Year 2 Summer Medium Term Plan Fiction Non

Year 2 Summer Medium Term Plan
Summer 2
Summer 1
Quest and adventure stories
Suggested texts:
Lost and Found AND The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffries
We’re going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen
The Quest Hamilton Group Readers
Read a range of quest stories, exploring structure and language
Explore sentence types and experiment with tense.
Write extended stories.
Performing their writing to an audience.
Grammar focus:
1. Identify and use sentences with different forms
2. Use and distinguish past and present tense
3. Learn how to use familiar and new punctuation
Information texts
Suggested texts:
Harry and The Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow
Nana, what is an information text? By Ruth Merttens.
Hamilton Group Reader
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson
Learn about the different dinosaurs from the texts.
Explore the features of information texts and write a fact file
about a dinosaur.
Design a quiz.
Focus on past and present verb tenses.
Grammar focus:
1. Learn how to use past and present tense correctly including
the progressive form
2. Learn how to use familiar and new punctuation
Favourite poems
Llisten to and read a range of poems.
Choose their favourite of each type and write it out
in their best handwriting.
Discuss punctuation used in poetry.
Recite a favourite poem.
Grammar focus:
1. Use a variety of end of sentence punctuation.
2. Use capital letters for the start of lines in poems.
3. Begin to use commas correctly.
Stories by the same author: Anthony Browne
Suggested texts:
Willy the Wimp, Gorilla, Silly Billy and The Night Shimmy All by
Anthony Browne
Read and discuss books by the same author, looking at distinctive
Develop the skill of inference to interpret the stories.
Create characters for an illustrated story book based on The Night
Grammar focus:
1. Use past tense consistently
2. Use subordination and co-ordination writing sentences with two
main clauses or with subordinate clauses
3. Use expanded noun phrases
4. Use familiar and new punctuation correctly
Suggested texts:
Maisie’s Dragon by Philippa Danvers on
Investigate the structure and vocabulary of recounts by
listening to, reading and writing fictional recounts.
Plan and write a recount from own experience using
conjunctions to write longer sentences.
Grammar focus:
1. Use subordination and co-ordination writing sentences with
two main clauses or with subordinate clauses
2. Punctuate questions with question marks and sentences
with full stops and exclamation marks.
3. Use grammatical terminology
Really looking! Poems about birds
Use imagination to write a class poem about where
they would go if they could fly like a bird.
Extend use of vocabulary,
Write a haiku about birds.
Grammar focus:
1. Use expanded noun phrases in writing
2. Use familiar and new punctuation correctly