Writing -Assessment Foci, Questions, and Sub levels

Writing -Assessment Foci, Questions, and Sub levels
Assessment strand and writing
Composition and Effect
AF1: Write imaginative,
interesting and thoughtful texts
AF2: Produce texts which are
appropriate to task, reader and
AF3: Organise and present
whole texts effectively,
sequencing and structuring
information, events and ideas
Sentence structure
AF5: Vary sentences for clarity,
purpose and effect
Questions to support assessment
Does the child’s writing:
 communicate meaning on a topic or idea to an outside
 link the main ideas in a text?
 structure information in ways appropriate to the task, eg
chronology for narratives, list for instructions, key points for
 include what the reader needs to know to understand the
text, eg provision of appropriate information, naming and
introducing characters?
Does the child’s writing:
 include grammatically accurate statements, questions and
 Use simple and compound sentences to make meaning
NC Sub-level statement linked to
writing skill
Level 1 Writing communicates
meaning through simple
words and phrases.
2C Communicates meaning
beyond a simple statement.
Some characteristics of narrative
/ non-narrative writing but the
form may not be sustained.
Individual ideas are developed in
short sections.
2B Writing communicates
Uses narrative / non- narrative
form with some consistency.
Sufficient detail to engage the
The organisation reflects the
purpose of the writing.
2A Writing communicates
meaning in a way which is
lively and generally holds the
reader’s interest.
Some characteristics of
narrative / non-narrative
writing beginning to be
Links between ideas and
events are mainly clear.
Level 3 Writing is often
organised, imaginative and clear.
The main features of different
forms of writing are used
appropriately, beginning to be
adapted to different readers.
2C Writing is structured in
simple sentences. Some
sentences are joined b y ‘and’ or
Evaluation of pupil performance
against these foci.
AF6: Write with technical
accuracy of syntax and
punctuation in phrases, clauses
and sentences
Connect ideas together to explain and give more detail, eg
using because, so, if, when?
Expand and adapt elements of sentence structure to gain
more precise meaning, eg lengthening noun phrases,
varying verbs, developing adverbial phrases?
Does the child’s writing:
 show understanding of how full stops are used to demarcate
units of sense?
 include capital letters and full stops to mark beginnings and
ends of sentences in different types of tasks?
 use question and exclamation marks to demarcate different
types of sentences?
 use punctuation within the sentence, eg commas in lists?
2B Some sentences linked and
extended through connectives
other than ‘and’.
There is some variation in
sentence structure, with
compound and simple
sentences. Variation is evident in
word-choices which are
sometimes ambitious.
2A Some sentences linked and
extended through connectives
other than ‘and’.
There is some variation in
sentence structure, with
compound and simple
sentences, there may be some
subordination within sentences.
Descriptive phrases are used to
add emphasis.
Sequences of sentences extend
ideas logically and words are
chosen for variety and interest.
The basic grammatical structure
of sentences is usually correct.
L1. In their reading or their
writing pupils begin to show
an awareness of how full
stops are used.
2CSome evidence of punctuation
conventions being used to
demarcate units of meaning.
2B Evidence of some sentence
punctuation, (i.e. sentences
sometimes demarcated by both
a capital letter and a full stop).
2A Growing understanding of
the use of punctuation is
shown in the use of capital
letters and full stops.
L3 Punctuation to mark
sentences – full stops, capital
letters and question marks – is
used accurately.
Spelling and Vocabulary
AF8: Use correct spelling
AF7: Select appropriate and
effective vocabulary
Does the child:
 draw on knowledge of phonemes and word structure to work
out how words are spelt?
 apply knowledge of word structure to spell unfamiliar
polysyllabic words?
 use a range of vocabulary to engage interest and convey
meaning precisely an imaginatively?
2C Some common words from
the Y 1/ 2 list spelt correctly.
Other words show reliance on
phonic strategies with some
recall of visual patterns.
Vocabulary appropriate to the
subject matter.
Some words used effectively.
2B In spelling, phonetically
plausible attempts reflect
growing knowledge of wholeword structure. Awareness of
visual patterns and recall of letter
strings. Variation is evident in
word-choices which are
sometimes ambitious.
2A Spelling of many common
monosyllabic words is
Phonetically plausible
attempts at polysyllabic
Variation is evident in word
choices which are sometimes
Descriptive phrases are used to
add emphasis.
L3 Spelling is usually
accurate, including that of
common, polysyllabic words.
Words are chosen for variety
and interest
L1 Letters are usually clearly
shaped and correctly
2C Handwriting is legible
despite inconsistencies in
orientation, size and use of
upper and lower case letters.
2B Handwriting is clear, with
ascenders and descenders
distinguished, and generally
upper and lower case letters
are not mixed within the word.
2A Handwriting shows
accurate and consistent letter
L3 Handwriting is joined and