Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 1 2 3 Category Title NFR: 2.A.2 Lime production SNAP: 040614 Lime ISIC: 2694 Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster Version Guidebook 2013 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Coordinator Jeroen Kuenen Contributing authors (including to earlier versions of this chapter) Jozef M. Pacyna, Otto Rentz, Dagmar Oertel, Carlo Trozzi, Tinus Pulles and Wilfred Appelman 23 Draft Not To Be Quoted 1 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 24 25 Contents 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 3 Description of sources ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Process description ........................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Techniques ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Emissions ......................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Controls ............................................................................................................................ 5 Methods..................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Choice of method ............................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Tier 1 default approach..................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Tier 2 technology-specific approach ................................................................................ 9 3.4 Tier 3 emission modelling and use of facility data ......................................................... 12 Data quality ............................................................................................................................. 15 4.1 Completeness ................................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Avoiding double counting with other sectors ................................................................. 15 4.3 Verification..................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Developing a consistent time series and recalculation ................................................... 16 4.5 Uncertainty assessment .................................................................................................. 16 4.6 Inventory quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) ................................................... 16 4.7 Gridding ......................................................................................................................... 16 4.8 Reporting and documentation ........................................................................................ 17 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 17 References ............................................................................................................................... 17 Point of enquiry....................................................................................................................... 18 50 Draft Not To Be Quoted 2 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 51 1 Overview 52 53 54 55 56 Lime (CaO) is the high-temperature product of the calcination of limestone. The production occurs in vertical and rotary kilns fired by coal, oil or natural gas. Calcium limestone contains 97– 98 % calcium carbonate on a dry basis. The rest includes magnesium carbonate, aluminium oxide, iron oxide and silica. However, some limestone contains as much as 35–45 % magnesium carbonate and is classified as dolomite. 57 58 59 60 61 Atmospheric emissions in the lime manufacturing industry include particulate emissions from the mining, handling, crushing, screening and calcining of the limestone and emissions of air pollutants generated during fuel combustion in kilns. These emissions are not very significant on a global or even regional scale. However, lime works can be an important emission source of air pollutants on a local scale. 62 63 64 The production of lime causes emissions from both processes and combustion. This chapter only covers the process emissions. Emissions from combustion activities are addressed in chapter 1.A.2.f Manufacturing Industries and Construction (Combustion) — Other. 65 2 Description of sources 66 2.1 Process description 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Two major types of processes can be considered within the lime work operations: quarrying, crushing, and size grading of minerals; and combustion of fuels in lime kilns. Limestone quarries are usually developed in a number of benches or lifts. For primary blasting of the limestone, holes are made by drills operated by compressed air (Parker, 1978). The excavated limestone is transferred for crushing and grinding. There are several types of crushing and grinding machines to produce limestone of sizes suitable for several designs of kilns. A schematic overview of the different processes occurring during the production of lime is shown in Figure 2.1. 