Guido Pontecorvo Bibliography Pontecorvo 1 Guido Pontecorvo—Bibliography (Titles in parenthesis are translated from Italian) (1) 1935 (2) 1936 (3) (4) 1937 1937 (5) (6) 1937 1938 (7) (8) (9) 1938 1939 1939 (10) (11) 1940 1940 (12) 1940 (13) 1941 (14) 1941 (15) 1941 (16) 1941 (17) (18) 1942 1942 (19) 1943 (20) 1943 (21) 1943 (22) 1944 (23) (24) 1944 1944 (25) 1944 (26) 1944 (27) 1945 (28) (29) 1945 1945 (30) (31) 1946 1946 (Horizontal card indexes in the selection of the cattle and sheep), (with A. Uziolli) Riv. Zoot, 13: 26 pp. (Evaluation of bulls by progeny testing in beef, and beef – and – draught breeds of cattle), Riv.Zoot.,13:26 pp (Investigation of gains in weight in calves of the breed), Riv, Zoot, 14 : 24 pp. (Methods adopted for the improvement of the breed of cattle) pp. 44, Department of Agriculture for Tuscany, Florence. (Gains in weight up to 18 months in calves of the broad), Ricorca Scient., 7. A possible genetic mechanism in heterogonic growth of limbs in cattle, Nature, 142 : 437– 438. Allometric growth of the forelimb in cattle , J. Agr. Sci., 29 : 111-114. Selection for live weight, Schlussber. Internet. Tiorzuchtkongross, Zurich, 254-255 Problems in connection with the selection of beef-and-draught cattle, Proc. 7th Intorn. Congr. Genet., Edinburgh, 240. A study of persistency in a herd of Ayrshire cows, J.Dairy Res., 11 : 113-120. Recombinants between Drosophila species the F1 hybrids of which are sterile, (with H.J. Muller), Nature, 146 : 199. The artificial mixing of imcompatible germ plasms in Drosophila, (with H.J.Muller), Science, 92 : 418 (corrected authors’ names, Science, 92 : 476). The induction of chromosome losses in Drosophila sperm and their linear dependence on dosages of irradiation, J. Genet., 41 : 195-215. The lethality of dicentric chromosomes in Drososphila, (with H.J. Muller), Genetics, 26 : 165. Recessive genes causing inter-specific sterility and other disharmonies between Drosophila melonogaster and simulans, (with H.J. Muller) , Rec. Genet. Soc. Amer., 10 : 157. The surprisingly high frequency of spontaneous and induced chromosome breakage in Drosophila and its expression through dominant lethals, (with H.J. Muller), Rec. Genet. Soc. Amer., 10 : 157. The problem of dominant lethals, J. Genet., 43 : 295-300. Mitotic divisions following meiosis in Podiculus corporis males, (with E. Hindle), Nature, 140 : 668. Hybrid sterility in aritificially produced recombinants between Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, Proc. roy. Soc. Edin. B, 61 : 385-397. Meiosis in the striped hamster (Cricetulus griseus Milne-Edw.) and the problem of heterochromatin in mammalian sex-chromosomes, Proc. roy Soc. Edin. B., 62 : 32-42. Viability interactions between chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, J.Genet., 45 : 51-66. Ducteoles of the secretary cells in the spermatheca of Psila rosae Fabricius, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. A, 19 : 6. Structure of heterochromatin, Nature, 153 : 365. Genetic proof of heterokaryosis in Penicillium notatum, (with A. R. gemmell), Nature , 154 : 514. Colonies of Penicillium notatum and other moulds as models for the study of population genetics (with A. R. Gemmell), Nature, 154 : 532. Synchronous mitoses and differentiation, sheltering the germ track, (summary of a paper read at a Genetical Society Meeting), Drosophila Information Service, 18 : 54 – 55. The application of genetical methods to biochemistry and the industrial use of moulds, Chem. News, 1945 No. 3. Genetics to-day, Proc. roy. Phil. Soc., Glasgow, 1945. Assay of the rate of production of antibiotic in different parts of a growing mould colony, Nature 155, 515. Microbiology, biochemistry and the genetics of microorganisms, Nature, 157 : 95A. The genetical control of nutritional requirements in microorganisms and its application to microbiological assays, Proc. Nutrition