OLM eLearning Tool Kit

OLM eLearning Tool Kit
Implementing the National Learning Management System
PC Checker
NLMS Implementation options
Define the project and expected benefits
Project Governance and Resources
Project Management
IT Checklist
ESR System Admin setup and Smartcard
Remote Access
Local content hosting and authoring
10.0 Communications
11.0 Local content hosting and development
12.0 Data migration from existing Learning Management Systems
13.0 Investigating reported issues around NLMS
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
OLM eLearning Tool Kit
The following information acts as an initial guide to the key activities Trusts will need to undertake during the
initiation of an NLMS pilot or implementation. This is not a substitute to the detailed documentation found on KBASE
http://esr.novosolutions.net but does provide a useful overview. Log into KBASE and navigate to: Functionality >
OLM/Talent Management/NLMS > NLMS. The current course catalogue is updated monthly, an online version can
be found on the ESR Support website.
Before you start: IT set up
Before you start using eLearning please run the PC Checker to check connectivity and PC Setup:
http://www.esrsupport.co.uk/nlms/pccheck.html. As a minimum ensure Flash, Java and
connectivity settings are not highlighted in Red
You should also give the IT checklist to your IT department for action as soon as possible, see section
6 for more details, without checking network settings you risk player status not updating.
If the above is successful, please also search, enrol and play the following course (000 - Using
eLearning in ESR/OLM’” which contains a tutorial on using enrolling and playing elearning. The
statutory & mandatory National eLearning courses in OLM also have an introductory learning object
placed at the beginning. These courses will provide a further check that all connectivity is running
correctly and you are show clear error messages if the network setup is not correct. User Notice
1273 explains how this works and shows example screen shots.
NLMS Implementation options
There are many ways in which to implement the NLMS. For example:
Full implementation with a number of courses across the whole organisation with some or all of the
resources and support detailed below
A ‘Lite’ implementation focusing on specific eLearning content or a focused user group. For example
Safeguarding Children, End of Life Care or implementing NLMS in a particular staff group who are
not compliant on an area of mandatory training. Note: an organisation can commence with a “lite”
implementation and move to a full rollout as appropriate later.
Define the project and expected benefits
Define the aims and objectives of the project and what you want to achieve in the short and long
term, this can be part of the PID (see the example below). The example NLMS Business case below
will help you define the benefits and justify resource input, additional examples of time and cost
savings are shown in the Communications Toolkit
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
Business Case.doc
Align the use of eLearning with your existing training policies and strategies. How does eLearning fit
with your mandatory, I.T., induction and clinical training? The eLearning Readiness Toolkit is a good
resource when developing an eLearning strategy - www.elearningreadiness.org
eLearning functionality introduced into OLM as part of the NLMS project continues to expand the
benefits of ESR and should be seen as part of an organisations’ long term ESR strategy not a separate
Project Governance and Resources
An executive sponsor who supports the project and understands the benefits of using eLearning is
essential regardless of how formally you approach the management of the project. Case studies of
Trusts that have been successful in their implementation of the NLMS back this up (copies are
available on the NLMS Communications Toolkit).
There should be a project board in place that includes at least one eLearning / NLMS Project
Manager, an active senior level executive sponsor, an I.T. Lead, representation from the training and
development department (i.e. training manager), your Trust ESR lead and representation from the
NLMS Account Manager. You should also have a clear definition of how much time each member of
this project team needs to put aside for the project and which tasks they own. Tie this into existing
ESR or e-workforce boards where they are established.
There should be regular project meetings scheduled to ensure on going communications and smooth
running of the project.
Department managers should report back to the project meetings to discuss progress during the
There should be a clear understanding of the potential impact of any other ESR projects running at
the same time of the NLMS implementation. For example time and cost savings could be found if
the rollout and management of the project is combined with Manager Self-Service and/or Employee
Self-Service rollouts.
Trust designated Remedy users should be aware of the project and have additional time set aside for
logging Service Requests (SRs) for the NLMS implementation. User Notice 1286 New ESR Remedy
User Guide details how L&D departments can get their own Remedy account.
System Administration resources and processes should be reviewed to allow set up of User
Accounts, URPs and password resets, for example around new starters and leavers. Consider your
plans for post pilot support and promotion of eLearning early on in the project and define your
resource requirements to ensure you realise the project aims and objectives.
