Colvin, Tucker M.

Famine Early Warning Systems
GPHY 426
Tucker Colvin
What is the Famine Early Warning Systems Network?
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FAWS NET) is “a USAID-funded
activity that collaborates with international, regional, and national
partners to provide timely and rigorous early warning and vulnerability
information on emerging and evolving food security issues.” (Budde,
Where is FEWS NET located?
FEWS NET is present in 20 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
It also remotely monitors 15 countries.
(Verdin, et al. 2005)
This is an example of a report published by FEWS NET. The colors
correspond to the severity of the issue with darker being a greater
issue. The numbers correspond to a specific situation that has a
description with more detail. (Verdin, et al. 2005)
NDVI is one tool used to detect food shortage in an area. AVHRR, SPOT
Vegetation, and MODIS images are used to determine time series NDVI.
This is then compared to precipitation data to determine if the
precipitation is falling during the time in the growing season that the
plant needs the water. (Funk and Budde, 2009)
1999/2000 was a wet year with good crop harvest, whereas 2001/2002
was a drought year with poor crop performance. It can be seen that
the NDVI is generally higher during years with more precipitation.
(Verdin, et al. 2005)
WRSI (Water Requirements Satisfaction Index) was developed for
different regions and different crops. This was calculated using the
Penman-Monteith equation to determine potential evapotranspiration
and how much water is needed for the crop to produce to its full
potential. The more precipitation that a region gets compared to its
potential evaporation means that in general the crop yield will be closer
to its maximum potential. (Verdin, et al. 2005)
The Penman-Monteith equation contains many variables including net
radiation, humidity, canopy conductance, and wind velocity. (Dingman,
(Bie, et al. 2
NDVI is also used to create categories of land cover. This can show how
much vegetation is present for a given year and that can be correlated
to the production of a given crop for that year. (Bie, et al. 2011)
(Verdin, et al. 2005)
Another important aspect of FEWS NET, other than the production of
food, is the sociopolitical situation for different populations. If aid is to
target the people who are most at risk then it must be determined
where those people are located. (Budde, et al. 2010)
Precipitation data can be measured for many years and if there is a
trend then it can help FEWS NET predict the problems of the future.
(Verdin, et al. 2005)
Works Cited
Bie, C., Khan, M., Smakhtin, V., Venus, V., Weir, M., Smaling, E. (2011)
Analysis of multi-temporal SPOT NDVI images for small-scale land-use
mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 32, Issue 21
Budde, M., Rowland, J., Funk, C. (2010) Agriculture and Food
Availability – Remote Sensing of Agriculture for Food Security
Monitoring in the Developing World. Oceanic Engineering Society.
Dingman, S. L., (2008) Physical Hydrology. Second Edition
Funk, C. and Budde, M. (2009) Phenologically-tuned MODIS NDVI-based
production anomaly estimates for Zimbabwe. Remote Sensing of
Environment. Volume 113, Issue 1
Verdin, J., Funk, C., Senay, G., Choularton, R. (2005) Climate Science and
Famine Early Warning. Philosophical Transactions B. Volume: 360 Issue: