Lance Corporal to Corporal

P.O. Box 784
Plymouth, MA 02362-0784
Name: _________________________________________________
Requirements for Promotion from Lance Corporal to Corporal
Young Marine Lance Corporal must:
Attend 90% of all scheduled weekly meetings, and have no unexcused
Pass the Young Marine PFT with 250 Points.
Earn the CPR Ribbon
Have Report Card from School turned in.
Be Recommended for Promotion by Unit Leaders.
Stand a Unit Promotion Board.
Fill billet of a team leader or flag bearer.
The following enabling objectives (EO) in the Young Marine Junior Guidebook must
be signed off:
Performance Objective 1 – Close Order Drill
EO1 – Form the Squad
EO2 – Dismiss the Squad
EO3 – Align the Squad
EO4 – Obtain Close Interval from Normal Interval on Line
EO5 – Obtain Normal Interval from Close Interval on Line
EO6 – Obtain Double Arm Interval on Line
EO7 – Obtain Normal Interval from Double Arm Interval on Line
EO8 – Form a Column from on Line and reform to a Line
Performance Objective 2 – Essential Subjects
EO1 – Understand your Unit’s organization
EO3a – Know the year and location the Young Marines were formed.
“Strengthening the lives of America’s Youth”
EO3b – Knows where the Young Marines were adopted as a National
Name: _________________________________________________
Performance Objective 2 – Essential Subjects (Continued)
EO3c – Know when the official charter of the Young Marines was issued
EO3d – Know the year Young Marine membership was extended to
EO4a – Know the birthdate and birthplace of the United States Marine
Corps Knows how to properly state a Young Marine Rank
EO4b – Know what the term leatherneck means
EO4c – Know who the Marine is that was presented the Mamaluke Sword
by a former Pasha of Tripoli.
EO4d – Know who the “Grand Old Man” of the Marine Corps is
EO4e – Know what the Marine Corps motto is
EO4f – Know what the Marine Corps Band is known as
EO4g – Know what the Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps is known as
EO4h – Know the year the Marine Corps adopted the Eagle, Globe and
Anchor as their emblem
Performance Objective 3 – Life Skills
EO1a – Knows how to dispose of food containers and meal waste.
EO3a – Can tie a bowline knot and give examples of its use.
EO4a – Can draw a campsite diagram.
EO4b – Know how far from the campsite food should be hung.
EO5a – Knows how to take care of their feet when hiking.
EO6a – Knows what an expedition is.
EO7a – Knows to keep food sealed so as to keep animals away.
EO7b – Knows how to act when there is a bear around.
Performance Objective 4 – Map and Compass
EO2 – Measuring the distance between two points on a topographical map
EO3 – Contour Lines
EO4 – Identify parts of a compass and know their functions.
EO6 – Orient a map using a compass
Performance Objective 5 – Drug Resistance
EO1a – Can demonstrate how to research information using the website
“Strengthening the lives of America’s Youth”
addresses provided.
EO2 – Help inform and encourage friends to stay away from all forms of
tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Name: _________________________________________________
Performance Objective 6 – Public Speaking
EO1 – List the ways in which to avoid stage fright
EO2a – Know the 4 points of preparation for giving a speech
Performance Objective 7 – Leadership
EO1 – Define Leadership
EO2 – Discuss qualities of a leader
EO5 – Carry out the duties of a Young Marine Assistant Squad Leader
EO6 - Carry out the duties of a Young Marine Squad Leader
EO9 – Understand the duties of a Young Marine Color Guard Rifleman
Performance Objective 8 – Citizenship
EO1a – Can recite the Americans Creed
EO2a – Knows who penned the lyrics of the National Anthem
EO2b – Knows the first title of the poem that became the National
EO3a – Knows the date and year Flag Day was created
EO3b – Know how many stripes are on the U.S. Flag
Performance Objective 9 – Physical Fitness
EO1 – Discuss the components of Physical Fitness
EO2 – Develop and use a personal workout plan
EO5a – Earn the Young Marine CPR Ribbon
“Strengthening the lives of America’s Youth”