Early Inflammatory Arthritis Clinic

Suspect Rheumatoid Arthritis?
If so, please refer the Patient to the:
Early Inflammatory Arthritis Clinic
Rheumatology Department, Stepping Hill Hospital
Patients who meet the Referral Criteria shoud be seen within 3 weeks of referral
Referral Criteria:
Patient should have ≥ 2 of the following bullet points for ≥ 4 weeks:
(please tick those features relevant to your patient and send a copy of this with the referral letter)
 Swelling present in 2 or more joints
 The affected joints are soft and boggy and not hard and bony as in
 The swelling is not caused by trauma or bony swellings
 The patient experiences joint stiffness in the morning for more than
30 minutes
 They have difficulty performing simple functions
Squeeze Test
 There is a pain response or tenderness when compressing across the
metacarpophanlangeal and/or the metatarsophalangeal joints
If so, please refer patient to the EIA clinic and check FBC, CRP, RhF, antiCCP, U&E, LFTs
For further information please contact either Dr C Filer, Consultant
Rheumatologist or Liz Burnett, Specialist Nurse on 0161 419 5069 or 4250