c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e Peter Anthony KOOPMAN Professor of Developmental Biology Institute for Molecular Bioscience The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland 4072 AUSTRALIA Telephone +61-7-3346-2059 Fax +61-7-3346-2101 Home +61-7-3369-1527 Email p.koopman@imb.uq.edu.au Internet Date of Birth Place of Birth Citizenship www.imb.uq.edu.au/koopman.html 3 December, 1959 Geelong, Victoria, Australia Australian and Dutch e d u c a t i o n 1977–1979 1981 Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry, Genetics and Botany majors), The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Science Honours (Genetics), The University of Melbourne 1982–1985 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts and Dutch majors), The University of Melbourne 1982–1986 Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne Qualifications BSc (Hons), BA, PhD p o s i t i o n s h e l d 1986–1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical Research Council, Mammalian Development Unit, London, UK 1988–1991 Staff Scientist, Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK 1992–1996 Senior Research Fellow, The University of Queensland (UQ) 1994–6666 Conjoint appointment with Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, UQ 1997–2000 Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology, UQ 2001–6666 Professorial Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, UQ 2006–6666 Head, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Institute for Molecular Bioscience 2 a w a r d s a n d d i s t i n c t i o n s 1981 First Class Honours (Equal top student), Department of Genetics, The University of Melbourne 1992 AMP Biomedical Research Award, Australian Society for Medical Research 1992–1996 Australian Research Fellowship, Australian Research Council 1992–1996 R Douglas Wright Fellowship, National Health and Medical Research Council (declined) 1997–2001 Australian Senior Research Fellowship, Australian Research Council 1998 2002–2006 Julian Wells Medal, Lorne Genome Conference Australian Professorial Fellowship, Australian Research Council 2003 Amersham-Pharmacia Biotech Medal, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2004 Elected to ARC College of Experts 2005 President’s Medal, Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology 2006 Invitation Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 2007 Australian Professorial Fellowship, Australian Research Council 2007 Award for Research Excellence, GSK Australia 2007 Federation Fellowship, Australian Research Council b i o s k e t c h Peter Koopman is head of the Division of Molecular Genetics and Development at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. His research focuses on genes that regulate embryonic development, with special emphasis on the control of sexual dimorphism and gonadal development. He was part of the team that discovered the Ychromosomal sex-determining gene Sry, hailed as one of the most important breakthroughs of the 20th century. This work has led to the identification of many other genes important for normal sexual development. Prof Koopman’s team recently discovered the mechanism by which germ cells in the embryo enter the pathway of spermatogenesis or oogenesis, a discovery that may lead to methods for in vitro production of functional gametes from germline stem cells. Prof Koopman is author of over 160 papers, including 4 in Nature, 7 in Nature Genetics, 1 in Science and 2 in Cell, which together have been cited over 6000 times in the literature. He is on the editorial board of several international journals including Developmental Dynamics, Mechanisms of Development, Nature Reviews Genetics, Biology of the Cell and Sexual Development. Prof Koopman received the AMP Queensland Biomedical Research Award in 1992, the Julian Wells Medal in 1998, the Amersham-Pharmacia Biotech Medal in 2003, the President’s Medal of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology in 2005, and the GSK Award for Research Excellence in 2007. He is a Federation Fellow of the Australian Research Council, and a member of the ARC College of Experts. 3 p r e v i o u s r e s e a r c h PhD Characterization of in vitro differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells (Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne; Supervisor: Professor Richard Cotton) A system was developed using in vitro differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to model developmental events in the mammalian embryo and to identify factors that influence stem cell differentiation. Postdoctoral-1 Gene expression during mouse embryo development (MRC Mammalian Development Unit, London; Supervisor: Dr Anne McLaren, FRS) In situ hybridization was developed and exploited as a tool for the molecular analysis of mouse embryo development. Postdoctoral-2 Identification of the mammalian sex determining gene (MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London; Supervisor: Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, FRS) We isolated the Y-chromosomal gene Sry and demonstrated its role as the testisdetermining gene by reversing the sex of XX transgenic mice. c u r r e n t r e s e a r c h Work in my laboratory is aimed at isolating genes involved in cell differentiation and organogenesis, and studying their expression, regulation, function and interaction in the mammalian embryo, using mice as an experimental model. Areas of special interest include sex determination, gonadal organogenesis and germ cell development. This work is increasingly being applied to medical and biotechnological outcomes, namely the understanding and management of human disorders of sexual development and fertility, and gender ratio manipulation in pest and livestock species. 1. Sex Determination and Gonadal Development Development of males and females is critical for sexual reproduction, and defects in sexual development in humans are both common and distressing. We are studying the molecular and cellular biology of Sry and several other genes in order to understand their role in sex determination and gonadal development, and the defects that can result in sex reversal. 2. Sox Gene Function and Evolution The discovery of Sry led to the identification of a family of structurally related genes called Sox genes, that act as key regulators of embryo development. We are studying the phylogeny, evolution, and functional relationships between the various Sox genes and the factors they encode. 3. Molecular Genetics of Vascular and Lymphatic Development We discovered a gene, Sox18, that is critical for endothelial cell specification during vascular and lymphatic development. We are studying molecular and cellular roles of Sox18 in these systems, and how angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis can be modulated therapeutically by enhancing or suppressing Sox18 activity. 4. Development of Male Germ Cells As members of the ARC Centre for Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, we are studying the specification and differentiation of the male germ line, with the aims of identifying genes involved in testicular and childhood cancers and male infertility, developing new approaches to transgenic animal production, identification of new targets for pest control, reprogramming germ cells for applications in biotechnology, and formulating strategies for enhancing or suppressing fertility. 4 p u b l i c a t i o n s a. Journal papers, monographs, book chapters The 20 most significant are marked by an asterisk. IF = ISI Journal Impact factor, 2005 (>2 only shown). Cit = number of citations in the literature as at March 2007 (>10 only shown). Publication IF Cit 1. Koopman, P and Cotton, RGH (1984). A factor produced by feeder cells which inhibits embryonal carcinoma cell differentiation. Characterization and partial purification. Experimental Cell Research 154: 233–242. 4.1 2. Koopman, P and Cotton, RGH (1986). The response of embryonal carcinoma cells to retinoic acid depends on colony size. Differentiation 31: 55–60. 3.9 3. Koopman, P and Fowler, KJ (1986). The rapid heating of culture media with microwaves does not impair cell growth. Australian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science 7: 55–56. 4. Koopman, P and Cotton, RGH (1987): Pluripotent differentiation of single F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. Experimental Cell Research 168: 567–571. 4.1 5. Koopman, P, Thomas, C, Fowler, KJ, McArdle, HJ and Cotton, RGH (1987). A differentiation-defective concanavalin-A-resistant variant of a pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cell line. Differentiation 34: 216–221. 3.9 * 6. Burgoyne, PS, Buehr, M, Koopman, P, Rossant, J and McLaren, A (1988). Cellautonomous action of the testis-determining gene: Sertoli cells are exclusively XY in XXXY chimaeric mouse testes. Development 102: 443–450. 7.6 127 * 7. McLaren, A, Simpson, E, Epplen, JT, Studer, R, Koopman, P, Evans, EP and Burgoyne, PS (1988). Location of the genes controlling H-Y antigen expression and testis determination on the mouse Y chromosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 85: 6442–6445. 10.2 72 * 8. Koopman, P, Povey, S and Lovell-Badge, R (1989). Widespread expression of human 1-antitrypsin in transgenic mice revealed by in situ hybridization. Genes & Development 3: 16–25. 7.6 49 * 9. Koopman, P, Gubbay, J, Collignon, J and Lovell-Badge, R (1989). Zfy gene expression patterns are not compatible with a primary role in mouse sex determination. Nature 342: 940–942. 29.3 158 10. Cunliffe, V, Koopman, P, McLaren, A and Trowsdale, J (1990). A mouse zinc finger gene which is transiently expressed during spermatogenesis. EMBO Journal 9: 197–205. 10.1 80 11. Gubbay, J, Koopman, P, Collignon, J, Burgoyne, P and Lovell-Badge, R (1990). Normal structure and expression of Zfy genes in XY female mice mutant in Tdy. Development 109: 647–653. 7.6 31 55 5 Publication IF Cit * 12. Gubbay, J, Collignon, J, Koopman, P, Capel, B, Economou, A, Münsterberg, A, Vivian, N, Goodfellow, P and Lovell-Badge, R (1990). A gene mapping to the sexdetermining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed genes. Nature 346: 245–250. 29.3 824 * 13. Koopman, P, Münsterberg, A, Capel, B, Vivian, N and Lovell-Badge, R (1990). Expression of a candidate sex-determining gene during mouse testis differentiation. Nature 348: 450–452. 29.3 405 14. Koopman, P, Ashworth, A and Lovell-Badge, R (1991). The ZFY gene family in humans and mice. Trends in Genetics 7: 132–136. 12.0 36 15. Koopman, P, Gubbay, J, Vivian, N, Goodfellow, P and Lovell-Badge, R (1991). Male development of chromosomally female mice transgenic for Sry. Nature 351: 117–121. 29.3 932 16. Koopman, P and Gubbay, J (1991). The biology of Sry. Seminars in Developmental Biology 2: 259–264. 6.5 17. Hawkins, JR, Koopman, P and Berta, P (1991). Testis-determining factor and Ylinked sex reversal. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 1: 30–33. 9.4 18. Koopman, P (1992). Mammalian sex-determining genes. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 3, 603–606. 6.9 19. Wright, EM, Snopek, B and Koopman, P (1993). Seven new members of the Sox gene family expressed during mouse development. Nucleic Acids Research 21: 744. 7.6 20. Koopman, P (1993). Analysis of gene expression by PCR. In: Transgenesis Techniques (D Murphy and D Carter, eds.) Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 345– 353. NA 21. Koopman, P. (1993): Mammalian sex determination: what we have learnt from a chromosomal design fault. In: Chromosomes Today Vol. 11 (AT Sumner and AC Chandley, eds.) Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 265–275. NA 22. Goodfellow, PN, Koopman, P, Sinclair, AH, Harley, VR, Hawkins, JR and LovellBadge, RH (1993): Identification and characterization of the mammalian testisdetermining factor. In: Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Determining Genes (KC Reed and JAM Graves, eds.). Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, pp. 305–319. NA 23. Capel, B, Swain, A, Nicolis, S, Hacker, A, Walter, M, Koopman, P, Goodfellow, P and Lovell-Badge, R (1993). Circular transcripts of the testis-determining gene Sry in adult mouse testis. Cell 73: 1019–1030. . 29.4 24. Koopman, P. (1993). Analysis of gene expression by reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction. In: Essential Developmental Biology: A Practical Approach. (C Stern and P Holland, eds.) IRL Press, Oxford, pp. 233–242. NA 25. Delaney, SJ, Koopman, P, Lovelock, PK and Wainwright, BJ (1994). Alternative splicing of the first nucleotide binding fold of CFTR in mouse testes is associated with specific stages of spermatogenesis. Genomics 20: 517–518. 3.2 26. Wright, EM, Hargrave, M, Christiansen, J, Cooper, L, Kun, J, Evans, T, Gangadharan, U, Greenfield, A and Koopman, P (1995). The Sry-related gene Sox9 is expressed during chondrogenesis in mouse embryos. Nature Genetics 9: 15–20. 25.8 * * * * 141 144 301 6 Publication * * * IF Cit 27. Hosking, BM, Muscat, GEO, Koopman, PA, Dowhan, DH and Dunn, TL (1995). Trans-activation and DNA binding properties of the transcription factor, Sox-18. Nucleic Acids Research 23: 2626–2628. 7.6 50 28. Jeske, YWA, Bowles, J, Greenfield, A and Koopman, P (1995). Expression of a linear Sry transcript in the mouse genital ridge. Nature Genetics 10: 480–482. 25.8 88 29. Dunn, TL, Mynett-Johnson, L, Wright, EM, Hosking, BM, Koopman, PA and Muscat, GEO. (1995). Sequence and expression of Sox-18 encoding a new HMGbox transcription factor. Gene 161: 223–225. 2.7 35 30. Koopman, P (1995). Almost everything you wanted to know about sex. Trends in Genetics 11: 458 (book review). 12.0 31. Connor, F, Wright, E, Denny, P, Koopman, P and Ashworth, A (1995). The Sryrelated HMG box-containing gene Sox-6 is expressed in the adult testis and developing nervous system of the mouse. Nucleic Acids Research 23: 3365–3372. 7.6 59 32. Harry, JL, Koopman, P, Brennan, FE, Graves, JAM and Renfree, MB (1995): Widespread expression of the testis-determining gene SRY in a marsupial. Nature Genetics 11: 347–349. 25.8 55 33. Koopman, P (1995). The molecular biology of SRY and its role in sex determination in mammals. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 7: 713–722. 34. Jay, P, Gozé, C, Marsollier, C, Taviaux, S, Hardelin, J-P, Koopman, P and Berta, P (1995): The human SOX11 gene: cloning, chromosomal assignment and tissue expression. Genomics 29: 541–545. 3.2 31 35. Greenfield, A and Koopman, P (1996). SRY and mammalian sex determination. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 34: 1–23. 3.9 21 36. Jeske, YW, Mishina, Y, Cohen, D, Behringer, RR and Koopman, P (1996). Analysis of the role of Amh and Fra1 in the Sry regulatory pathway. Molecular Reproduction and Development 44: 153–158. 2.2 20 37. Wheatley, S, Wright, E, Jeske, Y, McCormack, A, Bowles, J and Koopman, P. (1996). Aetiology of the skeletal dysmorphology syndrome campomelic dysplasia: Expression of the Sox9 gene during chondrogenesis in mouse embryos. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 785: 350–352. 2.0 38. Uchida, K, Koopman, P, Mita, A, Wakana, S, Wright, E, Kikkawa, Y, Yonekawa, H, Moriwaki, K and Shiroishi, T (1996). Exclusion of Sox9 as a candidate for the mouse mutant Tail-short. Mammalian Genome 7: 481–485. 2.7 39. Kent, J, Wheatley, SC, Andrews, JE, Sinclair, AH and Koopman, P (1996). A malespecific role for SOX9 in vertebrate sex determination. Development 122: 2813– 2822. 7.6 40. Bowles, J and Koopman, P (1996). Sry and related genes in mammalian development. In: Gene Families: Structure, Function, Genetics and Evolution (RS Holmes and HA Lim, eds.) World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, pp. 177– 191. NA 18 306 7 Publication IF Cit 41. Shaw, JM, Bowles, J, Koopman, P, Wood, EC and Trounson, AO (1996). Fresh and cryopreserved ovarian tissue samples from donors with lymphoma transmit the cancer to graft recipients. Human Reproduction 11: 1668–1673. 3.7 42. Greenfield, A, Dunn, T, Muscat, G, and Koopman, P (1996). The Sry-related gene Sox18 maps to distal mouse chromosome 2. Genomics 36: 558–559. 3.2 * 43. Greenfield, A, Scott, D, Pennisi, D, Ehrmann, I, Ellis, P, Cooper, L, Simpson, L and Koopman, P (1996). An H–YDb epitope is encoded by a novel mouse Y chromosome gene. Nature Genetics 14: 474–478. 25.8 111 * 44. Ng, LJ, Wheatley, S, Muscat, GEO, Conway-Campbell, J, Bowles, J, Wright, E, Bell, DM, Tam, PPL, Cheah, KSE and Koopman, P (1997). SOX9 binds DNA, activates transcription, and coexpresses with type II collagen during chondrogenesis in the mouse. Developmental Biology 183: 108–121. 5.2 230 * 45. Bell, DM, Leung, KKH, Wheatley, SC, Ng, LJ, Zhou, S, Ling, KW, Sham, MH, Koopman, P, Tam, PPL and Cheah, KSE (1997). SOX9 directly regulates the typeII collagen gene. Nature Genetics 16: 174–178. 25.8 250 46. Hargrave, M, Wright, E, Kun, J, Emery, J, Cooper, J and Koopman, P (1997). Expression of the Sox11 gene in mouse embryos suggests roles in neuronal maturation and epithelio-mesenchymal induction. Developmental Dynamics 210: 79–86. 3.3 36 47. Koopman, P (1997). Genes that control H-Y antigen: Prospects for clinical management of transplant rejection. Transplant Nurses’ Journal 6: 8–9. 48. Mitsiadis, TA, Mucchielli, ML, Raffo, S, Proust, JP, Koopman, P, and Goridis, C (1998). Expression of the transcription factors Otlx2, Barx1 and Sox9 during mouse odontogenesis. European Journal of Oral Sciences 106:112–116. 