Jerzy Kunicki-Goldfinger - List of publications Articles Kunicki–Goldfinger J. and Nowakowska J. (1987) Badania zabytkowych szkieł witrażowych [Studies of antique stained glass]. Szkło i Ceramika 38 (2) 45–48 [in Polish] Kunicki–Goldfinger J. (1989) Zastosowanie metod penetracyjnych do rejestracji zniszczeń powierzchni szkieł witrażowych [The application of penetrant inspection processes to registration of deterioration symptoms of stained glass surfaces]. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Zabytkoznawstwo i Konserwatorstwo XIV, Toruń, 165–186 [in Polish] Kunicki–Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J. (1997) Oznaczanie zawartości K2O w zabytkowych szkłach przy użyciu spektrometrii gamma [The determination of K2O contents in old glass with gamma spectrometry]. Ochrona Zabytków (4) 392-395 [in Polish] Kunicki–Goldfinger J. (1998) Oznaczanie zawartości ołowiu w szkłach i szkliwach ceramicznych przy użyciu metody wstecznego rozpraszania cząstek beta [Determination of lead content in historic glasses and ceramic glazes using beta-ray back scattering technique]. Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki [Restorer’s Bulletin]. 9 (1) 36-47 [in Polish], 76-86 [in English] Kunicki–Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J. (1998) The non-destructive analysis of potassium in ancient glass on the base of its natural gamma ray activity. Glass Science and Technology – Glastechnische Berichte 71 (11) 332-335 Kunicki–Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (1999) XVIII-wieczne naczynia szklane z hut w Nalibokach i Urzeczu. Badania fizykochemiczne [The 18th century glassware from Naliboki and Urzecze glasshouses. Physico-chemical studies]. Raporty IChTJ, Seria B nr 2/99, Warszawa [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2000) A survey of the 18th century central European glass vessels. Glass & Ceramics Conservation, Newsletter of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Working Group -“Glass, Ceramics and Related Materials” 7, 13-14 Kierzek J., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2000) Rentgenowska analiza fluorescencyjna w badaniu dzieł sztuki. Wybrane zagadnienia [X-ray fluorescence analysis in art. Selected problems]. Ochrona Zabytków (2) 166-181 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2000) A study of 18th century glass vessels from central Europe by X-ray fluorescence analysis. X-Ray Spectrometry 29 (4) 310-316 Kierzek J., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., and Kasprzak A. (2000) Measurements of natural radioactivity in historical glasses. Glass Science and Technology - Glastechnische Berichte 73 (11) 351-355 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2000) Konserwacja płaskorzeźby Zwiastowanie NMP autorstwa Xawerego Dunikowskiego (Niemirów, gm. Mielnik) [The conservation of the ‘Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary’ – a bas relief by Xawery Dunikowski (Niemirów, Commune of Mielnik)]. Biuletyn Konserwatorski Województwa Podlaskiego (6) 179-193 [in Polish] 1 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kasprzak A., Kierzek J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2001) Szklanica z alegoriami Czterech Pór Roku [Beaker engraved by Gottfried Spiller, c. 1710, Potsdam/Berlin]. In Catalogue of the Ostoya Auction House. Auction no. 16, Warszawa, sheet no. 2, [in Polish] Sartowska B. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2001) Determination of chemical homogeneity of historical glassware using autoradiography of potassium natural radioactivity. Radiation Measurements 34, 581-583 Kierzek J. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2002) Determination of potassium content in the B, C and D Corning reference glasses using gamma-ray spectrometry. Glass Science and Technology 75 (3) 158-159 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J.(2002) Ultraviolet blue fluorescence of 18th century central European glass: an indicator for curators and conservators. Glass Technology 43C, 111-113 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Kasprzak A. (2002) Some observations on crizzled glass (preliminary results of a survey of 18th century central European tableware). Glass Technology 43C, 364-368 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2003) Analyses of 18th century central European colourless glass vessels. In Annales du 15e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (New York 2001). AIHV, Nottingham, 224-229 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2003) Zabytkowe szkło: od badań do konserwacji [Antique glass – from examination to conservation]. In Ars Longa – Vita Brevis. Tradycyjne i nowoczesne metody badania dzieł sztuki. Józef Flik (ed). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 379-397 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Dzierżanowski P., and Kasprzak A.J. (2005) Central European crystal glass of the first half of the eighteenth century. In Annales du 16e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (London 2003). AIHV, Nottingham, 258-262 Kasztovszky Zs., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Dzierżanowski P., Nawrolska G., and Wawrzyniak P. (2005) Történelmi üvegek roncsolásmentes vizsgálata prompt gamma aktivációs analízissel és elektronmikroszondával [Provenance studies of glassware by PGAA and electron microprobe]. Archeometriai Mühely (1) 48-56 (electronic journal: [in Hungarian] Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2005) Konserwacja i badania dwóch szklanych naczyń z rzymskiego Novae [Conservation and analysis of two glass vessels of the Roman fortress of Novae]. