CERRA Bibliography - Department of the Environment

CERRA Bibliography
Abedinia, M., Henry, R. J. and Clark, S. C. (1998) Distribution and phylogeny of
Potamophila parviflora R. Br. a wild relative of rice from eastern Australia. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 45, 399-406.
Adam, P. (1987) New South Wales rainforests: the nomination for the World Heritage list.
Sydney: National Parks and Wildlife Service of N.S.W.
Adam, P. (1992) Australian Rainforests. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Adams, S. (2002) (Draft) plan of management for Moore Park Nature Reserve. unpublished
report for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Adlem, L. T. and Timms, B. V. (2000) Biogeography of the freshwater Peracarida (Crustacea)
from Barrington Tops, NSW. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 122,
Alexander, J. (1995) Fire management in the Border Ranges National Park. Honours Thesis:
Southern Cross University, Lismore.
Allen, S. J. (1992) Analysing wild dog and fox scats to determine their feeding habits on
native fauna. Undergraduate Thesis: University of New England, Northern Rivers,
Allsopp, P. G. (1989) Schizognathus apricagger sp. n. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
from southeast Queensland and new locality records for other Schizognathus spp. Journal
of the Australian Entomological Society 28, 187-190.
Amber, N. (1999) Distribution of the golden-tipped bat in state forests of northern New South
Wales. Undergraduate Thesis: School of Resource Science and Management, Southern
Cross University, Lismore.
Andersen, N. M. and Weir, T. A. (2003) The genus Microvelia Westwood in Australia
(Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae). Invertebrate Systematics 17, 261-348.
Anon. (1916) Birds observed on Barrington Tops, N.S.W. Emu 15, 260-261.
Anon. (1988) The Bicentennial National Trail guidebook no. 8: Ebor to Barrington Tops.
Toowoomba: The Bicentennial National Trail.
Anon. (1989) The Bicentennial National Trail guidebook no. 9: Barrington Tops to Jenolan
Caves. Toowoomba: The Bicentennial National Trail.
Anon. (2000) Nomination of 'Big Scrub Lowland Rainforest' as an endangered ecological
community. unpublished report.
Anstis, M. (1981) Breeding biology and range extension for the New South Wales frog
Kyarranus sphagnicolus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Australian Journal of Herpetology 1,
Anstis, M., Alford, R. A. and Gillespie, G. R. (1998) Breeding biology of Litoria
booroolongensis (Moore, 1961), and Litoria lesueuri (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) (Anura:
Hylidae) and comments on population declines of L. booroolongensis. Transactions of the
Royal Society of South Australia 122, 33-43.
Anstis, M. and Littlejohn, M. J. (1996) The breeding biology of Litoria subglandulosa and L.
citropa (Anura: Hylidae), and a re-evaluation of their geographic distribution.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 120, 83-99.
Anusarnsunthorn, V. (1989) Studies on the taxonomy, floral morphology and palynology of
Australian species of Parsonsia [Family Apocynaceae]. PhD Thesis: University of New
England, Armidale.
Archer, A. W. (1991) Synonmy and chemotaxonomy of Australian Pertusaria species
(Lichenes) based on Australian type specimens. Telopea 4, 165-184.
Archer, A. W. (1999) The lichen genera Graphis and Graphina (Graphidaceae) in Australia 1.
Species based on Australian type specimens. Telopea 8, 273-295.
Archer, A. W. (2001a) The lichen genera Phaeographis and Phaeographina (Graphidaceae)
in Australia 2: Phaeographina - new reports and new species. Telopea 9, 329-344.
Archer, A. W. (2001b) The lichen genera Phaeographis and Phaeographina (Graphidaceae)
in Australia 3: Phaeographis - new reports and new species. Telopea 9, 663-677.
Archer, A. W. (2004) The lichen genera Cyclographina, Diplogramma, Glyphis,
Gymnographa, Medusulina, Sarcographa and Sarcographina (Graphidaceae) in Australia.
Telopea 10, 589-605.
Arnold, C. and Rossetto, M. (2002) Comparative population studies in two Cissus species
(Vitaceae) across fragmented and undisturbed rainforest habitats. Cunninghamia 7, 683693.