74 75 76 77 During the kiln operations the limestone reaches temperatures as high as 900 °C, and carbon dioxide is driven off limestone to leave so-called quicklime. The quicklime descends through the cooling zone and is discharged at the base of the kiln. Obviously, various air pollutants are generated during combustion of fuels in the kiln. 78 79 80 Hydrated lime is made by adding water to crushed or ground quicklime and thoroughly mixing the quicklime and the water. Milk of lime can be produced either by slaking quicklime with an excess of water or by mixing hydrated lime with water. Draft Not To Be Quoted 3 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted Chapter 1.A.2.f Chapter 1.B.1.b Crushing, Size grading Quarrying Quarry Excavated Limestone Pretreatment Combusting Limestone Kiln Lime Cooling, Shipping Posttreatment Fuel 81 82 Figure 2.1 83 2.2 84 85 86 87 88 At present two major types of kilns are in use: vertical and rotary kilns. Because of larger size of charge material, lower air velocities and less agitation, vertical kilns emit lower amounts of particles but higher amounts of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. However, in recent years there have been important developments in the design and use of rotary kilns. They require a more carefully classified and smaller size of limestone than for the vertical kilns. 89 2.3 90 91 92 93 94 95 Pollutants released are sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (non-methane VOC and methane (CH4)), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and particulate matter. According to CORINAIR90 the main relevant pollutants are SO2, NOx, CO and CO2 (Bouscaren, 1992). Fuel-based emissions are included under source category 1.A.2 Manufacturing Industries and Construction (Combustion) and not included here to prevent double counting. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Sulphur dioxide emissions are influenced by several factors, including the sulphur content of the fuel, the sulphur content and mineralogical form (metal sulphide such as pyrite, or sulphates such as gypsum) of the stone feed, the quality of lime being produced and the type of kiln. Due to variations in these factors, plant-specific SO2 emission factors are likely to vary significantly from the average emission factors presented here. The dominant source of sulphur emissions is the kiln’s fuel, particularly coal and petroleum derived coke, where the levels of sulphur may be as high as 5 % by weight. The amount of sulphur present will vary widely according to the nature of the deposits used. During the calcining operation, sulphide and sulphates are decomposed to yield sulphur dioxide. On combustion of the fuel, the sulphur compounds present in the fuel are Process scheme for source category 2.A.2 Lime production. Techniques Emissions Draft Not To Be Quoted 4 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 105 106 oxidised to sulphur dioxide and pass through the burning zone of the kiln with the exhaust gases (US EPA, 1995; HSMO, 1992). 107 108 109 110 111 112 When sulphur-containing fuels are burnt, for practical purposes sulphur in the kiln exhaust may be assumed to be emitted as sulphur dioxide, although there is usually some sulphur trioxide formed. In the case of lime manufacture in shaft kilns, much of the sulphur re-combines with the burnt lime and the emissions of sulphur dioxide are subsequently reduced. In the case of rotary and rotating hearth kilns, combinations of process design and combustion conditions can be selected to ensure that most of the sulphur is expelled as sulphur dioxide in the kiln gases (HSMO, 1992). 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 The oxides of nitrogen are produced through the reaction of the nitrogen and oxygen in the air and through the oxidation of the nitrogen compounds contained in the fuel. There is a significant increase in the amount of oxides of nitrogen (mainly nitric oxide) which is formed at temperatures above 1 400 °C. The formation of nitric oxide is also a function of the excess air. When operating near to stoichiometric conditions in the kiln, there is localised generation of carbon monoxide. This acts as a reducing agent so that any nitric oxide which may be present is converted to nitrogen. Some oxides of nitrogen are also formed in electrostatic precipitators (HSMO, 1992). 120 121 122 Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are formed as main products of the combustion process. Carbon monoxide is formed by the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels and even with good combustion control small amounts of carbon monoxide will be present in combustion gases. 