49. Greenfield, A, Carrell, L, Pennisi, D, Philippe, C, Quaderi, N, Siggers, P, Steiner, K, Tam, PP, Monaco, AP, Willard, HF and Koopman, P (1998). The UTX gene escapes X inactivation in mice and humans. Human Molecular Genetics 7: 737–742. 7.8 30 50. Jamieson, RV, Zhou, SX, Wheatley, SC, Koopman, P and Tam, PPL (1998): Sertoli cell differentiation and Y-chromosome activity: a developmental study of X-linked transgene activity in sex-reversed X/XSxra mouse embryos. Developmental Biology 199: 235–244. 5.2 10 51. Kanai, Y and Koopman, P (1999). Structural and functional characterization of the mouse Sox9 promoter: implications for campomelic dysplasia. Human Molecular Genetics 8: 691–696. 7.8 29 52. Koopman, P. Sry and Sox9: Mammalian testis-determining genes (1999). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 55: 839–856. 4.6 77 53. Bowles, J, Cooper, L, Berkman, J and Koopman, P (1999). Sry requires a CAG repeat domain for male sex determination in Mus musculus. Nature Genetics 22: 405–408. 25.8 63 54. Hargrave, M and Koopman, P (1999). In situ hybridization of whole mount embryos. In: In Situ Hybridization Protocols, 2nd ed. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 123; IA Darby, ed.). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. pp. 279–289. NA * 127 10 8 * * Publication IF Cit 55. Koopman, P (1999). Gonadal Induction. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group, London; www.els.net. NA 56. Hargrave, M, Karunaratne, A, Cox, L, Wood, S, Koopman, P and Yamada, T (2000). The HMG box transcription factor gene Sox14 marks a novel subset of ventral interneurons and is regulated by Sonic hedgehog. Developmental Biology 219: 142–153. 5.2 17 57. Schepers, GE, Bullejos, M, Hosking, BM and Koopman, P (2000). Cloning and characterization of the Sry-related transcription factor gene Sox8. Nucleic Acids Research 28: 1473–1480. 7.6 33 58. Hargrave, M, James, K, Yamada, T and Koopman, P (2000). Sox14 maps to mouse chromosome 9 and shows no mutations in the neurological mouse mutants ducky and tippy. Mammalian Genome 11: 231–233. 2.7 59. Pennisi, D, Gardner, J, Chambers, D, Hosking, B, Peters, J, Muscat, G, Abbott, C and Koopman, P (2000). Mutations in Sox18 underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in ragged mice. Nature Genetics 24: 434–437. 25.8 48 60. Bowles, J, Bullejos, M and Koopman, P (2000). Screening for novel mammalian sex-determining genes using expression cloning and microarray approaches. Australian Biochemist 31: 4–6. 61. Sekiya, I, Tsuji, K, Koopman, P, Watanabe, H, Yamada, Y, Shinomiya, K. Nifuji, A and Noda, M (2000). SOX9 enhances aggrecan gene promoter/enhancer activity and is upregulated by retinoic acid in a cartilage-derived cell line, TC6. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275: 10738–10744. 5.9 94 62. Hargrave, M, James, K, Nield, K, Toomes, C, Georgas, K, Sullivan, T, Verzijl, HTFM, Oley, CA, Little, M, de Jonghe, P, Kwon, JM, Kremer, H, Dixon, MJ, Timmerman, V, Yamada, T, and Koopman, P (2000). Fine mapping of the neurally expressed gene SOX14 to human 3q23, relative to three congenital diseases. Human Genetics 106: 432–439. 4.3 63. Bowles, J, Bullejos, M and Koopman, P (2000). A subtractive gene expression screen suggests a role for vanin-1 in testis development in mice. genesis 27: 124– 135. 2.6 32 64. Bowles, J, Schepers, G and Koopman, P (2000). Phylogeny of the SOX family of developmental transcription factors based on sequence and structural indicators. Developmental Biology 227: 239–255. 5.2 154 65. Pennisi, D, Bowles, J, Nagy, A, Muscat, G and Koopman, P (2000). Mice null for Sox18 are viable and display a mild coat defect. Molecular and Cellular Biology 20: 9331–9336. 7.1 31 66. Georgas, K, Bowles, J, Yamada, T, Koopman, P and Little, M (2000). Characterisation of Crim1 expression in the developing mouse urogenital tract reveals a sexually dimorphic gonadal expression pattern. Developmental Dynamics 219: 582–587. 3.3 67. Pennisi, DJ, James, KM, Hosking, B, Muscat, GEO and Koopman, P (2000). Structure, mapping and expression of human SOX18. Mammalian Genome 11: 1147– 1149. 2.7 9 * * Publication IF Cit 68. Koopman, P (2001). Sry, Sox9 and mammalian sex determination. In: Genes and Mechanisms in Vertebrate Sex Determination (EXS 91; G Scherer and M Schmid, eds.). Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 25–56. NA 69. Hosking, BM, Wyeth, JR, Pennisi, DJ, Wang, S-CM, Koopman, P and Muscat, GEO (2001). Cloning and functional analysis of the Sry-related HMG box gene Sox18. Gene 262: 239–247. 2.7 70. Im, H-J, Smirnov, D, Yuhi, T, Raghavan, S, Olsson, JE, Muscat, GEO, Koopman, P and Loh, H (2001). Transcriptional modulation of mouse -opioid receptor distal promoter activity by Sox18. Molecular Pharmacology 59: 1486–1496. 4.6 71. Koopman, P (2001) In situ hybridization to mRNA: from black art to guiding light. International Journal of Developmental Biology 45: 619–622. 2.1 72. Bullejos, M and Koopman, P (2001). Spatially dynamic expression of Sry in mouse genital ridges. Developmental Dynamics 221: 201–205. 3.3 52 73. Sekiya, I, Koopman, P, Tsuji, K, Mertin, S, Harley, V, Yamada, Y, Shinomiya, K, Nifuji, A and Noda, M (2001). Dexamethasone enhances SOX9 expression in chondrocytes. Journal of Endocrinology 169: 573–579. 3.1 11 74. Sekiya, I, Koopman, P, Tsuji, K, Mertin, S, Harley, V, Yamada, Y, Shinomiya, K, Nifuji, A and Noda, M (2001). Transcriptional suppression of Sox9 expression in chondrocytes by retinoic acid. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 81: 71–78. 3.6 75. Darby, IA, Bisucci, T, Raghoenath, S, Muscat, GEO and Koopman, P (2001). Sox18 is transiently expressed during angiogenesis in granulation tissue of skin wounds with an identical expression pattern to Flk-1 mRNA. Laboratory Investigation 81: 937–943. 3.9 76. Olsson, JE, Kamachi, Y, Penning, S, Muscat, GEO, Kondoh, H and Koopman, P (2001). Sox18 expression in blood vessels and feather buds during chicken embryogenesis. Gene 271: 151–158. 2.7 77. Koopman, P (2001). The genetics and biology of vertebrate sex determination. Cell 105: 843–847. 29.4 78. Koopman, P (2001). Gonad development: Signals for sex. Current Biology 11: R481–483. 11.7 79. Schepers, G and Koopman, P (2001). Mouse Sox8 is located between, not within, the t-complex deletions tw18 and th20. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 93: 91–93. 2.1 80. Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2001). New clues to the puzzle of mammalian sex determination. Genome Biology 2: 1025.1–1025.4. 9.7 81. Hosking, BM, Wang, S-CM, Chen, SL, Penning, S, Koopman, P and Muscat, GEO (2001). SOX18 directly interacts with MEF2C in endothelial cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 287: 493–500. 3.0 10 82. Koopman, P, Bullejos, M and Bowles, J (2001). Regulation of male sexual development by Sry and Sox9. Journal of Experimental Zoology 290: 463–474. 2.4 19 83. Bullejos, M, Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2001). Searching for missing pieces of the sex-determination puzzle. Journal of Experimental Zoology 290: 517–522. 2.4 12 27 10 * Publication IF Cit 84. Koopman, P (2001). SRY and DNA-bending proteins. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group, London; www.els.net. NA 85. Downes, M and Koopman, P (2001). SOX18 and the transcriptional regulation of blood vessel development. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 11: 318–324. 4.8 86. Koopman, P, Bullejos, M, Loffler, K and Bowles, J (2002). Expression-based strategies for discovery of genes involved in testis and ovary development. The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination (D Chadwick and J Goode, eds.; Novartis Foundation Symposium 244). Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. 240–249. NA 87. Loffler, KA and Koopman, P (2002). Charting the course of ovarian development in vertebrates. International Journal of Developmental Biology 46: 503–510. 2.1 88. Koopman, P (2002). Making waves down under: The Australian Developmental Biology Workshop. International Journal of Developmental Biology 46: 363–364 (commentary). 2.1 89. Wilson, M and Koopman, P (2002). Matching SOX: Partner proteins and co-factors of the SOX family of transcriptional regulators. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 12: 441–446. 9.4 65 90. Schepers, GE, Teasdale, RD and Koopman, P (2002). Twenty pairs of Sox: Extent, homology and nomenclature of the mouse and human Sox transcription factor gene families. Developmental Cell 3: 167–170. 14.6 67 91. Asou Y, Nifuji A, Tsuji K, Shinomiya K, Olson EN, Koopman P, and Noda M (2002). Coordinated expression of scleraxis and Sox9 genes during embryonic development of tendons and cartilage. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 20:827– 833. 2.9 92. Bullejos, M, Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2002). Extensive vascularization of developing mouse ovaries revealed by caveolin-1 expression. Developmental Dynamics 225: 95–99. 3.3 93. Fowles, LF, Bennetts, JS, Berkman, JL, Williams, E, Koopman, P, Teasdale, RD and Wicking, C (2003): Genomic screen for genes involved in mammalian craniofacial development. genesis 35: 73–87. 2.6 94. Koopman, P and Loffler, KA (2003): Sex determination: The fishy tale of Dmrt1. Current Biology 13: R177–179. 11.7 95. James, K, Hosking, B, Gardner, J, Muscat, GEO and Koopman, P (2003). Sox18 mutations in the ragged mouse alleles ragged-like and opossum. genesis 36: 1–6. 2.6 96. Loffler, KA, Zarkower, D and Koopman, P (2003). Etiology of ovarian failure in blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome: FOXL2 is a conserved, early-acting gene in vertebrate ovarian development. Endocrinology 144: 3237– 3243. 5.3 39 97. Schepers, G, Wilson, M, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2003). SOX8 is expressed during testis differentiation in mice and synergizes with SF1 to activate the Amh promoter in vitro. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 28101–28108. 5.9 35 98. Koopman, P (2003). Gender benders. Nature 426: 241. [News and Views commentary] 29.3 20 12 11 Publication * IF Cit 99. Takada, S and Koopman, P (2003). Origin and possible roles of the Sox8 transcription factor gene during sexual development. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 101: 212-218. 2.1 100. Koopman, P (2003) Gonadal induction. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 298-303. Nature Publishing Group, ISBN 0-333-72621-9. NA 101. Beverdam, A, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2003). Molecular characterization of three gonad cell lines. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 101: 242-249. 2.1 102. Bowles, J, Teasdale, R, James, K and Koopman, P (2003). Dppa3 is a marker of pluripotency and has a human homologue that is expressed in germ cell tumours. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 101: 261-265. 2.1 103. Koopman, P (2003) SRY and DNA-bending proteins. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Vol. 17, pp. 538-543. Nature Publishing Group, ISBN 0-333-72621-9. NA 104. Hosking, BM, Wang, S-CM, Downes, M, Koopman, P and Muscat, GEO (2004). The VCAM-1 gene that encodes the vascular cell adhesion molecule is a target of the Sry-related High Mobility Group box gene, Sox18. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 5314–5322 5.9 105. Smith, JM and Koopman, P (2004). The ins and outs of transcriptional control: Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in development and disease. Trends in Genetics 20: 48. 12.0 20 106. Koopman, P, Schepers, G, Brenner, S and Venkatesh, B (2004). Origin and diversity of the Sox transcription factor gene family: Genome-wide analysis in Fugu rubripes. Gene 328: 177–186. 2.7 21 107. Smith, JM, Bowles, J, Wilson, M and Koopman, P (2004). The HMG box transcription factor gene Hbp1 is expressed in germ cells of the developing mouse testis. Developmental Dynamics 230: 366–370. 3.3 108. Bullejos, M and Koopman, P (2004). Germ cells enter meiosis in a rostro-caudal wave during development of the mouse ovary. Molecular Reproduction and Development 68: 422–428. 2.2 109. Dong, C, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2004). Sox genes and cancer. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 105: 442–447. 2.1 110. Takada, S, DiNapoli, L, Capel, B and Koopman, P (2004). Sox8 is expressed at similar levels in gonads of both sexes during the sex determining period in turtles. Developmental Dynamics 231: 387-395. 3.3 111. Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2004). Gonads-Müllerian Ducts. In: Handbook of Stem Cells, Vol. 1, Ch. 33 (RP Lanza, JD Gearhart, BLM Hogan, DA Melton, R Pedersen, JA Thomson, MD West, eds.), Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington. ISBN 0-12436643-0. pp. 345–357. NA 112. Smith, JM, Bowles, J, Wilson, M, Teasdale, RD and Koopman, P (2004). Expression of the tudor-related gene Tdrd5 during development of the male germline in mice. Gene Expression Patterns 4: 701–705. NA 113. Aitken, RJ, Koopman, P, Lewis, SEM (2004). Seeds of concern. Nature 432: 48-52 (News and Views; cover feature). 29.3 11 11 18 12 Publication IF 114. Dong, C, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2004). Sox genes and cancer. In: Mouse Genetics after the Genome. (S. Garagna, Ed.). Karger, Basel, 326pp. ISBN 3-80557783-4. NA 115. Bullejos, M, and Koopman, P (2005). Delayed Sry and Sox9 expression in developing mouse gonads underlies B6-YDOM sex reversal. Developmental Biology 278: 473 – 481. 5.2 116. Wilson, MJ, Jeyasuria, P, Parker, KL and Koopman, P (2005). The transcription factors steroidogenic factor-1 and SOX9 regulate expression of Vanin-1 during mouse testis development. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 5917-5923. 5.9 117. Koopman, P (2005). Sex determination: A tale of two Sox genes. Trends in Genetics 21: 367-370. 12.0 118. Wilson, MJ, Liaw, L and Koopman, P (2005). Osteopontin and related SIBLING glycoprotein genes are expressed by Sertoli cells during mouse testis development. Developmental Dynamics 233: 1488-1495. 3.3 119. Robins JC, Akeno N, Mukherjee A, Dalal RR, Aronow BJ, Koopman P, and Clemens TL (2005). Hypoxia induces chondrocyte-specific gene expression in mesenchymal cells in association with transcriptional activation of Sox9. Bone 37: 313-322 3.9 120. Takada, S, Mano, H and Koopman, P (2005). Regulation of Amh during sex determination in chickens: Sox gene expression in male and female gonads. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 62: 2140-2146. 4.6 121. Jeanes, A, Wilhelm, D, Wilson, MJ, Bowles, J, McClive, PJ, Sinclair, AH and Koopman, P (2005). Evaluation of candidate markers for the peritubular myoid cell lineage in the developing mouse testis. Reproduction 130: 509-516. 3.1 122. Browne, CM, Hime, GR, Koopman, P and Loveland, KL (2005). Genetic basis of human testicular germ cell cancer: insights from the fruitfly and mouse. Cell and Tissue Research 322: 5-19. 2.4 123. Loffler KA, Combes AN, Wilhelm D, Beverdam A, Bowles J and Koopman P. (2005). Pisrt1, a gene implicated in XX sex reversal, is expressed in gonads of both sexes during mouse gonad development. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 86: 286-292. 2.7 124. Wilhelm, D, Martinson, F, Bradford, S, Wilson, MJ, Combes, AN, Beverdam, A, Bowles, J, Mizusaki, H and Koopman, P (2005). Sertoli cell differentiation is induced both cell-autonomously and through prostaglandin signalling during mammalian sex determination. Developmental Biology 287: 111-124. 5.2 125. Hargrave, M, Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2006). In situ hybridization of wholemount embryos. In: IA Darby, T Hewitson, eds. In Situ Hybridization Protocols, 3rd ed (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 326). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. ISBN 158829-402-1. pp. 103-114. 126. Beverdam, A and Koopman, P (2006). Expression profiling of purified mouse gonadal somatic cells during the critical time window of sex determination reveals novel candidate genes for human sexual dysgenesis syndromes. Human Molecular Genetics 15: 417–431. 7.8 Cit 15 11 12 13 Publication * IF 127. Wilson, MJ, Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2006). The matricellular protein SPARC is internalized in Sertoli, Leydig, and germ cells during testis differentiation. Molecular Reproduction and Development 73: 531–539. 2.2 128. Holt, JE, Jackson, A, Roman, SD, Aitken, RJ, Koopman, P and McLaughlin, EA (2006). CXCR4/SDF1 interaction inhibits the primordial to primary follicle transition in the neonatal mouse ovary. Developmental Biology 293: 449–460. 5.2 129. Bowles, J, Knight, D, Smith, C, Wilhelm, D, Richman, J, Mamiya, S, Yashiro, K, Chawengsaksophak, K, Wilson, MJ, Rossant, J, Hamada, H and Koopman, P (2006). Retinoid signaling determines germ cell fate in mice. Science 312: 596–600. 30.9 130. Wilhelm, D, Huang, E, Svingen, T, Stanfield, S, Dinnis, D and Koopman, P (2006). Comparative proteomic analysis to study molecular events during gonad development in mice. genesis 44:168–176. 2.6 131. Koopman, P and Wilhelm, D (2006). Gonadal sex determination and differentiation. In: Encyclopedia of Life Science, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0004361. 132. Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2006). The makings of maleness: Towards an integrated view of male sexual development. Nature Reviews Genetics 7:620-631. 19.2 133. Young, N, Hahn, CN, Poh, A, Dong, C, Wilhelm, D, Olsson, J, Muscat, GEO, Parsons, P, Gamble, JR and Koopman, P (2006). Effect of disrupted SOX18 transcription factor function on tumor growth, vascularization, and endothelial development. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 98: 1060-1067. 15.2 134. Matsui, T, Kanai-Azuma, M, Hara, K, Matoba, S, Hiramatsu, R, Kawakami, H, Kurohmaru, M, Koopman, P, and Kanai, Y (2006). Redundant roles of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal angiogenesis in mice. Journal of Cell Science 119:3513-3526. 6.5 135. Koopman, P (2006). Daughterless cane toads. In: KL Molloy and WR Henderson (Eds.) Science of Cane Toad Invasion and Control. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research centre, Canberra. ISBN 0-9775707-2-X. p. 111-116. 136. Polanco, JC and Koopman, P. (2007) Sry and the hesitant beginnings of male development. Developmental Biology 302: 13-24 (Epub 2006 Aug 24) (Journal cover). 137. Wilhelm, D, Palmer, S and Koopman, P (2007). Sex determination and gonadal development in mammals. Physiological Reviews 87: 1-28 28.7 138. Svingen, T and Koopman, P (2007). Involvement of homeobox genes in mammalian sexual development. Sexual Development 1: 12-23. NA 139. Wilhelm, D, Hiramatsu, H, Mizusaki, H, Widjaja, L, Combes, AN, Kanai ,Y and Koopman, P (2007). SOX9 regulates prostaglandin D synthase gene transcription in vivo to ensure testis development. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282: 1055310560. 5.9 5.2 Cit 15 14 Publication IF 140. Svingen, T, Beverdam, A, Verma, P, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2007). Aard is specifically up-regulated in Sertoli cells during mouse testis differentiation. International Journal of Developmental Biology 51: 255-258. 141. Little, M, Brennan, J, Georgas, K, Davies, J, Davidson, D, Baldock, R, Beverdam, A, Bertram, J, Capel, B, Clements, D, Cullen-McEwen, L, Fleming, J, Gilbert, T, Houghton, D, Kaufman, M, Kleymenova, E, Koopman, P, Lewis, A, McMahon, A, Mendelsohn, C, Mitchell, E, Sweeney, D, Todd Valerius, M, Yamada, G, Yang, Y and Yu, J (2007). A high-resolution anatomical ontology of the developing murine genitourinary tract. Gene Expression Patterns 7:680-699. Epub 2007 Mar 23. 142. Svingen, T, Beverdam, A, Bernard, P, McClive, P, Harley, VR, Sinclair, AH and Koopman, P (2007). Sex-specific expression of a novel gene Tmem184a during mouse testis differentiation. Reproduction 133: 983-989. 143. Knower, KC, Sim, H, McClive, PJ, Bowles, J, Koopman, P, Sinclair, AH and Harley, VR (2007). Characterisation of urogenital ridge gene expression in the human embryonic carcinoma cell line NT2/D1. Sexual Development 1: 114-126. 144. Sakamoto, Y, Hara, K, Kanai-Azuma, M, Matsui, T, Tsunekawa, N, Kurohmaru, M, Saijoh, Y, Koopman, P and Kanai, Y (2007). Redundant roles of Sox17 and Sox18 in early cardiovascular development of mouse embryos. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 360: 539-544. 145. Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2007). Retinoic acid, meiosis and germ cell fate in mammals. Invited review. Development 134: 3401-3411. 146. Young, N and Koopman, P (2007). Sox genes at the heart of endothelial transcription. In: “Endothelial Biomedicine” (W. Aird, ed.). Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521853761, 1500 pages. 147. Kennedy, CL, Koopman, P, Mishina, Y and O’Bryan, MK. Sox8 and Sertoli Cell function. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 2007 Sep 28; [Epub ahead of print] 148. Kojima, Y, Hayashi, Y, Mizuno, K, Sasaki, S, Fukui, Y, Koopman, P, Morohashi, K-I and Kohri, K (2007). Upregulation of SOX9 in human SRY-negative XX males. Clinical Endocrinology, Nov 6; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17986281. 149. Bradford, S, Wilhelm, D and Koopman, P (2007). Comparative analysis of antimouse SRY antibodies. Sexual Development, in press. 150. Hosking, B and Koopman, P (2007). The SOX genes in development and disease. Invited review for Inborn Errors of Development (CJ Epstein, RP Erickson, A Wynshaw-Boris (eds.), Oxford University Press, New York; in press 15 November 2006. Proof received 13 September 2007. 151. François, M, Caprini, A, Hosking, B, Orsenigo, F, Wilhelm, D, Browne, C, Paavonen, K, Karnezis, T, Shayan, R, Downes, M, Davidson, T, Tutt, D, Cheah, KSE, Chan, M, Stacker, SA, Muscat, GEO, Achen, MG, Dejana, E, and Koopman, P. SOX18 initiates lymphatic development in mice by direct activation of Prox1 expression. Nature, submitted. 29.4 152. O’Bryan, M, Takada, S, Kennedy, C, Scott, G, Harada, S, Dai, Q, de Kretser, D, Eddy, EM, Koopman, P, Mishina, Y. Sox8 is a critical regulator of adult Sertoli cell function and male fertility. Molecular Cell Biology, under revision. 7.1 NA Cit 15 Publication 153. Larroux, C, Luke, GN, Koopman, P, Shimeld, S and Degnan, BM. Genesis and expansion of metazoan transcription factor gene families. In preparation. 154. Hiramatsu, R, Matoba, S, Fujisawa, M, Hoshino, A, Kanai-Azuma, M, Tsunekawa, N, Kurohmaru, M, Wilhelm, D, Koopman, P, Kanai, Y (2007). 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Koopman, P (1994): Sry and related genes in mammalian development. Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 2: 253. 161. Wright, E, Hargrave, M, Christiansen, J, Jeske, Y, McCormack, A, ConwayCampbell, J, Cooper, L, Kun, J, Evans, T, Greenfield, A and Koopman, P (1995). SOX-9 and the development of the mammalian skeleton. Bulletin of the Human Genetics Society of Australia 8: 18. 162. Koopman, P (1996). SRY, SOX9, and sex determination. Keio Journal of Medicine 45: 346. 163. Andrews, JE, Kent, J, Smith, C, Koopman, P, and Sinclair, AH (1997) Gene analysis during chicken urogenital development. Developmental Biology 186: B114. 164. Sekiya, I, Koopman, P, Watanabe, H, Ezura, Y, Yamada, Y, and Noda, M (1997). SOX9 enhances aggrecan gene expression via the promoter region containing a single HMG-BOX-sequence in a chondrogenic cell line, TC6. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 12: P222. 165. Li H, Gao J, Waters MJ, Koopman P, Bartold PM (1998). Expression of Sox9 in developing periodontal tissue. Journal of Dental Research 77: 1134. IF Cit 16 166. Bowles J, Cooper L, Berkman J, and Koopman, P (1999). Mouse SRY requires a CAG repeat domain for male sex determination. American Journal of Human Genetics 65: A173–A173 167. Sekiya I, Tsuji K, Koopman P, Ito Y, Yamada Y, Shinomiya K, Nifuji A, and Noda M (1999) Dexamethasone promotes chondrocyte differentiation through enhancement of Sox9 expression. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 14: S437– S437. 168. Pennisi DJ, Muscat GEO, Koopman P (1999). Chromosomal localisation and characterisation of SOX18, a developmentally expressed transcription factor. American Journal of Human Genetics 65: S2078. 169. Koopman, P, Pennisi, D, James, K, Hosking, B, Muscat, GEO and Olsson, J (2000). Sox genes in development and disease. Cell Biology International 24: 943. 170. Koopman, P (2001). Molecular analysis of the mammalian sex-determining pathway. Endocrine Journal 48: 735. 171. Bowles, J, Bullejos, M and Koopman, P (2001). Identification of sex-specific genes using array and microarray methods. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 33: Sym-64-01. 172. Loffler, KA, Bowles, J and Koopman, P (2001). Assessment of candidate ovariandetermining genes. Developmental Biology 235: 181. 173. Robins, JC, Akeno, N, Aronow, BJ, Koopman, P and Clemens, TL (2003). Hypoxia activates chondrogenic gene programs in bone progenitor cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 18: S303. 174. Kojima, Y, Morohashi, KI, Koopman, P, Hayashi, Y and Kohri K (2003) The role and regulation of SOX9 and DAX-1 in sexual differentiation of true hermaphroditism. Journal of Urology 169 (Suppl.): 412. 175. Koopman, P, Browne, C, Jackson, A, Ewen, K, Aitken, RJ, van den Bergen, J, Western, P and Sinclair, A (2004): Identification and study of genes important for fetal germ cell biology in mice. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16 (Suppl): 21. 176. Bowles, J, Knight, D, Smith, C, Wilson, MJ, Wilhelm, D, Richman, J, Mamiya, J, Yashiro, K, Chawengsaksophak, K, Rossant, J, Hamada, H and Koopman, P (2006). Why men make sperm and women make oocytes: Discovery of the molecular signals controlling germ cell fate during embryonic development. Endocrine Journal 53 (Suppl.): 46. 177. Kojima, Y, Hayashi, Y, Sasaki, S, Kohri, K, Morohashi, K, Koopman, P (2006). Correlation between clinical findings and expression of transcription factors implicated in sexual differentiations and steroidogenesis in testicular tissue of XX sex reversal boys with hypospadias. Journal of Urology 175 (Suppl.): 166-167. 178. Holt, JE, Jackson, A, Roman, SD, Tannock, S, Aitken, RJ, Koopman, P and McLaughlin, EA (2006) CXCR4/SDF1 interaction in the embryonic and neonatal mouse testes. Journal of Andrology 76 (Suppl.): 93. 179. Fraser, B, Holt, JE, Jackson, A, Roman, SD, Tannock, S, Aitken, RJ, Koopman, P, McLaughlin, EA (2006) CXCR4/SDF1 interaction in the embryonic and neonatal mouse testes. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 196. 17 180. Tannock, S, Baleato, RM, McLaughlin, EA, Barakat, B, Loveland, KL, Hime, GR, Koopman, P, Roman, SR (2006) The role of BMP4 gene expression in the male germ line. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 204. 181. Smith, CA, Roeszler, K, Bowles, J, Koopman, P, Sinclair, A (2006) Retinoic acid and meiosis in the embryonic chicken gonad. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 51. 182. Bowles, J, Knight, D, Smith, C, Wilhelm, D, Hamada, J, Rossant, J, Koopman, P (2006) Retinoid signalling determines germ cell fate in mice. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 112. p a t e n t s Koopman, PA, Greenfield, A and Simpson, E (1996). Novel gene encoding male transplantation antigen. Patent number 719910, 1996, Australia (worldwide provisional). Discontinued. Koopman, PA, Dunn, TL, Muscat, GEO and Mynett-Johnson, L (1996). Therapeutic use of the Sox18 gene or protein. Patent number 684,438, filed July 17, 1996, USA. Licensed to Research Corporation Technologies, USA. Inactive. Koopman, PA and Goodfellow, PN (1999). Therapeutic use of the Sox9 gene or protein. Patent number 699688, 1999, Australia. Discontinued 12/7/05. Koopman, PA and Goodfellow, PN (1999). Therapeutic use of the Sox9 gene or protein. Patent number 95938311.8, 1999, Europe. Discontinued 12/7/05. Koopman, PA and Goodfellow, PN (1999). Therapeutic use of the Sox9 gene or protein. Patent number 08-517929, 1999, Japan. Discontinued 12/7/05. Koopman, PA and Goodfellow, PN (1999). Therapeutic use of the Sox9 gene or protein. Patent number 2,206,305, 1995, Canada. Discontinued 2005. Koopman, PA and Goodfellow, PN (2000). Therapeutic use of the Sox9 gene or protein. Patent number 6,143,878, 2000, USA. License 8005 to Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., USA, 01.05.97. RCT is currently negotiating a field exclusive licence with Life Cell of New Jersey, who plan to incorporate Sox9 into a cartilage-building mesh matrix to induce cartilage. Active. g r a n t s u p p o r t 1. Principal Investigator The molecular genetics of sexual development in mammals. Australian Research Fellowship. Australian Research Council, $305,174; 1992–1996. The molecular genetics of sexual development in mammals: cloning of genes involved in early gonadal development. Australian Research Council, $146,000; 1992–1994. Transgenic mouse models of human disorders of sexual development. NHMRC, $297,818; 1993–1995. Transgenic mouse models of human disorders of sexual development. Mayne Bequest Fund (University of Queensland), $2,500; 1993–1995. Cloning of Sry related genes and analysis of their role in mouse embryo development Australian Research Council, $181,480; 1993–1995. 18 Application of in situ hybridization to the identification and analysis of genes involved in mammalian embryo development. Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundations, $11,610; 1992 (P Koopman and BJ Wainwright). The Molecular Genetics of Mammalian Sex Determination. Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, $4,000; 1992/93. Characterization of the Sox gene family and its role in myelopoiesis. Mayne Bequest Fund (University of Queensland), $32,450, 1994 (P Koopman, R Layfield and DA Hume). Molecular Genetics of Sex Determination: Cloning of Genes Involved in Mouse Gonad Development. Australian Research Council, $201,000; 1995–1997. Analysis of the Novel Genes, Sox17 and -18, and their Role in Myogenesis. NHMRC, $190,015; 1995–1997 (GEO Muscat, P Koopman and T Dunn). Molecular Genetics of Skeletogenesis: The Sox9 Gene in Development and Disease. NHMRC, $190,231; 1995–1997 (P Koopman and E Wright). Cellular and molecular biology of tooth enamel development. Australian Dental Research Fund Inc, $5,000; 1995 (MJ Aldred, WG Young, NW Savage, BK Joseph and P Koopman). SRY function in mammalian sex determination. NHMRC, $164,544; 1996–1998. Cloning of Sry-related genes and analysis of their role in mouse development. Australian Research Council, $206, 925; 1996–1998. NHMRC equipment grant: Zeiss Axiophot Microscope. (D. Hume, D James, J Stow and P Koopman) $84,306; 1996. Identification of a human growth control gene. UQ Quality Funds, $5,000; 1996 (AJ Greenfield and P Koopman). The molecular genetics of sexual development in mammals. ARC Senior Research Fellowship. $381,910; 1997–2001. Cell-type specification in the CNS: Functional analysis of Sox14. (T Yamada and P Koopman) NHMRC, $138,712; 1998–2000. Molecular genetics of skeletogenesis: The Sox9 gene in development and disease. NHMRC, $274,071, 1998–2000. Mammalian sex-determining genes: Regulation, function and interaction. Australian Research Council, $204,000, 1998–2000. The role of Sox18 in vascular development. National Heart Foundation, $90,000, 1999–2000. Sox18 and its role in tumour formation. Queensland Cancer Fund, $97,000, 1999– 2000. Wholemount in situ hybridization robot (P. Koopman and T. Yamada). UQ Research Infrastructure Funding, $50,000, 1999. Microarray scanner. (P. Koopman, B. Wainwright, M. Little, D. James). NHMRC equipment grant, $90,000, 1999. Microarray scanner and unigene set. (P. Koopman and B. Wainwright). UQ Research Infrastructure Funding, $90,000, 1999. Cloning of Sry-related genes and analysis of their roles in mammalian development. UQ External Support Enabling Grant, $19,000, 1999. Sry-interacting factors and their role in sex determination. Australian Research Council, $121,364, 2000–2001. Molecular genetics of gonadal development (J. Bowles, P. Koopman) NHMRC, $243,929, 2000–2002. 19 Transcriptional control of blood vessel development (P. Koopman, J. Olsson, G. Muscat). NHMRC, $465,000, 2001–2003. The role of Sox8 in sex determination and human disease. NHMRC, $210,000, 2001– 2003. The molecular role of Sox9 in sex determination. ARC, $76,756, 2001. Molecular genetics of sex determination. ARC Professorial Research Fellowship and Discovery Grant, $1,747,000, 2002–2006. Interaction of Sox7, Sox17 and Sox18 in the regulation of vascular development. National Heart Foundation, $92,735, 2002–2003. Functional analysis of candidate sex-determining and gonadal development genes. NHMRC, $720,000, 2003–2005. ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development (P. Koopman and 10 others). ARC, $9.5 million, 2003–2007. Transcriptional control of blood vessel development. (P. Koopman and G. Muscat). NHMRC, $486,000, 2004–2006. Cardiovascular defects caused by mutations to the SOX18 gene product. National Heart Foundation, $100,000, 2004–2005. Molecular genetics of sex determination and gonad development. NHMRC program grant (A.H. Sinclair, P.A. Koopman, V.R. Harley), $4.3 million, 2005–2009. Network on genes and environment in development. (R. Richards, P. Koopman and ~50 others). ARC, $1.5 million, 2005-2009. Identification of SRY target genes. (D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman). National Institutes of Health, USA, US$100,000, 2005-2006. Developmental Imaging Facility. (S.M. Grimmond, P.A. Koopman, A.C. Perkins, D.A. Hume, M.H. Little, J.F. Bertram, R.J. Aitken, H.M. Cooper), ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities Grant, $441 000, 2005. Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Invasive Animals (A. Peacock and 33 others). ARC-CRC scheme, $29,640,000, 2005-2011. How the Y chromosome makes a male: Molecular genetic analysis of key sexdetermining genes. ARC Professorial Research Fellowship and Discovery Grant, $1,547,727, 2007-2011. Cellular and molecular regulation of fetal ovarian development. (P. Koopman and D. Wilhelm). NHMRC Project Grant, $526,500, 2007-2009. Real-time PCR: Instrumentation for rapid, high-throughput, quantitative gene expression studies. (P. Koopman CIA and 10 others). UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure Grant, $208,500, 2007. 