Pletchov P.Yu. and Gerya T.V. Effect of H2O on plagioclase-melt equilibrium. key words [plagioclase crystallization.] melt equilibrium magmatic The plagioclase-melt equilibrium is well investigated in anhydrous systems (Drake, 1976; Ariskin, Barmina, 1990; Pajasawatwong et al., 1995). Many authors mention that an increase in the water content in the melt results in a considerable (by 20-40 numbers) shift of compositions of crystallizing plagioclases to a more Ca region (for example, Housh, Luhr, 1991; Danyshevsky et al., 1997). This model is based on the exchange equilibrium of Ca and Na between co-existing plagioclase and melt under both dry and water-saturated conditions. The exchange equilibrium constant (KD) is: KD This model describes only the exchange equilibrium of Na and Ca between plagioclase and melt and does not include the crystallization reaction of plagioclase from the melt. At specified intense parameters (T, P, ZH2O) by the Pl composition, the model allows one to calculate Ca# of the melt and vice versa. In addition, the water content in the melt can be estimated from the co-existing melt-plagioclase. This exchange equilibrium does not allow one to estimate with a sufficient accuracy the temperature and pressure. Other models based on equations of crystallization equilibrium (for example, Ariskin and Barmina, 1990) can be used to estimate the crystallization temperature of plagioclase. The convergence of the calculated and experimental data is presented in Fig. 1. 1.0 Dry Pl L X Ca (1 X Ca ) L Pl X Ca (1 X Ca ) On the other hand, the equilibrium of the reaction is achieved when is minimum of the free Gibbs energy. The latter conditions can be presented in the simplified form as follows: ΔGo + ΔGH2O + GeAn - GeAb = -RTln(KD), Water-saturated 0.8 measured X(Ca)melt Experiment in GeoSciences,1998, V7 N2, pp.7-9 Bindeman,1998 0.6 0.4 0.2 (1) 0.0 where ΔGo= ΔH – TΔS + PΔV ΔGH2O= ZH2O (ΔHH2O - ΔSH2OT + ΔVH2OP), (2) 0 0.2 -0.40 0.00 0.20 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 calculated X(Ca)melt 0.40 where ZH2O = XH2O/XH2O(sat) The excessive energies for a solid solution of plagioclases (Perchuk et al., 1990) are: GeAn = 2W21XAn(XAb)2 + W12·[(XAb)3 - XAn(XAb)2] (3) X(calc)-X(real) 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 -0.30 GeAb = 2W12XAb(XAn)2 + W21·[(XAn)3 - XAb(XAn)2] (4) W12= 1980-1.526T, W21= 6860-3.877T. (5) X(Ca)Plag We obtained the general equation for this reaction with unknown coefficients ΔH (reaction enthalpy), ΔS (reaction entropy), ΔV (volume effect of the reaction), ΔHH2O, ΔSH2O, and ΔVH2O (effect of water to enthalpy, entropy, and volume, respectively). The authors obtained the following coefficients by the least-squares method from a set of 198 experimental melt-plagioclase pairs (INFOREX, Ariskin et al., 1997): ΔH=-21.91 cal ΔHH2O=-4610 cal ΔS=0.0807 cal/K ΔSH2O=-1.084 cal/K ΔV=-0.0392 cal/bar ΔVH2O= 0.182 cal/bar Fig.1. Convergence of calculated (equations 1-5) and experimental data. To check calibration of the exchange reaction, Fig. 1a was supplemented with additional data (Bindeman et al., 1998), which were not included in the data set according to which the model was calibrated. As can be seen in Fig. 1, these data agree well with the calculated data. Absolute errors for the calculation of Ca# (Ca/Ca+Na) of the melts are shown in Fig. 1b. It is well seen that a calculation error is constant for a wide spectrum of compositions of plagioclases. Calculated lines of the plagioclase-melt equilibrium for P = 1 kbar and T = 1000oC in dry and watersaturated systems are shown in Fig. 2. The composition of plagioclase crystallizing from the water-saturated system is strongly enriched in the An component as compared to the dry system (to 40 numbers of Al at Ca# of the melt 0.4-0.6). The model calculated makes it possible to estimate the plagioclase-melt equilibrium under dry and watersaturated conditions and to calculate the calcium content in the melt equilibrium to the specified plagioclase. This is necessary, for example, in studying melt inclusions in plagioclases when their equilibrium state with the mineral-host is estimated. P=1 kbar, T=1000 C 1 X(Ca) melt 0.8 dry system 0.6 0.4 References : watersaturated 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 X(An) Fig. 2. Calculated lines of the plagioclase-melt equilibrium for P = 1 kbar and T = 1000oC in the dry and water-saturated systems. The calculated diagram for P = 1 kbar and natural co-existing plagioclase-melt pairs are compared in Fig.3. The data of Danyushevsky and co-authors (Danyushevsky et al., 1997) represents homogenized melt inclusions in plagioclase of high-calcium boninites of the Tonga channel. Temperatures (1040-1080oC), H2O content (close to water-saturated ones: ~1.5%), and crystallization pressures (0.25 kbar) were determined for them. P=1 kbar, T=600,800,1000,1200 C, watersaturated system 1 Pl melt inclusions from Tonga boninites, Danyushevsky et al.,1997 X(Ca) melt 0.8 Pl melt inclusions from Klyuchevskoy basalts, Pletchov et al., 1998 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 X(An) 0.8 1 Fig. 3. Natural data on melt inclusions in plagioclase on the calculated (equations 1-5) diagram. The data of Danyushevsky are arranged in the diagram along the isotherm of 1000oC and agree well with the model discussed. The data of Pletchov and coauthors (Pletchov et al., 1998) reflects the compositions of naturally quenched melt inclusions in plagioclase from basalts of the Klyuchevskoy volcano. The lowestcalcium group of the points represents co-existing interstitial glass-microlyte of plagioclase in the groundmass. The differential trend of basalts with a gradual decrease in Ca# of the melt and An of plagioclase as the temperature decreases is well seen in diagram 3. 1 1. Ariskin, A. A. and Barmina G. S. ( 1990). Termometriya ravnovesiy plagioklazov s rasplavami bazal'tov i andezitov TITLE: Thermometry of equilibria of plagioclases with melts of basalts and andesites, Geokhimiya, v.1990, n.3, p.441-447. 2. Ariskin A.A., Meshalkin S. S.,et al. (1997). INFOREX information retrieval system - analysis and processing of Experimental data on phase equilibria in igneous rocks. Petrology. 1997, JANFEB, V5, N1, P28-36. 3. Bindeman I.N., Davis A.M., et al. (1998). “Ion microprobe study of plagioclase-basalt partition experiments at natural concentration level of trace elements.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62(7): in press. 4. Danyushevsky L.V., Carroll M.R., et al. 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