123 124 125 126 127 The dissociation of limestone produces up to 0.75 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per tonne of quicklime, depending on the composition of the limestone and the degree of calcination. The amount of carbon dioxide produced by combustion depends on the chemical composition of the fuel and on the heat use per tonne of quicklime, generally it is in the range 0.2–0.45 tonnes CO2 per tonne of quicklime (European Commission, 2001). 128 129 130 131 132 133 The heat of dissociation of calcium limestone is 3 200 MJ/tonne. The net heat use per tonne of quicklime varies considerably with kiln design. Rotary kilns generally require more heat than shaft kilns. The heat use tends to increase as the degree of burning increases. The net heat use varies between 3 600 and 7 500 MJ/Mg of lime for calcium quicklime and light- and hard-burned dolomite, and between 6 500 and 10 500 MJ/Mg of lime for dead-burned dolomite (European Commission, 2001). 134 2.4 135 136 137 138 Emissions of sulphur oxide can be reduced by using low sulphur fuels and by limiting the sulphur contents of the fuel and raw materials. Sulphur dioxide emissions may be further reduced if the polluting equipment is fitted to desulphurise the exhaust gases (e.g. by using a wet process) (US EPA, 1995; HMSO, 1992). 139 140 141 142 143 The design of kiln and combustion conditions may be selected to ensure that most of the sulphur is retained in the burnt lime. In most circumstances, especially in shaft kilns, only a small fraction of the sulphur dioxide generated within the kiln (whether originating from the raw materials or from the fuel) is released to atmosphere, since it is mainly incorporated into the lime by chemical combination (HSMO, 1992). 144 145 The following techniques can be reasonably applied to reduce oxides of nitrogen discharges to the atmosphere: Controls Draft Not To Be Quoted 5 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 146 the use of low-NOx-burners where practicable, which operate by avoiding localised hot spots; 147 148 the use of very finely pulverised coal so that complete combustion can be achieved with low excess air. 149 150 151 Modern lime works are equipped with electrostatic precipitators that remove at least 98 % of the particulate matter from exhaust gases. Other control devices are also used including multiple cyclones, wet scrubbers and baghouses. 152 3 Methods 153 3.1 Choice of method 154 155 Figure 3.1 presents the procedure to select the methods for estimating process emissions from the lime industry. The basic approach is as follows: 156 If detailed information is available such that higher tiered methods can be employed: use it. 157 158 159 160 If the source category is a key category, a Tier 2 or better method must be applied and detailed input data must be collected. The decision tree directs the user in such cases to the Tier 2 method, since it is expected that it is easier to obtain the necessary input data for this approach than to collect facility level data needed for a Tier 3 estimate. 161 162 163 The alternative of applying a Tier 3 method, using detailed process modelling is not explicitly included in this decision tree. However, detailed modelling will always be done at the facility level and results of such modelling could be seen as ‘facility data’ in the decision tree. Draft Not To Be Quoted 6 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted Start Facility data Available? Yes All production covered No Yes Use Tier 3 Facility data only No Use Tier 3 Facility data & extrapolation Technology Stratification available? Use Tier 2 technology specific activity data and EFs Yes No Key source? Get technology stratified activity data and EFs Yes No Apply Tier 1 default EFs 164 165 Figure 3.1 166 3.2 167 3.2.1 Algorithm 168 The Tier 1 approach for process emissions from lime uses the general equation: Tier 1 default approach E pollutant AR production EFpollutant 169 170 Decision tree for source category 2.A.2 Lime production. (1) where: 171 Epollutant = the emission of the specified pollutant 172 ARproduction = the activity rate for the lime production 173 EFpollutant = the emission factor for this pollutant 174 175 176 177 This equation is applied at the national level, using annual national total lime production data. Information on the production of lime, suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler estimation methodology (Tier 1 and 2), is widely available from United Nations statistical yearbooks or national statistics. 