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Archeologia XXIX, Archeologia Szkła 9, Toruń, 269-278 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J. and Pańczyk E. (2005) Zastosowanie promieniowania jonizującego w badaniach i ochronie zabytków kultury materialnej. Postępy Techniki Jądrowej 48 (4) 20-24 [in Polish] Mádl M. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2006) Eiland: Georg Gundelach and the Glassworks on the Dĕčín Estate of Count Maximilian Thun-Hohenstein. Journal of Glass Studies 48, 255-277 Arcak C. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2006-07) The use of silicone polymers in the conservation of glass from waterlogged sites: a brief introduction. Glass & Ceramics Conservation. Newsletter of the ICOM Committee for Conservation. Working group - ‘Glass and Ceramics’, issue 15, 6-8 Wagner B., Nowak A., Bulska E., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Schalm O., and Janssens K. (2008) Complementary analysis of historical glass by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Microchimica Acta 162 (34) 415-424 2 Wagner B., Nowak A., Bulska E., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Schalm O., and Janssens K. (2008) Analiza pierwiastkowa zabytkowych obiektów szklanych. In Nauka i Zabytki. Nauki ścisłe w służbie archeologii, ochronie zabytków oraz historii. Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, Warszawa, 71-81 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Pańczyk E., Dzierżanowsk P., and Waliś L. (2008) Trace element characterisation of medieval and post-medieval glass objects by means of INAA and EPMA. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 278 (2) 307-311 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2008) Unstable historic glass: symptoms, causes, mechanisms and conservation. Reviews in Conservation 9, 47-60 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Targowski P., Góra M., Karaszkiewicz P., and Dzierżanowski P. (submitted) Characterisation of glass surface morphology by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Studies in Conservation Conference papers Kunicki–Goldfinger J. and Urbański P. (1998) Wykorzystanie niektórych metod radiometrycznych do identyfikacji zabytkowych szkieł i szkliw ceramicznych [Application of some radiometric methods for identification of antique glasses and ceramics]. In the Proceedings of the symposium ‘Nuclear Technology in the Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and Environment Protection’, 16-18 August 1998, Kraków, Poland. Kraków, 283-288 [in Polish] Kunicki–Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Sartowska B. (1998) Oznaczanie potasu w zabytkowych szkłach metodami radiometrycznymi [Determination of potassium content in antique glass by the use of radiometric techniques]. In the Proceedings of the symposium ‘Nuclear Technology in the Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and Environment Protection’, 16-18 August 1998, Kraków, Poland. Kraków, 308313 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (1999) Non destructive examination of 18th century glass vessels from central Europe. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ‘Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage’, 17-20 May 1999, Rome. AIPnd and ICR, Roma, v. II, 1539-1552 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Sartowska B. (1999) Utilization of natural radioactivity of potassium for the determination of chemical homogeneity of historical glassware. A case study. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ‘Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage’, 17-20 May 1999, Rome. AIPnd and ICR, Roma, v. II, 1529-1538 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Kasprzak A. (2000) Some features of the 18th century glass technology used in central Europe (Saxony, Brandenburg, Poland). In Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege – Kurzberichte 2000. Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin, 107-109 Kierzek J. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2002) Wielowymiarowa analiza statystyczna i rentgenowska analiza fluorescencyjna w badaniach nowożytnych szkieł [The studies of post-medieval glass by multivariate and x-ray fluorescence analysis]. In the Proceedings of the symposium ‘Nuclear Technology in the Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and Enviroment Protection’, v. II, INCT Reports. A, no. 2, 395-404 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., Dzierżanowski P., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2003) Lead in central European 18th century colourless vessel glass. In Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege – Kurzberichte 2003, Berlin, 56-58 3 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2003) Preventive conservation strategy for glass collections. Identification of glasses susceptible to crizzling. In Proceedings of the 5th EC Conference ‘Cultural Heritage Research: a Pan – European Challenge’ (16-18 May 2002, Cracow, Poland). Roman Kozłowski (ed). Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland. European Communities, 301-304 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2005) Badania barokowego szkła (technologia, trwałość, atrybucja) [Technological examination of Baroque glass (technology, durability, attribution)]. In 5th International Conference: ‘ПРОБЛЕМИ ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ, КОНСЕРВАЦІЇ, РЕСТАВРАЦІЇ ТА ЕКСПЕРТИЗИ МУЗЕЙНИХ ПАМ’ЯТОК’, 24-27 May 2005, Kiev, Ukraine. ТЕЗИ ДОПОВІДЕЙ. The Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, National Scientific Research Restoration Centre of Ukraine, Kiev, 371-374 [in Polish] Kasztovszky Zs., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Dzierżanowski P., Nawrolska G., and Wawrzyniak P. (2005) PGAA and EPMA as complimentary non-destructive methods for analysis of boron content in historical glass. In Art.’05 – The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ‘Non Destructive Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage’, 1519 May 2005, Lecce, Italy. [CD-ROM, paper no. B-023, p. 1-13] Kasztovszky Zs. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (in press) Applicability of prompt gamma activation analysis to glass archaeometry. In Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Archaeomtry, 12-16 May 2008, Siena Freestone I., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Gilderdale-Scott H., and Ayers T. (submitted) Multi-disciplinary investigation of the windows of John Thornton, focussing on the Great East Window of York Minster. In Forum for the Conservation and Restoration of Stained-Glass Windows, 1–3 June 2009, New York Abstracts and extended abstracts Sartowska B. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2000) Determination of chemical homogeneity of historical glassware using autoradiography of potassium natural radioactivity. In the 20th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 28 August – 1 September 2000, Portorož, Slovenia. Book of Abstracts. International Nuclear Track Society (ed.), 117 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Kasprzak A. (2001) Zastosowanie rentgenowskiej analizy fluorescencyjnej do badań i konserwacji zabytkowego szkła [Application of X-ray fluorescence analysis for examination and conservation of antique glass]. In 3rd National Radio Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Conference, 6-9 May 2001, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. Book of Abstracts, 21 [in Polish] Kierzek J. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2001) X-ray fluorescence analysis of historic glass. An application of cluster and discriminant analysis for the provenance studies. In 16th International Conference on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis, 2-6 July 2001, Vienna. Book of Abstracts. Vienna University of Technology, Academy of Fine Arts, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Austria, Vienna, 106 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J. (2001) Ultraviolet blue fluorescence of 18th century central European glass: an indicator for curators and conservators. In 19th International Congress on Glass, 1-6 July 2001, Edinburgh. Glass History and Heritage Session. Extended abstracts. Oral and poster sessions. International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, 337-338 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Kasprzak A. (2001) Some observations on crizzled glass (preliminary results of a survey of 18th century central European tableware). In 19th Interantional Congress on Glass, 1-6 July 2001, Edinburgh. Crizzling Session. Extended abstracts. Oral and poster sessions. International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, 270-271 4 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Dzierżanowski P. (2003) A provenance study of baroque glass. In Proceedings of the 5th EC Conference ‘Cultural Heritage Research: a Pan – European Challenge’, 16-18 May 2002, Cracow, Poland. Roman Kozłowski (ed). Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland. European Communities, 376 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2005) Selected technologic aspects of baroque glass and their implication for glass durability. In Glass Science in Art and Conservation. International Conference, 19-20 September 2005, Lisbon Portugal. António Pires de Matos, Joana Ferreira, and Maria João Melo (eds), Lisbon: New University of Lisbon & Nuclear and Technological Institute, 109 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2006) Investigation of 17th and 18th century glass in central Europe. In 17e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 4-8 September 2006, Antwerp. Book of Abstracts. 152 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2006) Vessel glass from 18th century glasshouse in Lubaczów (Poland). Authentication, provenance and dating studies based on physicochemical analysis of glass. In 17e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 4-8 September 2006 Antwerp. Book of Abstracts. 153 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2006) Ultraviolet blue fluorescence of central European Baroque glass (further results). In 17e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 4-8 September 2006, Antwerp. Book of Abstracts. 197 Arcak C., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2006) Treating historical glass with silicone polymers. In 17e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 4-8 September 2006, Antwerp. Book of Abstracts. 187 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Pańczyk E., and Waliś L. (2007) Trace element characterisation of medieval and post-medieval glass objects by means of INAA. In 12th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, 16-21 September 2007, Tokyo. Program and Abstracts. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji. 87 Kasztovszky Zs. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J.