Atkin, O. K., Schortemeyer, M., McFarlane, N. and Evans, J. R. (1998) Variation in the
components of relative growth rate in ten Acacia species from contrasting environments.
Plant, Cell and Environment 21, 1007-1017.
Atkinson, W. D. (1985) Coexistence of Australian rainforest Diptera breeding in fallen fruit.
Journal of Animal Ecology 54, 507-518.
Austeco Environmental Consultants (1994a) Urbenville Management Area EIS: supporting
document no. 3: aquatic environment report. place of publication unknown: State Forests
of New South Wales.
Austeco Environmental Consultants (1994b) Urbenville Management Area EIS: supporting
document no. 4: description and assessment of forestry impacts on fauna of the Urbenville
Forestry Management Area. place of publication unknown: State Forests of New South
Austeco Pty Ltd (1994) Coffs Harbour/Urunga Management Area EIS: supporting document
no. 3: aquatic environment report. place of publication unknown: State Forests of New
South Wales.
Austral Archaeology (2004) Conservation management plan: Gara River Hydro Electric
Scheme: Oxley Wild Rivers National Park NSW. unpublished report for NSW National
Parks and Wildlife service.
Australian Conservation Foundation Gold Coast (1997) Lyrebird Ridge Road Springbrook
roadside management plan. unpublished report: Australian Conservation Foundation Gold
Australian Museum Business Services (1995a) Proposed forestry operations in the Casino
Management Area: volume C: environmental and fauna impact statement: fauna
appendix. Pennant Hills: State Forests of New South Wales.
Australian Museum Business Services (1995b) Proposed forestry operations in the Urbenville
Management Area: volume D: environmental impact statement: fauna impact statement.
Pennant Hills: State Forests of New South Wales.
Australian Water Technologies Science & Environment (1994) Dorrigo interim EIS:
supporting document no. 2: Dorrigo three-year environmental impact statement area:
aquatic fauna report. place of publication unknown: State Forests of New South Wales.
Ayre, I. C. (2000) Towards education for sustainability: the role and potential of a rainforest
centre. Masters Thesis: Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan.
Bacchus, M. E. (1974) A revision of the Australian species of the genus Glycyphana
Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society
13, 111-128.
Baehr, B. (2003) Revision of the Australian spider genus Habronestes (Araneae: Zodariidae).
Species of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Records of the
Australian Museum 55, 343-376.
Baehr, B. and Jocque, R. (2001) Revisions of genera in the Asteron-complex (Araneae:
Zodariidae): new genera Pentasteron, Phenasteron, Leptasteron and Subasteron. Memoirs
of the Queensland Museum 46, 359-385.
Baehr, M. (2002) Two new species of Sloaneana Csiki from southern Queensland
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Merizodinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 48, 9-15.
Bailey, D. (2000) Flora survey Bar Mountain: Falcorostrum Loop and Bar Mountain Circuit
Border Ranges National Park. unpublished report for NSW National Parks and Wildlife
Bailey, D. R. (1999) Murray Scrub Road Toonumbar National Park: flora survey.
unpublished report for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Baker, J. (2000) The eastern bristlebird: cover-dependent and fire-sensitive. Emu 100, 286298.
Bale, C. L. (1974) Topographic studies in the New England National Park. Honours Thesis:
Department of Botany, University of New England, Armidale.
Ballantyne, L. A. and Lambkin, C. (2000) Lampyridae of Australia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae:
Luciolinae: Luciolini). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46, 15-93.
Ballina Shire Council (1997) State of the environment report. unpublished report: Ballina
Shire Council.
Balloch, D. (1993a) Casino Management Area EIS and Murwillumbah Management Area
EIS: supporting document no. 2: aquatic environment survey report. Pennant Hills: State
Forests of New South Wales.
Balloch, D. (1993b) Grafton Management Area EIS supplementary report: aquatic
environment survey. unpublished report for State Forests of New South Wales.
Bann, G. (2001) It's not easy being green: enhancing frog habitat in the Hunter. Hunter Flora
newsletter December 2001, 6-7.
Barker, J. (1981) Amphibians and reptiles of the Hastings River and Forbes River catchments
and the Upper Kunderang Brook and Mount Banda Banda. unpublished report for NSW
National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Barker, J. (year unknown) Reptiles and amphibians of the Gibraltar Range. unpublished
Barrett, C. (1927) The Williams River camp. Emu 26, 184-187.
Barry, S. J. and Thomas, G. T. (1994) Threatened vascular rainforest plants of south-east
Queensland: a conservation review. unpublished report to ANCA: Queensland
Department of Environment and Heritage.
Basset, Y. (1989) The temporal and spatial distribution of arboreal arthropods associated
with the rainforest tree Argyrodendron actinophyllum. PhD Thesis: Division of Australian
Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Nathan.
Basset, Y. and Arthington, A. H. (1992) The arthropod community of an Australian rainforest
tree: abundance of component taxa, species richness and guild structure. Australian
Journal of Ecology 17, 89-98.
Baur, G. (1977) Rain forests in the service of man. in Goldstein, W. (Ed), Rain Forests.
Sydney: National Parks and Wildlife Service, pp. 18- 22.
Baxter, A. P. (1999) The impact of feral goats (Capra hircus L.) on dry rainforest in Bakers
Creek, Macleay Gorges, NSW. Masters Thesis: Faculty of Sciences, University of New
England, Armidale.
Baxter, G. S. (1978) A comparison of the occurrence of mammals between native and pine
forests in north eastern N.S.W. Undergraduate Thesis: University of New England,
Bayne, P., Harden, B., Pines, K. and Taylor, U. (2000) Controlling feral goats by shooting
from a helicopter with and without the assistance of ground-based spotters. Wildlife
Research 27, 517-523.
Bean, A. R. (1997) Notes on Eucalyptus ser. psathyroxyla Blakely (Myrtaceae) and other 'Ash
group' eucalypts. Austrobaileya 5, 125-135.
Bean, A. R. (1998) A revision of Baeckea (Myrtaceae) in eastern Australia, Malesia and
south-east Asia. Telopea 7, 245-268.
Bean, A. R. (2001) A revision of Solanum brownii Dunal (Solanaceae) and its allies. Telopea
9, 639-661.
Beaumont, N. (2001) Ecotourism and the conservation ethic: recruiting the uninitiated or
preaching to the converted? Journal of Sustainable Tourism 9, 317-341.
Beckmann, G. G. and Thompson, C. H. (1977) The soils. in Molyneux, G., Bryden, M. M.,
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The Border Ranges: a land use conflict in regional perspective. Brisbane: Royal Society of
Queensland, pp. 7-10.
Belcher, C. (2004) The largest surviving marsupial carnivore on mainland Australia: the tiger
or spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus, a nationally threatened, forest-dependent
species. in Lunney, D. (Ed), Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna. 2nd edn. Mosman:
Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, pp. 612-623.
Bell, H. L. (1983) Resource-partitioning between three syntopic thornbills (Acanthizidae:
Acanthiza Vigors and Horsfield). PhD Thesis: Zoology Department, University of New
England, Armidale.
Bell, H. L. (1985) The social organization and foraging behaviour of three syntopic thornbills
Acanthiza spp. in Keast, A., Recher, H. F., Ford, H. and Saunders, D. (Eds), Birds of
eucalypt forests and woodlands: ecology, conservation, management. Chipping Norton:
Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union and Surrey Beatty & Sons, pp. 151-163.
Bell, H. L. (1986a) The participation by cuckoos in mixed-species flocks of insectivorous
birds in south-eastern Australia. Emu 86, 249-253.
Bell, H. L. (1986b) Sexual differences in the behaviour of wintering golden whistlers
Pachycephala pectoralis at Wollomombi, N.S.W. Emu 86, 2-11.
Bell, S. (2001) Vesselowskya venusta: a new restricted small tree from Barrington Tops.
Hunter Flora newsletter October 2001, 1.
Bell, S. A. J. (1990) Effects of the weed Scotch broom on bird communities in open forests on
Barrington Tops. Honours Thesis: Department of Geography, University of Newcastle,
Bennett, R. J. (1989) Dry rainforest-fire interactions in the Apsley-Macleay Gorges:
implications for management. Masters Thesis: Department of Ecosystem Management,
University of New England, Armidale.