178 179 180 The Tier 1 emission factors assume an ‘averaged’ or typical technology and abatement implementation in the country and integrate all different sub-processes in the lime production between inputting raw materials into the process and the final shipment off the facilities. Draft Not To Be Quoted 7 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 181 182 In cases where specific abatement options are to be taken into account a Tier 1 method is not applicable and a Tier 2 or Tier 3 approach must be used. 183 3.2.2 Default emission factors 184 185 186 187 188 189 The Tier 1 approach needs emission factors for all relevant pollutants that integrate all subprocesses within the industry from inputting raw materials to the final shipment of the products off site. The default emission factor for total suspended particulates (TSP) as given in Table 3.1 has been extracted from the Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) document for cement and lime production (European Commission, 2001) and represents worst case TSP emissions (i.e. uncontrolled process) during lime production (kiln, hydrating and grinding). 190 191 192 193 PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors have been estimated using the particulates profile suggested in the Coordinated European Particulate Matter Emission Inventory Program (CEPMEIP) (Visschedijk et al., 2004). The BC1 emission factor is based on Chow et al. (2011) and related to PM2.5. 194 195 196 Emission factors in the BREF documents are mostly given in ranges. The range is interpreted as the 95 % confidence interval, while the geometric mean of this range is chosen as the value for the emission factor in the table below. 197 Table 3.1 Tier 1 emission factors for source category 2.A.2 Lime production. NFR source category Fuel Not applicable Not estimated Pollutant TSP PM10 PM2.5 BC Tier 1 default emission factors Code Name 2.A.2 Lime production NA NH3, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se, Zn, HCH, PCB, PCDD/F, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, HCB NOx, CO, NMVOC, SOx, Pb, Cd, Hg Value Unit Reference 95 % confidence interval Lower Upper 9 000 g/Mg lime 3 000 22 000 European Commission (2001) 3 500 700 0.46 g/Mg lime g/Mg lime % of PM2.5 1 000 300 0.23 9 000 2 000 0.92 Visschedijk et. (2004) applied on TSP Visschedijk et. (2004) applied on TSP Chow et al. (2011) 198 199 200 201 202 203 Emission factors in Table 3.1 are provided for particulate fractions only. This does not imply that there are no process emissions for other pollutants but since it is very difficult to separate process and combustion emissions and we expect the majority of emissions for other pollutants (NOx, SOx, NMVOC, CO, cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb)) to be due to the combustion of fuels. Emission factors for combustion-related emissions of NOx, CO and SO2 are provided in chapter 1.A.2.f. Emissions of other heavy metals are assumed to be negligible. 204 3.2.3 Activity data 205 206 207 208 Information on the production of lime, suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler estimation methodology (Tiers 1 and 2), is widely available from United Nations statistical yearbooks or national statistics. National statistics are preferred if they are judged to be complete and representative of the sector. 1 For the purposes of this guidance, BC emission factors are assumed to equal those for elemental carbon (EC). For further information please refer to Chapter 1.A.1 Energy Industries. Draft Not To Be Quoted 8 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 209 210 211 Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, volume 3 on Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), chapter ‘Choice of activity data’ (IPCC, 2006). 212 3.3 Tier 2 technology-specific approach 213 3.3.1 Algorithm 214 215 216 217 The Tier 2 approach is similar to the Tier 1 approach. To apply the Tier 2 approach, both the activity data and the emission factors need to be stratified according to the different techniques that may occur in the country. With regard to the lime production, these techniques include the use of the various kilns: 218 vertical shaft kiln; 219 vertical double inclined kiln; 220 parallel flow / counterflow regenerative kiln; 221 annular kiln; 222 rotary short kiln / air suspension preheater; 223 rotary long kiln; 224 calcimatic kiln. 225 Draft Not To Be Quoted 9 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 226 The Tier 2 approach is as follows: 227 228 Stratify the lime production in the country to model the different product and process types occurring in the national industry into the inventory by: 229 230 defining the production using each of the separate product and/or process types (together called ‘technologies’ in the formulae below) separately; and 231 applying technology specific emission factors for each process type: E pollutant 232 AR production,technology EFtechnology,pollutant (2) technologies 233 where: 234 235 ARproduction,technology = the production rate within the source category, using this specific technology 236 EFtechnology,pollutant = the emission factor for this technology and this pollutant 237 238 A country where only one technology is implemented will result in a penetration factor of 100 % and the algorithm reduces to: E pollutant AR production EFtechnology,pollutant (3) 239 240 where: 241 Epollutant = the emission of the specified pollutant 242 ARproduction = the activity rate for the lime production 243 EFpollutant = the emission factor for this pollutant 244 The emission factors in this approach will still include all sub-processes within the industry. 245 3.3.2 Technology-specific emission factors 246 247 248 249 250 The present subsection presents uncontrolled and controlled emission factors, which are taken from the BREF document for cement and lime production (European Commission, 2001). The BC emission factor is based on Chow et al. (2011) and related to PM2.5. Emission factors are based on a typical exhaust gas volume of 4 000 Nm3/Mg lime for the calcining process. The gaseous effluent from hydrating plants is rather small in volume, estimated is 800 m3/Mg of hydrated lime. 251 252 253 254 255 During lime grinding, air is drawn through all of the grinding equipment to remove ground lime of the required particle size. The product is separated from air in bag filters, often preceded by clones. Thus, dust collection is an integral part of the process and therefore uncontrolled emission factors are not applicable to the process of lime grinding. The typical air flow during grinding is 1 500 Nm3/Mg lime. 256 257 258 The majority of the particulate emissions arise from the calcining of limestone. Other processes like hydrating and grinding are less important for the PM emissions. In the tables in this chapter, these emissions have been added up to get emission factors for the whole process. 259 260 Subsidiary operations, such as crushing, screening, conveying, slaking, storage and discharge are not included in the tables below. Emission factors for these processes are not available. Draft Not To Be Quoted 10 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 261 262 263 Emission factors in the BREF documents are mostly given in ranges. The range is interpreted as the 95 % confidence interval, while the geometric mean of this range is chosen as the value for the emission factor in the table below. 264 Uncontrolled emission factors 265 Table 3.2 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.A.2 Lime production. NFR source category Fuel SNAP (if applicable) Technologies/Practices Region or regional conditions Abatement technologies Not applicable Not estimated Pollutant TSP PM10 PM2.5 BC Tier 2 default emission factors Code Name 2.A.2 Lime production NA 040614 Lime (decarbonizing) Typical emissions from some types of lime kiln Uncontrolled NH3, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se, Zn, HCH, PCB, PCDD/F, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, HCB NOx, CO, NMVOC, SOx, Pb, Cd, Hg Value Unit Reference 95 % confidence interval Lower Upper 9 000 g/Mg lime 3 000 22 000 European Commission (2001) 3 500 g/Mg lime 1 000 9 000 Visschedijk et al. (2004) applied on TSP 700 g/Mg lime 300 2 000 Visschedijk et al. (2004) applied on TSP 0.46 % of PM2.5 0.23 0.92 Chow et al. (2011) 266 Controlled emission factors 267 268 269 270 It is assumed that controlled rotary kilns are fitted with dust collection equipment, as are most controlled shaft kilns. Because of the wide range of exhaust gas conditions, a variety of dust collectors are used, including cyclones, wet scrubbers, fabric filters, electrostatic precipitators and gravel bed filters. 271 272 Furthermore, it is assumed that both wet scrubbers and bag filters are used to de-dust the emissions during lime hydrating. 273 Table 3.3 Tier 2 emission factors for source category 2.A.2 Lime production. NFR source category Fuel SNAP (if applicable) Technologies/Practices Region or regional conditions Abatement technologies Not applicable Not estimated Pollutant TSP PM10 PM2.5 BC Tier 2 default emission factors Code Name 2.A.2 Lime production NA 040614 Lime (decarbonizing) Typical emissions from some types of lime kiln Controlled NH3, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se, Zn, HCH, PCB, PCDD/F, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, HCB NOx, CO, NMVOC, SOx, Pb, Cd, Hg Value Unit 95 % confidence interval Reference Lower Upper 400 g/Mg lime 100 1 000 European Commission (2001) 200 g/Mg lime 60 400 Visschedijk et al. (2004) applied on TSP 30 g/Mg lime 10 80 Visschedijk et al. (2004) applied on TSP 0.46 % of PM2.5 0.23 0.92 Chow et al. (2011) 274 3.3.3 Abatement 275 276 Abatement efficiencies are not provided for lime production. Tier 2 uncontrolled and controlled emission factors may be used. Draft Not To Be Quoted 11 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 277 3.3.4 Activity data 278 279 280 Information on the production of lime, suitable for estimating emissions using the simpler estimation methodology (Tiers 1 and 2), is widely available, preferably from national statistics or alternatively from United Nations statistical yearbooks. 