UWM PSOA / JAZZ DANCE 115 / SYLLABUS FALL 2011 DANCE 115 – 803 T/Th 12:00 – 1:15pm Kenilworth Square East 660 INSTRUCTOR: Christal Wagner DANCE OFFICE/MAILBOX: Mitchell Room 345 OFFICE HOURS: Before/after class or by appointment PHONE: 414-229-2571 EMAIL: wagnercm@uwm.edu OBJECTIVE: Students will explore a variety movement within the Jazz genre expanding their vocabularies. The goal of this class is to develop any Jazz training you may or may not have and progress at a beginners pace. Emphasis in this class will be put on memorization of movements, terminology, attendance, effort, and musicality. Jazz Fusion and Musical Theatre Jazz techniques will be covered over the course of the semester. On completion students should demonstrate: The ability to learn, memorize, and perform beginning/intermediate Jazz combinations An increase in strength and flexibility The ability to use expressiveness and emotion through Jazz dance A better understanding of self, body, and aesthetic awareness Clear spatial awareness through the use of weight shifts An understanding and clear use of breath The use and understanding of a wide jazz vocabulary COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Dance Department No Absence Policy The Department of Dance has a No Absence Policy. Dance instruction is delivered in-class and students must be present to understand course information. For any absence beyond those permitted by campus policy (religious, military, jury duty, etc), a student may (outside of the class meeting time) submit written documentation for consideration by the instructor. All absence penalties are determined by the individual instructor. Any modifications to the No Absence Policy are at the instructor’s discretion. The Department of Dance absence policy permits no more than 1 or 2 absences per term (1 for classes meeting once a week, 2 for classes meeting twice a week). Absences can be for any reason, including jury duty, medical and family. All absence penalties are determined by the individual instructor. Jazz Dance 1 Absence policy: The student must physically attend and participate in class in order be graded on physical progression. In this class you are allowed 2 absences. Absences will still be counted weather your are ill or not. As winter approaches please prepare for bad weather and parking complications. Absences beyond 2 will influence your grade on and increasing scale. See grading scale on the next page. Grade Scale 2 absences – No consequence 3 absences – Decrease in 1 letter grade (A-) 4 absences – Decrease in 2 additional letter grades (B) 5 absences – Decrease in 3 additional letter grades (C) 6 absences – Decrease in 4 additional letter grades (D-) 100-93 A 92-90 A89-87 B+ 86-83 B 82-80 B79-77 C+ 76-73 C 72-70 C69-67 D+ 66-63 D 62-60 D59-0 F (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Tardiness is not accepted beyond physical warm up. If you are not there to warm up with everyone, you will be expected to sit and observe the class to receive participation points for that day. If you are not in class when role is called you will be marked for a Tardy. Three of these will count as an absence. If you are tardy, come to me and make sure I mark you there for that class. *If you do sit out for any reason such as extreme tardiness, injury, illness etc, you will be expected to take notes on your observations. To receive attendance points for that day, you are required to type 1 page of notes to be submitted to D2L summarizing the material covered. This can be in notated, bullet form, or in paragraph form. In your notes please include your name and the date of observation. If you submit nothing on D2L, you run the risk of receiving no attendance points for that day. Movement Exams will consist of set combinations and material that we will work on throughout each section. Movement exams are mandatory and I will only allow makeup exams for a VERY GOOD REASON. I will be videotaping to accurately grade your improvement, effort, and understanding of the material given. Both movement exams will be compiled with the written exam grade, adding up to your final grade for that section. Written Exams will be based on terminology given to you at the start of each section. The format will be multiple choice, matching, or fill in the blank. The terminology you will be tested on will also be available on D2L. This terminology is to help the student vocalize, visualize, and execute the movement we are learning in class. Each written exam will vary in value and be compiled with the movement exam grade, adding up to your final grade for that section. WRITING REQUIREMENTS: Introductory Paper: Introduce yourself and the movement history you have had in your life up until this point. Be detailed and thorough. Length: 2 pages minimum – 3 pages maximum Format: Times New Roman, 12 font, DOUBLE SPACED Due Date: by Midnight Thursday Sep 15th on D2L Intro: Introduce your name, Major or intended major at UWM, and any other information introducing yourself. Body: (1) Please include dance training (when, where, what?), previous sports activities (when, where, what?), current recreation activities (do you work part time, do you work out, play an instrument, meditate…?), or anything else that involves strength and spatial awareness in an artistic way. Describe the muscular usage in those activities.