legal and professional seminars for land and business Equine Law Centre Harper Adams University Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB Tel: 01952 815304 Fax 01952 814783 Who are the seminars designed for? Professional advisers with equine business / horse owner clients - rural practice surveyors, solicitors, accountants. Anyone running or planning small equine businesses - livery, teaching, stud farms. Those planning farm diversification such as pay-as-you-go cross country courses or equine B & B. Those organising Pony Club or Riding Club events. Keen amateur riders and horse owners. On campus - 1 day seminar - £180 including lunch, refreshments and copy of Equine Law book. Tuesday 7th July 2015 Please book …..….place(s) £___________ Additional Literature Concise Rural Taxation 2014/15 by Charles Cowap Taxation for rural advisers and students ______ @ £20 £___________ Equine Law by Carrie de Silva An introduction to aspects of law and taxation which impact horse, rider and the small equine business.* ______ @ £20 £___________ Equine Law (Northern Ireland) by Carrie de Silva ______ @ £20 £___________ Health and Safety Casebook by Carrie de Silva Key cases from 1837 to 2015. ______ @ £15 £___________ ______ @ £10 £___________ A Short History of Agricultural Education and Research by Carrie de Silva Some key places, people, publications and events from the 17th to the 21st centuries. ‘* Don’t purchase Equine Law if attending seminar as a copy is included in the price. _____________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________ Cheque enclosed & payable to Harper Adams University - booking confirmation and directions will be forwarded on receipt. Post order form and payment, or contact with queries : Carrie de Silva, Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB 01952 815304 Seminars and talks are run periodically on the following areas, or can be developed to your needs. * equine business start up * equine law * health and safety compliance * tax and planning for stud farms We also offer surveyors’ CPD events in legal, tax, planning and risk management areas. What are the benefits of the Equine Law seminars? Seminar delegates will gain : An awareness of potential liabilities - negligence and occupiers’ liability. An understanding of the Animals Act 1971. And overview of health and safety risk assessment. An introduction to some of the terms which should be included in contracts for livery, loans and grazing. An awareness of planning procedures. An understanding of rights and liabilities regarding bridleways. An understanding of the status of the equine business for tax purposes. Subjects covered include : Buying and selling horses Loans and trial periods Ragwort Animal Welfare Riding on the road Rights of way Riding schools Planning permission Health and safety Occupiers’ liability Taxation Farm diversification issues Trespass Business structure Equine Industry Welfare Guidelines Grazing Livery contracts Licensing Change of use Negligence Business rating ** Next Equine Law Day running on Tuesday 7th July 2015 ** SEMINARS BY ARRANGEMENT Full day (£750) Half day / evening (£400) Legal and professional seminars for land and business at Harper Adams or, by arrangement, at your location - call or email Carrie de Silva to arrange a session for your group. Carrie de Silva Ll.B (Hons) MA Carrie de Silva lectures in law and taxation at Harper Adams University, having spent a number of years as a tax practitioner with Arthur Andersen & Co. and in industry. She is a member of the Association of Law Teachers, the British Agricultural History Society, and the Agricultural Law Association, is an adviser to the Board of ASET (Association for Sandwich Education and Training) and was a governor of Reaseheath College, Nantwich, Cheshire. She has a particular interest in equine law, occupiers’ liability in equine, agricultural and forestry contexts, farm diversification and business start-up and is also working on the history of agricultural education, particularly for women. She rides for pleasure. 01952 815304 Susan Ragbourne BSc (Hons) MRICS Susan Ragbourne graduated with a first class degree in the first cohort from the BSc REALM course at Harper Adams, prior to which she was a BHS Assistant Instructor and ran a hunting yard. She qualified as a chartered surveyor (Rural Practice Division) in 1998, having worked for James and Lister Lea in Birmingham and the Harper Adams Enterprise Unit. Over the years she has taught a wide range of subjects including law, tax and environmental management but her present teaching is mainly focussed on planning and local taxation. Susan is now re-newing her Pony Club roots with her young daughter. 01952 815342 As well as the above key members of the Equine Law Centre, being based at Harper Adams University we have access to an unparalleled range of experience in all aspects of equine interest from lawyers, rural practice chartered surveyors, planners, land and farm managers, agriculturalists and veterinary surgeons through to foresters with working horses.