全球化理論 台北大學社會系碩士班 2009 年 2 月 時間:周二下午 2:10-5:00 教室:1F20 教師: 蔡明璋 全球化是一個非常複雜的概念,所包含的研究議題千羅萬象。本課程試著就社會 學角度來介紹全球化研究的現況。課程分為三部分: 1)Globalization As, 這部分討 論全球化的本質,從不同的社會理論的角度來觀察什麼是全球化。2)Globalization And, 這部分的重點是探究全球化與相關社會現象的關係,例如階級、發展、網 絡、文化與性別等。3)反全球化,社會學在什麼立場上反對全球化的走向?我們 探討一些可能的出發點,例如從「血汗工廠」與從「反帝國主義」的立場。 全球化的中文書籍出版非常多,請自行閱讀。例如:Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson, <全球化迷思>;Zygmunt Bauman, <全球化-對人類的深遠影響 >;David Held 等的<全球化大轉變>(太多了)。 底下這四篇文章亦是基本的文獻: Douglas Kellner. 2002. “Theorizing Globalization.” Sociological Theory 20:285-305. Mauro F. Guillen. 2001. “Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature.” Annual Review of Sociology 27:235-260. Sean O. Riain. 2000. “States and Markets in an Era of Globalization.” Annual Review of Sociology 26:187-213. Kathleen C. Schwartzman. 1998. “Globalization and Democracy.” Annual Review of Sociology 24:159-181. 下列這一系列的四本書,是 Roland Robertson 所編選的重要文集,比較強調文化 的面向。(我們課程用了不少其中的選文) Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White. 2003. Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, edited by Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White. London: Routledge. Vol 1-6. 1 課程進度。每周閱讀兩(或三)篇英文論文,並在課堂上討論。 成績: 每位同學選擇六個周次的主題寫小報告,字數二頁以內。以當周主題的報 告,需在上課前交。不收過期的報告。 每周課程進度 I. Introduction to Global Sociology 1. An Invitation to Globalization Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White. 2003. “Globalization: An Overview.” Pp.1-45 In Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 II. Globalization As… 2. Globalization: As a World System Immanuel Wallerstein, “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System”, in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 Christopher Chase-Dunn, “Globalization: A World System Perspective”, in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 3. Globalization: As Global Culture Appadurai, Arjun. 1990. “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy.” Theory, Culture and Society 7:295-310. Hannerz, Ulf. 1990. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture.” Theory, Culture and Society 7:237-251. 4.Globalization: As Global Hybridization Jan Nederveen Pieterse, “Globalizaition as Hybridization”, in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 2 Johnathan Friedman. 1990. “Being in the World: Globalization and Localization.” Pp.311 in Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity, edited by Mike Featherstone. London: Sage. 5.Globalization: As World Society Meyer, John, John Boli, George Thomas, and Francisco Ramirez. 1997. “World Society and the Nation-State.” American Journal of Sociology 103: 144 – 181. Boli, John and Michael A. Elliot. 2008. “Façade Diversity: the Individualization of Cultural Difference.” International Sociology 23:540-560. 6. Globalization: As World Market Thomas Grennes. 2003. “Creative Destruction and Globalization.” Cato Journal 22:543-558. Elmer Altvater and Birgit Mahnkofp. 1997. “The World Market Unbound.” Pp.306-326 in The Limits of Globalization: Cases and Arguments, edited by Alan Scott. London: Routledge. Mark Rupert. 2000. Ideology of Globalization: Contending Vision of a New World Order, chap.3. “The Hegemonic Project of Liberal Globalization. ” London: Routledge. 7. Globalization as Reflexive Modernization? As Post-Traditional Society? (I) Beck, Ulrich. 1994. “The Reinvention of Politics: Towards a Theory of Reflexive Modernization.” Pp.1-55 in Reflexive Modernization, by Ulrick Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash. Cambridge: Polity Press. 8. Globalization as Reflexive Modernization? As Post-Traditional Society? (II) Anthony Giddens. “Living in a Post-Industrial Society.” Pp.56-109 in Reflexive Modernization, by Ulrick Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash. Cambridge: Polity Press. 3 9. Globalization as Relativization Roland Robertson, “Interpreting Globality.” In Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 Roland Robertson, “Globalization and Sociological Theory.” in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 Johnathan Friedman. “Global System, Globalization and the Parameters of Modernity.” in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.1 III. Globalization And… 10. Globalization and its Causes Stephen Gill. “Globalization, Market Civilization, and Disciplinary Neoliberalism.” In Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.2 G. Garrett. 2000. “The Causes of Globalization.” Comparative Political Studies 33:941-991. 11. Globalization and Class Jan Pakulski. 2005. “Foundation of a Post-Class Analysis.” Pp.152-179 in Approaches to Class Analysis, edited by Erik O. Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. John Goldthorpe. 2002. “Globalization and Social Class.” West European Politics 25:1-28. 12. Globalization and Growth and Poverty Philip McMichael. 2005. “Globalization and Development Studies.” Pp.111-120 in Critical Globalization Studies, edited by Richard Appelbaum and William I. Robinson. New York: Routledge. Robert Wade. 2004. “Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?” World 4 Development 32:567-589. 13. Globalization and Global Networks Paul Kennedy. 2004. “Making Global Society: Friendship Networks among Transnational Professionals in the Building Design Industry.” Global Networks 4:157-179. Alejandro Portes. 1995. “Economic Sociology and the Sociology of Immigration: A Conceptual Overview.” Pp.1-41 in The Economic Sociology of Immigration: Essays on Networks, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship, edited by Alejandro Portes. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 14. Globalization and Transnationalism James Clifford, “Diaspora.” In Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.3 Aihwa Ong. 2002. “The Pacific Shuttle: Family, Citizenship and Capital Circuits.” Pp.172-197 in Anthropology of Globalization, 1st edition, edited by Jonathan Xavier Inda and Renato Rosaldo. Oxford: Blackwell. Aihwa Ong. 2008. “Cyberpublics and Diaspora Politics among Transnational Chinese.” Pp.167-183 in Anthropology of Globalization, 2nd edition, edited by Jonathan Xavier Inda and Renato Rosaldo. Oxford: Blackwell. 15. Globalization and Discursive Culture John Tomlison. “The Discourse of Cultural Imperialism.”, and “Conclusion: From Imperialism to Globalization.” In Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.4. Peer C. Fiss and Paul M. Hirsch. 2005. “The Discourse of Globalization: Framing and Sensemaking of an Emerging Concept.” American Sociological Review 70:29-52. 16. Globalization and Gender 5 Joya Misra. “Gender and the World System: Engaging the Feminist Literature on Development.” Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol.4 Jean L. Pyle. “Critical Globalization Studies and Gender.” Pp.249-257 in Critical Globalization Studies, edited by Richard Appelbaum and William I. Robinson. New York: Routledge. IV Globalization and Antiglobalization 17. Anti-globalization and Anti-imperialism Richard Appelbam. 2005. “Fighting Sweatshops: Problems of Enforcing Global Labor Standards.” Pp.369-378 in Critical Globalization Studies, edited by Richard Appelbaum and William I. Robinson. New York: Routledge. Henry Veltmeyer. 2004. “The Antimonies of Antiglobalization.” Pp.169-193 in Globalization and Antiglobalization: Dynamics of Change in the New World Order, edited by Henry Veltmeyer. Burlington, VA: Ashgate. 18. Conclusion: Globalization For or Against? 6