(what muscles, how, how much…?) (2) Tell me of any injuries you may have now or have had previous to this course. (why were you injured and what can you do to help or reverse this injury?) (3) Last include any negative or positive thoughts you may have about this course and reflect on them. Include what you would like to gain or work on during this dance course. CONCERT ATTENDANCE, CRITIQUE and CRITIQUE WORKSHEET:. Viewing and assessment of dance is integral to begin understanding compositional and thematic concepts. You must attend a professional dance concert and write one review. There is a list or performances on the D2L site. High school student concerts, pageants, or recitals are not acceptable. At the concert of your choice, fill out and answer the questions on the critique worksheet given to you. Critique worksheets are available on D2L. Review the questions on the worksheet before the performance so you know what to look for when you attend your chosen performance. This worksheet is used as a guideline and a learning tool in writing about dance. Completion of the worksheet is due in class after the submission of your paper on D2L. Please use your answers on the worksheet to write your critique paper. The worksheet is worth 5% of your grade. Papers must be turned in within 1 week of the dance concert at midnight on D2L. For example, if you see a concert on a Sunday evening, your paper is due at midnight the following Sunday evening. This Critique paper is worth 5% of your grade. Please bring your ticket stub and program from the concert to me in class with them attached to the worksheet. Include your name on both the ticket stub and the program. This ticket stub and program submission is worth 5% of your grade. Length: 2 pages minimum, 4 pages maximum Format: Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced Due: Varies depending on the concert date. Last submission date is Sunday Dec 11th by Midnight Dance Department assignment policy: All course requirements must be fulfilled in order to pass the course. This includes all class projects, written assignments or essays, written or movement exams, or any other assignments noted on the course syllabus. GRADING CRITERIA: 45% Attendance, participation, effort, and improvement: This includes coming to class with an enthusiastic open attitude and proper dance attire. Let your voice and presence be heard by asking questions and contributing to in class discussion. Improvement in skill level will be a small portion of this grade. 35% Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam. Midterm : Movement portion: 10% Written portion: 5% Final: Movement portion: 15% Written portion: 5% 15% Written Assignments: Intro paper (5%), Critique worksheet (5%), Critique paper (5%) 5% Ticket Stub and Program: Use the program as a resource to write your critique paper, you will need this to reference choreographers, dance titles, dancers names, and any other useful information about the history of the piece you choose to critique. IMPORTANT DATES AND CHECK LIST Thursday Sep 15th Sunday Dec 11th Monday Dec 12th Intro paper due on D2L by Midnight Dance critique due on D2L by Midnight Ticket stub due in class Program from attended concert due in class Critique worksheet from attended concert due in class TIMELINE: Sep 6th – Oct 13th Oct 18th Oct 20th and Oct 25th Oct 27th Nov 1st – Dec 8th Dec 13th Fusion Unit Midterm Exam Student Teacher Evaluations Musical Theatre Video Musical Theatre Unit Final Exam DRESS CODE: Dress code for all undergraduate Jazz classes: Class clothing must be form-fitting in solid colors only, and cover the full torso and leg. Undergarment support required as appropriate (dance belts for men/bras for women). Footwear requirements as appropriate (ballet slippers, tap or jazz shoes, etc). Failure to adhere to the dress code may affect your course grade. You may wear traditional jazz shoes, or foot pads. I also give the option to dance barefoot if your feet can handle it without injury. NO SOCKS. Please wear dance attire that shows the contour of the body. No baggy T-shirts or overly long, baggy pants. Long hair and bangs need to be secured away from the face and jewelry should be minimal. Leggings, tight fitting sweats, and athletic T-shirts can all be purchased fairly inexpensively at Walmart, Target, etc. No chewing gum in class. Jazz Shoes or Toe Pads can be purchased at www.discountdance.com Eclectic Dance and Yoga (show your student id and receive a 10% discount) 1228 N Astor Street Hours M,W,F 2-8pm, Tuesday by appointment (224-6325), Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4 Or there is a dance attire and footwear store in Brookfield Trep-Art 13865 W North Ave Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 786-8868 (call before you go out there to verify that they have the supplies you need) D2L: All class content and information will be available on the D2L site for this course. Please educate yourself about this resource and e-mail me if you have any problems. All papers and class observations should be submitted on D2L. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: The link below includes information on policies for religious observances, incomplete, academic misconduct, grade appeal procedures, final examination policy, students called to military service, discriminatory conduct, and complaint procedures. www.uwm.edu/Dept/SecU/SyllabusLinks.pdf