Vážený pane, / Vážená paní,

Prof. Zdenek Glatz
Leader of the research group Metabolomics:
Central European Institute of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic: www.ceitec.eu
E-mail: zdenek.glatz@ceitec.muni.cz
Phone: +420 549 49 3957
Basic idea
We offer metabolomics analyses in any topic of the call which requires a
metabolomics approach. We have a long-term expertise in the field of separation
of the metabolic components using either capillary electrophoresis (CE), liquid (LC)
and gas (GC) chromatography even in combination with mass spectrometry (MS)
detection. The close cooperation with exceptionally equipped NMR spectroscopy
group from CEITEC (up to 950 MHz NMR spectrometer for high-resolution NMR
spectroscopy in liquids) is established for the metabolomic analyses.
Health, demographic change and wellbeing 2014-2015
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland
water research and the bioeconomy.
Call title
Suitable for any topic which requires metabolomics analyses
Call deadline
March 11th 2014/April 23rd 2014 or 12th March 2014
Type of
Metabolomics is one of the newest “omics” in the field of systems biology. The subject of its study –
metabolome is the complete set of metabolites that are present in cells under particular physiological or
developmental circumstances. Although the number of metabolites in a given organism is projected to
be less than those of genes and proteins, the metabolome analysis presents a difficult analytical task. It
is given not only by the wide diversity in physico-chemical properties of metabolites but also by the
large differences in their abundance.
Since the metabolites are downstream of all genome and proteome regulatory structures, they provide
valuable information about the regulatory and catalytic properties of a gene product. In this
consequence there is a growing interest in an application of metabolomics for functional genomics
studies, for detection of metabolic dysfunctions and diseases and for study of drug metabolism in
various model organisms, varying from plants, yeasts to animals and humans.
(1) Using bacterial metabolomics as a model for systems biology.
(2) Establishing metabolite biomarkers for diagnostics.
(3) Development of a miniaturised drug metabolism system based on capillary electrophoresis.
 four CE instruments from Agilent
 tandem mass spectrometer Q-TOF Maxis impact Bruker (with possibility to connect to CE GC and
HPLC instruments)
Masaryk University | IN: 00216224
Central European Institute of Technology
Kamenice 753/5, CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic
www.ceitec.eu | info@ceitec.muni.cz
Agilent 6320 Ion Trap for mass spectrometer detection (connected to CE instrument)
analytical HPLC system Agilent 1200 connectable to the IT MS system
analytical UPLC system Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSLC Thermo
450-GC system Bruker
Reminek, R., Zeisbergerova, M., Langmajerova, M., Glatz, Z., 2013: A New Capillary
Electrophoretic Method for On-line Screenings of Drug Metabolism Mediated by Cytochrome P450
Enzymes. ELECTROPHORESIS 34 (18), p. 2705 - 11.
Musilova, J., Glatz, Z., 2011: Metabolomics - Basic Concepts, Strategies and Methodologies.
CHEMICKE LISTY 105 (10), p. 745 - 751.
Zeisbergerova, M., Reminek, R., Madr, A., Glatz, Z., Hoogmartens, J., Van Schepdael, A., 2010:
On-line drug metabolites generation and their subsequent target analysis by capillary zone
electrophoresis with UV-absorption detection. ELECTROPHORESIS 31 (19), p. 3256 - 3262.
Zeisbergerova, M., Adamkova, A., Glatz, Z., 2009: Integration of on-line protein digestion by trypsin
in CZE by means of electrophoretically mediated microanalysis. ELECTROPHORESIS 30 (13), p.
2378 - 2384.
Musilova, J., Sedlacek, V., Kucera, I. et al., 2009: Capillary zone electrophoresis with field
enhanced sample stacking as a tool for targeted metabolome analysis of adenine nucleotides and
coenzymes in Paracoccus denitrificans. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 32 (14), p. 2416 2420.
Konecny, J., Micikova, I., Reminek, R., 2008: Application of micellar electrokinetic capillary
chromatography for evaluation of inhibitory effects on cytochrome P450 reaction. JOURNAL OF
CHROMATOGRAPHY A 1189 (1-2), p. 274 - 277.
CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) is a joint initiative of si x partners to develop a
European centre of excellence. It is being implemented by a consortium of the most prominent
Brno universities (Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology) and other four research
The state-of-art instrumentation and technologies will enable interdisciplinary research in the
subjects of life and material sciences on all currently available levels of complexity.
The major source of funding is the European Regional Development Fund, specifically the Operational
Programme Research and Development for Innovations, priority axis 1 – European Centres of
Excellence. The overall budget is € 208 mil.
CEITEC is based on the synergy of 7 research programmes.
One of the scientific programmes is Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems comprising eleven
research groups. It was established with focus on understanding the evolutionary-based strategies of
plant systems to promote their applications in next-generation technologies and medicine.
Masaryk University | IN: 00216224
Central European Institute of Technology
Kamenice 753/5, CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic
www.ceitec.eu | info@ceitec.muni.cz