Course Title: Biological Principles I (BIOL 2107)

Molecular Genetics (BTEC 4100)
Fall, 2011
Tuesday/Thursday Class: 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm /Bldg SC/rm213
Tuesday Lab: 5:00 pm - 7:45 pm/Bldg: SC/ rm: 364
Course description and objectives: The course covers the fundamentals of DNA, genes, RNA, proteins, molecular
genetics, experimental analyses of DNA and proteins, gene therapy, bioinformatics, and oncogenes. The emphases
of the course will be on DNA structure, DNA replication, gene structure, gene expression, and DNA analysis. The
applications of biotechnology studied will include creating recombinant DNA, gene mapping, DNA sequencing,
DNA sequence analysis, polymerase chain reactions, gene expression, and regulation of gene expression.
Course Objectives:
Students in this course will be able to
1. describe the DNA replication process
2. explain basic functions of enzymes in the DNA replication
3. describe the basic structures of DNA and RNA
4. describe the major historical events in DNA discovery
5. explain the experimental design to distinguish the semiconservative from other DNA replication models.
6. distinguish between transcription and translation
7. define “codon” and explain how the meaning encoded in the mRNA translated into the sequence of amino
8. explain the relationship among the template strand, coding strand, sense strand, and mRNA
9. explain mRNA processing
10. describe the structure and function of tRNA
11. describe the structure and function of ribosomes
12. explain the importance of alternative splicing describe the structure and function of mRNA
13. List the major categories of RNA
14. describe the key steps in plasmid DNA purification
15. explain advantages of using the affinity column in purifying DNA
16. describe the key steps in transformation of plasmid DNA into bacterial cells
17. explain the utilities of a genomic DNA library.
18. explain how to create a genomic DNA library.
19. explain the similarities and differences between a genomic and a gene library.
20. describe ways that one uses to obtain a large quantities of a gene clone.
21. explain the ways to effectively clone a piece of foreign DNA into a plasmid vector.
22. explain the ways to identify the recombinant DNA clones using colony screening.
23. describe how to generate complementary DNA.
24. compare and contrast the genomic and the cDNA libraries.
25. describe how to isolate mRNA.
26. describe how to use the FISH method to detect numerical abnormalities for chromosomal syndromes.
27. explain the advantage of the FISH method in prenatal diagnosis as compared to the traditional G-banding
28. give examples of detection of structural abnormalities, including constitutional and acquired abnormalities,
using the FISH method.
29. explain how to discover the disease causing genes using the genetic and physical mapping methods.
30. explain how to use the Ti vector to clone a piece of foreign DNA into plant cells.
31. explain the mechanism for dideoxy chain termination sequencing.
32. explain how the dideoxy chain termination sequencing works.
33. explain the reason for extending the sequence.
34. explain the similarities between manual and automatic sequencing methods.
35. explain the differences between manual and automatic sequencing methods.
36. explain what the “shotgun cloning” and “shotgun sequencing” are.
explain what the “contig assembly” is.
conduct a database search for homologous DNA sequences using a DNA database.
conduct a database search for potential protein sequences encoded by the DNA of your interest.
select BAC DNA probes for FISH using a genome browser.
explain what the comparative genomic hybridization is.
explain how the array CGH works.
describe how to use a gene array to compare gene expression profiles in normal vs. cancer tissues.
describe how to use the array CGH to detect and measure the sizes of microdeletions in chromosomes.
explain the major difference of conventional and real-time PCR.
explain how to use the real-time RTPCR to quantify two or more expressed genes in a given tissue.
explain how to obtain absolute quantification data using the real-time PCR.
Prerequisites: Genetics 3300.
Textbook and Resources: From Genes to Genome. J.W. Dale and M. von Schatz (2007) John Wiley & Sons
(ISBN: 978-0-470-01734-0).
The following books are recommended for references:
1. DNA Science: A First Course. D. A. Micklos and G. A. Freyer (2003) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press;
2. A Short Guide to Writing about Biology. J. A. Pechenik (2009) Pearson Longman.
In addition, materials pertaining to some of the lectures will be distributed during the class.
Instructor: Xueya Hauge Ph.D.
Office: SC 322
Email address:
Phone: (770) 423-6163
FAX number: (770) 423-6625
Office hours: The students are encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss their concerns and other
issues related to the course. My office hour is 12:30-1:30 pm, Monday. If this time slot is not convenient for you,
please e-mail me to make an appointment. I will respond to your e-mail as soon as possible.
Course attendance policy: Lecture attendance is essential for success in this class. You are responsible for all
lecture materials and any announcements made in class.
Laboratory attendance policy: Laboratory and lab discussion attendance are required and will be recorded.
Missing two labs will result in a 0.5 deduction in your final grade. You will not be admitted into a lab 15 minutes
past the beginning of the lab.
Laboratory safety policy: Students must comply with all safety regulations in the KSU Chemical Hygiene
Handbook. Failure to follow these regulations will result in dismissal from the lab. Regulations are outlined in one
of handouts and will be discussed during the first class period. Safety glasses will be provided and students are
required to wear them for all laboratories.
Laboratory Notebook-keeping Policy: You are required to bring a laboratory notebook to the laboratory, and the
instructor will check your notebook during laboratories.
Exam Policy: Make-up exams will be given only to students who have excuses, including illness and accidents.
You must get a prior approval from the instructor before you can take make-up exams. In case of illness, you must
hand in a copy of your doctor’s note to the instructor.
