1 Supporting Materials S1 – Kelp Forest Food Web Assembly 2 3 Studies had to meet different criteria depending on their origin in order to be used for the 4 web. Information on feeding habits was obtained from papers in the peer reviewed 5 literature, unpublished dissertations, government reports, observations from 6 undergraduate field classes, or from consultation with experts. This information could be 7 from field observations, gut contents analyses, laboratory experiments (i.e., it was 8 assumed that researchers were creating treatments from a priori knowledge of the natural 9 history of organisms), or summaries of natural history information. Only field and 10 laboratory observations with quantitative data were used from PhD dissertations, Masters 11 theses, and agency reports. Only direct field observations or gut contents information 12 was used from undergraduate theses and student reports. All references are reported in 13 the feeding list. When completed, we solicited expert opinions from the following 14 scientists: 15 16 Paul Dayton - Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California 17 San Diego, kelp forest community ecologist 18 Jim Watanabe - Lecturer, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford, kelp forest invertebrate 19 community ecologist 20 Jack Engle – Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa 21 Barbara, kelp forest community ecologist 22 Shane Anderson – Marine Collector, Marine Science Institute, University of California 23 Santa Barbara Supporting Materials Page 1 of 18 1 Milton Love - Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of California 2 Santa Barbara, icthyologist 3 Larry Allen - Professor of Biology, California State University Northridge, fish ecologist 4 Mark Steele - Assistant Professor of Biology, California State University Northridge, fish 5 ecologist 6 7 Based on these opinions, several feeding links were added, deleted, or refined to a lower 8 taxonomic level, and are marked as such in Supplementary Table 1. 9 10 The quality of data varied greatly by taxon and author. In many cases, diet information 11 was taxonomically vague (e.g., “Gastropods”). We therefore categorized the information 12 by the level of taxonomic resolution provided. If information was provided at the genus 13 or family level, all prey items in that genus or family are listed. Additionally, SBC LTER 14 associates individual species with a ‘group’ categorization that blends Class and Phyla in 15 many cases (e.g., Gastropods versus Bryozoans). This matched how data were often 16 reported in the literature, and as such, Group has therefore been included as the coarsest 17 level of categorization. The level of taxonomic specificity for each prey item is listed in 18 a separate data column. Analyses were carried out using each level of taxonomic 19 uncertainty (e.g. both with a stringent ‘species only’ analysis as well as a ‘group and 20 below’ analysis). As results did not qualitatively differ, we here only report results of the 21 species only analysis. We report the higher-level information in order to provide a 22 broader picture of kelp-forest food webs, and we hope that it will be refined by future 23 efforts. Supporting Materials Page 2 of 18 1 2 Note that some consumer and prey species are not listed because they are not sampled by 3 SBC LTER. See the supplemental list of all species sampled in SBC LTER monitoring. 4 5 In addition, we applied the following criteria to clarify feeding links where ambiguous: 6 7 1) If a species was a filter feeder or alga, no prey were listed. 8 9 2) Only predators and prey for which the SBC LTER collects data for are listed. For 10 example, while nudibranchs are consumed by several species listed here, the SBC LTER 11 collects no information on nudibranchs, and hence they are not listed as prey. Similarly, 12 only one type of amphipod – Amphipod Tube Mat – is listed, and many species 13 consumed amphipods. It is therefore found in the diets of a wide variety of species. 14 15 3) SBC LTER samples several categories of fish that are not identified to the species 16 level. They were dealt with as follows: 17 Embiotocid spp. and Sebastes spp. – these typically referred to juvenile 18 Embiotocids or Rockfish respectively. As their diets are obviously not the same as 19 adults, they are only listed as eating amphipods. 20 21 Bothid spp. – This category was for unidentified flatfishes. We therefore used the diets of several flounder species native to the area. 22 Gibbonsia spp. and Cottid spp. – These two fish groupings had species 23 represented in the data with detailed diets. We therefore combined diets of these other Supporting Materials Page 3 of 18 1 represented species (which were typically quite similar) to create a diet for these 2 taxonomically broader groups. This was a conservative approach, as individuals sampled 3 within these two groups could have been one of the already listed species, but eluded 4 identification due to age or poor visibility. 