( 2008) Application of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis to Glass Archaeometry. In 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 12-16 May 2008, Siena. Book of Abstracts Reports, short communications, other notes INCT – Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland BNC – Budapest Neutron Centre, Budapest, Hungary Kunicki–Goldfinger J. (1992) Konserwacja szkła i ceramiki. Międzynarodowe sympozjum w Amsterdamie 2–4 września 1991 r. [Conservation of glass and ceramics. International symposium, Amsterdam, 2–4 September 1991]. [Report], Ochrona Zabytków (1–2) 117–118 [in Polish] Kunicki–Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J. (1998) Potassium determination in ancient glasses by detection of its natural gamma ray activity. In Annual Report 1997, INCT, Warszawa, 96-98 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (1999) The 18th century glassware from Naliboki and Urzecze glasshouses. Physico-chemical studies. In Annual Report 1998, INCT, Warsaw, 130-132 5 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., and Sartowska B. (1999) Determination of chemical homogeneity of historical glassware. A case study. In Annual Report 1998, INCT, Warsaw, 67-69 Kunicki-Goldfiger J. (1999) 6th International conference ‘Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage’, 17-20 May 1999, Rome. [Report]. Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki [Restorer’s Bulletin] 10 (3) 64 [in Polish] Kierzek J., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2000) Investigation of the art objects with the use of the total reflection X-ray fluorescence. In Annual Report 1999, INCT, Warszawa, 129-130 Kierzek J., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., and Kasprzak A. (2000) The determination of the uranium and potassium content in the historical glass vessel by the detection of its natural radioactivity. In Annual Report 1999, INCT, Warszawa, 130-132 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2000) The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics. Research, Practice and Training. Norman H. Tennent (ed), James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., London 1999. [Book review]. Ochrona Zabytków (3) 388-390 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2001) Problems of the attribution of works of art: examples of 18th century central European decorative glass. In Annual Report 2000, INCT, Warszawa, 63 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2001) Zabytkowe szkło w warunkach muzealnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem szkieł niestabilnych chemicznie. Zjawiska - profilaktyka konserwatorska - ekspozycja [Historical glass in a museum’s environment, with special reference to the chemical unstable glasses]. Unpublished Report for the Polish Ministry of Culture, Warszawa [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2001) Kunicki-Goldfinger J. In Zachować Przeszłość. Konserwacja i Restauracja Dzieł Sztuki. Wystawa Absolwentów Wydziału Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu 1952-2000. (Sale Ratusza Staromiejskiego w Toruniu, październik-grudzień 2001).(Katalog) [To preserve the PAST. Conservation and Restoration of Art. Exhibition of the alumni of the Fine Arts Department, Nicolas Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, 1952-2000]. [Catalogue]. The Association of Polish Artists and Designers, Toruń, 116-117 [in Polish] Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Kasprzak A.J. (2002) Some observation on crizzled glass (preliminary results of a survey of the 18th century central European tableware). In Annual Report 2001, INCT, Warszawa, 76-77 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. and Kierzek J. (2002) Ultraviolet blue fluorescence of the 18th century central European glass: an auxiliary indicator for curators and conservators. In Annual Report 2001, INCT, Warszawa, 78-79 Kierzek J. and Kunicki-Goldfinger J. (2003) Determination of potassium content in the B, C and D Corning reference glasses using gamma-ray spectrometry. In Annual Report 2002, INCT, Warszawa, 85-86 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Dzierżanowski P. (2003) A provenance study of baroque glass. In Annual Report 2002, INCT, Warszawa, 86 Kierzek J., Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kasprzak A.J., and Małożewska-Bućko B. (2003) Application of discriminant and cluster analysis for the provenance studies of historic glass basing of x-ray fluorescence analysis. In Annual Report 2002, INCT, Warszawa, 87-89 6 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., Dzierżanowski P., Małożewska-Bućko B., and Misiak A. (2004) Lead in Central European 18th century colourless vessel glass. In Annual Report 2003, INCT, Warszawa, 79-81 [Kunicki-Goldfinger J.] (2004) Scholarship Awarded for Glass Research. Glass & Ceramics Conservation. Newsletter of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Working Group – ‘Glass and Ceramics’, Issue 12, 8 Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Dzierżanowski P., and Kasprzak A.J. (2005) Central European crystal glass of the first half of the 18th century. In Annual Report 2004, INCT, Warszawa, 89-93 Kunicki-Goldfinger J. and Kasztovszky Zs. (2006) The application of PGAA in the study of Baroque glass. In Progress Report on the activities at the Budapest Research Reactor 2004-2005, BNC, Budapest, 73 Kunicki-Goldfinger J.J., Mádl M., and Dzierżanowski P. (2007) Late 17th century glass vessels from Eiland – technological approach. In Annual Report 2006, INCT, Warszawa, 136-141 Kunicki-Goldfinger J.J., Kierzek J., and Dzierżanowski P. (2007) Ultraviolet blue fluorescence of central European Baroque glass (further results). In Annual Report 2006, INCT, Warszawa, 134-136 7