
 Project Team
: FLOODZILLA Development Team.
Ekanayake W.G.B.C
Karunanayake C.A
Dhanushka U.K.D
Kodisinghe K.A.S.K
Wijayasinghe P.G.A.V (Group leader) ……………………
Wijesinghe W.G.A
Project Sponsor
: Sri Lanka Institute Of Information Technology.
Project Supervisor : Mr. Lakmal Rupasinghe.
Project Coordinator : Ms. Lakmal Rupasinghe.
: 16 of January 2008
Approval Granted
Mr. Lakmal Rupasinghe
( Project Coordinator &Project Supervisor)
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
1. Abstract
1.1 Executive Summary
This project proposal is prepared for the users who interested the system, will describe the web based
real time flood and natural disasters alert system which covers the all aspects of natural disasters details
with enhanced features. It will be a great advantage for the users, especially who live in threat zones,
since they were finding difficulties when overcoming these disasters. The system to be built will
provide a vast set of benefits for the system end-users, also can register with system and get benefits as
alert by SMS when handling relevant disasters.
In order to achieve our goal we will basically focus on
Floodzilla basically targeted to inform people immediately about a flood threat or natural disaster
via web.
Floodzilla act as a dashboard that displays various flood or natural situations around a selected
geographical area.
Areas that have been threatened will be pin pointed by a ‘Place Marker’ and an ‘Info Window’.
A ‘place marker’ is a graphical icon that stands on a particular location on the map. An ‘Info
window’ is a component which displays small description about a ‘Place marker’ and it can carry small
textual data.
Volunteers can upload photos and videos about a particular flooding and natural disasters area.
For the sake of convenience and correctness, that information will be moderated before publishing on
the site. Moderation can be done via the site administrator.
Interested users can register to receive flood and natural disasters alerts via Floodzilla. In this
case, people who live near water resources are highly targeted. All subscribers will be alerted by a SMS.
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
2. Background
2.1 Brief of Floodzilla
Floodzilla is the Web based real time flood and natural disasters alert system which is basically
targeted to inform people immediately about a flood and natural disasters threat via web. This
project has been specially design to display various flood situations around a selected geographical
area and areas that have been threatened will be pin pointed by a ‘Place Marker’ and an ‘Info
The roll of the Flood and natural disasters alert system has a wide range of activities such as giving
information about the flood areas immediately, uploading videos and images that are related to
particular flooding area, managing Volunteers and Subscribers information, modifying the related
data which are added by volunteers, sending flood alert (SMS) to all the subscribers...etc.
2.2 Scenarios & Issues to overcome
The Administration section consists of features like Flood and natural disasters area management,
Resource moderation and Management, Managing Volunteers, Subscribers and mass SMS
generation. In volunteers section, Volunteers can upload photos and videos about flooding and
natural disasters area. People who are interested in informing the community about floods and
natural disasters by uploading photos and videos can join with this section. In subscriber section,
general users can register and can receive flood and natural disasters alerts. When flood and
natural disasters situation occurs, all the subscribers will be notified via a system generated SMS.
2.3 The Solution & Importance
Therefore, our solution is to provide a comprehensive Web based real time flood and natural disasters
alert which covers the all aspects of natural disasters details with enhanced features. As a result of
Floodzila will inform about real situation in that zone, also volunteers and subscriber can register with
system and get benefits as alert by SMS when handling relevant disasters.
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
3. Infrastructure of the System
3.1 System overview
Corresponding to the problem domain, our system will have 3 separated end users whom interact
with the system. They are,
As an Administrator
They can manage flood or natural disasters areas, moderate and manage the resources
(Add/Edit/delete photos and videos that are related to a particular flooding and natural disasters area
and publish them on the web), manage volunteers, subscribers and mass SMS generation.
As a Volunteer
Who are interested in informing the community about floods and natural disasters can join by
uploading photos and videos. People who interested to donate flood and natural disasters faced
societies can join as a volunteer to not only informer but also a give their donations to them. They
can login to the system, view and edit profile, upload photos and videos.