2. Associate Investigator Mechanisms underlying cochlear hair cell regeneration. NHMRC, $138,000; 1995– 1997. JO Pickles, Vision, Touch and Hearing Research Centre, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The University of Queensland. The SOX gene family: their role in development and human genetic disease. NHMRC, $186,000, 1997–1999. AH Sinclair and MJ Smith, Dept of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne. Murine atlas of genitourinary development. NIH, $2.4 million; 2005–2009. MH Little and SM Grimmond, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland. 20 u n d e r g r a d u a t e t e a c h i n g BC305 Animal Molecular Genetics (3rd year). Department of Biochemistry, The University of Queensland, 1992–2000. Lectures on mammalian molecular and developmental genetics. AN317 Comparative Mammalian Development (3rd year). Department of Anatomical Sciences, The University of Queensland, 1993–1999 (Subject co-ordinator 1997–1999). Lectures and practicals on molecular genetics of mammalian development. AN227 Structure and Development of Cells, Tissues and Organs (2nd year). Department of Anatomical Sciences, The University of Queensland, 1995–1997. Lectures on basic molecular biology and molecular methods used to study the role of genes in cells and whole organisms. PL369 Reproduction (3rd year). Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The University of Queensland, 1993–2000. Lectures on molecular genetics of sex determination in mammals. DEVB3002 Developmental Biology (3rd year). Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences, The University of Queensland, 2001– . Lectures on molecular genetics of mammalian development (5 lectures per year plus tutorial). BIOL1017 Advanced Study Program. Three-hour lecture and discussion session on Sexual Development, Disorders of Sex Development and Intersex. Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences, The University of Queensland, 2004– . g r a d u a t e BSc Honours t e a c h i n g Bernadette Snopek (IIA, 1992) Identification of new members of the Sox gene family in mice Shane McIntosh (I, 1993) Isolation of mammalian sex-determining genes Tim Evans (I, 1993) Characterisation of the mouse Sox9 locus Andrew McCormack (I, 1994) Functional analysis of Sry and related genes John Conway-Campbell (IIA, 1994) Analysis of Sox9 gene expression in the mouse embryo Jodi Clyde-Smith (I, 1996) Analysis of the sex-chromosomal genes UTY/UTX Aaron Schindeler (I, 1997) The molecular genetics of skeletal development: in search of genes regulated by Sox9 Jay Sweeney (IIB, 1998) Identification of mammalian sex-determining genes Brett McKinnon (2000; associate supervisor with P Noakes) Expression and localization of P2X1, P2X2 and P2X3 purinergic receptors during development Joanne Starkey (I, 2001; associate supervisor with M Hargrave) Functional studies of the role of Sox14 in CNS development Sonjia Layton (2002–2003; withdrawn) Regulation of cell cycle genes by SRY Eugene Huang (I, 2003) Proteomic analysis of sex determination and gonadal development in mice Angela Jeanes (I, 2004) The peritubular myoid cells of the developing male gonad Mathew Robson (I, 2005) The role of Fgfs in gonadal development 21 PGDipSci Carney Matheson (1996; associate supervisor with T. Loy) Sex determination of humans and culturally significant species MSc Yvette Jeske (1992–1999) Sry function in murine sex determination PhD Murray Hargrave (1994–1999) Analysis of Sox genes in mouse development David Pennisi (1995–2000) The role of Sox18 in development [Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding PhD Theses, 2000] Jeffrey Christiansen (1993–1996; associate supervisor with B.J. Wainwright) Two novel murine Wnt genes Catherine Browne (1993–1996; associate supervisor with D.A. Hume) The molecular biology of macrophage differentiation in transgenic mice and in murine embryonal stem (ES) cells Brett Hosking (1996–2001; associate supervisor with G.E.O. Muscat) Cloning and characterization of Sox18 Asanka Karunaratne (1998–2003; associate supervisor with T. Yamada) Molecular genetics of cell-type specification in the vertebrate central nervous system Goslik Schepers (1998–2001) Characterisation of Sox8 in development Kelly Loffler (1999–2003) Molecular genetics of gonadal differentiation Claire Larroux (2000– ; associate supervisor with B. Degnan) Characterization of ascidian Sox genes James Smith (2000–2004) Molecular genetics of sex determination Meredith Downes (2001– ) The role of Sox18 in blood vessel development Fred Martinson (2001–2005, withdrawn) Functional analysis of sex-determining genes Stephen Bradford (2003– ) Molecular genetics of sex determination Juan-Carlos Polanco (2004 ) Gene interactions in mouse gonadal development Katherine Ewen (2004– ) Control of PGC differentiation in the mouse Rob White (2004– ; associate supervisor with M. Ziman, Edith Cowan University, WA) Identification of Pax7 regulatory targets in myogenic and neurogenic lineages Cassy Spiller (2005– ) Functional analysis of Hbp1 in germ cells Diana Farkas (2005– ) The use of Sry to manipulate sex ratio in mammals: Potential application to cattle industries Alex Combes (2005– ) Histological development of the testis John Abramyan (2006– ) Sexual development in cane toads Lindsey McFarlane (2007 - ; associate supervisor with J. Patil) Daughterless carp project Thesis marking Thesis committee Nicola Vickaryous, PhD thesis, Sydney University, January 2006 Jason Mulvenna (Thesis committee, 2001– ) Characterization of plant cyclotides Ryan Taft (2005- Chair of examiners ) Non-coding RNA Jennifer Bennetts, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, May 2006 Karen McCue, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, June 2006 22 Jyostna Pippal, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, January 2007 p o s t d o c t o r a l t r a i n i n g Edwina Wright (1/5/92 – 19/5/95) Andy Greenfield (1/5/92 – 11/9/96) Jo Bowles (4/93 – ) Susan Wheatley (1/5/95 – 31/10/97) (Wellcome Fellow) Jill Kent (24/4/95 – 4/10/97) Yoshiakira Kanai (3/6/96 – 26/6/98) Tim Cox (1997) Mats Nilsson (14/8/97 – 27/11/98) Paul Buxton (8/9/97 – 31/8/18) Monica Bullejos (26/5/99 – 31/12/01) (Spanish Government fellow) Jane Olsson Dagmar Wilhelm (Nov 2002 – ) Megan Wilson (31/1/01 – 02/05) Shuji Takada (8/2/02 – 2004) Annemiek Beverdam (22/10/02 – ) Neville Young (17/2/03 – 11/05) Catherine Browne (4/03 – ) Hirofumi Mizusaki (4/04 –12/06) Mathias François (1/05 – ) (INSERM Fellow) Terje Svingen (03/05 – ) Brett Hosking (1/06 -04/07) Kallayanee Chawengsaksophak (10/06 - r e s e a r c h Past s t a f f Leanne Cooper Jennifer Berkman Tim Evans Shane McIntosh David Pennisi Jenny Gardner Vanessa Caig Kristy James Murray Hargrave Sarah Penning Jacqui Emery Alisa Poh ) (NHMRC CJ Martin Fellow) 23 Jutta Kun Angela Jeanes Alex Combes Zara Borg Andrew Jackson Present Laura Widjaja Deon Knight Des Tutt Tara Davidson Allen Feng Vy Truong Arief Mulyadi c o u r s e s a n d w o r k s h o p s Co-founder and joint organizer, Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, 2001– (three-day annual workshop open to students, postdocs and lab leaders from the AsiaPacific region). Instructor and joint organizer, Cold Spring Harbor Summer Course: Molecular Embryology of the Mouse, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA, 1997– 1998 (Three-week lecture and practical course). Co-instructor, Cold Spring Harbor Summer Course: Molecular Embryology of the Mouse, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA, 1995–1996. Instructor, Bioscience Training Course, National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan; November, 1997: “In situ Hybridization: Principles and practice” (Lectures and 3-day practical instruction). Training Workshop on Biomedical & Clinical Research Techniques, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, June, 1998 (Lectures and 3-day practical instruction). e d i t o r i a l b o a r d s Nature Reviews Genetics (Nature publications, UK) – Advisory panel, 2003– Developmental Dynamics (American Association of Anatomists, USA), 2004– Sexual Development (Karger, Switzerland) – Section editor, 2006– Mechanisms of Development (Elsevier) 2007– Gene Expression Patterns (Elsevier) 2007– Biology of the Cell (Portland Press, UK) 2007– Mouse Knockout and Mutation Database (Current Trends Publications, Elsevier Science, London; www.biomednet.com/db/mkmd; 2002–2004) Specialist Advisor, HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, UK, 1998– 24 p e e r r e v i e w Regular referee Development Genes and Development Developmental Biology Mechanisms of Development Developmental Dynamics Ad hoc referee Cell, Nature, Science, Nature Genetics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), genesis, Nucleic Acids Research, BioEssays, Current Biology, Trends in Genetics, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Technique, Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Genomics, Human Genetics, Human Molecular Genetics, International Journal of Developmental Biology, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Gene, Neurogenetics, Hereditas, Brain Research Grants College of Experts, Australian Research Council (150 grants assessed per year), 2005– Specialist Reader (“Ozreader”), Australian Research Council (20 grants assessed per year), 2001–2004 Queensland Cancer Fund Grants Interview Committee, Brisbane, 1998 NHMRC Research Grants Interview Committee, Melbourne, 1999 Ad hoc reviewer for 10 other national and 11 international granting agencies Other Regular referee for national and international fellowship, promotion and tenure applications Ad hoc member of Institute and Centre Review Committees for ARC and NHMRC Advisory Committee, Alexander Kowalevsky Medal, St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Russia, 2002– Australian Stem Cell Centre, selection panel for abstracts for Scientific Conference 2004 Judging panel, Harrison Prize in Developmental Biology, International Society for Developmental Biology, 2004 Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation Fellowship Interview panel, Head of CSIRO Livestock Industries, CSIRO Canberra, 2006 Selection committee/interview panel, Media and communications officer, ARC/NHMRC Research Network Genes and Environment in Development, 2006 Search committee for Medical Top Track Program, Medical Research Institute at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2006, 2007 e x e c u t i v e Ongoing r o l e s Australian Research Council College of Experts, 2005 – Co-founder and organizer, Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, 2001– Annotation Terms Group, GUD-MAP, National Institutes of Health, USA, 2005 – Steering Committee, ARC Network in Genes and Environment in Development, 2005- 25 Outreach Committee, ARC Network in Genes and Environment in Development, 2006Head of Program and Executive Committee, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, 2003– Executive/founding member, Program in Developmental Biology at UQ, 1999– Convenor, Research Quality Framework Committee for Developmental Biology, UQ, 2007 University Animal Users Group, UQ, 2007 Member, Australian Phenomics Network Management Group, 2007 Founding Convener, Brisbane Developmental Biology Seminar Series, 1994– Seminar co-ordinator, Division of Molecular Genetics and Development, IMB, 2004– IMB Animal Ethics Internal Review Group, 2005– Head, Division of Molecular Genetics and Development, IMB, 2006– Executive Committee, IMB, 2006– Past Joint organizer, Cold Spring Harbor Summer Course: Molecular Embryology of the Mouse, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA, 1995–1998 NHMRC Research Grants Interview Committee, Melbourne, 1999 Queensland Representative, Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 1994–1998 Scientific Program Committee, session organizer and chair, XIX International Congress of Genetics, Melbourne, 2003 Chair, Organizing Committee, ANZSCDB Annual Conference, 1996 Organizing Committee, joint ANZSCDB/ASBMB/ASPP conference (“ComBio”), 1999 Executive, Ångstrom Art, 2000–2004 Organizing Committee, Third International Workshop on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Hawaii, 2003 Organizing Committee, Lorne Genome Conference, 2004 Session organizer/chair, joint ANZSCDB/ASBMB/ASPP conference (“ComBio”), Canberra 2001, Sydney 2002 Session organizer/chair, International Society of Differentiation/International Society of Cell Biology joint conference, Gold Coast, 2000 Proposer/Organizer, Symposium on Sex Determination, Novartis Foundation (London), 2000 Invited Delegate, ARC Workshop on Peer Review, Canberra, December 1995 UQ Biological Sciences Research Subcommittee for ARC Small Grant Applications, 1994 Joint organizer, Developmental Biology Retreat, UQ, 1999 Various institute committees (seminar, computing, library, research, infrastructure, staff representative, interview committees), CMCB, 1992–1999 CMCB Executive Committee, 1994–1999 Program Leader in Developmental Biology, CMCB, 1994–1999 Editor, IMB Annual Report, 2000–2001 Organizing Committee, Mammalian Genome-Phenome Code meeting, Australian National University, March 8-10, 2005 26 Session organizer/chair, joint ANZSCDB/ASBMB/ASPP conference (“ComBio”), Perth 2004 Awareness Group, ARC Network in Genes and Environment in Development, 2004 – 2005 Session organizer/chair, joint ANZSCDB/ASBMB/ASPP conference (“ComBio”), Adelaide 2005 Convenor, First International Workshop on SOX Transcription Factors, Palm Cove, Queensland, August 29 – September 2, 2005 Program Committee, International Society for Developmental Biology conference, Sydney, 2005 Symposium chair, “Germ cells and stem cells”, Society for Reproductive Biology annual conference, Gold Coast, August 2006 Symposium chair, “The Genetics of Sex Determination”, 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, August 2006 UQ representative, NCRIS 5.2 strategic planning team, 2006 p r o f e s s i o n a l a f f i l i a t i o n s Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Society for Developmental Biology International Society for Developmental Biology Alumni Association, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network ARC Network in Genes and Environment in Development (Executive member) p u b l i c a w a r e n e s s / m e d i a 2004: Press release and interviews relating to the First Australian Workshop on Male Fertility, Cancer and the Environment, IMB, UQ (under the auspices of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development). 11 May: National press release “Scientists tackle the decline in male fertility”. Media coverage: 13 May: Article in Brisbane Courier Mail; radio interviews – 4EB Brisbane; ABC Mackay; ABC Brisbane; 14 May: radio interviews 4GR Toowoomba; ABC Brisbane; television interview and associated coverage ABC-TV news. Press liaison and promotional activities for the National Heart Foundation. These activities were acknowledged in the NHF publication News@Heart, June 2004. 2005: Press release relating to Queensland Government funding of the Brisbane Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology and Development, highlighting recent progress in the identification of genes causing testicular cancer. Media coverage: 29 April: radio interview 4GR Toowoomba; Westside News 8.6.05. 2005: Diversity Discussion: a symposium on Human Development, Sexual Identity and Intersex, UQ, 12 May. 2005: Press release “ Crisis of being caught between genders”, relating to ANZSCDB President’s Medallist Lecture at ComBio, Adelaide, dealing with research into causes of intersex disorders; Syndicated release 29 September. 27 2005: Meeting of my research group with representatives of Transgender/Transsexual group, UQ. 2006: Press release relating to discovery of molecular mechanisms of sperm and egg development to tie in with publication of Science paper, April 2006. EurekAlert (global news service operated by AAAS) registered 21,363 hits for this press release, the second-most viewed release on EurekAlert in April. 2006: Briefing with the WA Minister for the Environment, Mark McGowan, relating to our research on bio-control of cane toads. 6 June 2006. 2006: Meeting of my research group with representative from Androgen Insensitivity Australia, UQ. 2006: Press release “Socking it to cancer” relating to findings that impairment of SOX18 function prevented tumour growth in mice. This led to 5 media interviews and 2 print articles (Courier Mail, Brisbane; Westside News, Brisbane) and special mention by the Queensland Deputy Premier Anna Bligh in her Opening Address for the 11th International Congress on Human Genetics, August 2006. Electronic mailout to 14,219 recipients. 2006: National Science Week presentation “Killing off the cane toad”, Queensland Government Pavilion, Royal Brisbane Show, August 12, 2006. Press release “Science twist added to Ekka favourites”, UQ, 9 August. 2006: Press release “UQ confirms status as research leader”, UQ Communications, 11 October. 2007: “Sex and the single toad”. Feature article on my laboratory’s project on daughterless cane toads. Australian Life Scientist, January 2007, p. 10-12. 2007: Televised segment on daughterless toad technology featuring the Koopman Laboratory, Scope, Network Ten. 2007: News story “Australian research offers hope for children of uncertain sex”, relating to my research and GSK Award. UQ News Online, 19 July. 2007: News story: Three UQ Researchers Among Top 20 in Australia” Feature article in The Ryan Report, July 2007. 