BOTANY 3rd exam – covers both lecture and lab and is worth 150 points
The following questions may apply to LECTURE and/or LAB
Also, refer to the lab objectives in the lab manual.
The exam will cover all lecture notes (that means you are responsible for all lecture material even if I forget to mention something in the study guide below.)
Mitosis & Meiosis
Mendelian genetics
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Genetic Frontiers
DNA extraction
Fruits & Seeds
Evolution & Natural Selection
Ecology - overview & symbioses; biomes, California biological communities
Allelopathy experiment
Field Trip to Mission Trails Regional Park
1. Describe what happens in mitosis and in meiosis and what types of cells (somatic or reproductive) are produced by each form of cell division.
2. Which process is followed by fertilization?
3. DEFINE: haploid, diploid, gamete, zygote
4. Be able to solve monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses and other problems like the ones in your lab manual and in the back of the chapter.
5. DEFINE: gene, allele, chromosome, dominant, genotype, heterozygous, homozygous, incomplete dominance, linkage or linked genes, monohybrid cross, phenotype, polygene, recessive, test cross, true-breeding strain
6. Describe the units that comprise the DNA molecule.
7. Describe base pairing in DNA molecules.
8. Given the base sequence of one strand of DNA, predict that of a complementary strand of
9. Summarize the process of DNA replication and explain what is meant by “semiconservative replication.”
10. Compare the structures of DNA and RNA molecules
11. Identify the functions of the three types of RNA: messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA.
12. Outline the flow of genetic information in cells from DNA to protein and summarize the processes of transcription and translation.
13. Explain the effect of mutations on protein synthesis and on evolution.
14. What are mutations?
15. Describe different types of mutations discussed in lecture (point mutations, frame- shift mutations …)
16. What are the effects of mutations on protein synthesis?
17. Are all mutations bad?
18. What are transposons and why are they important? (SEE BOOK FOR MORE DETAILS)
19. Describe the steps we took to extract DNA from a strawberry and why we did each of those steps.
DNA can be extracted from many types of cells. The first step is to lyse or break open the cell.
This can be done by grinding a piece of tissue mechanically. After the cells have broken open, a detergent solution is added. These solutions break down and emulsify the fat & proteins that make up a cell membrane and nuclear membrane. The resulting slurry is filtered to remove large components. Finally, ethanol is added because DNA is soluble in water. The alcohol causes DNA to precipitate, or settle out of the solution, leaving behind all the cellular components that aren't soluble in alcohol. The DNA can be spooled (wound) on a stirring rod and pulled from the solution at this point. anticodon, p. 285 chromosome, p. 276 codon, p. 284 double helix, p. 279 gene, p. 276 genetic code, p. 282 messenger RNA (mRNA), p. 283 mutation, p. 288 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), p. 283 semiconservative replication, p. 279 transcription, p. 283 transfer RNA (tRNA), p. 283 transposon, p. 289 translation, p. 283
20. Describe two methods for gene transfer in plants (one method uses plasmids, another uses a type of gun).
21. Describe at least one application of recombinant DNA technology in each of the following: medicine and pharmacology, DNA fingerprinting, and transgenic organisms, specifically genetically modified crops. (SEE BOOK FOR MORE DETAILS)
22. “Golden Rice” refers to …? biotechnology, p. 294 gene gun, p. 299 genetic engineering, p. 294 genetically modified crops, p. 305 plasmid, p. 295 recombinant DNA technology, p. 294 selective breeding, p. 294
23. Identify and know the function of: stigma, style, ovary, (pistil), anther, filament, (stamen), receptacle, ovule, pollen, hypanthium, petals, sepals
24. What does it mean that flower parts are fused?
25. Identify superior vs. inferior ovary.
26. What is the difference between a simple inflorescence and a compound inflorescence?
27. A daisy or sunflower is which of the above?
28. Compare and contrast a solitary inflorescence, a head, a spike, a raceme an umbel and a compound umbel (matching, multiple choice or word bank will be used for testing purposes).
29. Give several examples of pollinators (pollination vectors) and describe the characteristics of the flowers each pollinates. Don’t forget about abiotic pollinators! You will be given the dichotomous key from your lab manual to use on the exam.
30. Flowers attract, reward, and sometimes cheat pollinators. Discuss and give some examples of attractants, rewards, and cheating (cheating: from the film).
31. What is a nectar guide and how does it benefit a flower? A bee?
32. Describe the pros and cons of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.
33. What is the function of a flower?
34. Describe several dispersal vectors and the characteristics of seeds each disperses (matching, multiple choice or word bank will be used for testing purposes).
35. Some seeds are dispersed near the parent, others disperse far away from the parent. Discuss the pros and cons of each strategy.
36. What is the function of the fruit? Describe some different ways in which fruits achieve their function.
Discuss the costs vs. benefits of different fruit characteristics.
37. From what part of the flower does the seed originate?
38. What is the pericarp? It is composed of three layers, the _____, _____, and the _____. Be able to identify these parts of the fruit .
39. The seed is composed of 3 major structures – what are they and what is the function of each?
40. Compare and contrast fleshy vs. dry fruits.
41. Compare and contrast dehiscent vs. indehiscent fruits.
42. Compare and contrast a legume, pome, hesperidium, berry, drupe, pepo, capsule, grain, achene, samara, silique (matching, multiple choice or word bank will be used for testing purposes).
43. What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?
44. What is a transgenic plant?
45. Describe two methods for gene transfer in plants (one method uses plasmids, another uses a type of gun).
46. Discuss the pros and cons of transgenic organisms.
47. “Golden Rice” refers to …?
48. What is ecology? What aspects of biological systems do ecologists study?
49. Define: population, biological community, ecosystem, biotic, abiotic, biome
50. Compare and contrast population, community and ecosystem ecology.
51. What determines global biome distributions?
52. What type of climate do we have in San Diego?
53. What factors determine the climate of an area?
54. What typifies a Mediterranean climate? Where are Mediterranean climates found? What type of vegetation do they support?
55. Can ecology be studied at the level of the individual?
56. Describe and give an example of each major type of intraspecific interaction (symbiosis) , indicating how each species involved is affected (or if it is not). Describe different types of competition and different degrees of parasitism.
57. Be able to explain the terms in the field trip handout.
58. Be familiar with the major biomes types and in what climatic region each would be found as diagrammed in class.
59. Describe our local plant communities and how they are adapted to a Mediterranean climate.
60. What is allelopathy?
61. What did Gause’s experiments show?
62. What is resource partitioning?