Policy Report Week of October 17, 2005 General Meeting: Monday

Dave Knapp, Director
The Policy Group
Ohio Union, Room 201
1739 N High St
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-2101
Policy Report
Week of October 17, 2005
General Meeting: Monday, 9:00PM
Location: Undergraduate Student Government Office
Members present: Dave Knapp, Chris Dyer, Brian Rothenberg, Dominique Pierson, Wendell
Gingerich, Carrie Ross, Corey Dickey, Ian Young, Danielle Smith
Visitors: Rukku Singla, Eric Samuels, Mike Noon, Charlene Chi and Matt Dodovich
Internal Issues
Elections Reform
Project Manager: Kyle Fox
Senate Liaison(s): Ajmerie Hoque, Patrick Sprinkle
USG Bylaw Reform – Deferred to WI06
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): None
Student Communication Survey
Project Manager: Wendell Gingerich
Senate Liaison(s): Matt Dodovich
Academic Enrichment Grants
Project Manager: Kyle Fox
Senate Liaison(s): None
Online Polls – Reactivated
Project Manager: Wendell Gingerich
Senate Liaison(s): None
Ohio Senate Bill 168
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): Matt Dodovich
External Issues
Textbook Prices
Project Manager: Chris Dyer
Senate Liaison(s): Matt Dodovich
Departmental Policy Groups
Project Manager: Brian Rothenberg
Senate Liaison(s): None
Survey Classes
Project Manager: Dominique Pierson
Senate Liaison(s): Mike Noon
Tuition Reform
Project Manager: David Knapp
Senate Liaison(s): None
Honors Program
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): Brad Reed
General Education Curriculum
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): None
Transcript Costs
Project Manager: David Knapp
Senate Liaison(s): Igor Brin
Recycled Paper
Project Manager: Travis Shaul
Senate Liaison(s): Charlene Chi
Music Advanced Placement and Credit
Project Manager: Ian Young
Senate Liaison(s): Elaine Yeh
Economic Impact Assessment
Project Manager: Corey Dickey
Senate Liaison(s): Kyle Fogt
Student Printing Fee
Project Manager: Danielle Smith
Senate Liaison(s): Rukku Singla
Religious Tolerance
Project Manager: Carrie Ross
Senate Liaison(s): Matt Dodovich, Eric Samuels
Professor Evaluations
Project Manager: Darren Cross
Senate Liaison(s): None
Southeast Asian Studies
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): Rukku Singla
Buckeyelink 24 Hour Operation
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): None
Freshman Parking Impact
Project Manager: Unassigned
Senate Liaison(s): None
Project Updates
First meeting was held on Thursday, October 13th at 5:15PM. Preliminary
recommendations were discussed and the committee agreed on the necessity of
further meetings.
 Thursday, October 13th at 5:15PM
This project will now be deferred to Winter Quarter 2006. Further investigation will need to
be done regarding the timing of bylaw review as scheduled by the current USG
Project Proposal was reviewed and refined for Budget and Finance Committee on
October 17, 2005. The project was voted down by the Senate Budget & Finance
committee, which did not agree with the methodology in the proposal. The project will
continue to be improved over the course of this quarter, but implementation will likely be
deferred until WI'06.
 Statistics Department, Lou Horner regarding the methods and approach of the
survey. He recommended a few methodical changes and a meeting with Dr. Asher
(Political Science) because of his knowledge of public interest surveys.
 Dr. Herb Asher. Agreed with the natural method used in the survey as producing the
best results, but also stated it would be a very “ambitious” project. Recommended
that if we wish to save time to publish an online survey asking people for what
methods they felt most appealed to them. After discussion, we agreed to write up a
proposal including both methods as to also investigate the effectiveness of the
simpler, direct approach method.
Kyle Fox is continuing to assemble the application process.
Project reactivated. Further consideration will be given at the next policy meeting.
This project is being processed.
Referred to Policy by Isaac Wu, Chairman of CSA.
