Plant ID Definitions

African Violet
Propagation – take leaf cuttings or sow seeds in spring
Disease – whitefly, mealy bugs, and cyclamen mites can be troublesome
Light – bright light, ideally on east or south window in winter and a west window in
Water – keep compost moist, wait until the surface is dry before watering
Common Fact - it is able to flower at any time of the year
Crown of Thorns –
Propagation – air layer or stem cuttings
Disease – durable to pests
Light – as much light as possible, but shade from the summer sun
Water – Water moderately from spring to autumn, sparingly in winter
Common Fact – also known as the Siamese lucky plant, handling plant may cause skin
irritation or allergic reaction
Spider Plant
Propagation – peg down plantlets in compost, cut stem when rooted, divide plants at
repotting time
Disease – virtually pest free – aphids will attack if plant is weak
Light – a well lit spot away from direct sunlight
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn, water sparingly in winter
Common Fact – extremely adaptable to an environmental situation
Dumb Cane
Propagation – remove and pot up top crown of leaves, pieces of stem that are 2-3 in
long, remove daughter plants if applicable, air layer
Disease – keep watch for scale and red spider mite
Light – partial shade in summer, bright light in winter
Water – water regularly from spring to autumn, water sparingly in winter
Common Fact – All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested, called a False palm because
of droop of leaves
Christmas Cactus
Propagation – take stem cutting sin summer – use terminal leaf pad or stem tip, allow
cutting to dry before repotting
Disease – whiteflies or aphids
Light – a well lit spot, shaded from direct sunlight for most varieties
Water – increase watering when resting period is over and buds begin to form, treat as
an ordinary plant when flowers appear, and during active growth, water liberally when
compost begins to dry out.
Common Fact – attached to trees in woodlands and jungles, leaf like stems and trailing
growth habit make it suitable for hanging baskets
Janet Craig
Propagation – remove crown from old leggy canes and plant, air layer, stem cutting with
a 2-3 in piece
Disease – scale, mealy bugs and thrips are most common
Light – light shade is the best general position
Water – keep soil moist at all times
Common Fact – scientific name is Dracaena Deremensis, foliage is dark green with
longitude stripes of a different color
Dwarf Dumb Cane
Propagation – leaf cuttings
Disease – keep watch for scale and red spider mite
Light – partial shade in summer, bright light in winter
Water – water regularly from spring to autumn, water sparingly in winter
Common Fact – All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested, called a False palm because
of droop of leaves,
Birds Nest
Propagation – Remove offset by cutting off at base, allow drying before putting in soil
Disease – Sansevieria is susceptible to insects such as vine weevil grubs, mealy bugs, and
spider mites.
Light – bright light with some sun preferred, will grow in shade
Water – allow soil to dry slightly between waterings
Common Fact – under good conditions sprays of small, fragrant flowers will appear
Snake Plant
Propagation – Remove offset by cutting off at base, allow drying before putting in soil
Disease – Sansevieria is susceptible to insects such as vine weevil grubs, mealy bugs, and
spider mites.
Light – bright light with some sun preferred, will grow in shade
Water – allow soil to dry slightly between waterings
Common Fact – under good conditions sprays of small, fragrant flowers will appear
Grape Ivy
Propagation – leaf cutting or stem cutting
Disease – mealy bugs
Light – brightly lit spot away from direct sunlight,
Water –water liberally from spring to fall, water sparingly in winter
Common Fact – Extremely popular and easy to grow, climb/cling to supports with their
Swedish Ivy
Propagation – take stem cuttings in spring or summer
Disease – Not effected by many pest.
Light – bright light or semi-shade, avoid direct sunlight
Water – keep compost moist at all times, reduce watering in winter
Common Fact – an easy to grow plant
Wandering Jew
Propagation - Wandering Jews are easily propagated from stem cuttings
Disease - Not effected by many pests, but watch for aphids.
Light - thrive best in bright
Water – water liberally in spring to autumn and sparingly in winter
Common Fact – varieties may have splash of purple, green, and white or white and
(Madagascar) Dragon Tree
Propagation – remove crown and plant, air layer, 2-3 in stem can be used
Disease - scale, mealy bugs and thrips are most common
Light – light shade is the best general position
Water – keep compost moist at all times
Common Fact – providing a bold and attractive focal point for a living room or hallway
Umbrella Tree
Propagation – air layer, root cuttings
Disease – Not effected by many pests, but watch for aphids.
