MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY BSc. HOUNOURS PSYCHOLOGY MODULE OUTLINE Module Title: HIV/AIDS and Psychological Well Being Module Code: PSY 216 Lecturer: J. M. Kasayira Office: Room 22 1.0 Module Description The major aim of this module is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with issues related to HIV and AIDS with particular emphasis on suggestions to facilitating the psychological well-being of PLWHA clients. Among other aspects the modules explores how health behaviour models have been used to explain risk taking and health behaviours. You are expected to augment the new knowledge and skills with the counselling skills gained from preceding modules. 2.0 Module Objectives After studying this module you should be able to: 2.1 Define Psychological well-being; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome and CD4-count 2.2 Examine different perspectives on well-being 2.3 Describe some studies on psychological well-being 2.4 Analyze Zimbabwe’s HIV/AIDS Policies 2.5 Explain the significance of meaning making 2.6 Discuss the impact of antiretroviral therapy to PLWHA 2.7 Examine factors that influence (non) adherence 2.8 Demonstrate some basic skills in counselling PLWHA clients 3.0 Instructional Approaches 3.1 Lectures: These will constitute 3 hours a week. Should there be next extra lectures will be scheduled. You are strongly advised to attend all lectures; this will be to your advantage. 3.2 Tutorials: These will be conducted once, one hour per week. Attendance is mandatory. Classroom participation is strongly encouraged. (see handout on tutorials) 3.3 Assignments: Assignments constitute 40% of the final course mark. You will write two assignments: one essay constituting 20 marks and the other twenty marks comes from group presentations. The presentations will be done on a date to be announced. Essays should be a maximum of 4 TYPED pages. Anything beyond that will not be credited. -Sources consulted should be more than 5. -Submission of assignments should be not later than 12 noon on the due date in the lecture’s office. Late submissions will be penalized. -Academic Dishonesty such as plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will attract disciplinary action. Therefore the contribution of others should be clearly acknowledged (see also handout on essay writing). 3.4 Exam: There will be an exam at the end of the semester worth 60% of your final course work mark. It may consist of multiple choice, short answer and or essay type questions. 3.5 Individual study: You spent ONLY 4 hours in lectures and tutorial per week the rest of the week you are expected to research, study on your own! 4.0 Content 4.1 Introduction and overview 4.1.1 Key Concepts: Psychological well-being; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Immune System 4.1.2 Background to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Zimbabwe 4.1.3 A global overview of HIV/AIDS prevalence 4.1.4 HIV/AIDS education in Zimbabwe 4.1.5 Stigma and HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe 4.2 Zimbabwe’s HIV/AIDS Policies 4.2.1 Key Concepts: Policy statement; voluntary counselling and testing 4.2.2 The national HIV/AIDS policy 4.2.3 National AIDS council of Zimbabwe Act (CAP 15:14) 4.2.4 The national HIV/AIDS Trust Fund 4.2.5 Some related policies: Sexual Offence Act; The Labour Act 4.2.6 Some selected issues: Gender and HIV/AIDS; AIDS education; Counselling services; Care of PLWHA 4.3 Perspectives on well-being 4.3.1 Key Concepts: human wellness; subjective well-being; quality of life 4.3.2 The hedonic approach 4.3.3 The eudaimonic approach 4.3.4 Lifespan Perspectives on well-being 4.3.5 Universality versus Relativism and well-being 4.3.6 Some studies on psychological well-being 4.4 HIV/AIDS and the Immune System 4.4.1 Key Concepts: CD4; clinical staging 4.4.2 HIV/AIDS and CD4 – counts 4.4.3 Spread of HIV infection 4.4.4 Opportunistic infections 4.4.5 The WHO clinical Staging in the development of HIV/AIDS 4.5 Psychological Adjustment to HIV/AIDS 4.5.1 Key Concepts: coping; chronic illness 4.5.2 Stages of adjustment to chronic illness 4.5.3 HIV/AIDS coping and adjustment models: Information seeking; problem focused; emotion focused; psychosocial support 4.5.4 Significance of meaning making: HIV/AIDS-related situational meaning versus global meaning 4.5.5 Beliefs about one’s capacities for managing HIVAIDS –associated stressors 