Laboratory Report Policy: Late laboratory reports will not receive full credit—5% deduction will be applied to
the report that is turned in 1 hour past the due time and 5% for each additional hour. The report will not be graded
24 hours past the due time. Copying the laboratory report from other students is not permitted, and will not be
Withdraw Policy: The last day to withdraw without academic penalty is October 12, 2011. Ceasing to attend class
or oral notice thereof does not constitute official withdrawal from the course. Students who simply stop attending
classes without official withdrawing usually are assigned failing grades. Students wishing to withdraw after the
scheduled change period (add/drop) must obtain and complete a withdrawal for m from the Academic Service
Department in the Registrar’s Office.
Enrolment Policy: Only those students who are enrolled in the class may attend lectures, receive assignments, take
quizzes and exams, and receive a grade in the class. If a student is administratively withdraw from this course, they
will not be permitted to attend class nor will receive any grade for the class.
Electronic Devices: All beepers and cellular phone should be on quiet mode when the class or lab is in session.
Lecture Grading: There will be 3 exams during the course.
Summary of the lecture scores:
First exam
100 points
Second Exam
100 points
Final exam
150 points
350 points
Laboratory Grading: A special project report and a presentation contribute to 130 points. A lab report contributes
40 points. Thus the lab score contributes ~33% (170/520) to the final grade.
Grade Evaluation:
A 90-100%; B 80-89%; C 70-79%; D 60-69%; F 0-59%
Academic Integrity: All students are expected to follow the Academic Integrity Policy of Kennesaw State
Tentative Lecture Schedules: Subject to change
Aug. 18 (Th):
Discussion of the syllabus, Pre-lecture assessment (assurance of learning)
Aug. 23 (T):
Introduction (chapter 1)
Aug. 25 (Th):
Basic Molecular Biology (2)
Aug. 30 (T):
Basic Molecular Biology (conti.)
Sept. 1st (Th):
How to Clone A Gene / Hybridization, PCR, etc. (3)
Sept. 6 (T):
Extraction and Purification of Nucleic Acids, Gel Electrophoresis (conti.)
Sept. 8 (Th):
Cutting and Joining DNA (4)
Sept. 13 (T):
Cutting and Joining DNA (conti)
Sept. 15 (Th):
Vectors (5)
Sept. 20 (T):
Vectors (conti.)/Review
Sept. 22 (Th):
Exam I
Sept. 27 (T):
Genomic and cDNA library (6)/ Discussion of Exam I
Sept. 29 (Th):
Genomic and cDNA library (cont.)
Oct. 4 (T):
Finding the Right Clone (7)
Oct. 6 (Th)
Finding the Right Clone (conti.)
Oct. 11 (T):
American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, No lecture Scheduled
Oct. 13 (Th):
American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, No lecture and Lab Scheduled
Oct. 18 (T):
Polymerase Chain Reaction / Quantitative PCR (8)
Oct. 20 (Th):
Characterization of A Cloned Gene/ DNA Sequencing (9)
Oct. 25 (T):
Characterization of A Cloned Gene/ Databank Entries and Annotation (9)
Oct. 27 (Th):
Exam II
Nov. 1 (T):
Protein Structures (9)
Nov. 3 (Th):
Analysis of Gene Expression (10)
Nov. 8 (T):
Nov. 10 (Th):
Products from Native and Manipulated Cloned Genes/
Expression of Cloned Genes in Bacteria (11)
Array Based Methods (14)
Nov. 15 (T):
Student Presentations
Nov. 17 (Th):
Student Presentations
Nov. 22 (T):
Student Presentation
Nov. 24 (Th):
Fall Break, No Lecture Scheduled
Nov. 29 (T):
Array Based Methods (14)
Dec. 1 (Th):
Review for the final exam; Course evaluation
Dec. 6 (T):
Final Exam 3:30 pm-5:30 pm
Tentative Lab Schedules: Subject to change
Title of the lab
Aug. 18 (Th):
No Lab Scheduled
Aug. 25 (Th):
I. Measuring Very Small Volumes in a Molecular Genetics Laboratory; Making Dilutions
from a Stock Solution
Sept. 1 (Th):
II. Gene Necklace
Sept. 8 (Th):
III. Isolation and Quantitation of Plasmid DNA
Sept. 15 (Th):
IV. pGLO Bacterial Transformation Laboratory
Sept. 22 (Th):
V. Amplification of Simple Interspersed DNA Sequences Using
PCR and DNA Finger Printing;
pGLO Bacterial Transformation Laboratory (cont.)
Sept. 29 (Th):
Amplification of Simple Interspersed DNA Sequences Using
PCR and DNA Finger Printing (cont.)
VI. Nick Translation
Oct. 6 (Th):
No lab Scheduled
Oct. 13 (Th):
ASHG Meeting, No lab or lecture scheduled
Oct. 20 (Th):
VII. Fluorescent in situ Hybridization
Oct. 27 (Th):
VIII. Isolation and Purification of GFP from Bacterial Cells and Making a Glowing Necklace
Nov. 3 (Th):
IX. DNA Finger Printing
Nov. 10 (Th):
X. Characterization of Enhancers of Gene Regulation in Mammalian Cells
Special Dates:
Withdraw: The last day to withdraw without academic penalty is October 12, 2011.
Final Exam: Tuesday, December 6 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm.
Website about genetic/genomic careers: