection services depending on the
construction progress of the contractor. Provide an hourly rate for construction
inspection services. Provide a maximum limiting amount.
Low: ____________hours
High: ___________hours
Task 3: Materials and Equipment Inspection and Testing
1. Check that materials submitted meet or exceed VTrans Specifications.
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
2. The selected Consultant is responsible for hiring and supervising any required testing
by an independent qualified laboratory. The Town shall reimburse the Consultant for
the reasonable and customary costs of required testing plus a 10% markup.
TESTING COMPANY: ______________________
HOURLY RATE: $__________________________
SIEVE ANALYSIS COST: $_____________/per sample
PROCTOR ANALYSIS COST: $_____________/per sample
Consultant Information:
Prime Consultant: _________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________
Business Phone #: __________________________________
Cell Phone #: ______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________
Date: _________
Title: _____________________________________________
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
The Construction Inspection Consultant will be expected to wear personal protective equipment,
including appropriate headgear, footwear and a reflectorized vest when on the project site.
The Construction Inspection Consultant will be expected to provide and have on the project all
necessary equipment, tools, and supplies needed to carry out the required duties.
The Construction Inspection Consultant should plan on being on-site during construction of the
project to the extent necessary to certify, on completion of the project, that the project was built
as designed, subject to appropriate and necessary revisions during construction, in conformance
with all project specifications and that all necessary contract provisions were fully complied
The Construction Inspection Consultant will be the primary contact person representing the
Town of Weathersfield on the project. The consultant will be responsible to resolve any design
related issues that may arise during construction.
Responses to this RFP shall consist of a Technical Proposal and a Cost Proposal being submitted
in a single sealed envelope.
A. The Technical Proposal shall consist of:
1. A cover letter expressing the consultant’s interest in working with the Town of
Weathersfield including an identification of the principal individuals that will provide
the requested services.
2. A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of the project
and an explanation of any variances to the proposed scope of work as outlined in this
3. A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional
qualifications. The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included
in this list. The individual’s names, titles and expected duties should be included. Any
personnel not specified in the proposal will require the approval of the TOWN prior
to utilization or invoicing.
4. Describe experience with federally funded transportation construction projects and
familiarity with VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction.
5. Demonstration of success on similar projects, including a brief project description and
a contact name and address for reference.
The Cost Proposal shall consist of completing the hours and costs for TASKS 1-3 shown
in the boxes above and filling out and signing the Consultant Information form.
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
It is anticipated that the Consultant will be selected by the Weathersfield Select Board on or
about Tuesday evening, December 6, 2011, with immediate notification to the Chosen
Consultant by phone, and a contract awarded as soon as possible thereafter.
The Town of Weathersfield will review and evaluate all proposals based on the following
Understanding the Scope of Work
Availability of Technical Resources
Reasonableness of Labor Hour Schedule
Qualification/Experience of Assigned Staff
Proven record of successful completion of similar projects
The selection committee may elect to interview consultants by phone or in person prior to final
selection. The Town of Weathersfield reserves the right to seek clarification of any proposal
submitted and to select the proposal considered to best promote the public interest.
The consultant shall be registered with the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office to do business in
the State of Vermont. If not already registered, the registration form may be obtained from the
Vermont Secretary of State, 26 Terrace Street, Montpelier, VT 05609. The telephone number is
(802) 828-2363.
Mandatory Site Visit: All consultants responding to this RFP shall have attended the
mandatory site visit scheduled for 8:00 AM on Wednesday, November 23, 2011.
The contract for services, if awarded, will be awarded to the least costly, best qualified and most
responsible proposer. In determining the “least costly, best qualified and most responsible
proposer,” in addition to price, the following may be considered:
The substantial performance of the proposer in meeting the specifications
and other terms and conditions of the solicitation;
The ability, capacity and skill of the proposer to provide the services
required, and to do so within the time specified;
The character, integrity, reputation, experience, financial resources and
performance of the proposer under previous contracts with the municipality and
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
The Chosen Consultant shall supply the Town with a Certificate of Insurance showing general
liability coverage no less than $1,000,000 and professional liability coverage of no less than
$1,000,000. This does not have to be provided at the time bids are submitted. The Chosen
Consultant shall either supply the Town with proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance for all
employees engaged in the work or shall sign a waiver form provided by the Town. This does
not have to be provided at the time bids are submitted.
The Chosen Consultant may be required to provide references and demonstrate successful
completion of similar work. The Chosen Consultant may be required to demonstrate that he or
she consistently performs work using the highest quality of workmanship. The Chosen
Consultant may be required to demonstrate that he or she owns or has access to the equipment
required to perform this work.
The Town reserves the right: (1) to accept or reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part and
to accept other than the lowest price proposal; (2) to amend, modify, or withdraw this Request
for Proposals; (3) to require supplemental statements or information from Proposers; (4) to
extend the deadline for responses to this Request for Proposals; (4) to waive or correct any
irregularities in Proposals received; (5) to negotiate separately with one or more competing
Proposers; and (6) to award a contract (if awarded) to the proposal deemed in the best interest of
the Town.
The Town will issue a Purchase Order to the Chosen Contractor.
All proposals, upon submission, become the property of the Town. This solicitation in no way
obligates the Town to award a contract.
Consultants interested in this project shall submit five copies of their Proposals to:
Jim Mullen, Town Manager
Town of Weathersfield
5259 Route 5
PO Box 550
Ascutney, Vermont 05030
Cell Phone: 802.230.6262
The Technical Proposal and the Cost Proposal must be submitted in a single, sealed envelope
(i.e., do not seal the technical and cost proposals in separate envelopes) with the following
information clearly printed on the outside:
Name and address of prime consultant
Due date and time
Project name: “RFP Baltimore Road Culvert Project”
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project
All questions related to this Request for Proposals are to be addressed to the Town Manger.
Questions may be submitted by cell phone or by email.
Addendums: Any Addendums will be issued by the Town Manager by email to those engineers
who signed the attendance sheet at the mandatory site visit on November 23, 2011.
Proposal Due Date: All proposals must be received by the Town Manager no later than Noon on
Thursday, December 1, 2011. [Note that UPS and FedEx deliveries normally arrive at the town
office in mid-afternoon.] Proposals and/or modifications received after this time will not be
accepted. All proposals, upon submission, become the property of the Town of Weathersfield.
The expense of preparing and submitting the proposal is the sole responsibility of the consultant.
End of 9 page RFP –
Appendix #1: VTrans Hydraulics Study for Weathersfield TH 5, dated 16 April 2010, for site
0.6 miles west of VT 106 (1 page)
Town of Weathersfield RFP
Issued 11/16/11
Baltimore Road Concrete Box Culvert Project