TOWNSHIP OF MONAGHAN Web Site: Community Newsletter MEETING TIME 2010 MEETING SCHEDULE Board of Supervisors @ 6:30 PM Meet the 2nd Monday of each Month Planning Commission @6:30 PM Meet the 4th Monday of each Month Zoning Hearing Board @ 7PM Meet the 3rd Monday of each Month as necessary Additional meetings may be scheduled at the call of the Chair of the respective Boards or Commissions. Residents should watch for advertisements in the Legal section of the Patriot News, or Dillsburg Banner or check the outdoor Bulletin Board. ____________________________________________ CAMP REIMBURSEMENT If you have a child attending the Northern York Community Services Summer Playground Program and are a resident of Monaghan Township you may be eligible for a reimbursement. The Township will pay up to 50% per child attending camp. We will need to see the attendance certificate. Call the Monaghan Township Office for all the details. __________________________________________ VACATION SECURITY CHECKS If you are going on vacation and would like to have the Carroll Township Bureau of Police check on your property call the Monaghan Township office for a form or check the web site. There is no charge for this service and it can make your vacation more enjoyable knowing someone is checking. __________________________________________ TAX COLLECTOR All Tax Bills must be paid by 12-31-10 NO Exceptions. Postmarks after 12-31-10 will not be accepted. Post dated check will not be accepted. Collection Schedule 2010 - Home Office Hours. April 6 - 5pm to 7pm April 8 - 5pm to 7pm April 10- 9am to Noon April 12- 5pm to 7pm April 13 - 5pm to 7 pm April 15- 5pm to 7pm All Tax Bills must be paid by 12-31-10. April 2010 If mailing and a receipt is desired, return both Taxpayers’ and Tax Collector’s portion of tax bill and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. All taxes paid on rebate or face periods must be postmarked no later than date due. Collection costs incurred for any and all unpaid taxes after final date for payment as indicated on the tax bills. Charles (Doug) Hoffman, 228 North Grantham Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019 (717)-697-1283. __________________________________________ WEST NILE VIRUS A web site about West Nile virus - through the PAPowerPort at or directly at has been established to provide citizens with background information. __________________________________________ What are Real Estate and Property Taxes? The Real Estate tax is the only tax authorized by law to be levied by all classes of local government in the state. Every property owner pays real estate taxes to three independent jurisdictions: the county, the municipality, and the school district. The tax is the assessed value multiplied by the millage rate. Assessment consists of placing a value on real property and applying an assessment ratio. Assessment laws provide for valuing property at full market value for the base year used in the assessment. The law provides different methods for determining market value, but all properties within the taxing district must be uniformly assessed. Monaghan Township has not changed their millage rate for thirteen years and will again in the year 2010 be at a millage rate of .9 mills. Where do my taxes go? Northern School District - 13.87 mills York County - 4.15 mills Monaghan Township .9 mills One mills is equal to $1.00 per $1000 of assessment DON’T LET STORM WATER RUN An Ounce of Prevention. OFF WITH YOUR TIME AND Rain that falls onto construction sites is likely to carry away soil particles and other toxic chemicals MONEY! present on construction sites (oil, grease, hazardous The construction industry plays an important role in improving our community’s quality of life by not only providing new development, but also protecting our streams and rivers through smart business practices that prevent pollution from leaving construction sites. What is Storm Water? wastes, fuel). Storm water, if not properly managed, carries these pollutants to streams, rivers, and lakes. Erosion and sediment control practices can serve as a first line of defense minimizing clean up and maintenance costs, and the impacts to water resources caused by soil erosion during active construction. Erosion controls can reduce the volume of soil going into a sediment control device, such as a sediment trap, therefore, “clean out” frequencies are lower and maintenance costs are less. When possible, divert water around the construction site using berms or drainage ditches. Storm water is water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water seeps into the ground or drains into what are commonly called storm sewers. These are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of streets. In addition, use pollution prevention and “good Collectively, the draining water is called storm housekeeping measures” to reduce the pollution water runoff. leaving construction sites as well. This can be as simple as minimizing the pollution source’s contact Storm water runoff leaving construction sites can with rainwater by covering it, maintaining a “clean carry pollutants such as dirt, construction debris, oil site” by reducing trash and waste, and keeping and paint off-site and into storm drains. In our vehicles well maintained. community, storm drains