Soc. 5 : 182-86. Pontecorvo 2 (32) 1946 (33) (34) (35) 1946 1947 1947 (36) (37) 1947 1947 (38) (39) (40) 1947 1947 1949 (41) 1949 (42) (43) †(44) 1949 1950 1952 (45) (46) 1952 1952 (47) 1952 (48) 1952 (49) 1952 (50) 1952 (51) 1953 (52) 1953 (53) 1953 (54) (55) 1953 1954 (56) (57) 1954 1954 (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 (65) (66) (67) (68) 1958 1958 1958 1958 (69) 1959 Genetic systems based on heterokaryosis, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol., Vol. XI, pp. 193-201. The genetical aspects of bio-assays with microorganisms, The Analyst; 71 : 411-13. (Genetics of microorganisms), It. Agr., 84 : No.1. X-ray induced mutations in dried bacteria (with P. Devi & C. Higginbottom), Nature 160 : 503. Genetic Techniques in the development of microbiological Assays, Bioch. J. 41 : No.1, xii. The origin of virulent strains as recombinants from non virulent strains of pathogenic microorganisms and the kinetics of epidemics, Proc. 4th Intern. Congr. Microbiol., Copenhagen. (Certain problems of the genetics of microorganisms) La Ricerca Scient. (Recent advances in the genetics of microorganisms) Atti. Staz. Zool. Napoli. Genetics of the homothallic Ascomycete. Aspergillus nidulans. Heredity. (with Forbes,E, and Adam,O.B) 3:385 Genetic technique for self-fertile (homothallic) microorganisms. Proc. 8th Intern. Congr. Genet. pp. 642- 643. Auxanographic techniques in Biochemical genetics. J.gen.Microbiology 13:122-126 New fields in the biochemical genetics of microorganisms. Biochem. Soc. Symp. 4 : 40-50. Genetic formulation of gene structure and gene action. Advances in Enzymology. 13:121149 Genetical analysis of cell organization. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 6 : 218-229. Genetic analysis without sexual reproduction in Aspergillus nidulans. (with J. A. Roper). Proc. Gen. Microbiol., 6 : vii. Non-random distribution of multiple mitotic crossing-over among nuclei of heterozygous diploid Aspergillus. Nature, 170 : 204. Somatic recombination in genetic analysis without sexual reproduction in filamentous fungi. Proc. II Symp. on Microb. Genet., Pallanza, 1952. Crossing-over between alleles at the w locus in Drosophila melanogaster. (with E. Mackendrick). Experientia, 8 : 390. Problems of cell population in irradiated tissues in Biological Hazards of Atomic Energy. Oxford, Clarendon Press. The Genetics of Aspergillus nidulans. Advances in Genetics. 5 : 141–238. (with sections by J.A Roper and others). Genetic recombination without sexual reproduction in Aspergillus niger. (with J.A. Roper and E. Forbes). J. Gen. Microbiol., 8 : 198-210. Recombination without sexual reproduction in Penicillium chrysogenum. (with G. Sermonti). Nature, 172 : 126. Remarks on paper by Stanier. Symp. Soc. Gen. Microbiol., 3 : 16 –18. Mitotic recombination in the genetic systems of filamentous fungi. Proc. 9th Intern. Congr. Genet. Caryologia Suppl. 6 : 192-200. Parasexual recombination in Penicillium chrysogenum. J.Gen. Microbiol., 11 : 94-104. Analysis of mitotic recombination in Aspergillus nidulans. (with E. Tarr Gloor and E. Forbes). J. Genet., 52 : 226-237. The impact of Genetics. J. Gen. Microbiol., 12 : 330-331. Gene structure and action in relation to heterosis. Proc.Roy.Soc. ‘B’ 144 : 171-177. Heredity and Variation in microorganisms. Discovery, Decr. 1955, 518-522. Allelism. Cold Spr.Harb.Symp.Quant.Biol., 21 : 171 –174. The parasexual cycle in fungi. Ann. Rev. Microbiol., 10 : 393-40 Resolving power of genetic analysis. (with J. A. Roper). Nature, 130: 93- 94 Mapping the chromosomes by means of mitotic recombination. (with E. Kafer). Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc., 15 : 16-20. Trends in Genetic Analysis . Columbia University Press, pp. 145. The versatility of heredity. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.), 56 : 116-122. Self-reproduction and all that. Symp. Soc. Exper. Biol., No. 12, pp. 1-5. Genetic analysis based on mitotic recombination. (with E. Kafer). Advances in Genetics, 9 : 71-104. Panel discussion. In Biochemistry of Human Genetics (ed. G.E.W. Wolstenholme & C.M. O’Connor). CIBA Foundation Symposium, London, pp. 279-285. Pontecorvo 3 (70) 1960 (71) (72) 1960 1961 (73) 1961 (74) 1962 (75) (76) (77) 1962 1963 1963 (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) 1966 1966 1968 1968 1969 1969 (84) 1971 (85) (86) (87) 1971 1973 1974 (88) 1975 (89) 1975 (90) 1975 (91) 1976 (92) 1976 (93) 1977 (94) (95) 1977 1980 (96) 1983 (97) 1985 Reflexions sur les perspectives de la génétique humaine. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 154 : p. 1943. Microbial Genetics (Review). Soc.Gen. Microbiol.Symp. No.10, pp. 300. Genetic analysis via somatic cells. The Scientific Basis of Medicine Annual Reviews, 1961. pp. 13-20. Induction of alkaline phosphatase by substrates in established cultures of cells from individual human donors. (with R.P. Cox). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 47: 839-845. Methods of microbial genetics in an approach to human genetics. Brit. Med..Bull., 18 : 8184. Is genetic analysis via mitotic segregation possilbe in man? Symp. Genet. Biol. Ital., 9 : 1- 4. Microbial genetics (The Leeuwenhoek Lecture). Proc. Roy. Soc. B., 158., 1-23. Prospects for genetic analysis in man, pp. 80-98, in The Control of human heredity and evolution (T.S. Sonneborn Ed.), Macmillan. The gene, its structure, function and control. Proc. Roy. Soc. B., 164: 167-169. Genetic complementation, Quart.Rev.Biol, pp. 312-313. H.J.Muller, Ann.Rev.Genetics 2:1-10 Hermann Joseph Muller 1890-1967. Biogr. Mem. Roy. Soc., 14 : 349-389. Genetic Analysis of “Somatic” cells in filamentous fungi. Wistar Inst. Monog., 9 : 1-7. Template processes in heredity and evolution. Chapt. 3 in Biology and the physical sciences (S. Devons, Ed.) Columbia University Press. Induction of directional chromosome elimination in somatic cell hybrids. Nature, 230: 367369. Genetic analysis using somatic cells. I.C.R.F. Annual Report, 44-49. A white flowered form of Sempervivum arachnoideum, J.Royal.Horb.Soc. 98:504 Induced chromosome elimination in hybrid cells, pp 65-69 in Somatic Cell Hybridization (R.L. Davidson and F. de la Cruz, Eds.), Raven Press, N.Y. Hedge-like habit of Juniperus excelsa at high altitude on the S. Zagros Mountains in Iran (with M. Bokhari). Proc. Roy. Soc. B., 188 : 507-508. “Alternatives to sex: genetics by means of somatic cells.” The Bateson Lecture, pp 1-14 in Modification of Information content of plant cells. 2nd John Innes Symp. (ed. R. Markham, D.R. Davies, D.A. Hopwood & R.W. Horne). North Holland Publishing Co., Oxford. Production of Mammalian Somatic cell hybrids by means of polyethylene glycol. Somatic Cell Genetics, 1 : 397-400. Presidential Address. Proc. 2nd Intern. Sym. Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (K.D. Macdonald, Ed.) Acad. Press. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the production of mammalian somatic cell hybrids.Human Gene Mapping 3d Baltimore of Demes, pp 399 - 406 Time and mode of fusion of human fibroblasts treated with polyethylene glycol. Nature, 265 : 257-258, (with P.N. Riddle and A. Hales). Future Trends 'Aternatives to Sex'. Trend in Biochem.Sc.11 ; 223-224 Somatic cell genetics, an overview, pp 11-14 in Plant cell cultures : results and perspectives (F. Sala et al., Eds) Elesevier. Reminiscences on genetics: from Mendelism to recombinant DNA. Gandhi Memorial Lecutre, 30 January 1983, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore. Current Science, 52 : 383390. Reminiscences on genetics. The Jean Weigle Memorial Lecture, Cal. Tech. 7 May 1984. In “Topics in genetics analysis”, selected papers of G. Pontecorvo (ed. G. Sreenivasan & S. Ramasechan). Indian Acad. Sci. Bangalore, 1985. Pontecorvo 4