281 282 283 Further guidance is provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, volume 3 on Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), chapter ‘Choice of activity data’ (IPCC, 2006). 284 3.4 285 3.4.1 Algorithm 286 287 There are two different methods to apply emission estimation methods that go beyond the technology specific approach described above: 288 detailed modelling of the lime production process; 289 facility-level emission reports. 290 Detailed process modelling 291 292 A Tier 3 emission estimate, using process details will make separate estimates for the consecutive steps in the lime production process: 293 handling of raw materials; 294 combustion in the kiln; 295 after-treatment of the lime. 296 297 298 This process modelling will need to be done using a tailored toolkit or a system with input from experts in the industry. Where possible, process-specific emission factors will be needed to apply to each of the activities. 299 Facility-level data 300 301 302 Where facility-level emissions data of sufficient quality (see the guidance chapter on data collection in Part A of the Guidebook) are available, it is good practice to use these data. There are two possibilities: 303 the facility reports cover all lime production in the country; 304 facility-level emission reports are not available for all lime plants in the country. 305 306 307 308 309 If facility-level data cover all lime production in the country, it is good practice to compare the implied emission factors (reported emissions divided by the national lime production) with the default emission factor values or technology specific emission factors. If the implied emission factors are outside the 95 % confidence intervals for the values given below, it is good practice to explain the reasons for this in the inventory report 310 311 312 If the total annual lime production in the country is not included in the total of the facility reports, it is good practice to estimate the missing part of the national total emissions from the source category, using extrapolation by applying: Tier 3 emission modelling and use of facility data Draft Not To Be Quoted 12 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted E Etotal, pollutant 313 facility, pollutant Facilities 314 Productiontotal Production facility EFpollutant (4) Facilities where: 315 316 Etotal,pollutant = the total emission of a pollutant for all facilities within the source category 317 Efacility,pollutant = the emission of the pollutant as reported by a facility 318 Productiontotal = the production rate in the source category 319 Productionfacility = the production rate in a facility 320 EFpollutant = the emission factor for the pollutant 321 322 323 Depending on the specific national circumstances and the coverage of the facility-level reports as compared to the total national lime production, it is good practice to choose the emission factor (EF) in this equation from the following possibilities, in decreasing order of preference: 324 325 technology-specific emission factors, based on knowledge of the types of technologies implemented at the facilities where facility-level emission reports are not available; 326 the implied emission factor derived from the available emission reports: EF 327 E Facility, pollutant Facilities Production (5) Facility Facilities 328 329 330 3.4.2 Tier 3 emission factors and models 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 Lime production facilities are major industrial facilities and emissions data for individual plants might be available through a pollutant release and transfer registry (PRTR) or another emission reporting scheme. When the quality of such data is assured by a well developed QA/QC system and the emission reports have been verified by an independent auditing scheme, it is good practice to use such data. If extrapolation is needed to cover all lime production in the country either the implied emission factors for the facilities that did report, or the emission factors as provided above could be used (see subsection 3.3.2 above). 