carry storm water runoff directly to local creeks, streams and rivers with no Our community is preventing storm waste pollution treatment. Developers, contractors and through a comprehensive storm waster management homebuilders can help to prevent storm water program. This program addresses storm water pollution by taking the following steps: pollution from construction, but it also deals with 1. Comply with storm water permit requirements. new development, illegal dumping to the storm 2. Practice erosion control and pollution prevention sewer system and municipal operations. It will also practices to keep construction sites “clean.” continue to educate the community and get everyone 3. Conduct advanced planning and training to involved in making sure the only thing that storm ensure proper implementation on-site. water contributes to our streams is ------ water! Storm Water Permit Requirements for Pennsylvania Construction Activity. District’s: Association of Conservation Planning and permitting requirements exist for construction activities. These requirements are intended to minimize storm water pollutants leaving Pennsylvania Handbook of Best Management construction sites. Practices for Developing Areas: Knowing your requirements before starting a project Storm Water Manger’s Resource Center: and following them during construction can save you time and money, and demonstrate that you are a partner in improving our community’s quality of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental life. For more information about these programs, Protection: contact your local county conservation district office or the Department of Environment Protection. Severe Winter Weather December brought a couple of reminders that the Volunteers and staff lining up as part of the drill. time to prepare for severe weather is ahead of the storm. On December 5th, a winter storm dumped up to 8 inches of snow in our area. While the storm didn’t cause a widespread emergency, it was a sign of things to come. On December 19th, a second storm system moved through York County with some areas receiving about 20 inches of snow. Northern York Emergency Task Force Swine Flu Conducts POD Monaghan Township’s Emergency Management Coordinator is a member of the Northern York Emergency Task Force, which meets to plan and hold drills to prepare our local area in the event of an actual emergency. Our most recent drill was a Point-Of-Dispensing (POD) facility, which was held last fall at the Northern York High School Auditorium in Dillsburg. It was part of a multimunicipal, all-hazards emergency management training exercise. The scenario of the drill was the Governor, through PEMA, the PA Dept. of Health and the York County Office of Emergency Management, activated the Northern York County School District POD to dispense antibiotics to the general public in response to a deliberate spread of Anthrax-laced powder at PA polling locations. Through established PEMA channels the community was notified to send a head-ofhousehold to the site to pick up the appropriate medications. In addition to the 50+ multidisciplinary staff, citizen “actors” from the community were recruited to attend, be screened and receive the “medications”. Though this scenario was an Anthrax attack, the broader mission is to train a multi-disciplinary volunteer team to efficiently dispense supplies, medications or vaccines to the community in response to several types of natural or man-made disasters using a Point of Dispensing facility. Many experts believe a third wave of H1N1 Flu could strike in February-March time frame. Therefore, efforts to combat the illness continue in full force. Community Emergency Response Team Training The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program helps train people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities. When emergencies happen, CERT members can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. A CERT course is taught twice a year in the Dillsburg area and includes disaster preparedness, disaster fire suppression, basic disaster medical operations, light search and rescue operations and terrorism awareness. Kurt Eastep, Emergency Management Coordinator OLD EYE GLASSES - Please drop them at the Monaghan Township Office 202 S. York Rd., Dillsburg, PA. They will be donated to the Lions Sight Program. Monaghan Township Office, 202 S. York Road, Emergency Management Coordinator Kurt Dillsburg, Pa. 17019 Eastep Open 10AM until 5 PM Administration Linda Altland, Secretary/Treasurer (717)697-2132 FAX (717) 795-0604 Tricia Gwozdecki, Zoning, BCO Officer Board of Supervisors: Jody Pratt, Administrative Assistant Charles W. Junkins, Chairman Tax Collector Charles Douglas Hoffman Edward Hartman, Vice-Chairman Auditors William Billett, Robert Secord, Linden Shoffner, Supervisor Ronald Hoffman Planning Commission Road/Highway Department John Whitehouse, Chairman Road Foreman Steven Wirfel Harold R. Coover Road Crew Gary Zook, Anthony Baker John Busch Police Chief Vi Nissly John Francis, Carroll Township Police Chris Hoover Dept. Zoning Hearing Board Sewage Enforcement Officer Patricia Devlin Brian McFeaters, S.E.O. G. Thomas Miller, Chairman Township Solicitor Brad Bock Dave Lenox, Esq. The Wiley Group Township Engineer Greg Rogalski, Pennoni Asso.