Don’t trouble yourself with other theoretical possibilities, because there aren’t any. You will soon learn to see –ξ- & -ψ- as indications of fu 1. (and ao. II) verb forms. Caution: you will not always find the right (or any) verb by following the instructions stated; in that case look for the stem in the list of verb stems. 2. [-ε-]. This kind of fu is reserved to A & Md futures of stems ending in a “liquida” (the liquidae are: λ, μ, ν, ρ). The –ε- is of course followed by a thematic ending; this puts two vowels into contact, resulting in contraction. For that one is referred to the page on contracted conjugation (p 53) for the actual forms of these futures. One example: imagine a stem κτεν-: this ends in a liquida, so the fu will be of type 2. The fu A ind 2nd pl will be κτενέετε and this will contract to κτενεῖτε. The A du pr-ind 1st sg of this verb (the lexical form) is κτείνω. Futures of verbs in -ίζω (stems in --ιδ-) are formed by lopping off the last --δ- and adding --έω, e.g. κομίζω, fu κομιέω, conjugated as verbs in --έω. Only when the stem is monosyllabic, the future is of the normal 1.-type: κτίζω, fu κτίσω. A table for finding the lexical form: -ιέω < -ίζω -μεω < -μνω, -μω -ρεω < -ιρω, -ρω -λεω < -λλω -νεω < -ινω, -νω [N.B. Not all contracted thematic endings preceded by a liquida are future forms: φιλοῦμεν, χωρεῖν, to name but a few examples of many, are duratives (<φιλέω, χωρέω).] 3. [-θησ-]. This is the stock Passive future. [See the page on canonical conjugation (p 8283)] The endings are always of the Medio-Passive kind, of course. A table for tracing the lexical source form: -αθησομαι < -αω -ρθησομαι < -(ι)ρω, -ρδω -εθησομαι < - εω -σθησομαι < -δω, -ζω, -θω, -νδω, -τω, -ω -ηθησομαι < -αω, -εω -υθησομαι < -υω -ιθησομαι < -ιω -φθησομαι < -βω, -πτω, -πω, -φω -λθησομαι < -λλω -χθησομαι < -γω, -κω, -ττω, -χω -νθησομαι < -(ι)νω -ωθησομαι < -οω, -ωω [Not all forms ending in –θησομαι etc. are future Passives: αἰσθήσομαι, for instance, is a Md fu of αἰσθάνομαι (on the stem αἰσθη-).] 4. [-ησ-]. This kind is also a Passive future, with Medio-Passive endings. When a verb has a Passive aorist V, then it has a P fu 4. If the P ao has a different stem-vowel from the parent verb, the P fu has it too. Passive aorists V (p 48-49) are fairly frequent, but somewhat less so are the derived futures 4. All the important ones can be found by way of the verb stem list, but they are not given separately from the aorists: if a verb has an ao V, it is taken for granted that there is also a fu 4. 5. [reduplication/augment -–σ-] A relatively rare sort of forms. It is only for completeness’ sake that they are mentioned here. The –σ- is stuck onto what one might call the perfect stem. This procedure begets forms like τεθνήξω for the Active and εὶρήσεται for the Medio-Passive. The first time you come across a form of this type, you will probably already be an experienced reader and take it in your stride. This type is called “futurum exactum” (~ past future) in most grammars. 42