Constitution of The Primary Source

Constitution of PostScript
Updated 2/25/2014
The name of this organization is PostScript (hereafter called PS).
Post Script aims to provide critical commentary regarding political issues on
campus, across the country and around the world. Post Script is an indepdendent
and non-partisan political journal and accepts writers—of any affiliation—who
are willing to engage in respectful dialogue. PS upholds the journalistic ethics
practices of both opinion and reporting.
The Editorial Staff consists of the Editor-in-Chief (hereafter called EIC) and
Managing and Assistant Editors as needed.
The EIC is elected by the regular contributors to PS, where regular contributor
means that the person has participated in the production of at least two issues
during the semester. The EIC election is held at the production of the outgoing
EIC’s last issue, and must be announced at least three days ahead of time.
Candidates for EIC must also be regular contributors, and the candidate with
the plurality of the vote wins an election. The outgoing EIC has the right to
decide between ties in case of an election.
The EIC serves for one year, but can also choose to step down after one
semester. The EIC may be impeached and forced to step down by a
unanimous vote of the regular contributors.
The EIC is responsible for managing production schedule, ensuring that the
PS is published in a timely fashion and adheres to the standards of excellence,
managing public relations, and recruiting regular contributors.
Position appointed by Editor-In-Chief. Oversees content and edits content
from International, National and Campus sections. Oversees layout and
logistics for magazine.
Managing Editors are appointed by the EIC, and are in charge of their
assigned section. The EIC may also remove a Managing Editor for due cause,
at the EIC’s discretion. Managing Editors will oversee the National,
International, and Campus sections.
Oversees art submissions, potentially contributes art for any issues.
Only Tufts Students paying the Student Activities Fee may become members of
Non-discrimination clause: Membership of this organization shall not be denied to
any individual based upon race, religion, gender, nationality, handicap, sexual
orientation, age, etc.
PS will be written and edited primarily by Tufts students and those affiliated with
Tufts University, although guest writers from other institutions may periodically
PS will be solely funded by advertisements in the magazine, subscriptions, and
the student activities fee (as apportioned by the TCU Senate).
PS will be published 10-13 times yearly, according to a schedule determined by
the EIC.
All content is solely the opinion of the contributor of that content. PS has no
‘opinion,’ and the EIC and the Managing Editors will not attempt to maintain
editorial unanimity. The EIC and Managing Editors do, however, have discretion
when deciding whether or not to print any submitted content.
PS maintains the right to publish commentary and special sections anonymously.
Letters to the Editor are welcomed. However, the EIC and Managing Editors have
discretion when deciding whether to print letters, and may choose to print a
selection from letters.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the regular contributors.
All Constitutional amendments must be approved by the Judiciary before taking