As a Subscriber
They receive flood or natural disaster’s alerts. Registration in Floodzilla asked them to provide a
mobile phone number. When flood and natural disasters situation occurs, all the subscribers will be
notified immediately via a system generated SMS.So they can protect from them. They can login to
the system, view and edit profile.
3.2 Related specifications
Earth become unsafe under globalization, so Sri Lanka also has to face more circumstances from the
nature because of these things. This project is basically targeted to people who live in flood threat and
natural disasters areas and they can inform about it immediately to get help from related organizations
Since there is no web site related to these features in Sri Lanka so this become more suitable .
And also interested users can register to receive flood and natural disasters alerts via Floodzilla. In
this case, people who live near water resources are highly targeted. All subscribers will be alerted by a
SMS to recover them from flood and natural disasters.
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
4. Methodology
4.1 Requirement gathering techniques
After finishing successful study about the project within group members we are going to do the
requirement gathering and analysis task. The project Floodzilla is basically relevant to the people
in flood and natural disaster areas, so we try to gather the relevant requirements as from the basic
level with various types of societies who are living in those areas.
The following techniques are used in the requirement gathering process.
Interviewing the people in threat areas.
Studying the rough documents which are relevant to the system.
Studying the source documents which are relevant to the system.
After gathering requirements, we tried to identify the most important needs of them and start the
implementation under three modules. Mainly this Floodzilla is developing as a research project so
after completing the project we accept to release this as a customizable flood and natural disasters
alert system.
4.2 Procedures and Operations
The functions of the system are identified based on user requirements. The gathered data is
separated and used according to the functions of the system. Site is basically developing under the
prototyping model and the rest of development process will carry out using the classical waterfall
model. Therefore the requirement specification part will be existed with the modeling, designing and
refining of the working prototypes and it is built to demonstrate the Floodzilla functionalities with
the actual system going to be built.
Time schedule is designed after having several discussions with all the project members and every
tasks related to the system are scheduled in a specific time period. Overall system with
functionalities and relevant constrains is designed using the object oriented approach. System design
in the User Requirement specification document plus prototype (which represent the SRS) is
demonstrated using Unified Modeling Language v1.4 (UML). Centralize Database is completely
represented using EER diagrams. Specific software designing tools are used in representing the
design in diagrams.
4.3 Procedures and Operations
Floodzilla is a FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) product and will be written with PHP 5.0.
For hosting purpose, Apache will be used and MySQL 5.0 will act as the database server. For the
GIS section, Google related mapping technology will be used. AJAX will be used to provide rich
user experience and real time functionality to the site. For the best practices, Floodzilla will follow
MVC (Model View Controller) and Zend™ Front controller application architecture.
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
5. Work plane and scheduling
5.1 Working plane
Work plane is basically deals with the sliding window format. So the project is planning in each of
the phases with more details added as work progresses. Next phase in the lifecycle is not fully
planned until the end of the current phase.
5.2 Scheduling
To determines the project schedule, we mainly focused to the identifying our project tasks,
dependencies, effort, resources and start & stop dates.
Tasks and dependencies of our system can be categorized as follows,
Requirement gathering
Requirement analyzing
Requirement specifications
Object Oriented Analysis
Object Oriented Design
Data base design
Template design
Data base implementation
Module implementation
Security Features
Integrating Testing
System Testing
Alfa & Beta Testing
Final Documentation
04 days
04 days
07 days
07 days
06 days
05 days
05 days
06 days
06 days
13 days
11 days
07 days
05 days
10 days
05 days
21 days
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
5.3 Grant Charts
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla
6. References
6.1 Web based
6.2 Document based
Technical Communication Text book – SLIIT 1st Year 2006
SE – I Lecture Slides – SLIIT 2nd Year 1st Semester 2007
SE – II Lecture Slides – SLIIT 2nd Year 1st Semester 2007
DBMS – I Lecture Slides – SLIIT 1st Year 2nd Semester 2006
DBMS – II Lecture Slides – SLIIT 2nd Year 2nd Semester 2007
ITP Lecture slides – SLIIT 2nd Year 2nd Semester 2007
Copyrights © 2008 Real Time Flood & Natural Disasters Alert System - Floodzilla