A short biography - CHG - University of California, Santa Barbara

Curriculum Vitae – Tinomutenda Tamuka Magadzire
c/o SADC FANR Directorate
Kgale Mews
P.Bag 0095
E-mail address: tmagadzire@fews.net
Telephone: Voice: +267-3951863
BS (Honors) Surveying. University of Zimbabwe. March 1995 - June 1999.
Master of Arts in Geography. University of California, Santa Barbara. September 2001 –
September 2002.
Work Experience:
July 1999 – October 2000: Research Assistant at Southern African Development
Community (SADC) Regional Remote Sensing Unit (RRSU)
November 2000 – September 2001: USGS Regional Representative for Famine Early
Warning System Network (FEWS NET) in Southern Africa, based at SADC RRSU
October 2002 – Present: USGS Regional Representative for Famine Early Warning
System Network (FEWS NET) in Southern Africa, based at SADC RRSU
Selected Conference Papers, Presentations and Publications:
T.T. Magadzire, in preparation. GeoWRSI Manual, 137 pp, USGS Publication
Mertes, L.A.K., Magadzire, T.T., 2007. Large Rivers from Space. in Large Rivers. ed. A. Gupta.
John Wiley.
G.J. Husak, T. Magadzire, 2005. Monitoring Southern African Rainfall Utilizing Growing
Regions. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G21D-04.
T. Magadzire, 14-18 November 2005. Flood Assessment and Monitoring using RS and GIS.
Presented at WMO/FAO Training Workshop on GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in
Agricultural Meteorology for SADC countries. Organized by WMO and FAO. Gaborone,
T. Magadzire, 5-7 September 2005. The Status of Geospatial Data for Natural Resource
Management and Food Security Assessment in the SADC Region. Presented at Strategies for
Permanent Access to Scientific Information in Southern Africa:Focus on Health and
Environmental Information for Sustainable Development - An International Workshop.
Organized by CODATA Task Group on the Preservation of and Access to S&T Data
in Developing Countries, South African National Committee for CODATA, United States
National Committee for CODATA, Pretoria, South Africa.
T. T. Magadzire, 3-4 October 2005. SADC Activities in IWRM. Presented at TIGER 2005
Workshop. Organized by ESA-ESRIN. Frascati, Italy.
L.A.K. Mertes, T.T. Magadzire, J.P. Verdin, 11-15 March 2002. Remote Sensing and Hydrologic
Tools for Flooding in Africa: Zambezi, Limpopo and Senegal Watersheds. Presented at
Workshop on Scientific Data for Decision Making Toward Sustainable Development: Senegal
River Basin Case Study. Organized by Senegal National Committee for CODATA and U.S.
National Committee for CODATA, National Research Council, Dakar, Senegal
E. Mukhala, T.T. Magadzire, K. Masamvu, 28-30 January 2003. Crop Monitoring and Yield
Estimation Using Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) in Zimbabwe: A case study for
the 2002/2003 Growing Season. Presented at International Workshop On Crop Monitoring And
Early Warning For Food Security. Organized by MARS Unit at JRC, and the GIEWS Unit at
FAO. Nairobi, Kenya
Funk, C, Michaelsen, J, Verdin, J, Artan, G, Husak, G, Senay, G, Gadain, H and Magadzire,
T, 2003. The collaborative historical African rainfall model: description and evaluation.
International Journal of Climatology, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 47-66
T.T. Magadzire, 2002. An investigation into the effect of different water sources on inundation
hydrology for selected floodplain reaches of the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, Africa [Masters
Thesis]. Department of Geography. Santa Barbara, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Verdin, J., C. Funk, T. Magadzire, J. Michaelson, and G. Husak. 2005. Monitoring and
Forecasting Drought in Southern Africa during the 2002-2003 Season. 85th American
Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Building the Earth Information System, January 9-13,
San Diego, California.
T.T. Magadzire, 2-4 November 2009. Capacity Building in Earth Observation Applications for
Agricultural Monitoring in Africa and Central America – A FEWSNET Perspective. Presented at
International GEO Workshop on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to Support Agricultural
Monitoring. Organized by Canadian GEO. Kananaskis, Canada
T. Magadzire, 7 December 2005. The use of satellite derived rainfall for flood forecasting and
monitoring - case study of A Geospatial Stream Flow Model for Wide-Area Flood Risk
Monitoring: based on work by G. Artan, K. Asante, J. Verdin, M. Budde, R. Lietzow, and C.
Rusanowski. Presented at Zambezi River Basin Stakeholder Conference. Gaborone, Botswana
Selected Products Developed
Funk C.C., T.T. Magadzire, 2009. GeoWRSI – A stand alone geospatial application for
computing crop specific water balance models and related rainfall and agrometeorological
analyses, written in VB.NET. Climate Hazards Group website
Magadzire T.T., 2006. Batch Grid Processing Toolbox – an ArcView extension featuring multiple
utilities for processing of multiple ArcView-related datasets, as well as agrometeorological
analysis. ESRI ArcScripts website, http://arcscripts.esri.com/details.asp?dbid=14455
Magadzire T.T., 2005. Shapefile to BNA Interconversion – An ArcView extension for converting
between shapefile and Atlas Boundary Ascii (BNA) formats. ESRI ArcScripts website,