CENTRAL PENOBSCOT SOLID WASTE FACILITY BRADFORD, CHARLESTON, CORINTH RESIDENTS ONLY OPEN WED, FRI, SAT 8-4 PHONE 285-7630 STICKERS ARE AVAILABLE AT YOUR TOWN OFFICE OR LOCAL MERCHANTS. NO CASH ACCEPTED AT THE FACILITY. CHECK WITH ATTENDANT BEFORE UNLOADING ITEM # OF STICKERS 33 GALLON CONTAINER (max 40 pounds) ----------------------------------1 55 GALLON CONTAINER (max 80 pounds) ----------------------------------2 * Refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers (items containing refrigerant) * Tires under 16 inch ---------------------------------------------------------------* Tires 16-19 inch -------------------------------------------------------------------* Tires 20-22 inch -------------------------------------------------------------------* Tires over 22 inches are paid by weight, per 10 lbs --------------------------* Tires on rims, additional fee per rim -------------------------------------------* Propane tanks, 20 pounds --------------------------------------------------------* Propane tanks, 100 pounds ------------------------------------------------------* Landfill items (must be inspected by Attendant before disposal.) * Demolition debris (mostly shingles and sheet rock), per cubic yard ------* Carpet, per 2 square yards -------------------------------------------------------* All TVs and computer monitors ------------------------------------------------* Non-incandescent lamps, per 2 lamps -----------------------------------------* PCB ballasts (must be removed from fixture), per 1 pound -----------------* Mercury containing items (thermometers/thermostats/switches) ----------* Couches, chairs, mattresses and other trash, per 40 pounds ----------------- 6 1 2 7 1 2 1 5 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 Any liquids must be put in an absorbent material. (Sawdust, cat litter, oil dry) If the following item are properly separated and are not contaminated, there is no fee: - Corrugated cardboard (flattened) -Glass jars (rinsed) - Newspaper, magazines,phone books -Cans (rinsed and flattened) - #2 narrow top plastic (rinsed, flattened, no covers) -Scrap metal (must be inspected) - Brush and untreated wood (must be inspected) -Printer cartridges - Rechargeable batteries (under 2 pounds) -Cell phones - Mixed paper (junk mail,cereal boxes,soda cartons,etc) - Re-use barn items (must be inspected and approved) - Compostable food scraps, leaves, grass clippings (must be inspected)