Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Diagnosis Worksheet – Westlake Middle School Prioritized Areas From Audit Standards and Benchmarks – Alignment and Articulation for Grades 6-8 Current Reality Desired State Gap Analysis Root Cause(s) Grades 7 and 8 have many of same standards and benchmarks Articulation between grade levels has been encouraged but is inconsistent Teachers see no connection between ITBS and district benchmark tests. No identification of “mastery” level at any grade level Teachers do not see connection between standards and benchmarks and the district essential curriculum – no alignment. Articulated and aligned curriculum with standards and benchmarks Clear denotation of “mastery” level for each benchmark. Alignment of standards and benchmarks with ITBS, district, and classroom assessments All teachers consistently “teach” to the standards and benchmarks. Alignment and articulation of standards and benchmarks, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Communication of expectation that all teachers teach to and assess through the standards and benchmarks via a well aligned and articulated curriculum aligned to standards and benchmarks. District has not provided time to align the standards and benchmarks with curriculum, instructions, and assessments. Building/District has not mapped the curriculum. Teachers do not meet on a regular basis to assure articulation within each grade level as well as between each grade level. Teachers do not use a consistent planning tool to assure alignments. Principals do not monitor implementation of curriculum. Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Theory of Change and/or If…Then Statements Solutions Aligned curriculum with standards and benchmarks Curriculum map Grade-level and cross-grade-level math meeting time to assure articulation. Planning tool for lessons that is driven by standards and benchmarks. Training of principal in PDK walkthroughs and Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI). If there is an aligned curriculum with standards and benchmarks, teachers will teach to those standards and benchmarks. If there is a mapped curriculum for math, teachers will teach based on the map and students will not have gaps or unintended overlaps in their learning of math. If teachers meet on a regular basis to discuss math, articulation and achievement of the curriculum will occur. If there is a common planning tool driven by standards and benchmarks, students will experience a standards-driven curriculum. If the principal is trained in monitoring, she will check regularly for implementation of the math curriculum Diagnosis - 236 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Curriculum 4 of 5 components of math are in standards but none refer to “engagement” of students Articulation between grade levels has been encouraged but is inconsistent Curriculum that provides for the engagement of all students in the 5 components of math Clear expectation that all students experience an articulated curriculum, with no gaps or unintended overlaps in the five components. Add 5th component to the curriculum “Engage” students in math that includes all 5 components No process to assure all five components are in curriculum. No training of staff in how to engage students in 5 components of math. Update curriculum to include all 5 components Provide professional development for staff on engaging students in each of the 5 components. Assure that lesson plans allow for the identification of strategies that engage students. Monitor the engagement of students using Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI). Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 If teachers have a curriculum with all 5 components, they will teach all five components. If teachers experience professional development on strategies/tools to engage students in the 5 components, they will use them in the classroom. If the lesson plan format “forces” the identification of strategies/tools that engage students, the teachers will plan and then implement those strategies as they teach. If the principal and teachers monitor the engagement of students, the teachers will provide engaging learning opportunities. If students are engaged in the 5 components of math, they will learn math better and have a better attitude toward it. Diagnosis - 237 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Instruction Impact of instructional strategies used with students is not known by all. 65% of teachers determine effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis 72.5% of teachers examine own practices to see if they are impacting learning All teachers know how to reflect on and assess the impact of their teaching on students learning. All teachers consistently determine effectiveness of their teaching on a daily basis. All teachers know and use strategies that highly impact student learning. Research/Evidencebased strategies used by teachers in area of math. Reflection on teaching and learning occurs daily and in consistent manner by all teachers. Professional development for effective use of math strategies that impact student learning. Implementation of those strategies in all classrooms with frequency and fidelity. Lack of common reflection tool Lack of time for reflection Need for professional development on effective math strategies. Lack of monitoring of math classrooms. Design and provide a common reflection tool Provide time for teacher reflection within the schedule Provide professional development on effective math strategies that impact student learning Training of principal in PDK walkthroughs and Instructional Practices Inventory Assessment 65% of teachers determine effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis 72.5% of teachers examine own practices to see if they are impacting learning Except for algebra, no alignment of grade 8 standards/grade-level objectives with ITBS (No check has been completed on grades 6, 7, and 10) 6-week benchmark assessment for math is used – 48-hour turn around - but no evidence teachers use data to impact All teachers determine effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis. All teachers examine their own practices to see if they are impacting learning. There is alignment between the math standards/gradelevel objectives with ITBS at 6, 7, and 8th grade and ITED at 10th grade. Teachers use the 6week benchmarks assessment for math with a 48 hour turn around. Teachers are aware Teachers determine effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis. Teachers examine their practice to see impact on learning. Alignment between math standards/grade level objectives with ITBS/ITED. Use of 6-week benchmark assessments for math with a 48th hour turn around time. Awareness of the content of the assessment and alignment of the instruction to the assessment. Alignment between the benchmarks and district Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 All teachers do not believe that determining the effectiveness of instruction on a daily/week basis is necessary to improve student learning. All teachers do not believe that examining their own practices will impact student learning. Alignment between the math standards/grade-level objectives with ITBS has not been completed for 6, 7, and 8th grade and ITED for 10th grade. Teachers have not had District requires documentation that all teachers will determine the effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis. District expectation that all teachers will examine their own practices to see if they are impacting student learning. Complete the alignment of the math standards/grade If teachers have a common reflection tool, there will be consistency in the data collection process and a common language to discuss reflection on instruction. If teachers are provided time for reflection, they will reflect upon their instruction. If teachers experience professional development on effective math strategies, they will use them in the classroom and impact student learning. If the principal is trained in PDK walkthroughs and Instructional practices Inventory, they will monitor math classrooms. If the district requires documentation for all teachers to determine the effectiveness of instruction on a daily/weekly basis, the teachers will determine their effectiveness and provide documentation. If the district requires documentation for all teachers to examine their own practices to see if they are impacting student learning, student learning will improve. If the alignment of the math standards/grade level objectives with ITBS and ITED are Diagnosis - 238 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance instruction. Teachers not aware of content of assessment in advance, so no alignment with their teaching. Teachers don’t know whether to teach to benchmark test or to district essential curriculum. of the content of the assessment in advance and align their instruction to the assessment. There is clear alignment between the benchmark test and the district curriculum. curriculum. training in the use of the benchmark assessment data. Teachers do not know the content of the benchmark assessment prior to the instruction. The benchmark test and the district curriculum are not aligned, so teacher do not know which content should be taught. level objective with ITBS for 6, 7, and 8th grade and ITED for 10th grade. Teachers will receive training in the use of the benchmark assessment data. Teachers will be provided the content of the benchmark assessment. The benchmarks test and the district curriculum will be aligned. completed for 6, 7, 8, and 10th grade, teachers will provide instruction linked to the assessment. If the teachers have training in the use of the 6-week benchmark assessment data, they will use the data to impact their instruction. If teachers are provided the content of the assessment in advance, they will align their instruction to the assessment. If the 6-week benchmark test and the district curriculum are aligned, the instruction will be focused. Theory of Change: Formative Assessment Plan: Provide professional development for staff on: Difference between assessment FOR and OF learning Why the difference is important Importance of feedback Student motivation and assessment Understanding and implementing the purpose of the assessment Understanding and implementing clear targets. Assist students in understanding the purpose and expected outcomes of Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Diagnosis - 239 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 assessments for learning (formative assessments, e.g., impact on grade, additional tutoring or learning opportunities, alternate strategies for learning, acceleration of learning opportunities) Assist board of education and parents/families in understanding the purpose, impact, and expected outcome of assessments for learning (formative assessments). Provide professional development for staff members on understanding and implementing the various targets: knowledge, reasoning, skills, product, disposition. Establish learning teams that will provide opportunities to: Think about classroom assessments; Learn and reflect on new classroom assessment strategies; Shape the strategies into applications; Practice by trying out applications, observing others, drawing inferences, and sharing information; And problem solve with team members. Design assessments to do what you want: Diagnosis - 240 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Assessment methods Target-method match Assessment development cycle In-depth learning around different assessment methods Selected response Extended written response Performance assessment Personal communication as assessment. Create common formative assessments by grade level and content area on established learning teams. Pilot common assessment per grade level Collaborative analysis of data to adjust the assessment if necessary and to determine instructional implications and make adjustments as necessary. Communicate assessment results to the Board of Education and the community, focusing on learning (e.g., instructional variety and individualization, use of assessment results in instructional design) Using assessment of learning – Grading and Reporting: Establishment/ revision of policy Diagnosis - 241 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Professional Development Math district-level plan is available (but teachers don’t know how it is developed) Embedded staff development – focuses on middle school concept and student achievement – during common teaming period. 55% of teacher do not know how often teachers are asked for input to select professional development opportunities. 67.5% of staff do not know if professional development is designed to meet specific student learning goals. Implementation – teachers are given assignments; Essential Strategies Implementation Log documents their implementations as well as a Study Team Meeting Log . 65% of teachers reported that they receive not construction feedback Teachers know how the district-level math plan was developed, and the plan is available to them. Embedded staff development that focuses on the middle school concept, student achievement, and mathematics during a common teaming period. Teachers are frequently asked to provide input into the design of professional development opportunities. Staff clearly understand the link between professional development and specific student learning goals. Implementation – teachers receive constructive feedback on a timely basis as a result of the principal’s ongoing monitoring of the implementation Teachers do not have access to or know the district-level math plan. Mathematics is not part of the embedded staff development. Lack of clarity around professional development expectations and initiatives during a common teaming period. Lack of teacher participation in the design of professional development opportunities and the link to student learning goals. Teachers do not receive constructive, timely feedback. Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 The Iowa Professional Development Model has not been fully implemented into the building or district. The implementation of the Iowa Professional Development Model, including teachers understanding of the professional development plan (Designing the Process for Professional Development), the focus on mathematics (Selecting Content and Providers), staff participation (Collaboration and Implementation), and the understanding of a clear link between professional development and student learning goals (Ongoing Data Collection. Professional development on use of reporting policy Revision of report card to reflect standards and benchmarks Pilot in elementary and high school grades Formalization in elementary grade levels and in secondary If the building implements selected professional development with integrity, teachers will have ownership in the process and improve instructional practice. Diagnosis - 242 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance Leadership Climate and Culture on implementation. 70% reported they do not know if principal even monitors implementation. Many leadership teams – Academy, Pupil Services, and BEST teams as well as BAT, Faculty Advisory. Teachers do not receive clear information from the teams, especially lack of information about specific students. Teachers see communication as a real problem. Data-driven leadership – no formal use at this time Average daily attendance is 93% but students spent 766 days in suspension – with African American students having the highest percentage of referrals. 2003-2004 – 38 (20%) 7th graders missed 20+ days; 46 (25%) 8th graders missed 20+ days. process. A single leadership team would focus on student achievement and implementation data. Full implementation of data-driven leadership Due to the number of leadership teams, communication is difficult and ineffective. No formal use of datadriven leadership at this time. A lack of cohesiveness and focus among building and district leadership The building and district leadership have not embraced the concepts of datadriven leadership. Increase average daily attendance and reduce the number of student days of suspension, particularly for African-American students Reduce the percentage of students who missed 20+ days of schools Average daily attendance is less that the state expectation of 98%. African American students have a higher rate of referrals for days of suspension. A significant number of students are missing over 20+ days of school per year. Students may feel disenfranchised from the school system. Cultural competence of teachers may be lacking, particularly as it pertains to the African American culture. Student attendance may be diminished due to a lack of a significant adult in the school setting. Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Utilize the resources of the Iowa Statewide Support System and the Area Education Agency to refocus efforts in the area of leadership. Conceptualize and organize a functional leadership team with specifics roles, tasks, assignments, and outcomes. Assure that effective communication is recognized as a key factor in the success of the building action plan. Incorporate the concept of datadriven leadership into day-to-day practices The creation of a caring environment and engaging curriculum for students. Professional development relative to cultural competence for staff members Develop and operate a student mentoring system that encourages all adults in the building to recognize the importance of connecting with If the leadership team utilizes data consistently and effectively to make system level decisions, there should be an improved focus on professional development, and strategy implementation. If students perceive the efforts of the adults in the school to provide a caring environment and engaging curriculum, attendance will increase. Diagnosis - 243 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance External Environment Parent Engagement Demographics of students who participated in the ITBS: 32% IEP, 75% Low SES, 27% African American, 14% Hispanic, 50% white, 6% Asian Mobility rate – highest in the district 42% “Untapped resource” need to make parents feel welcomed in school; need to help them see school is there to support them. Reduce the percentage of students with IEPs. Enough common practices and instructional programs district wide to assure students will feel successful regardless of building placement. A collaborative partnership between school/home Appears to be a significantly higher number of IEP students in this building compared to state and national averages Significantly higher rate of mobility among students in this middle school compared to other buildings in the district. Parents feel disenfranchised from their student’s learning experience Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Perception of classroom teachers is that students with additional instructional needs should be placed in a program rather than be assisted through regular classroom instructional No district policy exists to address the importance of keeping students in their school of origin. A lack of established school’s policies and practices that facilitate quality parent involvement Lack of understanding by school staff of parental/family reluctance to participate in the school environment Parents translate their own negative school experiences to their current role A lack of appropriate opportunities for parents to participate in their student’s academic success students as individuals. Assure that quality instructional strategies are implemented that benefit all students including low SES and all ethnic groups. Provide professional development in the use of instructional strategies that would benefit students regardless of socioeconomic or ethnic status Develop district policies that facilitate keeping students in building of origin to reduce intra-district mobility. Adopt school policies and practices that facilitate quality parent involvement Provide professional development to assist school staff in recognizing strategies to connect with parents Meet parents in community settings/neutral sites to counter negative parental experiences Develop opportunities, materials, and If we assure that quality instructional strategies are implemented that benefit all students, then all students would be achieving at the levels of proficiency. If the building provides professional development in the use of instructional strategies that would benefit students regardless of socioeconomic or ethnic status, all students would have equal access to the curriculum. If the district develops policies that facilitate the reduction of intradistrict mobility, the mobility rate should decline. If parents experience a warm, welcoming school environment, they may become willing partners in their student’s school experience. If parents have access to appropriate materials and opportunities to assist their student, they would be more involved in their student’s academic success. Diagnosis - 244 Iowa Support System for Schools and Districts in Need of Assistance programs to assist parents as they work with their student Other: _________ Diagnosis: Completed Diagnosis Worksheet for Westlake Middle School ©2009 Diagnosis - 245