Homecoming Queen Application - Texas Tech University Departments

2006 Homecoming Queen Rules
Organizations registered through the Center for Campus Life Office may sponsor ONE
(1) King candidate and ONE (1) Queen Candidate in the 2006 Homecoming elections.
Candidates must turn in an official sponsor verification form with their application
sponsorship verified and signed by the student organization president AND TTU
faculty/staff advisor. Applications are due to Center for Campus Life Office, Student
Union Room 201, by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2006, at 5:00 PM.
King/Queen candidates must fulfill the following requirements, all of which WILL be
Full-time, undergraduate student. Students enrolled in a combined
undergraduate/graduate degree program (i.e. BA 150) will be classified according
to enrollment status in college/school.
Enrolled in at least 12 hours at Texas Tech University for Fall 2006.
Correspondence hours WILL NOT be included.
Cumulative GPA of 2.50
Minimum of 60 completed semester hours before Fall 2006 semester.
Students from Texas Tech Health Science Center and School of Nursing may run for
Homecoming Queen.
All candidates must attend all scheduled activities throughout the week. Also be
aware that, if chosen as Queen, she must be present throughout the Homecoming
festivities the following year. If unable to fulfill these duties, the first runner-up will
assume the title.
There is a mandatory King/Queen meeting on Thursday, September 21st, 2006, at
7:30p.m. in the Escondido Theater in the SUB. ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEND.
Campaign rules and regulations will be discussed and publicity photographs will be
taken at this meeting.
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Each candidate will be required to attend an informational meeting on September 21st at
7:30 pm in the Escondido Theater in the SUB. Photographs will be taken at this
meeting, so dress appropriately. All candidates must submit a resume with their
application. The resume committee will narrow the applications to twenty (20) (ten
Queen and ten King) candidates. These twenty (20) candidate names will be announced
at the end of the Candidate Showcase. All twenty (20) candidates will participate in a
campus-wide election beginning on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 and ending on
Thursday, October 5, 2006. Finalists will sign up for an interview, which will take place
on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 from 3:00p.m.-7:00p.m. in the West Hall Conference
Room. The Homecoming Court will be presented at the Rowdy Raider Rally, which
begins at noon on Friday, October 6, 2006. The Homecoming Queen and King will be
announced at halftime during the football game on Saturday, October 7, 2006. The
Homecoming Court will also ride in the parade on the morning of Saturday, October 7,
The Homecoming King/Queen and the court will be selected by the following:
(P*50%) + ((I*C)*50%) = S
P=Popular Vote I=Interview Score C=Conversion Factor S=Total Score
50% of the interview score is combined with 50% of the popular vote from the campuswide election. The students receiving the highest combined score will be selected as King
and Queen. The remaining individuals with the four highest combined scores will serve
on the Homecoming Court. In case of a tie, the candidate with the highest popular vote
will be selected as Homecoming King and Queen.
The Election Commission will supervise and coordinate all matters regarding the Queen
and King elections. Any grievances or comments should be directed to the Student
Government Association in the Student Union Room 303 or at 806-742-3631. They will
notify the Election Commission Advisor. The appropriate actions will be taken.
All grievances must be in writing and filed within 24 hours from the occurrence.
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The 2006 Homecoming Queen Candidates MUST COMPLY with these guidelines and
attend all of the following events. Please note that the times listed here are for the arrival
of the candidates and do not necessarily reflect start time of the event.