338 339 340 A model setting out TSP emission factors for sub-processes within the lime industry (Economopoulos, 1993) is presented in Table 3.4. It is a rather old model, which may be outdated, and should therefore be used with care. 341 Table 3.4 the default Tier 1 emission factor. This option should only be chosen if the facility-level emission reports cover more than 90 % of the total national production Tier 3 emission factors for particulate emissions from lime production. Operation Coal storage Abatement (if applicable) Emission factor [kg/Mg lime] Open piles 0.5 Semi-enclosed piles 0.25 Compartments 0.1 Draft Not To Be Quoted 13 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted Silos Coal crushing and screening Coal grinding 0.1 Uncontrolled 0.18 Fabric filter 0.002 (Semi) direct fired system Indirect fired system 0.0 Uncontrolled 10.0 Fabric filter 0.1 Raw material storage 0.16 Crushing and screening Crushed material storage 1.5 Fabric filter 0.0005 Open piles 1.0 Semi-enclosed piles 0.5 Compartments 0.2 Silos 0.2 Raw material conveying Raw material calcining Uncontrolled Vertical shaft kiln Vertical double Inclined kiln Parallel flow / Counterflow Regenerative kiln Annular kiln Rotary short kiln / air suspension preheater Rotary long kiln Uncontrolled 1.2 Fabric filter 0.01 Uncontrolled 3.0 Cyclone 1.0 Multicyclones 0.75 Uncontrolled 10.5 Cyclone 3.6 Multicyclones 2.6 Uncontrolled 8.0 Cyclone 2.8 Multicyclones 2.0 Uncontrolled 12.0 Cyclone 4.2 Multicyclones 3.0 Uncontrolled 40.0 Cyclone 14.0 Multicyclones 9.0 ESP 0.6 Fabric filter 0.2 Uncontrolled 140.0 Cyclone 49.0 Multicyclones 35.0 Draft Not To Be Quoted 14 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted Calcimatic kiln Lime cooling Grate cooler ESP 2.0 Fabric filter 0.4 Uncontrolled 25.0 Cyclone 8.7 Multicyclones 6.2 Uncontrolled 20.0 Cyclone 4.0 Multicyclones 2.0 Fabric filters 0.1 Planetary, rotary or vertical shaft coolers 0.0 Lime packaging / shipping Lime hydration 0.12 Uncontrolled 35.0 Scrubber 0.04 342 343 344 More information on the typical emissions from a lime production facility may also be found in the BREF document for the Cement and Lime industry (European Commission, 2001). 345 3.4.3 Activity data 346 347 348 Since PRTR generally do not report activity data, such data in relation to the reported facility level emissions are sometimes difficult to find. A possible source of facility-level activity might be the registries of emission trading systems. 349 350 351 352 The detailed methodology (Tier 3) requires more comprehensive information. For example, the quantities of lime produced by various types of industrial technologies employed in the lime industry at plant level. However, in most cases, no information is available from the statistical yearbooks on the quantities of lime produced in vertical and rotary kilns. 353 4 Data quality 354 4.1 Completeness 355 356 In cases where attempts are made to split the emissions from lime manufacturing between combustion emissions and non-emission combustions, care must be taken to include all emissions. 357 358 It is good practice to check whether the emissions reported as ‘included elsewhere’ (IE) under source category 2.A.2 are indeed included in the emissions reported under source category 1.A.2.f. 359 4.2 360 361 In cases where it is possible to split these emissions, it is good practice to do so. However, care must be taken that the emissions are not double counted. Avoiding double counting with other sectors Draft Not To Be Quoted 15 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 362 363 It is good practice to check that the emissions reported under source category 2.A.2 are not included in the emission reported under source category 1.A.2.f. 364 4.3 365 4.3.1 Best Available Technique (BAT) emission factors 366 367 368 369 370 This section presents Best Available Technique emission factors. These are provided by the BREF document for this industry (European Commission, 2001), available at http://eippcb.jrc.es/pages/FActivities.htm. The BREF document discusses the process, current emission levels and provides Best Available Technique information but does not provide emission values associated with the use of BAT. 371 4.4 372 373 374 For Tier 1 and Tier 2, activity data should be consistent across the time series. Where technology-specific emission factors are introduced for Tier 2 these must be applied so that they reflect the technology employed in the relevant years of the inventory calculation. 375 376 377 378 379 380 For Tier 3 using facility-level data, it might occur that a different selection of facility-level data is included in different years. This can lead to time series inconsistencies. Moreover, PRTR data generally are available for specific years only. Splicing such recent reported data under the European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) and the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) with historical data could be used to get consistent time series. Splicing could be used for both the activity data and the country-specific emission factors. 381 382 383 Unexpected discontinuities in time series can occur when specific lime works come into operation or are closed in specific years. If this happens, it is good practice to document such explanations clearly in the inventory archives. 