Additional References - Centre for Critical Qualitative Health

Additional References for the QUIG Talk
Hearts, Bodies and Identity: Towards a critical visual phenomenologicallyinformed analysis of heart transplantation
Poole, J., DeLuca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., Abbey, S.
and Ross, H.
Dew, M., Myaskovsky L, Switzer GE, DiMartini AF, Schulberg HC, Kormos
RL., Profiles and predictors of the course of psychological distress across four
years after heart transplantation. Psychol Med, 2005. 35(8): p. 1215-27.
Rivard, A., Hellmich C, Sampson B, Bianco RW, Crow SJ, Miller LW.,
Preoperative predictors for postoperative problems in heart transplantation:
psychiatric and psychosocial considerations. Prog Transplant, 2005. 15(3): p.
Kaba, E., Thompson DR, Burnard P., Somebody else’s heart inside me: A
descriptive study of psychological problems after a heart transplantation. Issues
Ment Health Nurs, 2005. 25(6): p. 611-25.
Dew, M., DiMartini AF Psychological disorders and distress after adult
cardiothoracic transplantation. . J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2005. 20(5 Suppl): p. S5166.
Burker, E., Evon DM, Marroquin Losielle M, Finkel JB, Mill MR., Coping
predicts depression and disability in heart transplant candidates. J Psychosom
Res, 2005. 59(4): p. 215-222.
Paris, W., White-Williams C., Social adaptation after cardiothoracic
transplantation: A review of the literature. J Cardiovasc Nurs., 2005. 20(5): p.
Paris, W., Woodbury A, Thompson S, Levick M, Nothegger S, Arbuckle P,
Hutkin-Slade L, Cooper DK., Returning to work after heart transplantation. J
Heart Lung Transplant, 1993. 12(1 Pt 1): p. 46-53; discussion 53-4.
Savitch, S., Gilmore R, Dowler DL., An investigation of the psychological and
psychosocial challenges faced by post-transplant organ recipients. J Appl Rehabil
Counsel, 2003. 34(3): p. 3-9.
Sharp, L.A., Strange Harvest: Organ Transplants, Denatured Bodies, and the
Transformed Self. 2006, California: University of California Press.
Nancy, J.-L., L’Intrus. 2000, Paris: Galilee.
Sylvia, C., Novak, D., A Change of Heart. 1997, USA: Little Brown & Co.
Birke, L., The Broken Heart, in Vital Signs: Feminist Reconfigurations of the
Bio/logical Body, M.S.J. Price, Editor. 1998, Edinburgh University Press:
Trainor, A., Ezer, H., Rebuilding Life: The Experience of Living With AIDS After
Facing Imminent Death. Qualitative Health Research, 2000. 10(5): p. 646-660.
Pearsall, P., Are heart transplant recipients receiving cellular memories from
their donated organ? A heuristic study. Hawaii Med J., 2001. 60(11): p. 282-300.
Pearsall, P., Schwartz, G, Russek, L., Changes in heart transplant recipients that
parallel the personalities of their donors. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2002.
20(3): p. 191-206.
Potts, M., Morals, metaphysics, and heart transplantation: Reflections on
Richard Selzer’s ‘Whither Thou Goest.’ Perspect Biol Med 1998. 41(2): p. 212225.
Sanner, M., Transplant recipients’ conceptions of three key phenomena in
transplantation: The organ donation, the organ donor, and the organ transplant.
Clin Transplant, 2003. 17(4): p. 391-400.
Sanner, M., Living with a stranger’s organ – views of the public and transplant
recipients. Ann Transplant, 2005. 10(1): p. 9-12.
Sharp, L., Organ transplantation as a transformative experience:
Anthropological insights into the restructuring of the self. Med Anthropol Q, New
Series, 1995. 9(3): p. 357-389.
Triffaux, J., Living with a new heart. (French) Rev Med Liege, 1993. 48(1): p. 1925.
Casati, M., Nicoli MT, Fiocchi R, Milesi MI., Certain aspects of the relationship
between the patient with a heart transplant and the donor’s family. (Italian) Riv
Inferm, 1994. 13(2): p. 66-9.
Brown, J., Sorrell JH, McClaren J, Creswell JW., Waiting for a Liver Transplant.
Qualitative Health Research, 2006. 16(1): p. 119-136.
Levenson JL, O.M., Psychosocial evaluation of organ transplant candidates. A
comparative survey of process, criteria, and outcomes in heart, liver, and kidney
transplantation. Psychosomatics, 1993. 34: p. 314-323.
Koenig BA, H.L., Organ transplantation (re)examined? Med Anthropol Q, New
Series, 1995. 9(3): p. 393-397.
Lock, M., Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. 2002,
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Waldby, C., Biomedicine, tissue transfer and intercorporeality. Feminist Theory,
2002. 3(3): p. 239-254.
Taylor, D., Edwards LB, Boucek MM, Truolock EP, Waltz DA, Keck BM, Hertz
and MI, Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation:
Twenty-third Official Adult Heart Transplantation Report - 2006. J Heart Lung
Tranplant, 2006. 25: p. 869-879.
Childress, J., Ethics and the allocation of organs for transplantation. Kennedy
Inst Ethics J, 1996. 6(4): p. 397-401.
Kuczewski, M., The gift of life and starfish on the beach: The ethics of organ
procurement. Am J Bioeth, 2002. 2(3): p. 53-6.
Sells, R., Transplant ethics: Altruism and materialism in organ donation. Clin
Transplant, 2003: p. 293-305.
Truog, R., Robinson WM, Role of brain death and the dead-donor rule in the
ethics of organ transplantation. Crit Care Med, 2003 Sept. 31(9): p. 239-6.
Veatch, R., Transplantation Ethics. 2000, Washington, DC: Georgetown
University Press.
Abbott, K., Agodoa LY, O’Malley PG, Hospitalized psychoses after renal
transplantation in the United States: Incidence, risk factors, and prognosis. J Am
Soc Nephrol, 2003. 14(6): p. 1628-35.
Brosig, B., Woidera R, ‘The three of us must hold together’: Psychoanalytic
considerations of experiences of heart-lung transplantation. Psyche, 1993 Nov.
47(11): p. 1063-79.
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after implantation of a mechanical assist device
followed by heart transplantation: Evaluation of patients and partners.
Transplant Proc, 2005. 37(2): p. 1365-8.
Evangelista, L., Doering LV, Dracup K, Vassilakis ME, Kobashigawa J, Hope,
mood states and quality of life in female heart transplant recipients. J Heart Lung
Transplant, 2003 Jun. 22(6): p. 681-6.
Laederach-Hofmann, K., Begre S, Bunzel B, Integration process and organrelated fantasies in patients undergoing organ transplantation. (German)
Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 2002 Jan. 52(1): p. 32-40.
Salvucci, L., Solid organ transplantation and post traumatic stress disorder.
Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
2004. 64(8-B): p. 4061.
Triffaux, J., Demoulin JC, Limet R, ’Take this heart away!’: From fear of
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patients. Qual Life Res, 1992. 1(4): p. 251-256.
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attitudes toward receiving and donating organs. Soc Sci Med, 2001 May. 52(10):
p. 1491-9.
Haddow, G., The phenomenology of death, embodiment and organ
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Joralemon, D., Organ wars: The battle for body parts. Med Anthropol Q, New
Series, 1995. 9(3): p. 335-356.
Waldby, C., Mitchell, R., Tissue Economies: Blood, Organs, and Cell Lines in
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London: Sage Publications.
Heath, C., Demonstrative Suffering: The Gestural (Re)embodiment of Symptoms.
J of Communication, 2002. 52(3): p. 597-616.
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