Strictly Private and Confidential SCHOOL OF CLINICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Meeting held on Wednesday 2 February 2015 at 12.30-2pm, Boardroom, Chancellor’s Building. Present: Prof H Critchley (in the Chair), G Cameron, H Cullion, Prof C ffrench-Constant, Dr S Hannah, Prof P Hayes, Prof M Heck, Prof A MacLullich, Prof I Marshall, Prof J Pollard, V Renton (for item 5), Dr S Riley, A Scott, Prof E Van Beek,. 1. Welcome from Head of School 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes from previous meeting held on 18 November 2014 Minutes of the last meeting were confirmed. 4. Matters arising from the previous minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda Research Excellence Framework No details were currently available on what funding would result from the 2014 REF. 5. ERI Val Renton, Research and Development Officer outlined the support and advice that ERI could offer aside from the grant application process. This included hosting seminars on grant application processes particularly for early career researchers and Chancellor’s Fellows who were new to the University, research governance, the importance of IRG forms, working with NHS R&D and EU projects for all PIs were proposed. It was agreed that the School would liaise with ERI to set up several fora on these subjects. For the EU grant process, contact would be made with the ERI group that dealt with the large complex funding bids and request a seminar on this subject to highlight the support that they could offer. The Committee was informed that the University subscribed to “Research Professional” which was an online service offering access to a database of research funding opportunities. This was available to all staff of the University. Further information on how to access could be found at There was also a discussion that feeding back to central University (VP Jonathan Seckl) the view from research centres was that staff at ERI if had the available staff resources, could be more pro-active in terms of a problem solving role. It was be valuable to have a small working group looking at some of the obstacles researchers (in particular those who held clinical trials) faced when taking forward their funding agenda once the grant had been successfully received. Action: School to organise seminars hosted by ERI on subjects such as grant application process. 6. Athena Swan Athena Swan Self Assessment Team aimed to have the draft application for Silver Award ready by summer 2015. Directors of Centres were to be contacted shortly regarding Athena Swan initiatives and to gather data required for the silver award application. Members were asked to ensure that they have completed the current Gender Equality survey and to encourage their staff to also complete. Action: School to send reminders to staff to complete Gender Equality survey and ask Centre Directors to promote this amongst their areas. 7. Restructure of College of Medicine The three medical schools (Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Sciences and Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences) would be brought together into a single Edinburgh Medical School from August 2015. The new Medical School would be divided into three Deaneries, each led by a Dean. These would replace the current three Schools, with current Heads of Schools taking these roles and continuing to work at the level of a Head of School. 8. Health and Safety For information, staff were reminded that attendance on the Health and Safety Awareness for PIs, supervisors and other service managers was mandatory for all those responsible for the health, safety and welfare of others acting under their direction. Those who had previously attended, but not within the last five years, were strongly recommended by the University to attend for refresher training. All staff that underwent health and safety training were advised to ensure that personal training records were maintained. Action: relevant staff to undertake Health and Safety Awareness training. 9. Undergraduate Professor Iredale has set up a group to consider the previous NSS scores and action required. He was tasked by the Principal to address the feedback and what strategies were in place to improve results. 10. Postgraduate i) Student Satisfaction Surveys – staff were requested to encourage students to complete these. The School had over 1,000 PGT students with many OLDL so it was challenging to raise the response rate but the School was working with the student survey team on this. ii) CMVM has agreed to devolve IAD funding to Schools to support local requirements and initiatives in support of the professional, personal and career development of early career researchers, doctoral and masters students. Feedback of the use of these funds was welcomed. Action: School to work with student survey team to raise response rate to teaching/experience surveys. Recommendations on use of devolved IAD funding to be made to School Administrator. 11. Finance SFC funded salaries were forecast to be overspent due in some measure to a reduction in budget received. All budget holders of unrestricted income accounts (ie in G departmental accounts) should ensure that any surpluses held were spent by financial year end as there was no guarantee that unspent funds could be carried forward into the 2015/16 financial year. Action: budget holders to review unrestricted accounts. 12. Job Planning for Clinical Academics It was confirmed that clinical academics should use the paper job plan and not the electronic job plan that NHS-employed consultants were required to use. All job plans and any amendments to it had to be jointly signed by both the NHS and University. 13. Post Approval Process The University’s Policy and Resources Committee had agreed to re-introduce the central “Post Approval Group” process for all internally funded posts. This was due to concerns that the University’s salary costs, in particular for non-academic staff, were currently growing disproportionately relative to the wider growth of the University. For external funded posts there was still a need to show funding, for example, the post in question was costed to a research grant. A new form for post approval had been developed with a clear request that costings for the post were clearly outlined. Action: members to note new form for post approval process. 14. Date of next meetings Tuesday 3 March 2015 at 12.30-2pm, Boardroom, Chancellor’s Building Tuesday 5 May 2015 at 12.30-2pm, Boardroom, Chancellor’s Building Wednesday 24 June 2015 at 12.30-2pm, Boardroom, Chancellor’s Building