Appendix S1 Construction of plant phylogeny. DNA extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing The silica-gel dried leaf materials which were collected at the same time with the root samples were used for DNA extraction of each species. DNA was extracted by plant genomic DNA kit (TIANGEN, Beijing) according to the protocol. Then partial chloroplast gene fragments rbcL and matK were amplified. Program for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was 94 ºC for 5 min; then 35 cycles of 94 ºC for 30 sec, 50 ºC for 45 sec, 72 ºC for 45 sec; followed by a final extension of 72 ºC for 8 min. Primers for the target gene fragments (Li et al., 2011) were listed in Table S2. Unpurified PCR products were sequenced from both directions by Sangon using an ABI-PRISM3730XL Genetic Analyzer (Foster City, CA, USA) with BigDyeterminator v3.1. Sequences assembling and alignment Sequences of both directions were assembled for each species using SeqMan in Lasergene 7.1 (DNASTAR, Only samples which two-direction chromatograms matched above 97% were used in next analysis. MEGA5 (Tamura et al. 2011) was used to align the sequences with default set. Then the results of alignment were manually corrected. Construction of phylogenetic tree As phylogenetically related outgroups give robust topology (Rosenfeld et al. 2012), seven species which are related to the 85 sampled species were selected as outgroups according to ANITA grade and APGIII (APG 2009; Doyle 2012). The outgroup sequences were downloaded from Genbank. They were Amborella trichopoda (L12628; 1 AF543721), Nymphaea odorata (M77034; AF092988), Brasenia schreberi (M77031; HQ189138), Illicium floridanum (DQ182334; AF543738), Trimenia moorei (AY116658; DQ401360), Austrobaileya scandens (L12632; DQ182344), and Schisandra chinensis (AF238061; JF956214). Phylogenetic trees based on the combined dataset were constructed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian approach. jModelTest v2.1.1 (Posada 2008) was used to decide the best substitution model for both approaches. The best model was TVM+I+G. For each gene fragment the best model was also TVM+I+G. The maximum likelihood trees were constructed by PhyML3.0 (Guindon & Gascuel 2003). Substitution model, equilibrium frequencies, relative rate parameters and Gamma distribution parameter were all referring to the result of jModelTest. BioNJ tree was used as starting tree. The best nearest neighbor interchange (NNI) and subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) were used to search tree topology with the heuristic search which adds 5 random starting trees. One hundred non-parameter bootstraps were used. Bayesian trees were constructed by BEAST1.7.1 (Drummond et al. 2012) at the same time of divergence time estimation. Details are shown in divergence time estimation parts. Estimation of divergence time Data were partitioned into two parts (1+2), 3 based on codon position. Under the best substitution model (TVM+I+G), 5 scenarios of prior distribution of fossil calibrated nodes (details see below), 4 tree prior (Birth-Death Process, Birth-Death incomplete sampling, Yule Process, Calibrated Yule) and 3 clock models (strict clock, uncorrelated exponential relaxed clock, uncorrelated lognormal relaxed clock) were compared. As 2 several recent research estimated that the origin of angiosperm were around 200 Mya (Bell et al. 2010; Magallón et al. 2013), and the first credible fossil of angiosperm is about 130 Mya, thus the root height were set as normal distribution which 95% confidence interval from 130 to 200 Mya. Bayesian factor (BF) was used as a criterion of model selection. Eight fossil calibrated nodes referring to Magallón & Castillo (2009) were used. Detailed fossil information is shown in Table S4. Ages of fossils referred to GTS2012 (Cohen 2012; Gradstein 2012). Five scenarios were set as prior distribution for these 8 calibrated nodes as follows: 1) All calibrated nodes were given exponential distribution which mean value equal to 1 and offset equal to the lower limit of fossil age; 2) All calibrated nodes were given lognormal distribution with the offset equal to the lower limit of fossil age and the logstdev equal to 0.5, logmean was set to make medium at the upper limit of fossil age; 3) All calibrated nodes were given normal distribution with the 95% confidence interval equal to the interval between upper and lower limits of fossil age; 4) Exponential distribution for calibrated nodes of most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of Fagales and Eudicots as the fossils are pollen (Sauquet et al. 2012) and lognormal distribution for the rest 6 nodes, setting in the same way in scenario 1) and 2); 5) Exponential distribution for calibrated nodes of MRCA of Fagales and Eudicots and normal distribution for the rest 6 nodes, setting in the same way in scenario 1) and 3). After 6 to 50 million generations for each independent Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), ensuring effective sample size (ESS) of every parameter over 100, which 3 indicates MCMC converged, Bayes factor was calculated by Tracer v1.5 ( As the 85 studied species are unequally sampled in different orders, just like extinction happened. Thus we tested combination of different calibrated scenarios and clock models when Birth-Death Process was set as tree prior first. After the best combination of calibrated prior and clock model was decided, other 3 prior trees were compared under the best model combination. Bayes factor support Birth-Death Process as the best tree prior. Then another run was taken for every combination of calibrated scenario and clock model under Birth-Death tree prior. After finding the best model combination, combined the results of 2 independent run by LogCombiner v1.7.1 excluding first 10% burn-in, then maximum clade credibility tree with mean heights was annotated by Tree Annotator v1.7.1. Results Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches gave almost the same topology, except in two nodes which bootstrap or posterior probability is low. This topology is similar to the angiosperm tree built by Magallón & Castillo (2009) and APGIII (APG 2009). The best model combination for divergence time estimating is TVM +I+G for substitution model, lognormal distribution for all eight fossil calibrated nodes, birth-death process for tree prior and uncorrelated exponential relaxed clock for clock model. 4 REFERENCES 1. APG. (2009). an update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 161, 105-121. 2. Bell C.D., Soltis D.E. & Soltis P.S. (2010). 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