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
Project Management
The project scope or Project Initiation Document should be clearly defined to show the aim of the
project, courses to be tested during the pilot and expected number of users. Timescales for both
pilot and full implementation should also be clearly stated and signed off by the Executive Sponsor
PID Example 2.doc
Example PID
There should be project plans or task lists in place to ensure smooth running and monitoring of the
project, with a clear start and end to the project pilot, an example is below.
There should be user documentation that can be distributed as appropriate. Examples are on the
ESR Support website under Documentation
As part of the project you should amend your existing training strategies to include eLearning (as
mentioned in 2.3)
Project documentation should include a document which clearly captures system issues with the
eLearning functionality and any Service Requests (known as SRs) raised along with a project ‘risks
and issues’ document or AIR log. This will help you manage and resolve issues.
NLMS Trust Issues
Log v1.xls
Processes should be reviewed around supporting eLearning users, providing access to new starters
and resetting passwords. End users should have a copy of the e-learning FAQs document to reduce
support calls as should anyone supporting end users.
There should be a clear method of capturing direct user feedback during the pilot and rollout. An
example form is below or you can use a web based survey.
Example Feedback
Form 1.doc
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
At a later date you may want to evaluate the success of e-learning compared to face to face training
in your organisation, the example evaluation forms below give you a template to work from.
Questionnaire face
to face.doc
Discoverer reports should be run during the pilot. Consider the timing of replication on reporting
(See 5.2). Reports to run include NHS Education and Learning Monitoring Analysis and NHS
Education and Learning Analysis which contains data fields relating to eLearning activities.
Identify other Trusts in the local area that have implemented the NLMS and regional resources in the
SHA, ETD community and any networks which will encourage the uptake of eLearning such as Blood
transfusion practitioners, End of Life Care or Safeguarding Networks. Your regional NLMS Account
Manager can provide details.
IT Checklist
There must be a designated I.T. representative on the project whether you have a formal project
board in place or not. This is essential for success.
Please ensure your I.T. department receives a copy of M-0100 ESR technical document. The M-0100
has useful information on Java testing.
The I.T. department and anyone supporting eLearning users should review K-9450 OLM eLearning
Common Issues
NLMS Project managers must ensure the I.T. representative on the project formally signs off the
I.T. checklist. A copy of the checklist can be found in the documentation section on the ESR Support
website in the documentation section. Once completed this will give confidence that the I.T.
configuration is correct at the start of the project.
Review existing SLAs with I.T. departments or shared services for on-going support and the setup of
PCs post pilot (if required). If your I.T. helpdesk is providing first line support to end users or likely
to be asked about eLearning, provide training and access to ESR during the pilot
ESR System Admin setup and Smartcard
An ESR user account needs to be created for all users who need to play and /or administer eLearning
content. Enrolment and playing of eLearning is done via the eLearning User URP. Users can also
enrol via the Learning User and Employee Self Service URPs but will need to return to the eLearning
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
User URP to play content. Learning Administration is required to administer local content, subscribe
people to learning paths or mass enrol staff onto an eLearning course. All user accounts will need to
be assigned to active employees in the Trust.
Since April 2010 smartcards are no longer required when a user only accesses the eLearning User
URP in ESR. Self Service and Learning User URPs still require a smartcard from March 2011, User
Notice 1176 gives further information. Users who are currently accessing any other parts of ESR
using a Smartcard will access the eLearning User URP via their Smartcard also.
‘Replication’ is the name given to the process between ESR and the environment where eLearning is
played (e-Prod) which runs at 12.00 and 7pm. This can take a variable amount of time depending on
the data being transferred. Replication must happen before a user can access their URP, therefore
you should wait at least 24 hours before distributing user accounts and/or promoting new content
set up locally.
The Trust can setup ESR user accounts with the eLearning User URP locally or take advantage of ESR
central team support to help with the process. Please raise an SR if you wish to make use of the
process, detailed instructions can be found on User Notice 1119 on KBASE. Any users requiring
access for a pilot project will need setting up by your local ESR User Administration.
Remote Access
If you plan to use the Remote access functionality you will need to ensure that those that are
approving remote access requests are allocated the role of 'Internet Access Approval' by the ESR
Administrator prior to anyone requesting remote access. This will enable requests to be approved
or rejected via notifications. More than one individual should be able to approve/reject remote
access requests.
If you have the Supervisor field populated as part of a Self Service project the Supervisor will receive
the remote access notification regardless of whether the Internet Approval role has been allocated
to someone. If the notification is not actioned the notification will move through the Self Service
hierarchy until it reaches someone without a supervisor at which point the notification will be sent
to the person with the Internet Approver role.