2007: News story “Researcher awarded for gene work” relating to the GSK Award for Excellence in Research for my work into why embryos develop into males or females. The Courier Mail, 19 July 2007. 2007: Radio National New Zealand Feature interview: Sex Determination Genetics Research from Professor Peter Koopman from the University of Queensland offers hope to children born with sexually ambiguous genitalia and other sexual development conditions. http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/nights/20070813. 13/8/07, 19 minutes, national broadcast. 2007: Feature article, Canberra Times Science and Technology, “Investigating Intersexuality”, 20 August 2007 28 p l e n a r y / k e y n o t e a d d r e s s e s Fully funded, personally invited conference presentations 1. Mouse Molecular Genetics meeting, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, New York, USA; 29 August–2 September, 1990: "The search for the testis-determining gene in mice" 2. Sixteenth Annual EMBO Symposium "The Molecular Biology of Vertebrate Development". European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany; 17– 20 September, 1990: "Sry: A new candidate for the mouse testis-determining gene" The Second Biennial Mammalian Developmental Genetics Workshop, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbour, USA; 11–15 September, 1991: "Genes controlling sex determination in mammals" 3. 4. Genetics Society of Australia, 39th Annual Conference, Brisbane; 5–9 July, 1992: "Genes and sex and a mouse called Randy" [The Keynote Lecture] 5. 11th International Chromosome Conference, Edinburgh, UK; 5–8 August, 1992: "Mammalian sex determination: What we have learnt from a chromosomal design fault" 6. Genes and Development: A Scientific Meeting to mark the Opening of the Institute of Reproduction and Development, Monash University; 31 March–2 April, 1993: "Sry and related genes in mice" 7. Seventh International Symposium on Spermatology, Cairns; 9–14 October, 1994: "Molecular biology of Sry and its role in sex determination in mammals" 8. Second Congress of the Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology, Sydney; 16–20 October, 1994: "Sry and related genes in mammalian development" 9. Molossinus Colloquium, Takasaki, Japan; 1–2 June, 1995: "Genetic control of mammalian sex determination: the role of Sry and related genes" 10. 8th International Congress on Isozymes, Brisbane, Australia; 25 June–1 July, 1995: "SRY and related genes in mammalian development" 11. Hanson Symposium—Novel Insights into Cell Signalling, Adelaide, SA; 5–7 November, 1996: “Multiple roles for the Sox9 transcription factor during mammalian development“ 12. 20th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 16–20 February, 1998: "Sry and Sox genes: Key regulators of vertebrate development” (Julian Wells Lecture and Medal) Medico-Legal Conference, Couran Cove, Queensland, 5–6 August, 1999: “Cloning: A Scientific Perspective” 13. 14. Second International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Honolulu, Hawaii, 10–14 April, 2000: "Sex determination in mice: Sry, Sox9 and beyond" 15. Centre for Molecular Genetics of Development, Opening Symposium, Adelaide, 5–6 June, 2000: "Microarray strategies for the discovery of genes involved in sexual development in mice" 16. Novartis Symposium on the Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination, London, 1–3 May, 2001: “Expression-based strategies for discovery of genes involved in testis determination” 29 17. Novartis/Wellcome open meeting, London, 4 May, 2001: “Sry, ten years on” 18. ENDO 2001, Trans-Pacific Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, 20–23 June, 2001: "Making sense of sex: piecing together the molecular genetic jigsaw of sex determination" 19. Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, 22–26 August, 2001: “Regulation of organogenesis by SOX transcription factors” 20. 54th Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research: “Mechanisms for Cell Growth and Differentiation”, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, USA, 2–5 October, 2001: “Molecular regulation of cell differentiation by SOX transcription factors” 21. Reproductive Genomics – a joint Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research and Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development symposium, Melbourne, 5–6 December, 2001: “Red for boys, green for girls: Array strategies for discovery of novel sex-determining genes” 22. 2nd International Forum on Progressive Endocrinology, Tokyo, Japan, 1–2 February, 2002: “The Molecular Genetic Basis of Sex Determination and Gonadal Differentiation” [Keynote address] 23. Developmental Cutaneous Biology meeting, North Stradbroke Island, 14–18 April, 2002: “The role of SOX factors in hair follicle and skin development” 24. Cold Spring Harbor Mouse Molecular Embryology course 20th Anniversary Symposium, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 21–23 June, 2002: “The power of allelic series: Sox18 and the development of vasculature and hair follicles” 25. COE International Symposium: Replication, Maintenance and Expression of Genomic Information, Osaka University, Japan, 2 July, 2002: “Sex-determination in mice: array-based gene discovery and functional genomics” 26. Combined Biological Science Meeting, Perth, 23 August, 2002: ”Array-based gene discovery and functional genomics in developmental biology” 27. 16th FAOBMB (Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists) Symposium, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 20–22 September, 2002: “Sex-determination in mice: array-based gene discovery and functional studies in organ culture” 28. First Medical Research Institute International Symposium on Molecular Medicine: Gene Regulation and Human Diseases, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, 6–7 October, 2002: “Sox transcription factors in development and disease” 29. National Institute for Basic Biology conference 'Sex Differentiation’, Okazaki, Japan, 18–20 October, 2002: “Molecular genetics of ovarian development: Leaping into the unknown”. 30. Gordon Research Conference, Angiogenesis and Microcirculation, Newport, RI, USA, 11–15 August, 2003: “Regulation of endothelial phenotype by the transcription factor SOX18” 31. XV Ovarian Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, 29–31 July, 2004: ”Molecular regulation of fetal ovary development” Opening address, Australian & New Zealand Society for Laboratory Animal Science / Australian Animal Technicians Association 2004 Conference, Gold Coast, 26–29 October 2004. 32. 30 33. 34. Australian & New Zealand Society for Laboratory Animal Science / Australian Animal Technicians Association 2004 Conference, Gold Coast, 26–29 October 2004: “Mouse models in the study of blood vessel development” Australian Phenomics Facility Opening Conference, Elucidating the Mammalian Genome-Phenome Code, Australian National University, Canberra, 8–10 March, 2005: “SRY and the molecular genetics of sex determination” 35. ARC Network in Genes and Environment in Development, Annual Conference, Adelaide, 18-19 April 2005: ”Molecular genetics of sex determination and gonadal development” 36. ANZSCDB President’s Medal Lecture, ComBio 2005, Adelaide, 25-29 September 2005: ”A journey of sexual discovery” 37. 27th Lorne Genome Conference, Lorne, 12-15 February 2006: “Control of germ cell fate during embryonic development” 38. Hunter Conference on Cell Biology, Hunter Valley, NSW, March 2006: “What makes germ cells enter meiosis?” 39. Society for Reproductive Biology Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, 20–23 August 2006: “Why men make sperm and women make oocytes: Discovery of the molecular signals controlling germ cell fate during embryonic development” 77th Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, Matsue, Japan, September 21- 24, 2006: “Risky business: The fragile switches controlling somatic and germ cell sex in mammals” 40. 41. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting (ENDO 2007), Toronto, Canada, 2–5 June 2007: “Retinoid signalling and germ cell fate” 42. 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Molecular Embryology of the Mouse Course, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 9–10 June 2007: “Molecular origins of the lymphatic system” 43. 8th European Meiosis Meeting Meeting, Shonan, Japan, 13–18 September 2007: “tba” 44. Special Symposium on Mammalian Genetics and Sex Determination to Celebrate the Career of Dr. Eva Eicher; The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, USA, September 5-6, 2007: “The Posh Sex Guide: Timing is Everything” 45. 2008 Molecular Mechanisms in Lymphatic Function and Disease, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California, USA, 2-7 March 2008: “Sox transcription factors and their role in lymphangiogenesis” i n v i t e d c o n f e r e n c e p a p e r s 46. Human Genetics Society of Australia, Melbourne; November, 1981: "Stimulation of differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells by retinoic acid" 47. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell Biology Annual Conference, Melbourne; February, 1984: "A cell-derived factor which inhibits the differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells" 48. Mammalian Embryology Meeting, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London; February, 1987: "In situ hybridization to study gene expression in mouse embryos" 31 49. 50. British Society for Developmental Biology, Autumn Meeting, In situ hybridization workshop, Durham, UK; 15–18 September, 1987: “In situ hybridization to mRNA in mouse embryo sections” Zinc finger workshop, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK; 1 June, 1989: "Expression of Zfy-1 and Zfy-2 in mouse embryos" 51. London Cell and Molecular Biology Club, 66th meeting, London, UK; 10 January, 1990: "Zfy expression in mice: Right time, wrong place" 52. London Cell and Molecular Biology Club, 72nd meeting, London, UK; 18 July, 1990: "Cloning and expression of a mouse Tdy candidate" Genetic and molecular analysis of sex determination and spermatogenesis meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany; 21–24 January, 1991: "Testis determination in mice" 53. 54. The Royal Society, London; 20–21 June, 1991: "Cloning the male sex determining gene" [invited poster presentation] 55. Boden Research Conference: Mammalian Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Determining Genes, Thredbo, NSW; 4 February, 1992: "Sry and sex determination in mice" 56. Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 36th Annual Conference, Melbourne; 28 September–6 October, 1992: " Genetic control of sex determination in the mammalian embryo" 57. Australian Society for Medical Research, 31st National Scientific Conference, Brisbane; 13–16 December, 1992: "Positional cloning and the Y-linked sex-determining gene" 58. Melbourne Developmental Biology Society; 15 June, 1993: "Recent Advances in Mammalian Sex Determination" 59. Australian and New Zealand Society for Cell Biology, 12th Annual Meeting, Melbourne; 29 September–1 October, 1993: "Mammalian Sex-Determining Genes" 17th Annual Genome Conference: The Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne; 13–17 February, 1995: "Analysis of the role of the SRY-related gene Sox9 in the development of the mammalian skeleton" Mouse Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 8–29 June, 1995: "Molecular genetics of sex determination and skeletal development" Human Genetics Society of Australia, Annual Scientific Meeting; 4 September, 1995: "Sox9 and the development of the mammalian skeleton" 60. 61. 62. 63. Boden Research Conference: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Extracellular Matrix, Thredbo, NSW; 5–7 February, 1996: “Sox9 and the regulation of skeletal development” 64. Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 6–27 June, 1996: "Molecular genetics of sex determination and skeletal development" 65. Keio Medical Society, 979th meeting, Tokyo, Japan; 5 August, 1996: “Sry, Sox9 and sex determination” 66. Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 5–26 June, 1997: " Sry and Sox genes: Multiple roles in mammalian development" 67. Bioscience Training Course, National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan; 10– 15 November, 1997: 32 “In situ hybridization: Principles and practice” (Lecture and 3-day practical instruction) 68. Training Workshop On Biomedical & Clinical Research Techniques, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, 1–3 June, 1998: “In situ hybridization: Technical overview” 69. Training Workshop On Biomedical & Clinical Research Techniques, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, 1–3 June, 1998: “Applications of in situ hybridization in gene expression studies” 70. Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 10–30 June 1998: “Sex determination” 71. Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 10–30 June, 1998: “Sox9 and the development of the skeleton” 72. Graduate School of Medicine and Embassy of Italy, Italian-Australian Scientific Symposium – Clinical Genetics and Infectious Diseases, Brisbane, Qld; 21 October, 1998: “SOX genes in Development and Disease” 73. HUGO Human Genome Meeting, Brisbane, 28–30 March, 1999: “Sorting out the Sox drawer” Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 9–29 June, 1999: “In situ hybridization” 74. 75. Mouse Molecular Embryology Course, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; 9–29 June, 1999: “SOX factors and the control of organogenesis” 76. Combined ASBMB/ANZSCDB/ASPP meeting (“ComBio”), Gold Coast, 26–30 September, 1999: "Sox transcription factors and the control of cell differentiation" 77. Lorne Genome Conference Sex Satellite, University of Melbourne, 17–18 February, 2000: "Molecular genetic issues in sex determination" 78. The Brisbane Institute, Biotechnology Media Briefing Forum, 8 June, 2000: "Biotech, genes and human development: Basic research at the understanding how it works level" 79. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, September 2000: "Sox genes in development and disease" 80. Centenary Surgical Oncology 2001 Meeting, Brisbane, 13–17 August, 2001: “Sox18 and the control of angiogenesis: implications for tumour therapy” 81. First Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, Victor Harbor, South Australia, 29 November – 3 December, 2001: “Gene discovery strategies in developmental biology” Second Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, 30 October – 3 November, 2002: “Microarray screening for mammalian sex-determining genes” 82. 83. Third International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 24–28 March, 2003: "Sox8, like Sox9, is expressed during testis differentiation in mice and synergizes with SF1 to activate the Amh promoter in vitro" 33 84. 85. Opening Symposium, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, 19 May, 2003: “Sex determination, Sox genes, and developmental biology in the genome era” Endocrine Society of Australia/Society for Reproductive Biology, Annual Scientific Conference, Sydney, 22–25 August 2004: “Identification and study of genes important for fetal germ cell biology” 86. St Vincent’s and Mater Health Research Symposium, Sydney, 10 September 2004: “A fork in the road: Specification of maleness and femaleness in mammalian embryos” 87. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Quebec City, Canada, 24–27 July 2005: ”Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in the ovary” 88. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists congress, Sydney, 3–7 September 2005: ”Entry of germ cells into meiosis is induced by retinoic acid in mice” 89. ComBio 2005, Adelaide, 25–29 September 2005: ”Retinoic acid is the meiosis inducing factor in mouse fetal ovaries” 90. National Science Week, Queensland Government Pavilion, Royal Brisbane Show, August 12, 2006: “Killing off the cane toad” (Invited Public lecture) ComBio 2007, Sydney, 22–26 November 2007: “Retinoid signaling in gonad development” 3rd Barossa Meeting – Signalling Systems, Barossa Valley, 14–17 November 2007: “Retinoid signaling and the control of germ cell fate” 91. 92. 93. Australian Society for Medical Research Professional Development Program, Brisbane, 29 August 2007: “Attracting Grants and Fellowships”. i n v i t e d s e m i n a r s International 94. Department of Cell & Developmental Biology, Roche Institute for Molecular Biology, Nutley, USA; 23 March, 1989: "Expression of human alpha-1-antitrypsin in transgenic mice" 95. Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, New York University Medical Centre, New York, USA; 27 August, 1990: "Sex determination in mammals: Further evidence that Sry is the mouse testisdetermining gene" 96. Department of Cell & Developmental Biology, Roche Institute for Molecular Biology, Nutley, USA; 28 August, 1990: "Molecular genetic determination of sex in mammals" 97. Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University, New York, USA; 29 August, 1990: "Sry, a new candidate in the search for the mammalian sex determining gene" 98. Centre for Biotechnology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 7 June, 1991: "The molecular genetics of sex determination in mammals" 99. Institut Cochin de Génétique Moléculaire, Paris; 22 June, 1994: "Isolation and study of a candidate skeletal determination gene" 34 100. 