Queen Candidate Applications, Sponsor Verification Forms and Resumes Due
September 18th by 5:00 pm
Center for Campus Life,
Student Union Rm. 201
Queen ‘Candidate Showcase’ Fittings
At the stores (Dates and Times to be announced during the Mandatory Meeting)
Queen Candidate Orientation Meeting and Photographs
September 21st
7:30 pm
Escondido Theater in SUB
Student Organization Sing Competition
October 2nd
United Spirit Arena
Queen Candidate Showcase Rehearsal
United Spirit Arena
(Date/Time to be announced at Mandatory Meeting)
Candidate Showcase
October 3rd
6:30 pm
United Spirit Arena
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Wednesday October 4th
3:00pm-7:00 pm
West Hall Conference Room
Community Service
October 5th
12:00 pm
Rowdy Raider Rally
Queen Court Presentations
October 6th
Homecoming Parade
October 7th
9:00 am
2006 Homecoming King and Queen Announcement
October 7th
Jones AT&T Stadium
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2006 Homecoming Queen Application
(All areas are required)
Personal Information
First Name: _____________ Last Name: ____________________ MI: ______
City:_____________________ State:_______________ Zip:_______________
Phone: (____)______-_________
Age:______ Birth date:____________________
Father’s name:_________________________________________
Mother’s name:________________________________________
Parent’s address:________________________________________
City:________________ State:__________ Zip:_______________
Hometown Newspaper:__________________________________
School Information
Major:_____________________ College:______________________
Accumulated Credits:__________Overall GPA:_________________
Expected Graduation Date:____________________
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Activities and Hobbies:
Awards and Honors:
Volunteer Work:
I certify that the above information is true and correct and authorize the advisor of the
Tech Homecoming Association to check my records and verify my eligibility.
_____________________________________ ______________
Candidate Printed Name
_____________________________________ ______________
Candidate Signature
Return this form by Monday, September 18th, 2006, no later than 5:00pm, to
Center for Campus Life Office, Student Union, room 201.
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2006 Homecoming Queen Sponsor Verification Form
Queen Candidate:_________________________________________________________
Sponsoring registered student organization: ____________________________________
Sponsorship Regulations:
Sponsoring organization must be registered with the Center for Campus Life
Each registered student organization may only sponsor one (1) Queen candidate.
The organization advisor on record in the Center for Campus Life must sign the
sponsor verification form.
There shall be no material campaigning for Homecoming Queen. This includes
posters, flyers, buttons, handbills, parties, etc…
Written advertisements of any kind are NOT ALLOWED. This includes letters,
meeting minutes, newspaper personals, e-mail, etc…
Solicitation of eraider numbers and passwords are NOT ALLOWED!
The Candidate and the Sponsoring organization representatives may verbally
campaign for their candidates.
Must follow the election rules as outlined in the Election Code.
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Sponsoring Organization Verification:
As the President of the above organization, I confirm the support and sponsorship of
______________________________ as a 2006 Homecoming Queen Candidate. The
members of the above organization and I understand the regulations concerning the
campaigning for a Queen candidate and agree to abide by these rules. (A signature of the
President of the above organization must be on record in the Center for Campus Life
Office, Student Union Room 201)
___________________________________ ______________
Printed name of President
___________________________________ _____________
Signature of President
As the TTU faculty/staff Advisor of the above organization, I confirm the support and
sponsorship of _______________________________ as a 2006 Homecoming Queen
Candidate. The members of the above organization and I understand the regulations
concerning the campaigning for a Queen candidate and agree to abide by these rules. (A
signature of the Advisor of the above organization must be on record in the Center for
Campus Life Office, Student Union, room 201)
___________________________________ ______________
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor Date
___________________________________ _____________
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
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Other Organization(s) Verification:
As Advisors of the following organizations, we confirm our support of
______________________________ as a 2006 Homecoming Queen Candidate. We also
confirm that the above named is an ACTIVE MEMBER in the following organizations.
We understand the regulations concerning the campaigning for a Queen candidate and
agree to abide by these rules. (A signature of the advisor must be on file in the Center
for Campus Life Office, Student Union, room 201 and must be on this form.)
Name of Organization (1)
__________________________ _____________________
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
Name of Organization (2)
________________________________ _______________
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
_________________________ ______________________
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
Name of Organization (3)
__________________________ _____________________
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
________________________________ _______________
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
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Name of Organization (4)
__________________________ _____________________
Printed name of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
__________________________ _____________________
Signature of TTU faculty/staff Advisor
*Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary.
This form must be attached to the Queen Candidate Application Form and
Returned by Monday, September 18th, 2006, no later than 5:00pm, to the Center
for Campus Life Office, Student Union, Room 201.
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