5 6 4) In cases where information on prey was general, but a size range of prey was provided, 7 (Quast 1968), all prey of that taxon whose maximum size was less than the maximum 8 size given were listed as prey at the group level. Similarly, many species consumed 9 smaller individuals of a given prey species than are commonly observed in the survey. 10 We therefore assumed that if a large individual of a prey species was observed in the 11 survey, small individuals likely existed at the site as well. See additional notes in table 12 S1. 13 14 5) For two species no diet information was found – the sarcastic fringehead Neoclinus 15 blanchardi and the threaded abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana. Neoclinus was excluded 16 from the analysis as a predator, as it did not have sufficiently similar or congeneric 17 species in the data set. However, for Haliotis kamtschatkana, we have listed all kelp 18 species as potential prey. Because all other species of abalone consumed kelp, this 19 appeared to be a reasonable assumption. These species were also rare within the dataset. 20 21 6) There is a surprising lack of detail on the diets of sea urchins in the literature. This is 22 largely due to their ability to rapidly grind and macerate their prey. However, they are 23 well known to completely denude vast areas of algae. The work of Watanabe and Supporting Materials Page 4 of 18 1 Harrold was particularly helpful here, as it provides an example of species that are 2 eliminated after urchins move in as a front. As such, we have generally assumed urchins 3 will eat any algae. In our own work, we have observed purple urchins Strongylocentrotus 4 purpuratus removing all types of ascidians, sponges, and bryozoans (Byrnes and 5 Stachowicz 2009). There was also very little information on the diet of the white sea 6 urchin Lytechinus anamesus other than observations of it eating other urchins (Coyer et 7 al. 1987). We have therefore assumed that their diet is similar to S. purpuratus. 8 9 10 Feeding links are listed in Supplementary Table S1. The bibliography for the table is as follows: 11 12 Ackerman, L. T. 1971. Contributions to the biology of the leopard shark, Triakis 13 semifasciata (Girard) in Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, CA. M. S. Thesis. 14 Sacramento State College. 15 Alguilar Rosas, R. l. 1990. Qualitative analysis of the macroalgal diet of the snail 16 Astrea undosa Wood 1828 in Punta Banda, Maja California, Mexico. Ciencia 17 Marina 16:111-120. 18 19 Allen, L. G. and T. E. Howey. 2001. Kelp Bass. California's Marine Living Resources: A Status Report. California Department of Fish and Game. 20 Ambrose, R. F. 1984. Food preferences, prey availability, and the diet of Octopus 21 bimaculatus Verrill. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 22 77:29-44. Supporting Materials Page 5 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 Anderson, T. W. 2001. Predator responses, prey refuges, and density-dependent mortality of a marine fish. Ecology 82:245-257. Annett, C. and R. Pierotti. 1984. Foraging behavior and prey selection of the leather seastar Dermasterias imbricata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 14:197-206. Barry, J. and M. Ehret. 1993. Diet, food preference, and algal availability for fishes 6 and crabs on intertidal reef communities in southern California. 7 Environmental Biology of Fishes 37:75-95. 8 9 10 11 Barry, J. P., M. M. Yoklavich, G. M. Cailliet, D. A. Ambrose, and B. S. Antrim. 1996. Trophic ecology of the dominant fishes in Elkhorn Slough, California, 19741980. Estuaries 19:115-138. Beaudreau, A. H. and T. E. Essington. 2007. Spatial, temporal, and ontogenetic 12 patterns of predation on rockfishes by lingcod. Transactions of the American 13 Fisheries Society 136:1438-1452. 14 Bellquist, L. F., C. G. Lowe, and J. E. Caselle. 2008. Fine-scale movement patterns, site 15 fidelity, and habitat selection of ocean whitefish (Caulolatilus princeps). 16 Fisheries Research 91:325-335. 17 Bingham, B. L. and L. F. Braithwaite. 1986. Defense adaptations of the dendrochirote 18 holothurian Psolus chitonoides Clark. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 19 and Ecology 98:311-322. 20 Bray, R. N., A. C. Miller, S. Johnson, P. R. Krause, D. L. Robertson, and A. M. Westcott. 21 1988. Ammonium excretion by macroinvertebrates and fishes on a subtidal 22 rocky reef in southern California. Marine Biology 100:21-30. Supporting Materials Page 6 of 18 1 Breitburg, D. L. 1984. Residual effects of grazing: Inhibition of competitor 2 recruitment by encrusting coralline algae. 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