101. CNRS–INSERM Centre de Recherches de Biochimie Macromoleculaire, Montpellier; 24 June, 1994: "Sox genes in mammalian development" Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan; 20 March, 1995: "Molecular genetics of skeletal development: The role of the Sox9 gene" 102. Institute of Animal Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan; 22 March, 1995: "Genes controlling sex determination and skeletal development in mammals" 103. National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan; 23 March, 1995: "Sox9 and the molecular genetics of skeletal development" 104. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, USA; 5 June, 1995: "Sox genes: from sex to skeletal development" 105. Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University, New York; 6 June 1995 "Sex and skeletal development " 106. Institute of Molecular Biology, Taipei, Taiwan; 11 March, 1997: “Molecular genetic analysis of sex determination in mammals” 107. Department of Biochemistry, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong; 13 March, 1997: “Sry and Sox genes: Multiple roles in mammalian development“ 108. National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan; 11 November, 1997: “The role of Sox9 in vertebrate sex determination” 109. Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan; 13 November, 1997 "Molecular genetics of skeletal development: The role of the Sox9 gene" 110. Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 1 June, 1999: "Sox genes: Key regulators of embryonic development" MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, 10 June, 1999: “Sox genes: Key regulators of embryonic development” 111. 112. Institute for Molecular Agrobiology, National University of Singapore, 9 November, 1999: “Molecular genetics of sex determination in mammals: the mystery unfolds” 113. Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development, University of Minnesota, USA, 22 March, 2001: "Mammalian sex determination: The story so far, and what lies ahead" 114. National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan, 31 January, 2002: “Sex-determination in mice: gene discovery and functional genomics” 115. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, 4 February, 2002: “Roles of Sox8 and Sox18 in mammalian development” 116. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo, Japan, 4 February 2002: “Regulation of vascular and hair follicle development by SOX transcription factors” 117. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, 19 June, 2002: Sex determination in mammals: new genes that control testis and ovary development 118. Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, Japan, 4 July, 2002: “The role of Sox transcription factors in regulating angiogenesis” 119. Centre of Human Development and Birth Defects, Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University, 19 September, 2002: 35 “Array-based discovery of mammalian sex-determining genes and functional studies in organ culture” 120. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Mouse Biology Program, Rome, Italy, 14 July, 2003: ”Sex determination in mice: Sry, testes and everything in between” 121. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Mouse Biology Program, Rome, Italy, 14 July, 2003: ”Sox transcription factors and the regulation of vascular and hair follicle development in mice” 122. Mt Sinai Hospital / Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, Canada, 4 August 2004: “Piecing together the molecular genetic pathways of gonadal development in mammals” 123. Centre for Animal Resources and Development, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, 22 September 2006: “Signaling networks regulating somatic and germ cell sex in mammals” 124. National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan, 27 September 2006: “Regulation of somatic and germ cell sex in mammals” 125. Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 October 2006: Signaling networks regulating somatic and germ cell sex in mammals Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, 6 October 2006: “The role of SoxF factors in vascular and lymphatic development” Mt Sinai Hospital / Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, Canada, 6 June 2007: “Molecular events controlling initiation of lymphatic development” 126. 127. National 128. Department of Medicine, Repatriation General Hospital, Melbourne; June, 1984: "The effect of retinoic acid on embryonal carcinoma cells" 129. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; July, 1986: "Manipulation of differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells" 130. The Charing Cross Sunley Research Centre, Molecular Biology Discussion Group, London, UK; 21 October, 1987: "In situ detection of mRNA" 131. Medical Research Council, Human Molecular Genetics Unit, London, UK; 2 March, 1988: "In situ analysis of alpha-1-antitrypsin expression" 132. The Murdoch Institute for Research into Birth Defects, Melbourne; April, 1988: "In situ analysis of alpha-1-antitrypsin expression in transgenic mice" 133. Department of Biochemistry, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, UK; 15 February, 1989: "Expression of human alpha-1-antitrypsin in transgenic mice" 134. Molecular and Cell Biology Initiative, University of London, UK; 6 June, 1989: "In situ hybridization in the analysis of transgenic mice" 135. Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University, UK; 14 November, 1989: "Is Zfy-1 the mouse sex determination gene?" 136. Institute of Animal Physiology & Genetics Research, Cambridge, UK; 26 July, 1990: "Do we have the sex-determining gene in the mouse?" 36 137. Medical Research Council, Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK; 16 August, 1990: "Have we finally cloned the testis-determining gene? 138. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, Melbourne; 26 November, 1990: "Recent evidence that Sry is the mammalian testis-determining gene" 139. Department of Anatomy, The University of Melbourne; 27 November, 1990: "Molecular analysis of sex determination in mammals" Department of Animal Science, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, The University of Adelaide; 29 November, 1990: "The search for the mammalian testis-determining gene" 140. 141. Centre for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Queensland; 3 December, 1990: "Sry and mammalian sex determination" 142. Genetics Department, Oxford University, UK; 15 February, 1991: "Molecular genetic analysis of sex determination in mice" 143. Medical Research Council, Experimental Embryology and Teratology Unit, London, UK; 19 February, 1991: " Is Sry really the mammalian testis determining gene?" 144. Medical Research Council, Mammalian Development Unit, London, UK; 13 May, 1991: "Gender, genes and jigsaws" 145. Division of Molecular Medicine, Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, UK; 14 June, 1991: "Sry and Tdy" 146. John Kelly Girls Community School, London, UK; 21 June, 1991: "The polymerase chain reaction" 147. Department of Biochemistry & Centre for Biotechnology, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London; 28 June, 1991: "Mickey or Minnie? Mouse sex determination" 148. Department of Biochemistry, The University of Queensland; 31 March, 1992: "Sry and mammalian sex determination" 149. Department of Zoology, The University of Queensland; 20 March, 1992: "Development genetics of mammalian sex determination" 150. Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane; 13 May, 1992: "Molecular genetics of mammalian sex determination" 151. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane; 19 May, 1992: "Genes and sex" 152. Children's Medical Research Foundation, Sydney; 28 May, 1992: "Molecular analysis of sex determination in mammalian embryos" 153. Physiology Department, The University of Queensland; 5 June, 1992: "Molecular biology of mammalian sex determination" 154. Department of Medicine, Greenslopes Repatriation Hospital, Brisbane; 2 July, 1992: "The genetics of sexual differentiation" 155. Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology, Melbourne; 30 March, 1993: " Sry and related genes: A family of transcription factors in mammalian development" 156. Department of Biochemistry, The University of Queensland; 17 March, 1994: "Sry and related genes in early development" Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University; 21 March, 1994: "Sry and related genes in mammalian development" 157. 37 158. Department of Zoology, The University of Queensland; 25 March, 1994: "Sox genes and mammalian development" 159. Brisbane Human Genetics Group (Queensland Institute of Medical Research); 28 April, 1994: "In Situ Hybridization to Tissue Sections" 160. Children's Medical Research Institute, Sydney; 19 October, 1994: "Sry and related genes in mammalian development" 161. Murdoch Institute for Research into Birth Defects, Melbourne; 16 December, 1994: "Sox-9 and the biology of skeletal development" 162. Pharmacy Department, University of Queensland; 22 May, 1995: "Genes controlling sex determination and skeletal development in the mammalian embryo" 163. Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology, Melbourne; 16 April, 1996: “Sry and Sox gene function in the mouse” 164. Bone and Mineral Study Group, University of Queensland, Brisbane; 28 August, 1996: “Sox9: Gene control of bone development” 165. Department of Anatomical Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane; 20 February, 1997: “Sry and related genes: Multiple roles in mammalian development“ 166. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne; 21 March, 1997: "Sry and Sox genes: Key regulators of vertebrate development" 167. Brisbane Human Genetics Group, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane; 25 March, 1997: “The role of SOX9 in skeletal development and disease” 168. Brisbane Developmental Biology Group, University of Queensland, Brisbane; 16 April, 1997: “Sex determination in mammals: Jigsaws, not dominoes” 169. Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney; 6 May, 1997; “The role of SOX9 in skeletal development and disease” 170. Sir Albert Saksewski Virus Research Centre, Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane; 29 July, 1997: “Gender, Genes and Jigsaws: The molecular genetics of sex determination” 171. Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney; 23 July, 1998: “Sry and Sox genes: Key regulators of vertebrate development” 172. Department of Biochemistry, University of Adelaide, 21 August, 1998: “Sox genes and the regulation of cell differentiation in the vertebrate embryo” 173. Centre for Vascular Biology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane; 26 October, 1998: “Sox18 and the regulation of blood vessel formation” Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, 16 April, 1999: “Sox genes in development and disease” 174. 175. Department of Surgery, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, 7 July, 1999: “Sox genes in Development and Disease”. 176. Centre for Drug Design and Development, The University of Queensland, 26 August, 1999: “SOX transcription factors: key regulators of cell fate”. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, 27 August, 1999: “Sox genes: key regulators of vertebrate development” 177. 38 178. Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne, 10 September, 1999: “Sox transcription factors in development and disease” 179. Flinders Cancer Centre, Adelaide, 12 November, 1999: "Sox transcription factors in development and disease" 180. The Brisbane Institute, BioFutures public seminar, Brisbane, 5 May, 2000: "The role of basic research in medicine and biotechnology: Sox18, angiogenesis and cancer therapy" 181. Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Queensland Branch, Brisbane, 2 June, 2000: "Sox18 and the control of angiogenesis: implications for inherited disease and cancer" Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, 3 August, 2001: "Sox transcription factors and the regulation of vascular development" 182. 183. 184. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, 26 October, 2001: “Control of sex determination and cell fate decisions in the embryo by the SOX family of developmental transcription factors” Hanson Centre for Cancer Research, Adelaide, 15 November, 2001: “The role of Sox transcription factors in regulating angiogenesis” 185. Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, 11 October, 2002: “Sox transcription factors in development and disease” 186. Biomedical and Biomolecular School, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, 9 April, 2003: “Regulation of angiogenesis in mice by SOX transcription factors”. 187. Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development, Melbourne, 20 November, 2003: “Piecing together the molecular genetic pathway of sex determination and gonadal development in mammals”. 188. Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, 26 May 2004. “Sox genes: Key regulators of cell phenotype”. 189. Centre for the Molecular Genetics of Development, Australian National University, 16 June 2004. “Regulation of vascular development by Sox transcription factors”. 190. Centre for the Molecular Genetics of Development, The University of Adelaide, 17 June 2004. “Regulation of vascular development by Sox transcription factors”. 191. Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane, 23 March 2005: ”One tissue, two fates: Molecular genetics of sex determination and gonadal differentiation” 192. The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 12 May 2005: ”Diversity Discussion: a symposium on Human Development, Sexual Identity and Intersex” 193. School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, University of Adelaide, 10 May 2006: “Development of somatic and germ cell sex in mammals” 194. John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University, Canberra, 17 May 2006: “Unintelligent Design: The risky business of male sexual development” 195. Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne, 2 June 2006: “From germ cells to lymphatic development: connecting the dots” 196. Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, 17 April 2007: “Molecular regulation of lymphatic development” 39 197. o t h e r Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, 3 May 2007: “Transcriptional pathways establishing the lymphatic system” p a p e r s 1. NATO/EMBO/FEBS International Summer School: "Molecular Biology of Development", Spetsai, Greece, 30 August–12September, 1987: "Cell-autonomous action of the testis-determining gene: Sertoli cells are exclusively XY in XXXY chimeric mouse testes" [Poster: P Koopman, PS Burgoyne, A McLaren] 2. 15th Mammalian Molecular and Biochemical Genetics Workshop, London, UK; 10 November, 1988: "Widespread expression of human alpha-1-antitrypsin in transgenic mice revealed by in situ hybridization" 3. UCLA Conference on Developmental Biology, Tamarron, USA; 12–19 March, 1989: "Expression of genes controlling sexual differentiation in the mouse" [Poster : P Koopman, B. Skene, R Lovell-Badge] 4. 16th Mammalian Molecular and Biochemical Genetics Workshop, London, UK; November, 1989: "Is Zfy-1 the mouse sex determining gene?" 5. Zinc finger gene workshop, Imperial Cancer research Fund Laboratories, London, UK; 15–16 February, 1990: “A mouse zinc finger gene which is transiently expressed during spermatogenesis” [V. Cunliffe, P. Koopman, A. McLaren, J. Trowsdale] 6. 7th International Workshop on the Molecular Genetics of the Mouse, Svaty Petr, Czechoslovakia; April, 1990: "Studies on the developmental role of mouse Zfy genes" 7. 14th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, Victoria; 17 February, 1992: "Expression of Sry in transgenic mice" 8. Australian Society for Medical Research, Biomedical Research Week, Brisbane; June 1992: "Identification of the mammalian sex determining gene" 15th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 15–19 February, 1993: "Cloning of Sry-related genes and their expression during mouse embryo development" [Poster: E Wright, B Snopek, P Koopman] 9. 10. International Society of Developmental Biologists, 12th International Congress, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 August, 1993: "Cloning and characterization of novel mouse Sox genes" [Poster: E Wright, J Kun, M Hargrave, L Cooper, P Koopman] 11. European Molecular Biology Laboratory Conference: Mouse Molecular Genetics, Heidelberg, Germany, 18–22 August, 1993: "Cloning and characterization of novel mouse Sox genes" [Poster: E Wright, J Kun, M Hargrave, L Cooper, P Koopman] 12. 2nd European Science Foundation Conference on Developmental Biology, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, 13–18 June, 1994: "Sox9, a chondrogenic regulatory gene, is a candidate for Tail-short" 40 13. Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Annual Conference, Gold Coast, 26–29 September, 1994: "Structure and Expression of the Mouse Sry transcript and Analysis of Potential Downstream Targets." [Poster: Y Jeske, J Bowles, A Greenfield, D Cohen, Y Mishina, P Koopman] 14. 