Suspect Rheumatoid Arthritis? If so, please refer the Patient to the: Early Inflammatory Arthritis Clinic Rheumatology Department, Stepping Hill Hospital Patients who meet the Referral Criteria shoud be seen within 3 weeks of referral Referral Criteria: Patient should have ≥ 2 of the following bullet points for ≥ 4 weeks: (please tick those features relevant to your patient and send a copy of this with the referral letter) Swelling Swelling present in 2 or more joints The affected joints are soft and boggy and not hard and bony as in Osteoarthritis The swelling is not caused by trauma or bony swellings Stiffness The patient experiences joint stiffness in the morning for more than 30 minutes They have difficulty performing simple functions Squeeze Test There is a pain response or tenderness when compressing across the metacarpophanlangeal and/or the metatarsophalangeal joints If so, please refer patient to the EIA clinic and check FBC, CRP, RhF, antiCCP, U&E, LFTs For further information please contact either Dr C Filer, Consultant Rheumatologist or Liz Burnett, Specialist Nurse on 0161 419 5069 or 4250