BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 BibCat Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 27, 2006 In attendance: Laurel Baker, Marilee Birchfield, Betty Boswell, Brian Cuthrell, Pat Harwell, Crystal Johnson, Craig Keeney, May Liu, David McQuillan, Jane Olsgaard, Scott Phinney, Joe Pukl, Bill Sudduth, Elizabeth Sudduth, Derek Wilmott. Call to order at 9:00 AM. Approval of Minutes from Mar. 23 Meeting (Jane) ACTION: Minutes approved as written by consensus. Old Business A. Proposal for “Serials analytics and linking items to multiple bibliographic records” Pat said when working in Multi-window mode and if clear something from the screen: it doesn’t mean that you have cleared it from use by you. You have to be sure you close your windows properly. ACTION: Proposal approved by consensus. B. Update programs in Millennium (Pat) This was mentioned on CATSCAN on Mar. 22. Pat said they are in the middle of cleaning up problems generated from the December update program run. Specifically, removing locations from the bib screen that should not be there. Should be finished within the next week or two by student. 1. Withdrawals (Pat) These procedures are for TCL and contain specific workflow. The details relating to changing information on the record are for everyone’s information. (#8 BibCat Minutes 3/27/2006) The document for this was submitted to BibCat with agenda via e-mail. New procedure allows us to insert “None” as a location. SoCar and Music items are NOT being corrected at present. C. DVDs with NOTIS MARC records are searchable with MARC reader (Jane) We have a group of DVDs with our old MARC records from NOTIS on them, but it is clumsy to search. All of the bib records are together, items are together, holdings, etc. D. LC call numbers migrated as 099 (Jane) These should be 050s, 090s, or 086s. Doug has written up a procedure for this. 1 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Processing Services and Music staff are currently working on this project. As records for other areas are found, you will be given the information to make corrections. (#10 BibCat Minutes 3/27/2006) Craig asked how widespread the problem is. He commented that his 092s came across as 090s and is fixing them. 2. Authority work in Millennium (May) Working with name authorities is cumbersome, and has come up a procedure for working with them. The procedure was handed out at the meeting. Ex. Situation 1: 2 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 3 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Delete in Millennium and reexport. For the Subject index though, you have overlay the existing authority record with the updated OCLC authority record using the syntax in the 949 field: *atab=asub;ov=.a(record number); 4 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Ex. Situation 5: 5 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 You have to edit in Millennium, “Copy as Subject Authority), choose the appropriate template, Save, Delete the authority record in the name index. 6 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 May Liu said that she has not been doing anything with the fixed fields in this process, since it doesn’t affect access. Laurel mentioned that the regular load table for authority records does NOT have a match point, which is why you have to add the command. You don’t have to worry about deleting duplicate records if you add the 949 command. Jane asked if anyone had a problem with Laurel making the change in Millennium for the 010 matchpoint in the authority record. She suggested Laurel talk with Nancy about this change to see if she has a problem with it. Laurel will send a message to CATSCAN when and if she has made the change. 3. SuDocs numbers (Laurel) The 086 was indexed on the item record, not on the bib record. 7 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 If you don’t use the “c” tag on the item record, nothing appears on the public view for call number. Ex. using “g” tags. 8 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Betty suggested putting the indicators for the 086 from the bib in the 086 on the item record. Bill said he has found records from the 1976-1980 period that do not have the indicator 0 and has been adding them. MARCive records DO have the indicators. Jane clarified that you have to change the 086 tag from “g” to “c” when you convert a call number from 099 to 086 in the item record. 4. Informational items A. Scoping and e-serial holdings for Columbia campus (Laurel/Derek) In NOTIS, things were coded as CCI for Columbia Cooper Internet. Because of scoping, Business and Math (for example) will not see them unless they scope as All Libraries. 9 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 10 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Other ex. “Journal of Asian economics” as viewed through the Business Library scope. 11 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Marilee suggested maybe including CCI in Music and Business scope, and create new location code for special Music and Business items. A note on the holding record might help to clarify. Change label from “Columbia Cooper Internet” to “Columbia Internet”. Laurel will talk to Reference people about this suggestion. B. LC call number and indicators on the bib record (Jane) We need to make sure we have the same call number fields and indicators on the bib and item records. 5. Sharing of ideas and findings 12 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 A. Printing review files (Scott) You can print lists created in the review file. It is called "List Records" located between "Sort Records" and "Export Records" on the Review Files center toolbar. You can specify which fields from the records you are working with to print. "OK" will send the list directly to your default printer without any of the traditional Windows "Select destination printer" or anything. 13 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 B. Displaying a check-in message (Joe/Melissa) Message field in the check-in records. Just fill in the message field and a message will pop up to whoever opens the record afterward and requires clicking “OK” to clear. C. Copy record (Pat) If you want to copy a record a record that you’re on, the copy is always listed under “Edit”. Initially used to copy order records to create a new order, but it can be used for all records. She advises discretion when using the copying feature because it copies EXACTLY which you sometimes have to edit afterwards. Can be a little different when using Multiwindow mode. 6. Machine-generated 505 notes (Jane on behalf of Doug) Doug noticed this recently: LC has started doing OCR scans of Tables of Contents and including them in 505 8 fields UNEDITED. 14 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 At the moment, we are to monitor for them and CLEAN UP them. Including changing the indicator from 8 to 0 and removing the “Machine generated contents note:” header. Round Robin Betty said she has to be mindful of the fact that Millennium does NOT do spaces before and after subfield delimiters. If you add them in, things like subject headings don’t work. She also has three campuses actively withdrawing items, and wants to make sure we aren’t leaving blind references. They are printing off withdrawn items and checking them afterwards. 15 of 16 BibCat Minutes 2/15/2016 Brian said he likes headings reports. In public view, if you hold down CTRL and roll up and down on the mouse wheel, it will change the size of the font. David, Doug, Ross Taylor, Bill Sudduth, and Gary Geer had a meeting with Jane and set up a subcommittee for maps. Craig would like to be part of this. Pat said that in the headings reports, it doesn’t tell you what the problem is when you transfer it to Create Lists. Somehow, the same barcode number can be attached to multiple bibs. The warning that pops up is “Duplicate Title” not “Duplicate Barcode”. Laurel reminded us to empty our Review Files when we are done with them. Next Thursday at 6 PM, Millennium will be upgraded and the database will go down. Let Laurel know if we have any problems on Monday when we start using the new version, 2005 Full Edition. Housekeeping: make sure you close your Millennium client because we have a total of 40 licenses. If we reach that limit, the 41st person can’t login. On TEST, the limit is 10 simultaneous users. Acquisitions has 30. Marilee and Reference folks were working on the merged records between TC and PC. They have also been updating the 049s so they can find things. She is going to the CIUG Create Lists meeting at UNCC on Friday. She encouraged us to get on CIUG’s listserv if they have one. Scott has been updating 099s and 090s in Music. Music has a lot of brief records with 099s that have not been changed yet because they have not been cataloged. Derek said we now have SC TV Guide from 1984 to 1992: 495 issues. These are at the Annex. Craig said he noticed in bib records for books published before 1980, we have duplicate records for identical items. OCLC has combined a lot of these, but we still have the separate records. Meeting Adjourned at 10:37 AM. Submitted by Scott Phinney, Secretary. 16 of 16