8th International Congress on Isozymes, Brisbane, Australia; 25 June–1 July, 1995: "Expression of Sox11 in Murine Embryogenesis" [Poster: MR Hargrave, E Wright, L Cooper, J Emery, J Kun, P Koopman] 15. EMBL conference: Mouse Molecular Genetics, Heidelberg, Germany; 23–27 August, 1995: "Use of differential display to identify novel sex-determining genes" [Platform: A Greenfield, P Koopman] 16. New York Academy of Sciences Conference: Molecular and Developmental Biology of Cartilage, Bethesda, Maryland USA; 27–30 September, 1995: “Aetiology of the skeletal dysmorphology syndrome campomelic dysplasia: Expression of the Sox9 gene during chondrogenesis in mouse embryos” [Poster: S. Wheatley, E. Wright, Y. Jeske, A. McCormack, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 17. 18th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 12–16 February, 1996: "Regulatory and structural analysis of Sry using a transgenic sex-reversal assay" [Poster: J Bowles, L Cooper, P Koopman] 18. 18th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 12–16 February, 1996: "Expression of Sox9 in the mouse gonad: Implications for sex determination" [Poster: J Kent, S Wheatley, Y Jeske, S McIntosh, P Koopman 19. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 15th Annual Conference, Brisbane, 30 September–2 October, 1996: "Dimorphic expression of Sox9 during gonadogenesis: Implications for sex determination" [Platform: J Kent, S Wheatley, J Andrews, A Sinclair , P Koopman] Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 15th Annual Conference, Brisbane, 30 September–2 October, 1996: "Regulation of Col2a1 by SOX9: Implications for campomelic dysplasia" [Platform: S Wheatley, L-J Ng, G Muscat, K Leung, P Tam, K Cheah, P Koopman] 20. 21. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 15th Annual Conference, Brisbane, 30 September–2 October, 1996: "Male-specific expression of cSOX9 in chicken sex determination" [Poster: J Andrews, J Kent, S Wheatley, P. Koopman, A Sinclair] 22. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 15th Annual Conference, Brisbane, 30 September–2 October, 1996: "Structural and regulatory analysis of Sry using transgenic mice" [Poster: J Bowles, J Berkman, L Cooper, P Koopman] 23. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 15th Annual Conference, Brisbane, 30 September–2 October, 1996: "Murine Sox11 is expressed during tissue modelling and neuronal development" [Poster: MR Hargrave, E Wright, L Cooper, J Emery, J Kun, P Koopman] 24. Keystone symposium: Bone, Cartilage and Collagen: Growth and Differentiation, Santa Fe, USA, 7–12 January, 1997: “SOX9 potentially regulates type II collagen expression” [Poster: PA Koopman, L-J Ng, S Wheatley, GEO Muscat, J Conway-Campbell, J Bowles, E Wright, DM Bell, PPL Tam, KSE Cheah] 41 25. 19th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 17–21 February, 1997: “Analysis of mouse Sox9 promoter activity in primary cultured cells isolated from fetal gonads and limb buds” [Poster: Y Kanai, P Koopman] 26. 19th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 17–21 February, 1997: “The mouse Sox14 gene is expressed in discrete regions of the developing CNS” [Poster: M Hargrave, P Koopman] 27. 19th Annual Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, 17–21 February, 1997: “Investigation of the role of Sox18 in the developing vascular system” [Poster: D Pennisi, P Koopman] 28. 62nd Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA, 28 May–2 June, 1997: “Regulatory and structural analysis of the sex-determining gene Sry using transgenic mice” [Poster: J. Bowles, J. Berkman, L. Cooper, P. Koopman] 29. 62nd Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA, 28 May–2 June, 1997: “SOX9 directly regulates the type II collagen gene” [Poster: DM Bell, KKH Leung, SC Wheatley, LJ Ng, S Zhou, KW Ling, MH Sham, P Koopman, PPL Tam, KSE Cheah] 30. 13th International Congress of Developmental Biology/56th Society for Developmental Biology meeting, Snowbird, UT, USA, 5–10 July, 1997: “Gene analysis during chicken urogenital development” [Poster: JE Andrews, J Kent, C Smith, P Koopman, A Sinclair] 31. International Association of Dental Research, 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dunedin, New Zealand, 24–28 August, 1997: “Expression of Sox9 in developing periodontal tissue” [Poster: H Li, J Gao, MJ Waters, P Koopman, PM Bartold] 32. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 19th Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 10–14 September, 1997: “SOX9 enhances aggrecan gene expression via the promoter region containing a single HMG-BOX-sequence in a chondrogenic cell line, TC6” [Poster: I Sekiya, P Koopman, H Watanabe, Y Ezura, Y Yamada, M Noda] 33. British Society for Developmental Biology, Spring Meeting, Lancaster, UK, 31 March–3 April, 1998: “Sox9 is a member of the cascade of gene activity expressed in the chondrogenic lineage” [Poster: S. Wheatley, J. Bateman, S. Golub, P. Ingham and P. Koopman] 34. Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, 17th Annual Conference, Adelaide, September, 1998: "Expression of Sox14 reveals distinct interneuron subtypes in the developing vertebrate CNS" [Poster, selected talk and student prize: A Karunaratne, M Hargrave, L Cox, P Koopman, T Yamada] 35. HUGO Human Genome Meeting, Brisbane, 28–30 March, 1999: “Sox18 mutations in Ragged mice” [Platform presentation: D. Pennisi, J. Gardner, D. Chambers, B. Hosking, J. Peters, G. Muscat, C. Abbott, P. Koopman] 42 36. 37. HUGO Human Genome Meeting, Brisbane, 28–30 March, 1999: “Mouse Sry requires a CAG repeat domain for male sex determination” [Platform presentation: J. Bowles, L. Cooper, J. Berkman, P. Koopman] HUGO Human Genome Meeting, Brisbane, 28–30 March, 1999: " SOX8: Structure, expression and chromosomal localization" [Poster: G.E. Schepers and P. Koopman] 38. Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, 1–5 September, 1999: "Mouse Sry requires a CAG repeat domain for male sex determination" [Platform presentation: J. Bowles, L. Cooper, J. Berkman, P. Koopman] 39. ComBio99 (43rd Annual ASBMB, 18th Annual ANZSCDB and 39th Annual ASPP Combined conference), Gold Coast, Australia, 27–30 September, 1999: "Screening for novel genes involved in sex determination and gonadal development" [Poster: J. Bowles, M. Bullejos, K. Loffler, P. Koopman] 40. ComBio99 (43rd Annual ASBMB, 18th Annual ANZSCDB and 39th Annual ASPP Combined conference), Gold Coast, Australia, 27–30 September, 1999: "Expression of the candidate sex determining gene Dmrt1 in the developing mouse gonad" [Poster: K. Loffler, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] Second International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Honolulu, Hawaii, 10–14 April, 2000: "Screening for novel sex-determining genes using a mouse expression approach: Part 1. Probe preparation, production of subtracted libraries and array screening" [Poster: J. Bowles, M. Bullejos, P. Koopman] 41. 42. Second International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Honolulu, Hawaii, 10–14 April, 2000: "Screening for novel sex-determining genes using a mouse expression approach: Part 2. Evaluation of candidates by expression analysis" [Poster: M. Bullejos, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 43. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Cloning, expression and mapping of Sox8: Implications forATR-16 syndrome” [Poster: G. Schepers, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 960, 2000 44. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Sox18 mRNA expression in angiogenesis occurring during adult wound healing” [Poster: I.Darby, T. Bisucci, S. Ragoenath, G. Muscat, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 961, 2000 45. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Developmental expression of Caveolin” [Poster: S. Nixon, C. Asensio, M. Bullejos, P-F. Merry, P. Koopman, R. Parton] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 963–964, 2000 46. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Identification and characterisation of candidate genes involved in female sex determination and ovarian differentiation” [Poster: K. Loffler, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 965, 2000 47. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Expression pattern of chicken Sox18” 43 [Poster: J. Olsson, Y. Kamachi, D. Pennisi, H. Kondoh, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 966, 2000 48. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Searching for missing pieces of the sex-determination puzzle” [Poster: J. Bowles, M. Bullejos, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 967, 2000 49. International Congress on Differentiation and Cell Biology, Gold Coast, Australia, 24–28 September, 2000: “Vanin-1 and Caveolin-1: Two missing pieces of the sex-determination puzzle?” [Poster: M. Bullejos, J. Bowles, R. Parton, P. Koopman] Cell Biol. Int. 24: 967, 2000 50. “Sox18 is expressed during angiogenesis in adult wound repair” [Poster: Darby, I,. Bisucci, T,. Raghoenath, S,. Olsson, J,. Muscat, G.E.O,. and Koopman, P.] 51. Society for Developmental Biology, 2001 South-Eastern Regional Meeting, Asheville, NC, USA, 23–25 May 2001: ”Vanin-1 and Caveolin-1: Two missing pieces of the sex-determination puzzle?” [Poster: M. Bullejos, J. Bowles, R. Parton, P. Koopman] Society for Developmental Biology, 2001 conference, Seattle, USA, 18–22 July, 2001: ”Identification of ovarian-determining genes” [Poster: K. Loffler, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 52. 53. 45th Annual ASBMB / 20th Annual ANZSCDB / 41st Annual ASPP / 2nd International Proteomics Conference (“ComBio 2001”), Canberra, 1–4 October, 2001: ”Identification of sex-specific genes using array and microarray methods” [Platform presentation: J. Bowles, M. Bullejos, P. Koopman, Sym-64-01] 54. The Cardiovascular System, 67th Cold Spring Harbour Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbour , NY, USA, 29 May – 3 June, 2002: ”The Ragged Opossum mouse as a tool for studying Sox18 function during vascular development”. [Poster: M. Downes, D. Pennisi, K. James, S. Penning, B. Hosking, G. Muscat, P. Koopman] 55. Australian Society for Medical Research Student Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 7 June, 2002: ”FOXL2 and ovarian failure in BPES” [Selected platform presentation: K. Loffler, S. Kim, D. Zarkower, and P. Koopman] 56. Australian Cancer Research Foundation DNA Microarray Initiative, 2nd Australian Microarray Meeting, South Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia, 24–26 July, 2002: ”ISH and chips: screening for novel mammalian sex-determining genes using microarrays” [Poster: J. Smith, and P. Koopman] 57. ComBio2002, Sydney, Australia, 29 September – 3 October, 2002: ”Sox transcription factor function in mammalian sex determination” [Poster: M.J. Wilson, G. Schepers, and P. Koopman] 58. ComBio2002, Sydney, Australia, 29 September – 3 October, 2002: ”ISH and chips: screening for novel mammalian sex-determining genes using microarrays” [Poster: J. Smith, and P. Koopman] 44 59. ComBio02, Sydney, Australia, September 29 – October 3, 2002: ”Early conserved function of FOXL2 in vertebrate ovarian development” [Selected platform presentation: K. Loffler, S. Kim, C. Raymond, D. Zarkower, and P. Koopman] 60. Third International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 24–28 March, 2003: "Candidate sex-determining and gonadal development genes” [Poster: J. Bowles and P. Koopman] 61. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, USA, 2003: “Hypoxia Activates Chondrogenic Gene Programs in Bone Progenitor Cells” [J.C. Robins, N. Akeno, B.J. Aronow, P. Koopman, T.L. Clemens] 62. Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting, Queenstown, NZ, 24-27 August, 2003: "Boys versus girls: screening for novel mammalian sex determining genes using subtracted cDNA libraries" [Poster: J.M. Smith, J. Bowles, M. Bullejos and P. Koopman] 63. Combio 2003, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September - 2 October, 2003: "Boys versus girls: screening for novel mammalian sex determining genes using subtracted cDNA libraries" [Poster: J.M. Smith, J. Bowles, M. Bullejos and P. Koopman] Society for Developmental Biology 62nd Annual Meeting, Boston, July 30 - August 3, 2003: "Molecular characterization of three gonadal cell lines" [Poster: A. Beverdam, D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 64. 65. East Coast Protein Meeting, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 27-29 June 2003: "Proteomic analysis of sex determination & gonadal development in mouse embryos" [Poster: E. Huang, D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 66. 13th Annual Queenstown Molecular biology Meeting, Queenstown New Zealand, 2427 August, 2003: "The Role of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Male Sex Determination" [Platform presentation: M. Wilson, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 67. 27th Annual Meeting of the Matrix Biology Society of Australia and New Zealand, Victoria, Australia, 24-27 September 2003: "The Role of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Male Sex Determination" [Poster: M. Wilson, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 68. Combined ASBMB, ANZSCDB, ASPS, NZSBMB and NZSPP Annual Conference (ComBio 2003), Melbourne, Australia, 29 September - 2 October 2003: "The Role of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Male Sex Determination" [Poster: M. Wilson, J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 69. Third Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, Sydney, 29 October - 2 November, 2003: "Searching for downstream targets of SOX9" [Platform presentation: D. Wilhelm, A. Jeanes and P. Koopman] 70. Germ Cell Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 13–17 October, 2004: “Somatic Influences on Germ Cell Behaviour in the Mouse Fetal Ovary” [Poster: P. Koopman, F. Martinson, A. Beverdam] 71. Lorne Genome Conference, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 15–19 February, 2004: ”Searching for downstream targets of SOX9” [Poster: D. Wilhelm, and P. Koopman] 72. Cancer and Cell Biology Seminar Series, Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia, 18 March 2004: "From Embryonic Angiogenesis to Cancer, a role for Sox18?" [Presentation: N. Young, P. Koopman] 45 73. Invited presentation, Musée National d’Histoire Naturel, Paris, France, 31 May, 2004: "On the genetics of sex determination: strategies to identify early players in gonad development” [Presentation: A. Beverdam, P. Koopman] 74. Invited presentation, Hubrecht Laboratory, Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology, 4 June, 2004: "On the genetics of sex determination: strategies to identify early players in gonad development” [Presentation: A. Beverdam, P. Koopman] 75. First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14-16 July, 2004: “Knowns and unknowns in the molecular biology of Sry” [Presentation: S. Bradford, D. Wilhelm, P. Koopman] 76. First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14-16 July, 2004: “Putting together pathways of gene regulation” [Presentation: D. Wilhelm, P. Koopman] 77. First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14-16 July, 2004: “Transgenic mouse tools for exploring testis and ovary development” [Presentation: A. Beverdam, P. Koopman] 78. First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14-16 July, 2004: “Peritubular myoid cells: the missing link in testis development” [Presentation: A. Jeanes, D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14-16 July, 2004: “Expression screens in mice: How far have they got us?” [Presentation: J. Bowles, P. Koopman] 79. 80. First Australian Sex Summit, Flowerdale, Victoria, Australia, 14 -16 July, 2004: “In vitro assays of sex-determining gene function” [Presentation: F. Martinson, P. Koopman] 81. Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Old Quarantine Station, Manly, NSW, 20-22 August, 2004: “Gene targeting and transgenesis: current technologies and resources available within the ARC CBD” [Selected presentation: C. Browne, P. Koopman]. 82. Combio 2004, Perth, Australia, 26 – 30 September, 2004: “Does retinoic acid play a role in gonadogenesis?” [Poster: J.Bowles, C. Smith, D. Knight and P. Koopman] ComBio 2004, Perth, Australia, 26–30 September, 2004: “Molecular and cellular events underpinning sex determination: First glimpses of SRY protein expression in developing mouse testes” [Poster: S. Bradford, D. Wilhelm, D. Knight and P. Koopman] ComBio 2004, Perth, Australia, 26–30 September, 2004: ”Searching for downstream targets of SOX9” [oral presentation: D.Wilhelm, A. Combes, and P. Koopman] 83. 84. 85. The 4th Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, Rottnest Island, Perth, Australia, 30 September – 4 October, 2004: “Molecular and cellular events underpinning sex determination: First glimpses of SRY protein expression in developing mouse testes” [Poster: S. Bradford, D. Wilhelm, D. Knight and P. Koopman] 86. 13th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2005), Detroit, Michigan, June 25-29, 2005: “Bioinformatic studies of gene regulation involving SOX9 and the SOX family” [Poster: A.C.Y. Mak, A.Y.N. Ng, S.L. Wynn, D, Wilhelm, P. Koopman, K.S.E. Cheah, D.K. Smith] 46 87. Invited Seminar, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany, 7 April, 2004: "Sex determination in mice" [Oral presentation: D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 88. Invited Seminar, Institute for Toxicology and Genetics, Research Centre, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 March, 2004: "Sex determination in mice" [Oral presentation: D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 89. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Identification of novel genes involved in male and female sex determination and early gonad development” [Poster: A. Beverdam and P. Koopman] 90. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “SRY acts both cell-autonomous and through prostaglandin signalling to activate Sox9 during mammalian sex determination” [Poster: D. Wilhelm, F. Martinson, S. Bradford, M. Wilson, A. Combes, A. Beverdam, H. Mizusaki, J. Bowles and P. Koopman] 91. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “A search for downstream targets of SRY” [Poster: S. Bradford, D. Wilhelm, A. Jackson, A. Beverdam, and P. Koopman] 92. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Possible role of KRAB-containing proteins in sex determination” [Poster: JC. Polanco, A. Jackson, D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 93. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Understanding sex cord formation: a critical process in testis organogenesis” [Poster: AN. Combes, D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 94. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Evaluation of candidate markers for the peritubular myoid cell lineage in the developing testis” [Poster: A. Jeanes, D. Wilhelm MJ. Wilson, J. Bowles PJ. McClive AH. Sinclair and P. Koopman] 95. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Sox18 is expressed during embryonic and tumour angiogenesis” [Poster: N.Young, A. Poh, D. Wilhelm J. Olsson, P. Parsons and P. Koopman] 96. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Identification and characterisation of proteins influencing mammalian germ cell differentiation” [Poster: KA. Ewen, D. Wilhelm, RJ. Aitken and P. Koopman] 97. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 “Entry of mouse embryonic germ cells into meiosis is induced by retinoic acid” [Poster: J. Bowles, D. Knight, C. Smith, M. Wilson, D. Wilhelm J. Richman, J. Rossant and P. Koopman] 98. 15th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress (ISDB 2005), Sydney, Australia, September 3-7, 2005 47 99. “Redundant function of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal vascularization in mice” [Poster: M. Kanai-Azuma, T. Matsui, H. Kawakami, H. Kurohmaru, GE. Muscat, P. Koopman and Y. Kanai] Monday Morning Meeting, IMB, University of Queensland, Australia, 7 March, 2005: “SRY acts both cell-autonomous and through prostaglandin signalling to activate Sox9 during mammalian sex determination” [oral presentation: D.Wilhelm, F. Martinson, S. Bradford, M. Wilson, A. Combes, A. Beverdam, H. Mizusaki, J. Bowles and P. Koopman] 100. 1st International Conference on Sox Genes, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 29 September-2 October, 2005: “Sry and Sox9: putting together pathways of gene regulation” [oral presentation: D.Wilhelm, F. Martinson, S. Bradford, M. Wilson, A. Combes, A. Beverdam, H. Mizusaki, J. Bowles and P. Koopman] 101. University of Canberra, Australia, 7 October, 2005: “Boys, girls or mix of both: A molecular and cellular mechanism to reinforce testis development in male embryos” [oral presentation: D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 102. Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia, 26 October, 2005: “Sex determination and gonad development: Putting together pathways of gene regulation” [oral presentation: D. Wilhelm and P. Koopman] 103. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 9-11 November, 2005: “Regulation of prostaglandin D synthetase” [oral presentation: D. Wilhelm, L. Widjaja, A. Combes, R. Hiromatsu, Y. Kanai and P. Koopman] 104. The ASMR National Scientific Conference 2005, Couran Cove, Queensland, Australia, 20–23 November, 2005: “Boys, girls or mix of both: A molecular and cellular mechanism to reinforce testis development in male embryos” [oral presentation: D. Wilhelm, F. Martinson, S. Bradford, M. Wilson, A. Combes, A. Beverdam, H. Mizusaki, J. Bowles and P. Koopman] 105. AgResearch and CSIRO Livestock Industries Workshop: Approaches to bovine sex ratio manipulation, Hamilton, New Zealand, 22–23 March, 2006: “A Biotechnology Approach to Single Sex offspring in Cattle” [Oral presentation: D Farkas, J Bowles, S Lehnert, P Koopman] 106. Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, IMB, The University of Queensland, 23 March, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in early gonad development.” [Oral presentation: D Wilhelm, H Mizusaki, AN Combes, L Widjaja, R Hiramatsu, Y Kanai, P Koopman] 107. Institute Seminar, IMB, The University of Queensland, 27 March, 2006: “Identification of genes involved in the earliest steps of male and female sex determination” [Oral presentation: A Beverdam, P Koopman] 108. European Workshop on the Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology of the Testis, Bad Aibling, Germany, 22-26 April, 2006: “Sox8 is a critical regulator of adult Sertoli cell function and male fertility” [Poster: C. Kennedy, S. Takada, G. Scott, S. Harada, Q. Dai, D.M. de Kretser, E.M. Eddy, P. Koopman, Y. Mishina and M.K. O’Bryan] Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, 10-14 April, 2006: “Identification of Cyp26B1 as the mammalian meiosis-inhibiting factor” 109. 48 [Platform presentation: J. Bowles, D. Knight, C. Smith, D. Wilhelm, H. Hamada, J. Rossant, P. Koopman] 110. Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, 10-14 April, 2006: “Cell cycle regulation by Sry” [Poster: H. Mizusaki, P. Koopman] 111. Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, 10-14 April, 2006: “Expression profiling of purified mouse gonadal somatic cells during the critical time window of sex determination reveals novel candidate genes for human sexual dysgenesis syndromes” [Platform presentation: A. Beverdam, P. Koopman] 112. Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, 10-14 April, 2006: “Homeobox genes, sex differentiation and development: The identification of new candidate regulators of gonadogenesis” [Poster: T. Svingen, P. Koopman] 113. Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, 10-14 April, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in gonad development” [Platform presentation: D. Wilhelm, H. Mizusaki, A. Combes, L. Widjaja, R. Hiramatsu, Y. Kanai, P. Koopman] Invited seminar, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 May, 2006: “Identification of genes involved in the earliest steps of male and female sex determination” [Oral presentation: A Beverdam, P Koopman] 114. 115. Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, IMB, The University of Queensland, 25 May 2006: “Morphological characterisation of testis cord formation” [Oral presentation: A Combes, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 116. ASMR Postgraduate Student Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26 May, 2006: “Germ cell differentiation: Meiosis or mitotic arrest?” [Poster: K Ewen, D Wilhelm, RJ Aitken, P Koopman] The IMB Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 1 June, 2006: “Sex Determination and Sex ration Manipulation in Beef cattle” [Oral presentation: D Farkas, J Bowles, S Lehnert, P Koopman] 117. 118. NGED forum, Palm Cove, Australia, 14–16 June, 2006: “Rat Sox (Characterisation of the Sox gene family in the Rat genome)” [Oral presentation: A Combes, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 119. NGED forum, Palm Cove, Australia, 14–16 June, 2006: “Sex reversal in embryonic goandal explants following gene electroporation.” [Invited oral presentation: D Wilhelm, S Tanaka, P Tam, P Koopman] Leibniz Institute for Age Research, Jena, Germany, 29 June, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in early gonad development.” [Invited seminar: D Wilhelm, S Bradford, P Koopman] 120. 121. 122. CSIRO Postgraduate Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 30 June, 2006: “Sex Determination and Sex ratio Manipulation in Beef cattle” [Oral presentation: D Farkas, J Bowles, S Lehnert, P Koopman] Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 10–12 July, 2006: 49 “Control of male germ cell mitotic arrest” [Oral presentation: K Ewen, D Wilhelm, M Baker, RJ Aitken, P Koopman] 123. Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 10–12 July, 2006: “HBP1 and the regulation of mitotic arrest in male germ cells” [Oral Presentation: CM Spiller, D Wilhelm, CM Browne, DA Jans and PA Koopman] 124. Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 10–12 July, 2006: "Germ line potential of somatic stem cells" [Oral presentation: C Browne, D Tutt, T Davidson, Z Zhang, K Loveland, P Koopman] 125. Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 10–12 July, 2006: "Gene targeting and transgenesis technology platform - progress report" [Oral presentation: C Browne, T Davidson, D Tutt, P Koopman] 126. Annual Scientific Meeting, ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 10–12 July, 2006: “Male Specific Signaling of Nodal in fetal Gonads” [Oral presentation: A Jackson, J Bowles and P Koopman] Institute Seminar, IMB, The University of Queensland, 24 July, 2006: "Germ line potential of somatic stem cells" [Oral presentation: C Browne, D Tutt, T Davidson, Z Zhang, K Loveland, P Koopman] 127. 128. The IMB Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 27 July, 2006: “HBP1 and the regulation of mitotic arrest in male germ cells” [Oral Presentation: CM Spiller, D Wilhelm, CM Browne, DA Jans and PA Koopman] 129. Human Genetics Congress Satellite meeting on Sex Determination, IMB, The University of Queensland, 8th August 2006: “Sex cords: structure and formation” [Oral presentation: A Combes, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 130. Human Genetics Congress Satellite meeting on Sex Determination, IMB, The University of Queensland, 8th August 2006: “Sex Determination and Sex ratio Manipulation in Beef cattle” [Oral presentation: D Farkas, J Bowles, S Lehnert, P Koopman] 131. NHMRC Program Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 10 August, 2006: “Role of novel genes in sex determination” [Oral presentation: P Verma, A Beverdam, P Koopman] 132. The IMB Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 10 August, 2006: “Male sex determination: Searching for the elusive targets of SRY” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 133. Endocrine Nurses' Society of Australia (ENSA) Symposium, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, 20 August, 2006: "Testicular cancer, infertility and stem cell therapy" [Oral presentation: C Browne, D Tutt, T Davidson, P Koopman] 134. Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 19th Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 30 August–3 September, 2006: “Functional analysis of KRAB genes In sex determination” [Poster presentation: JC Polanco, D Wilhelm, A Jackson, C Browne, T Davidson, H Mizusaki, P Koopman] 50 135. 136. Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 8 September, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in early gonadal development” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] Monday Morning Meeting, IMB, The University of Queensland, Australia, 11 September, 2006: “SRY targets: illusive or elusive?” [Oral presentation: D Wilhelm, S Bradford, P Koopman] 137. INSERM, Centre de Biochimie, University of Nice, France, 12 September, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in early gonadal development” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 138. Sex Meeting, INSERM, Centre de Biochimie, University of Nice, France, 13 October, 2006: “Male sex determination:Searching for the elusive targets of SRY” [Invited oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 139. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Germ Cell Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, October 15–19, 2006: “A proteomics approach to understanding male germ cell differentiation” [Poster: K Ewen, D Wilhelm, M Baker, RJ Aitken, P Koopman] 140. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Germ Cell Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, October 15–19, 2006: “HBP1 and the regulation of mitotic arrest in male germ cells” [Poster: CM Spiller, D Wilhelm, CM Browne, DA Jans and PA Koopman] 141. INSERM, Centre de Biochimie, University of Nice, 16 October, 2006: “Sry, Wt1 and Cbln4” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 142. Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, 19 October, 2006: “Elucidation of regulatory pathways involved in early gonadal development” [Invited oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] The IMB Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 26 October, 2006: “Sex, the unknown and some homeoboxes” [Oral presentation: T Svingen, H Daggag, A Sinclair, P Koopman] The IMB Molecular Genetics and Development Division Seminar Series, Brisbane, Australia, 9 November, 2006: “Role of PTK2B and FAK during early male gonad development” [Oral presentation: A Beverdam, PVerma, P Koopman] 143. 144. 145. ASMR Annual Conference, Melbourne, November 2006: “Dynamic expression of non-coding RNAs in mammals” [Platform paper: KC Pang, ME Dinger, M Crowe, SM Grimmond, GE Muscat, D Hume, PA Koopman, S Bruce, AC Perkins, W Chen, JS Mattick] 146. 5th Australian Developmental Biology Workshop, Victor Harbour, SA, 29 November–3 December 2006: “Testis cord morphogenesis is controlled by Sertoli-endothelial cell interaction” [Poster: A. Combes, D. Wilhelm, P. Koopman] 147. Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, Melbourne, 30 November–4 December 2006: “SOX18 initiates lymphatic development in mice by direct activation of Prox1 expression” [Invited seminar: M François, A Caprini, B Hosking, F Orsenigo, D Wilhelm, C Browne, K Paavonen, T Karnezis, R Shayan, M Downes, T Davidson, D Tutt, KSE Cheah, M Chan, SA Stacker, GEO Muscat, MG Achen, E Dejana, P Koopman] 51 148. 149. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “The biology of testis cord formation” [Oral presentation: A Combes, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Interaction of SRY with KRAB-O” [Oral presentation: JC Polanco, D Wilhelm, A Jackson, C Browne, T Davidson, H Mizusaki, P Koopman] 150. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Interchangeability of SOX factors in sex determination and analysis of Sox8/Sox10 double knockouts” [Oral presentation: JC Polanco, D Wilhelm, C Browne, T Davidson, M Wegner, P Koopman] 151. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Expression of two novel genes; Gstm6 and Gstm7 during early gonad development in fetal mice” [Oral presentation: P Verma, A Beverdam, P Koopman] 152. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6-8 December, 2006: “Roles of Ptk2B and FAK in pre Sertoli cells during early male gonad development” [Oral presentation: P Verma, A Beverdam, P Koopman] NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Regulation of Sox9 in the absence of Sry” [Oral presentation: D Wilhelm, R Hiromatsu, L Widjaja, Y Kanai, P Koopman] 153. 154. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Repression of Sry by Sox9: Evidence from Ypos mice” [Oral presentation: D Wilhelm, R Hiromatsu, L Widjaja, Y Kanai, P Koopman] 155. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Identification of SOX9 targets by ChIP and Regulation of prostaglandin D synthetase” [Oral presentation: D Wilhelm, R Hiromatsu, L Widjaja, Y Kanai, P Koopman] NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Nodal Signaling in the Developing Gonad” [Oral presentation: A Jackson, J Bowles, P Koopman] 156. 157. 158. 159. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Homeobox genes and sex differentiation” [Oral presentation: T Svingen, H Daggag, A Sinclair, P Koopman] NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Affymetrix screen outputs: Gonadal expression analyses of Aard and Ptu” [Oral presentation: T Svingen, A Beverdam, P Verma, P McClive, P Bernard, V Harley, A Sinclair, P Koopman] NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Bilateral asymmetric gonad development” [Oral presentation: T Svingen, P Koopman] 160. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Affy screen outputs; 'Hot gene' list validations” [Oral presentation: A Beverdam, P Koopman] 161. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Roles of PTK2B and FAK in pre-Sertoli cells during early male gonad development” [Oral presentation: A Beverdam, P Verma, P Koopman] 162. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Visualizing SRY protein expression and its potential regulation by WT1” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] 52 163. 164. 165. NHMRC Program Grant Retreat, Flowerdale, Australia, 6–8 December, 2006: “Is Cbln4 a direct target of SRY?” [Oral presentation: S Bradford, D Wilhelm, P Koopman] CSIRO Livestock Industries Reproduction Stream F2F meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 7–8 December, 2006: “Sex Determination and Sex ratio Manipulation in Beef cattle” [Oral presentation: D Farkas, J Bowles, S Lehnert, P Koopman] 7th Hunter Cell Biology Meeting, Pokolbin, Australia, 20–23 March, 2007: “Changes in nuclear transport linked with cellular differentiation” [Invited oral presentation: K Loveland, C Hogarth, J Ly, PAF Ball, Y Miyamoto, M Sarraj, P Koopman, DA Jans]