Focus: To gather relevant information regarding Ohio Senate Bill 168 for information for
USG Senate. No recommendations shall be filed in report to Senate.
The relevant course list and respective books were submitted to the libraries. Entry Level
courses over 400 people were the variable used with a few minor exceptions.
Policy will target three OSU demographics for support: Student Governments, Faculty &
Senior Administration, and the Ohio group of universities via the SGA Presidents' listserv.
TELR on 11th of October regarding the Digital Union and CARMEN
Discussed the prospective role of CARMEN at the University and how the Textbook
Project can be included. No decisive results were reached.
TELR and the OSU Libraries on 17th of October regarding CARMEN and online
The status of the Libraries portion of the textbook issue is as follows:
o A pilot program will be initiated in Winter 2006 by placing textbooks off Policy
Group’s submitted list in the Science and Engineering Library. Specific details that
are still developing include the manner in which the books will be kept, and
whether students will be able to check out the textbooks.
o A pilot program for the online textbook/ resources will begin in Spring 2006 with a
few targeted courses.
o The Pilot Programs will be reported on after Spring 2006 by the OSU Libraries and
the Policy Group. This report will determine the continuation of these programs.
o Carmen may consider long term plans to post access to courses as soon as a
student registers for them. If implemented, students will have more time to search
for less expensive textbooks. Future coordination is needed.
PIRG to discuss the overall PIRG goals as they relate to USG goals, TBA
Awaiting further policy members to work with. Brian will plan on coordinating with
senators as they contact their respective Deans and work for a coordinated approach
between the Senate and the Policy Group.
Scheduled Meetings:
Dominique is working to assemble a list of goals for every survey course. We are also
reviewing the USG Commission’s report from the past two years as well as a University
The Tuition Commission met for the first time on October 17. The role of the Policy Group
is still being determined.
Awaiting second report regarding the Honors Program.
Awaiting report and recommendations. Louis Pasteur, former policy director, is serving
on this committee. Report should be due out in the next month.
No new information.
Scheduled Meetings:
 Follow-up with the Registrar regarding the additional $2 cost for requesting a
transcript online.
We will be beginning a project to encourage all departments on campus to use
recycled paper. The Project Manager will be Travis Shaul. We will have an initial meeting
with the Store, the supplier for the majority of the University’s paper.
 October 12, 9:00AM – We met with “The Corner Store” regarding the current usage
and costs of recycled paper. They offered to collaborate on this issue, and promote
the use of 30% recycled content paper if we only promote their company. The Store
is responsible to OSU, but it financed through its own sales. No promises were made
regarding USG/ The Store collaboration in this project because further research is
This project was assigned to Ian Young. We will begin by discussing this with the Music
Department counselors and will then determine our path next week.
E-10 This project was assigned to Corey Dickey. Preliminary investigation indicates that the
survey conduct for FY1996 cost approximately $10,000 which helped pay for the cost of
two Graduate Assistants assigned to head the project. Awaiting response from contacts
of individuals who are connected with the original report.
E-11 This project was assigned to Danielle Smith. We will begin with investigating the extra fee
levied by the College of Engineering and whether or not this carries over to all
departments within the College of Engineering such as the School of Architecture.
E-12 This project was assigned to Carrie Ross. We will begin by contacting Academic Affairs
regarding this issue and determine the existence or applicability of current rules.
E-13 Awaiting status report from Darren Ross.
E-14 This project is being processed.
E-15 This project is being processed.
E-16 This project is being processed.
The Group has accomplished a great deal of positive work. We will need to do additional
recruitment in order to meet the demand for policy managers for projects as well as the labor
intensive needs of several projects, particularly I-3. Initial setbacks to I-3 will give us a moment
to pause and prepare a revised proposal for the end of October.
Please remember all Policy Group members need to file reports of all meetings.
Issues regarding this report may be directed to David Knapp.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Knapp
Policy Director