Year Group: 3 Extreme Earth English links We will be writing newspaper reports about events linked to natural disasters. We will be writing an information text about Earth. We will be writing an explanation text about Earthquakes. Term: 1 Spring Maths links Place value, ordering, rounding, identifying and estimating related to Extreme Earth (natural disasters) ways of counting. Statistics – creating graphs and charts about information related to natural disasters and analysing them. Temperature related to extreme weather. Topic SCIENCE We will be looking at different natural disasters, where they occur, how many there has been and their location on maps. We will be looking at volcanoes and how they are made and what goes on under the Earth’s layer We will be looking at the similarities and differences between us and another area that has had a lot of natural disasters over time. COMPUTING RE Children will be using an animation program to make a short animation Children will be using power point to create a power point linked to our topic. Our school follows the Wakefield agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Look at the effect of gravity and drag forces, look at transference of forces in gears, pulleys, levers and springs. Enriching the curriculum Dance Games such as netball, football, cricket Wreck of the Zanzibar by Michael Morpurgo Children will look at Wakefield in relation to the different religions that are celebrated and the ways they are. Topic Homework grid – related to Extreme Earth/Natural disasters (due every week) Maths homework – linked to what we have covered that week in our lessons. (fortnightly) Spellings – given out on a weekly basis (test the following week) Look at the skeleton system of animals and humans Look at common and distant forces, attraction and repulsion, comparing and grouping materials. Look at poles, attraction and repulsion, PE HOMEWORK Look at nutrition through healthy eating and how to relates to our bodies Look at the muscle system of animals and humans Class Books (Visits, Visitors, special days) Trip to Science museum