4.5.6 Psychological Adjustment and Psychological well being: positive meaning versus levels of depressed mood 4.6 Antiretroviral therapy (ART) 4.6.1 Key Concepts: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) 4.6.2 The effect of ARVs on HIV and CD4-count 4.6.3 When to start ART 4.6.4 ARVs and their side effects 4.6.5 Facilitating client’s decision to start ARV treatment 4.6.6 Role plays 4.7 Adherence (compliance) to ART 4.7.1 Key Concepts: adherence; compliance 4.7.2 Importance of adherence 4.7.3 Factors that influence (non) adherence 4.7.4 Managing adherence 4.7.5 ART and psychological well-being of PLWHA 4.7.6 Role plays 4.8 Enhancing Psychological well-being for PLWHA 4.8.1 Key Concepts: health behaviours; living positively 4.8.2 Health Behaviour Models, Health Promotion Models and living positively 4.8.3 Stress management and HIV/AIDS 4.8.4 Pain management and HIV/AIDS 4.8.5 Counselling/Psychotherapy with PLWHA clients 4.8.6 Role plays 5.0 Reading List Chiremba, W. & Maunganidze, L. (2004). Health Behaviour, Module HPSY 401. Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Open University. Chireshe. R. U and Makore - Rukuni M.N (2003) HIV/AIDS Counselling, Harare: Zimbabwe Open University. Zimbabwe: Eales, C, & Hawkes-Whitehead,(1996) Counselling Skills: A Quick Guide. Dunstable: Folens. Farber, E. W., Mirsalimi, H., Williams, K.A., Mcdaniel, J. S. (2003). Meaning of illness and psychological adjustment to HIV/AIDS. Psychosomatics 2003; 44:485-491. The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine/ American Psychiatric Press, Inc. Eales, C, & Hawkes-Whitehead,(1996) Counselling Skills: A Quick Guide. Dunstable: Folens. Feltham, C. & Horton, I. (2000). Handbook Of Counselling And Psychotherapy. London: Sage Publication. Hornby, G., Hall, C. & Hall, E. (Eds) (2003). Counselling Pupils In Schools: Skills And Strategies For Teachers. London: Routledge Falmer. Jackson, H (1992) AIDS: Action now: Information, prevention and support in Zimbabwe. Harare: Jackson, H. (2003) AIDS Africa: Continent in crisis; Harare: SAFAIDS. Kasayira J. M. & Chipandambira, K. S. (2002). Psychology of Special Populations, Module PSY 301. Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Open University. Katabira, E.T and Kamya, M.R. (2003) National Antiretroviral Treatment and care guidelines for adults and children. Kampala: Ministry of Health Republic of Uganda Kochhar, S. K. (1984).Guidance And Counselling In Colleges And Universities. New Dehli: Sterling Publishers. Makinde, O. (1984). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling. London: Macmillan. Rao, N. S. (2003). Counselling and Guidance.2nd Ed. New Dehli: Tata - Mcgraw Hill. Seden, J. (1999). Counselling Skills In Social Work Practice. Buckingham: Open University Press. Trotzer, J. P. (1999). The Counsellor and the group: Integrating Theory, Training, And Practice. 3rd Ed. Philadelphia: Accelerated Development. UNAIDS (2003) Progress Report on the Global response to HIV/AIDS Epidemic : Geneva: Author. UNAIDS/WHO (2003) AIDS Epidemic Update: Geneva; UNAIDS publication. UNICEF, (2001). INSIGHTS and foresight: Harare: Author. UNAIDS (2003). Progress Report on the Global response to HIV/ AIDS Epidemic Geneva: Author. 6.0 Assignments 6.1 Discuss the strength and weaknesses of the way you were taught AIDS education at secondary school level. Suggest ways of improving the teaching of the subject at secondary school level. Due date: 19 April 2007 6.2 Group presentations Presentations are based on the following tutorial questions: 6.1 Analyze the pros and cons of mandatory testing for HIV 6.2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Zimbabwe’s 1999 national HIV/AIDS policy 6.3 Explain factors that make Zimbabwean women more vulnerable to HIV infection than men 6.4 Analyze the Zimbabwean form 1 and 2 AIDS education curriculum 6.5 Examine the relationship between meaning of illness and psychological adjustment to HIV/AIDS 6.6 Analyze factors that affecting adherence to antiretroviral therapy 6.7 Review at least one study on relationship between ART and quality of life in PLWHA 6.8 Find the grade level at which AIDS education is introduced at primary school. Discuss the type of material the pupils are taught. Discuss the strength and weaknesses of the AIDS curriculum taught at this level. 6.9 Demonstrate how you would use a health promotion model to enhance the psychological well-being for PLWHA