Bennett, R. J. and Cassells, D. S. (1988) Dry-rainforests fire interactions: considerations for
research and management. Armidale: Department of Ecosystem Management, University
of New England.
Bennett, R. J. and Cassells, D. S. (1989) Characteristics and fire vulnerability assessment of
the dry rainforest in the Apsley-Macleay Gorges. Armidale: Department of Ecosystem
Management, University of New England.
Benson, J. S. and Redpath, P. A. (1997) The nature of pre-European native vegetation in
south-eastern Australia: a critique of Ryan, D.G., Ryan, J.R. and Starr, B.J. (1995) The
Australian Landscape __ Observations of Explorers and Early Settlers. Cunninghamia 5,
Benson, R. B. (1935) New Australian sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Memoirs of the
Queensland Museum 10, 211-229.
Benwell, A. (2001) Assessment of rare and threatened flora along selected ex-logging roads
in NSW NPWS Kyogle area: Wallaby Creek, Wire Gate and un-named roads - Tooloom
NP, South Haystack & Pocupar (section) roads - Yabbra NP, Castle Spur Road Toonumbar NP. unpublished report for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Berger, L., Speare, R., Hines, H. B., Marantelli, G., Hyatt, A. D., McDonald, K. R., Skerratt,
L. F., Olsen, V., Clarke, J. M., Gillespie, G., Mahony, M., Sheppard, N., Williams, C. and
Tyler, M. J. (2004) Effect of season and temperature on mortality in amphibians due to
chytridiomycosis. Australian Veterinary Journal 82, 434-439.
Berger, L., Speare, R. and Hyatt, A. D. (1999) Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines:
overview, implications and future directions. in Campbell, A. (Ed), Declines and
Disappearances of Australian frogs. Canberra: Environment Australia, pp. 23-33.
Bernhardt, P., Sage, T., Weston, P., Azuma, H., Lam, M., Thien, L. B. and Bruhl, J. (2003)
The pollination of Trimenia moorei (Trimeniaceae): floral volatiles, insect/wind pollen
vectors and stigmatic self-incompatibility in a basal angiosperm. Annals of Botany 92,
Bettington, B. C. J. (1926) Birds recorded near R.A.O.U. camp, upper Williams River,
N.S.W.; October, 1926. Emu 26, 188-192.
Bettington, J. (1997) Mt Cougal sawmill and environs: history and significance. unpublished
report: Cultural Heritage Branch, Department of Environment.
Beveridge, I. and Chilton, N. B. (1998) Corollonema thylogale n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda:
Strongyloidea), parasitic in the pademelons Thylogale thetis and T. stigmatica
(Marsupialia: Macropodidae) from Queensland, Australia. Systematic Parasitology 39,
Bickel, D. J. (1983) Two new Australian Teuchophorus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 22, 39-45.
Bickel, D. J. (1992) The Australian Sympycninae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): introduction and
description of a new genus, Yumbera. Invertebrate Taxonomy 6, 1005-1017.
Bickel, D. J. (1999a) Australian Antyx Meuffels and Grootaert and the New Caledonian
connection (Diptera : Dolichopodidae). Australian Journal of Entomology 38, 168-175.
Bickel, D. J. (1999b) What museum collections reveal about species accumulation, richness,
and rarity: an example from the Diptera. in Ponder, W. and Lunney, D. (Eds), The Other
99%: the conservation and biodiversity of invertebrates. Mosman: Royal Zoological
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Bickel, D. J. (2002) Bandella, a new Hilarine fly genus from Australia (Diptera: Empididae).
Records of the Australian Museum 54, 313-324.
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Australia's Forest Fauna. 2nd edn. Mosman: Royal Zoological Society of New South
Wales, pp. 888-898.
Bickford, A., Brayshaw, H. and Proudfoot, H. (1998) Thematic forest history and heritage
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Binns, D. (1995b) Flora survey Dorrigo three-year environmental impact statement area,
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Bird, L. H., Bean, A. R., Forster, P. I. and Collins, J. (1990) Flora checklist for Mt Bangalora,
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Bishop, A. L., Spohr, L. J. and Barchia, I. M. (2004) Effects of altitude, distance and waves of
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