Genome Biology

Your institution now has a trial to the online journal Genome Biology.
You’ll find the homepage at (there is also a link on the
library services homepage). To take full advantage of the service register for all
additional features, details of how to do this are below.
Subjects covered in Genome Biology include any aspect of molecular, cellular,
organismal or population biology studied from a genomic perspective, as well as
genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, genomic methods (including structure
prediction), computational biology, sequence analysis (including large-scale and
cross-genome analyses), comparative biology and evolution.
Genome Biology articles are continuously published online, with a selection
appearing in the bi-monthly print issue.
Key website features include:
Articles - High quality reviews, reports, commentaries and research
Email alerts - sign up for regular updates from Genome Biology, including
the latest news, recent papers and journal information
News – the latest research and development news
Search – for detailed searches of the Genome Biology, BioMed Central,
PubMed and PubMed Central archives, stored searches, and emails
whenever search results change
For more information about the journal’s aims and objectives take a look at the
information pages on the website.
Go to the Logon/Register button in the top right-hand corner and enter your
details to register with Genome Biology. you can then customize the site
according to your subject preferences, receive regular updates, store your
searches and access the full content of Genome Biology from off-site terminals.
If you encounter any technical problems with the site, or have any feedback
regarding layout or content, please send these to, and
they will address these issues directly.