You will need to provide users with the Remote Access User guide which is hosted on the ESR
Support website and KBASE
Local content hosting and authoring
OLM is used to administer local course content in ESR; instructions on setting up content are on
KBASE and the ESR Support website in K-9850 10 Steps to Adding Local eLearning Content
Local content should be compliant with the standards set out in the A-10000 Content Standards
guide, be in place on the server and ready for use along with an Oracle SCORM Adaptor which can be
downloaded from KBASE.
Test local content setup in TPLY not the live ESR Production environment. There will be no delay in
playing the content as replication does not take place in TPLY. Log on details can be provided by
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
your ESR lead or McKesson. Please remember that other Trusts may be accessing the same TPLY
All local content should be SCORM 1.2 compliant if tracking of scores to ESR is required.
Prior to creating new content review the National Content Catalogue and eLearning Repository to
see if another Trust has created what you need. Local content can also be hosted on the eRepository at no cost. Further details can be found at www.eLearningrepository.nhs.uk, an Athens
logon is required to upload content but not to perform a basic search.
Replication must take place after the setup of local content before users can access the content.
Replication occurs twice a day at 12.00 and 7pm; the length of time replication takes varies
depending on the amount of data being transferred. If a user still cannot enrol on a new local course
following replication please double check the course is correctly setup for self-enrolment.
The server(s) hosting local content should be accessible via the internet if you wish to use remote
access. Content setup to allow access via N3 only is not accessible from home.
The location of all local SCORM adaptors should be registered with the NHS Central team via a SR.
Any SCORM adaptors setup in ESR will also be setup in TPLY.
10.0 Communications
For Communications plans, FAQ guides, example Intranet screens and more please see the NLMS
Communications Toolkit
Using the example communications plan as a template create your own to clearly define who is to
be communicated to and when, both during the pilot phase and on going through out the Trust wide
Your intranet should be updated to include user guides, local eLearning FAQs, the support process
for end users and links to the NLMS captivate course for Enrolling and Playing eLearning.
11.0 Local eLearning content development support
Sign up for the eLearning Developers forum and share information with other NHS eLearning
developers: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/eLearningdeveloper
12.0 Data Migration from Existing Learning Management Systems
The Trust may have a requirement to migrate data from an existing LMS being used (third party or
an internal system). If data migration is required please raise an SR (entitled “eLearning training
history migration”) and a template will be provided by McKesson.
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
13.0 Investigating reported Issues around NLMS
Prior to raising service requests please follow the steps outlined in the document below,
“Investigating reported problems in NLMS”.
reported problems in NLMS v1.1.doc
It is also recommended that you import your standard e-learning report into the attached spread
sheet, refresh the pivot tables and review the data to look for patterns which may indicate issues for
users or parts of the organisation. You can also remind yourself that there are probably a large
number of successful completions! If you know how to use Excel you can create your own pivots
and filters to analyse the data in different ways.
Suggestions on information/statements you could provide when raising an SR to save time and
questions from McKesson.
13.3.1 List User Name(s)
13.3.2 Confirm if the PC Checker has been run, connectivity is successful and no items are
highlighted in Red as a problem (or list anything highlighted in Red)
13.3.3 Whether the “Using eLearning in OLM” course has run and did not show any problems with
connectivity (or did show something and list and any messages/issues)
13.3.4 List the attachments on the SR (include screen shots and Java console output, see K-9450 on
how to do this) or see User Notice 1273 on how to get the Java console from a users’ PC
13.3.5 Whether the user has successfully completed (or not) other courses on their PC
13.3.6 Confirm that the PC and Network settings are as per the M-0100 and M-4500 documents
13.3.7 When the user exited the course they definitely clicked the “Home” button to finish (or if
you are unsure if they clicked the “Home” button). This is required for the status to update
if a pop-up blocker is enabled.
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011
The SR process needs to be managed and a process in place where they can be updated and
responded to.
If the NLMS Lead for the project is not a Trust nominated Remedy User, ask when raising the SR that
all future correspondence is sent to the named NLMS Lead and provide both email and telephone
details. This way the updates from McKesson Support will not have to go via the Remedy User first.
The Trust’s nominated Remedy Users will be able to access Information Point which has a section
detailing an update around completion of replication.
OLM eLearning Toolkit v2 January 2011