How can stiff neck causes breast cancer

How can stiff necks causes breast cancer
By Dr Shuian Zhao/ Kim Robert
Breast cancer is the number one cancer that occurs in women and over the
years scientists have found a number of direct factors that cause this cancer
to develop in women.
Specialist scientists have linked the development of breast cancer to various
things including smoking, stress, infections, poor diet, hormonal imbalances
genetics which can be hereditary in some family blood lines. But despite this
knowledge they do not know what exactly happens when the cells in the
body changed their DNA.
From the image above, we can see that the top part of the breast is
controlled by the C3 and C4 nerves from neck. These nerves move
down from the neck into the top of the breast. When the C3 and C4
nerves in the neck become blocked, the whole area in the breast
will be affected. Nerves in the body control the skin, muscles,
lymphatic system, immune system, hormone balance and
regulation and the circulatory system. When these nerves block in
this area the blood circulation to the breast is reduced and the
lymphatic tubes and nodes will be restricted so toxins are no longer
able to leave the area. When left untreated, this makes the area
vulnerable to conditions like infection and inflammation which can
eventually lead to breast cancer.
Dr Zhao has treated many women with breast problems, most of these
women present with breast pain or have lumps in their breasts. Drawing on
his extensive knowledge of both Chinese and western medicine, massage
and acupuncture, he devised a treatment program to help these women. By
using his Tuina-Ciaqiao therapy, he treats their stiff necks with this
specialized massage. By eliminating the symptoms of their stiff necks, he
discovered that surprisingly the breast pain and lumps disappeared. From
this knowledge, he discovered that the neck controls what happens in the
Case Study
Leslie, a middle aged woman presented with a history of breast
pain for a period of 3 months and a tender area where a lump was
present. She had been worried about this lump and pain and was
concerned that it could be breast cancer. After visiting her GP she
was prescribed pain killers but they did not help with the problem.
After coming to DR Zhao for advice, he advised her that he
thought that she could have blockages in her neck. He performed a
health check on the neck and discovered that there was stiffness
and hardening around the C3 and C4 on the cervical facet joints.
To help with this problem, he gave Leslie a course of 4 TuinaCaiqiao massages. By the end of the course of treatment the pain
and the lump had completely disappeared.
For further information or book a free neck checking up, you can
contact the author:
Dr Richard Zhao
1The Mews, Upper Bath Street, Cheltenham, GL50 2BA