384 4.5 385 386 387 It is rather difficult to assess current uncertainties of emission estimates for pollutants emitted during lime production. The uncertainties of sulphur dioxide emission estimates can be assessed in a similar way as the uncertainties of estimates for fossil fuel combustion (see chapter 1.A.2.f). 388 4.6 389 390 391 392 393 As discussed in the present chapter, emissions from lime production only include the emissions due to other causes than the combustion of fuels. Emissions from fuel combustion are to be reported under source category 1.A.2.f in the Industrial Combustion sub-sector. It is good practice to check whether the lime production data evaluated under the present chapter are consistent with the associated fuel use reported under chapter 1.A.2.f. 394 4.7 395 396 397 It is good practice to consider lime production plants as point sources if plant-specific data are available. Otherwise national emissions should be disaggregated on the basis of plant capacity, employment or population statistics. Verification Developing a consistent time series and recalculation Uncertainty assessment Inventory quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) Gridding Draft Not To Be Quoted 16 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted 398 4.8 Reporting and documentation 399 No specific issues. 400 5 Glossary AR production, technology the production rate within the source category, using a specific technology ARproduction the activity rate for the lime production E facility, pollutant the emission of the pollutant as reported by a facility E pollutant the emission of the specified pollutant E total, pollutant the total emission of a pollutant for all facilities within the source category EF country, pollutant a country-specific emission factor EF pollutant the emission factor for the pollutant EF technology, abated the emission factor after implementation of the abatement EF technology, pollutant the emission factor for this technology and this pollutant EF technology, unabated the emission factor before implementation of the abatement Penetration technology the fraction of production using a specific technology Production facility the production rate in a facility Production total the production rate in the source category ηabatement the abatement efficiency 401 402 6 References Bouscaren, M.R., 1992. CORINAIR Inventory, Default Emission Factors Handbook. Second edition. Commission of the European Communities, Paris. Chow, J.C., Watson, J.G., Lowenthal, D.H., Chen, L.-W.A., and Motallebi, N., 2011. PM2.5 source profiles for black and organic carbon emission inventories. Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 5407-5414. Economopoulos, A.P., 1993. Assessment of sources of air, water and land pollution. A guide to rapid source inventory techniques and their use in formulating environmental control strategies. Part one: rapid inventory techniques in environmental pollution. World Health Organization, report WHO/PEP/GETNET/93.1-A, Geneva. European Commission, 2001. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), Reference Document on Best Available Techniques (BREF) in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries, December 2001. European Commission, 2010. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), Reference Document on Best Available Techniques (BREF) in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries. May 2010. Available at http://eippcb.jrc.es. (accessed 5 June 2013). HSMO, 1992. Lime Manufacture and Associated Processes. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Draft Not To Be Quoted 17 Draft Not To Be 2.A.2 Lime production Quoted Pollution, Environmental Protection Act 1990 Process Guidance Note IPR 3/1, London. IPCC, 2006. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Eggleston H.S., Buendia L., Miwa K., Ngara T. and Tanabe K. (eds), National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme. IGES, Japan. Parker, A., 1978. ‘Iron and Steel works’. In: Industrial Air Pollution Handbook, Parker, A. (ed.). Mc Graw-Hill, London. US EPA, 1995. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors AP42 CD-ROM. United States Environment Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Visschedijk, A.J.H., Pacyna, J., Pulles, T., Zandveld, P. and Denier van der Gon, H., 2004. ‘Coordinated European Particulate Matter Emission Inventory Program (CEPMEIP)’. In: Dilara, P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the PM emission inventories scientific workshop, Lago Maggiore, Italy, 18 October 2004. EUR 21302 EN, JRC, pp. 163–174. 403 404 7 Point of enquiry 405 406 407 408 409 Enquiries concerning this chapter should be directed to the relevant leader(s) of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projection’s expert panel on combustion and industry. Please refer to the TFEIP website (www.tfeip-secretariat.org) for the contact details of the current expert panel leaders. Draft Not To Be Quoted 18