Light – bright light away from direct sunshine
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter
Common Fact – known as the Octopus tree, easy to grow
Devils Ivy
Propagation – stem cuttings, use a rooting hormone
Disease – mealy bugs
Light – well lit but sunless spot
Water – let compost dry out slightly between waterings
Common Fact – a climbing plant with aerial roots, use a moss stick as support
Boston Fern
Propagation – divide in the roots
Disease - Not effected by many pests.
Light – good indirect light is the proper location
Water – soil must be kept moist and never allowed to dry out
Common Fact – not difficult to grow, will not tolerate being neglected
Propagation – cutting the bulbs apart
Disease - Not effected by many pests.
Light – partial sunlight or no direct sunlight
Water - Keep the soil on the dry side but not totally dry..
Common Fact - easiest to bring to bloom, This beautiful seasonal indoor flowering house
plant has always been a favorite of the indoor gardener.
Rubber Tree Plant
Propagation – stem cuttings or air layering
Disease - This beautiful seasonal indoor flowering house plant has always been a
favorite of the indoor gardener.
Light – bright spot, a few hours of sunshine in the am
Water – water with care; allow soil to dry out between waterings
Common Fact – all green plant are easier to grow than variegated version
Arrowhead Plant
Propagation – take stem cuttings bearing aerial roots
Disease - Not affected by many pests. Watch for aphids.
Light – well lit but sunless spot for variegated, semi shade for all green
Water – keep soil moist at all times, reduce in winter
Common Fact – juvenile leaf looks like an arrowhead and at mature adult will look like a
hand with 5 fingers
Baby Tears
Propagation – take stem cuttings
Disease – whitefly, aphids and scale
Light – bright indirect light is best but will survive almost anywhere
Water – keep compost moist at all times
Common Fact – can easily smother other low growing plants
Weeping Fig
Propagation – stem cuttings or air layering
Disease - This beautiful seasonal indoor flowering house plant has always been a
favorite of the indoor gardener.
Light – bright spot, a few hours of sunshine in the am
Water – water with care; allow soil to dry out between waterings
Common Fact – splendid specimen plant for the modern home
Palm Plant
Propagation – seed germination
Disease – red spider mites, scale, and mealy bug can be troublesome
Light – some revel in sunshine, most should be kept in partial shade
Water – have good drainage (no water at their feet), during winter keep soil moist and
water liberally in spring and summer
Common Fact – easy to look after in an average room, don’t forget about them
Yucca Cane
Propagation – cut the offshoot growth
Disease – Not effected by many pests.
Light – provide as much light as possible
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter
Common Fact – White bell shaped flowers may appear after a number of years
Peace Lilly
Propagation – divide plants at repotting time
Disease – Not effected by many insects.
Light – semi shade in summer, bright light in winter
Water – keep compost moist at all times, reduce watering in winter
Common Fact - This houseplant will let you know when it needs water. The leaves will
begin to droop.
Fiddle Leaf Philodendron
Propagation – air layering, stem cuttings, shoots taken from the stem
Disease – Watch for scale and spider mites.
Light – out of direct sunlight in a shady condition, light shade or moderate brightness
Water – keep compost just moist, not waterlogged, water thoroughly and regularly
Common Fact - the shape of an open palm and three to seven lobes with serrated
edges, a large leathery leaved upright plant, indoors to 12 feet in height and up to 6 foot
in width.
Peperomia Plant
Propagation – cuttings root easily, stem cuttings, leaf cuttings
Disease – Watch for aphids.
Light – bright or semi shady spot, away from direct sunlight, will thrive in fluorescent
Water – compost must dry out to some extent between watering, don’t wait until the
leaves are wilted
Common Fact – 2 different varietiesīƒ  bushy or upright
Artillery Plant
Propagation – stem cuttings/give hair cut and plant those
Disease – red spider mites may be troublesome
Light – bright light or semi shade, protect from direct sun in summer
Water – Allow compost to dry out slightly between waterings
Common Fact – wide variety and easy to grow
Chinese Evergreen
Propagation – airy layering, basal shoots with a few leaves and roots attached
Disease – mealybugs and spider mites
Light – semi shade or bright light, keep away from direct sun light
Water – water thoroughly except for in the winter
Common Fact – spear shaped leaves on a short stem, easy plant to care for
Wax Leaf Plant
Propagation – take stem cuttings using mature shoots
Disease – Watch for mealy bug.
Light – bright light, some direct sun is beneficial
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn, sparingly in winter
Common Fact – is a climber, easy to shape/move vines around, produces small white
flowers with red middle
Propagation - stem cuttings – no rooting hormone
Disease – whitefly, aphid, and vine weevil can be troublesome
Light – provide as much sunlight as possible, direct sunlight is essential
Water – water thoroughly then leave until compost is moderately dry
Common Fact - Geraniums have always been among the most popular of all flowering
Propagation – root and stem cuttings
Disease – Not effected by many pests.
Light - east or west facing windowsill from spring to autumn, and a south facing
windowsill in winter
Water – water thoroughly and let the surface dry between waterings
Common Fact – has succulent leaves
Aluminum plant
Propagation – take stem cuttings
Disease – red spider mite
Light - bright light or semi shade
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn letting the soil dry out in between, water
sparingly in winter
Common Fact – silvery patches on quilted surface of leaf
Propagation – take stem cuttings in late spring
Disease – aphids and spider mites
Light – as much light as possible, but shade from hot sun
Water – keep compost moist at all times – reduce watering in winter
Common fact – flowers only last for a day or two, can live for 20 years
Propagation – take stem cuttings and use a rooting hormone
Disease – red spider mites and scales can be a problem
Light - good light is necessary – an east/west windowsill is ideal
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter
Common Fact - each of the leaves tends to point up and they feel as if they are covered
in wax, vivid color on the foliage
English ivy
Propagation – occasional removal of tips is necessary to promote bushiness, use these
trimmings as cuttings
Disease – Watch for Spider mites.
Light - bright conditions in winter, avoid direct sunlight in summer
Water – keep compost moist in summer by regular watering, water sparingly in winter
but never let it dry out
Common Fact – Hedera Helix (scientific name), Evergreen vine that can trail along the
ground or grow veritcally up trees, fences, walls and hillsides.
Propagation – creeping stems will root in surrounding soil, remove and pot up rooted
cuttings, divide plants in spring
Disease – Watch for aphids
Light - choose a partially shaded spot, avoid direct sunlight
Water – water liberally from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter
Common Fact – the veins on the leaf are white, pink or green and white
Jade plant
Propagation – cuttings root easily; take stem cuttings, offsets, or leaf cuttings
Disease – mealy bugs
Light – a windowsill is the right spot, as some sunshine is vital
Water – water thoroughly when the compost begins to dry out
Common Fact – good plant for children because they are easy to care for, thick leaves
means not a lot of water is needed
Purple Passion
Propagation – Trim the ends of the stems regularly. This will cause the stems to branch,
keeping the plant full, and increase the brilliance of the purple color. Use the trimmings
for cuttings
Disease – Watch for aphids and mealy bug.
Light – bright light
Water – Keep the soil moist. Water the plant when the top of the potting mix begins to
dry out.
Common Fact – Their soft leaves are covered with very fine purple hairs. If your plant
blooms... it will reward you with some quite stinky flowers.
Heart Shaped Philodendron
Propagation – cuttings require warm conditions, stem cuttings, air layer, shoots taken
from base of stem can be used
Disease – Not effected by many pests. Occasionally the plant may get mealy bug.
Light – kept out of direct sunlight
Water – keep compost just moist, but not waterlogged
Common Fact – A trailing or climbing plant. When grown unsupported usually not over
12" in height. Vines can reach over 6 foot in length.
Elephant Ear Plant
Propagation – cuttings require warm conditions, stem cuttings, air layer, shoots taken
from base of stem can be used
Disease – Fungal leaf spots
Light – kept out of direct sunlight
Water – keep compost just moist, but not waterlogged
Common Fact – does well in poor soils... in fact it enhances the fall color.
Polka Dot Plant
Propagation – sow seeds, take stem cuttings
Disease – Prone to whitefly, aphids and scale.
Light – bright light, direct sunlight will enhance color
Water – keep compost evenly moist
Common Fact – the spots may be pink or white