Population Genetics

Population Genetics
After completing this section, you should:
1. Define a population
2. Define allele frequency
3. Define gene pool
4. Define mating system
5. Contrast population genetics with family genetics
6. Calculate genotype and allele frequencies from population genetics data
7. Determine if the genotype and phenotype frequencies observed in a
population are consistent with a proposed mating system for that trait in the
8. Predict how a population will change given a change in a population’s
mating system or a change in selection pressure for a specific trait in the
Some Key Terms:
Allele frequency
Gene pool
Assortive mating
Random mating
Selection pressure
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Online lesson: None
Normal: (open symbols)
Tay Sachs disease: (filled symbols)
Population vs. Family:
A genetic analysis of the Nebraska population of humans
Trait that is the focus of our study:
Genetic control of this trait based on family genetics:
Data Collection:
Phenotype Frequency:
Genotype Frequency:
Allele Frequency: