2007 - 20 Alex Sink 08 Florida Public Schools Annual Fire Safety Report Alex Sink Chief Financial Officer State Fire Marshal Produced by Florida Division of State Fire Marshal Prepared by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research University of Florida Table of Contents Letter from the State Fire Marshal..................................... 3 Overview of Law.............................................................. 5 Inspection Summary........................................................ 7 Overview of Law Overview of the Requirements of Section 1013.12, Florida Statutes The firesafety inspections referred to in the statute above are applicable to all buildings owned, leased, or being lease-purchased by the school board, including all permanent and re-locatable buildings. In addition, they must begin not sooner than one year after a new building has been occupied. They must be performed each fiscal year in accordance with any applicable code or standard, such as NFPA 101, as adopted in Rule 69A-3.012, Florida Administrative Code, or any other applicable code or standard which has been adopted in Rule Chapter 69A-58, Florida Administrative Code. Finally, the subject inspections are not applicable to new construction or new buildings which are subject to and controlled by Section 1013.38, Florida Statutes. Each firesafety inspection report and plan of correction must contain, at a minimum, the name of the school district or community college, the name of the local fire authority having jurisdiction (that is, the municipality, county, or special district), the name of the facility inspected, the type of facility inspected (that is, K-5, 6-9, 10-12, community colleges, other), the facility address, the number of the facility as listed in the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH#), the name, address, and phone number of each inspector and the designation of whether such inspector is a special fire safety inspector or a municipal fire safety inspector, the date of the inspection, and each violation or deficiency noted during an inspection. Reports of the inspections must be filed with the local school board and the local site administrator. A plan and schedule for correction of any deficiency in the inspection report must be developed by any fire safety inspector finding a deficiency in conjunction with the school board and that plan and schedule then must be adopted and complied with by the school board. Continued on page 6 Overview of Law continued Furthermore, each violation or deficiency report must contain the Building name or number and, if applicable, the room number of the building in which the violation was noted; a description of the violation or deficiency and the number of times this violation or deficiency has been cited. In addition, the estimated correction date, total number of violations or deficiencies cited not involving serious life safety hazards and the total number of violations or deficiencies cited involving serious life safety hazards. Finally, the date of the scheduled re-inspection, a statement that the district has or has not complied with 1013.12(1)(c), a statement that the local authority having jurisdiction has or has not complied with 1013.12(2) c), including verification that the required fire drills have been completed. The report must include the signature of the district inspector if the inspection was made by the school district, or the signature of the local fire official if the local authority having jurisdiction made the inspection. If joint inspections were performed, both the school district fire safety inspector and the local fire official must each sign the report. When the violation or deficiency has been corrected, the school board must notify the division of such correction. The inspection reports noted above together with the plan and schedule for correction of any deficiency must be submitted to the division by June 30, of each year. Inspection Summary (Statewide) Florida School District Inspections Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 3,715 Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected ESCAMBIA SANTA ROSA HOLMES OKALOOSA W ALTON 3,697 99.5% JACKSON WASHINGTON NASSAU JEFFERSON GADSDEN LEON CALHOUN MADISON BAY HAMI LTON WAKULLA DU VA L BAKER SU WANNEE LIBE RTY COLUMBIA TAYLOR CL AY UNION GULF LAFAYETTE S T. JOHNS BRADFORD FRANKLIN GILCHRIST DIXIE ALACHUA PUTNAM FLAGLER LEVY MARION VOLUSIA LAKE CITRUS SEMINOLE SUMTER HERNANDO ORANGE BRE VARD PASCO Less than 75.0% OSCEOLA HILLSBOROUGH POLK 75.0% to 89.9% PINELLAS INDIAN RIVER 90.0% to 99.9% MAN ATEE HARDEE OKEECHOBEE HIGHLANDS 100.0% SARASOTA MA R TIN CHARLOTTE GLADES LEE HENDRY COLLIER MONROE MONROE Percentage of Schools and Facilities Inspected by School Districts 7 S T. LUCIE DESOTO PALM BEACH BRO WARD MIAMI-DADE Inspection Summary (Statewide) Florida Local Fire Authority Inspections Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 3,715 Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected ESCAMBIA SANTA ROSA HOLMES OKALOOSA WALTON 3,273 88.1% JACKSON WASHINGTON NASSAU JEFFERSON GADSDEN LEON CALHOUN MADISON BAY HAMI LTON WAKULLA DU VAL BAKER SU WANNEE LIBE RTY COLUMBIA TAYLOR CL AY UNION GULF LAFAYETTE ST. JOHNS BRADFORD FRANKLIN GILCHRIST DIXIE ALACHUA PUTNAM FLAGLER LEVY MARION VOLUSIA LAKE CITRUS SEMINOLE SUMTER HERNANDO ORANGE BRE VARD PASCO Less than 75.0% OSCEOLA HILLSBOROUGH POLK 75.0% to 89.9% PINELLAS INDIAN RIVER 90.0% to 99.9% MAN ATEE HARDEE OKEECHOBEE HIGHLANDS 100.0% SARASOTA MA RTIN CHARLOTTE GLADES LEE HENDRY COLLIER MONROE MONROE Percentage of Schools and Facilities Inspected by Local Fire Authorities 8 ST. LUCIE DESOTO PALM BEACH BRO WARD MIAMI-DADE Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Alachua (County-by-County) 66 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 66 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 62 94% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 84 413 1,338 408 558 128 7 2,450 1 194 206 3 263 Baker 10 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features Outside Structure Count 37 17 9 24 1 1 9 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Bay (County-by-County) 45 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 45 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 22 49% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 6 387 392 35 111 322 10 417 14 6 14 14 214 Bradford Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 12 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 12 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 3 25% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Operating Features Construction/Renovation No Violations Noted Count 3 35 66 62 30 13 1 65 4 1 5 10 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Brevard (County-by-County) 112 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 112 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 112 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 474 430 372 147 295 3 1,027 288 2 15 15 Broward 282 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 282 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 282 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Count 3,107 5,476 2,566 2,235 3,517 117 3,116 11 45 339 2,309 83 11 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Calhoun (County-by-County) 9 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 9 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 56% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 14 40 1 3 12 5 5 50 Charlotte 29 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 29 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 29 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 117 296 477 23 22 137 9 203 14 2 22 5 4 12 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Citrus (County-by-County) 26 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 26 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Operating Features Count 437 213 1 4 16 1 24 7 Clay 43 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 43 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 22 51% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 1 49 419 42 86 94 6 209 5 6 116 20 2 3 80 13 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Collier (County-by-County) 56 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 56 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 41 73% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 27 913 825 191 441 1,159 12 21 944 18 19 40 312 54 8 1 1,137 14 Inspection Summary Columbia Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 15 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 7% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Operating Features Count 1 10 48 1 10 44 3 34 10 DeSoto Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 12 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 12 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 17% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 5 2 57 7 2 32 18 6 70 15 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Dixie (County-by-County) 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Count Duval Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 173 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 173 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 133 77% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 4 155 1,256 105 56 762 26 265 54 20 596 84 12 16 Inspection Summary Escambia Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 67 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 67 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 40 60% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 11 380 1,519 632 416 283 3 3 807 6 5 78 65 4 10 53 Flagler Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 17 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 88% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 88% No inspection received for: Conerstone Elementary Summit Academy 17 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Franklin (County-by-County) 8 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 7 88% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 20 49 3 56 4 1 8 Gadsden Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 16 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 16 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 94% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Count 29 154 45 18 9 2 31 11 35 37 18 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Gilchrist (County-by-County) 5 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 12 186 29 72 57 1 1 129 2 1 6 11 2 8 Glades 6 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% 19 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Gulf (County-by-County) 11 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 91% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 9% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 4 67 2 3 45 4 1 Hamilton Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 8 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 1 38 84 2 23 44 1 22 1 1 23 12 32 20 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Hardee (County-by-County) 13 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 13 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 13 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features Outside Structure Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 28 61 15 2 13 30 27 1 9 97 Hendry Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 17 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 17 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 17 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Count 115 9 26 3 26 1 2 21 Inspection Summary Hernando Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 31 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 31 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 32% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 4 226 442 9 38 158 30 6 522 70 77 2 Highlands Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 19 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 19 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 19 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 17 220 5 23 85 8 6 13 197 1 4 22 Inspection Summary (County-by-County) Hillsborough Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 258 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 257 99% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 236 91% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation No Violations Noted Count 9 3,044 3,397 1,481 627 1,302 14 100 2,946 64 11 698 360 84 1 26 Holmes Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 10 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features Count 59 87 1 3 64 17 12 23 Inspection Summary Indian River Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 31 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 31 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 31 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 1 58 13 14 40 1 3 33 1 5 4 4 Jackson Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 21 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 21 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 9 43% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 4 70 142 8 12 65 3 1 2 19 2 24 Inspection Summary Jefferson Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 9 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 89% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 67% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 8 20 138 11 53 67 1 4 71 2 5 34 24 1 Lafayette Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 67% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 3 12 16 1 13 60 36 6 25 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Lake (County-by-County) 69 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 69 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 66 96% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 63 312 155 126 109 9 228 2 2 56 4 29 26 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Lee (County-by-County) 94 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 93 99% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 89 95% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 12 353 814 217 255 472 12 54 496 21 22 50 139 35 1 1 27 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Leon (County-by-County) 75 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 75 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 71 95% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 7 1,033 772 368 212 564 5 29 357 28 2 69 8 2 2 17 28 Inspection Summary Levy Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 15 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 15 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 1 31 168 6 28 32 2 31 6 8 1 46 10 Liberty Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 5 69 72 6 10 11 8 14 3 29 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Madison (County-by-County) 8 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 8 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 72 162 2 17 113 60 6 40 2 Manatee 63 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 63 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 62 98% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Extinguishment Building Services Utilities No Violations Noted Count 40 131 43 2 16 26 30 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Marion (County-by-County) 69 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 69 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 69 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 7 111 856 55 90 583 28 1,082 54 1 49 6 3 20 250 Martin Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 27 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 27 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 27 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Count 1 31 Inspection Summary Miami-Dade Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 378 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 370 98% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 317 86% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 13 327 2,415 685 885 1,460 16 79 1,484 40 15 6 255 123 1 1 26 32 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Monroe (County-by-County) 20 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 20 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 20 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Count 162 6 29 98 1 60 124 1 13 Nassau Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 22 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 22 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 22 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 12 54 199 16 217 144 23 18 253 2 26 12 11 33 Inspection Summary Okaloosa Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 53 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 53 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 46 87% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes No Violations Noted Count 36 88 11 13 51 5 45 1 16 39 Okeechobee 11 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 11 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 11 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure Count 34 100 3 40 1 2 55 3 7 1 34 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Orange (County-by-County) 239 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 239 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 239 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 956 487 247 324 458 1 32 1508 266 8 141 1244 310 3 35 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Osceola (County-by-County) 66 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 66 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 60 91% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 6 707 603 56 182 466 3 8 141 66 35 9 36 Inspection Summary Palm Beach Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 229 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 229 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 229 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 208 1,604 535 95 732 94 107 961 6 1 35 175 51 19 37 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Pasco (County-by-County) 85 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 85 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 85 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 174 191 810 417 240 417 1 362 3 2 11 4 4 1 443 38 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Pinellas (County-by-County) 149 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 149 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 149 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Count 2 505 1579 266 159 356 118 5 598 10 1 7 71 6 Polk 133 Total number of schools and ancillary facilities School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 133 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 133 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard Protection Fire Alarm Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 2 3 1 2 2 66 39 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Putnam (County-by-County) 27 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 27 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 27 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 69 2 17 76 13 46 226 4 St. Johns Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 36 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 36 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 36 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 2 86 169 58 44 74 1 131 41 2 36 40 Inspection Summary St. Lucie Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 47 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 46 98% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 42 89% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 2 52 154 29 216 12 1 8 8 Santa Rosa Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 38 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 38 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 25 66% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 1 63 118 17 55 142 13 605 186 1 2 3 41 Inspection Summary Sarasota Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 58 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 55 95% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 58 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 784 551 77 269 597 22 503 1 2 31 128 5 Seminole Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 76 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 76 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 76 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Count 18 288 684 273 172 896 12 801 11 23 24 42 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Sumter (County-by-County) 19 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 19 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 19 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Operating Features Unknown Code Violation No Violations Noted Count 18 64 16 5 55 1 17 7 1 2 6 Suwannee Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 10 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 60% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Protection Extinguishment Count 9 1 1 43 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Taylor (County-by-County) 10 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Union Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 7 82 75 47 41 17 66 2 39 4 20 44 Inspection Summary Volusia Total number of schools and ancillary facilities (County-by-County) 86 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 86 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 83 97% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation No Violations Noted Count 3 82 810 216 86 277 1 21 581 39 25 329 57 2 6 Wakulla Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 13 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 13 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 7 54% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 2 18 43 3 5 20 6 10 3 45 Inspection Summary Total number of schools and ancillary facilities Walton (County-by-County) 17 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 17 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 29% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Count 73 111 2 8 59 10 2 11 Washington Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 12 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 11 92% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 8% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 55 115 2 12 78 5 2 2 9 3 1 46 Inspection Summary Community Colleges Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 126 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 104 83% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 40 32% Brevard Community College - No reports Broward Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected 2 33% Central Florida Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 50% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Utilities HVAC No Violations Noted Count 2 1 1 1 3 2 47 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Chipola Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 1 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Fire Alarm Utilities HVAC 6 7 1 2 Daytona Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 83% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities No Violations Noted Count 1 6 6 2 4 1 4 3 Edison Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 25% 48 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Florida Community College at Jacksonville Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 14 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 14 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 14% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 1 2 6 5 1 3 Florida Keys Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 1 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Count 1 49 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Gulf Coast Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 25% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 25% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes Outside Structure Count 3 52 18 2 31 1 9 12 3 1 Hillsborough Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 5 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 3 60% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Operating Features No Violations Noted Unknown Code Violation Count 28 10 3 41 113 1 6 1 50 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Indian-River Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 5 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Lake City Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 1 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% Lake-Sumter Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 3 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 67% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 67% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Count 1 1 1 Manatee Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 2 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 50% 51 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Miami-Dade Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 9 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 9 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 3 33% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Count 73 8 85 144 18 2 4 51 North Florida Community College - No reports Okaloosa-Walton Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 25% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Count 52 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Palm Beach Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 83% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Imminent Hazard General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 2 3 86 8 5 40 2 1 1 3 2 6 Pasco-Hernando Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Utilities HVAC Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 1 4 1 3 1 14 53 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Pensacola Junior College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 3 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 3 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 33% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Special Provisions Utilities HVAC Operating Features Outside Structure Construction/Renovation Count 4 23 14 7 15 1 12 3 1 1 1 Polk Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 2 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 2 100% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities Count 21 4 2 3 5 St. Johns River Community College - No reports 54 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued St. Johns River Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% St. Petersburg Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 10 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 10 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 40% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. Operating Features No Violations Noted Count 1 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 4 55 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Santa Fe Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 6 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 6 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Rubbish/Laundry Chutes No Violations Noted Count 4 3 5 3 10 1 2 1 3 Seminole Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 4 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Elevator/Escaltor/etc. No Violations Noted Count 3 5 3 6 1 2 1 1 1 56 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued South Florida Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 5 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 5 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 0 0% Total number of violations per Violation Group: Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Building Services Utilities HVAC Count 5 2 12 5 1 1 3 Tallahassee Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 1 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 1 100% 57 Inspection Summary Community Colleges continued Valencia Community College Total number of schools and ancillary facilities 7 School District Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 7 100% Local Fire Authority Number of school and facilities inspected Percentage inspected 4 57% Total number of violations per Violation Group: General Requirements Means of Egress Protection Fire Alarm Extinguishment Utilities HVAC Outside Structure No Violations Noted Count 12 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 3 58 For a Complete Report on Each School or Community College Visit our website http://www.fldfs.com/SFM/ Annual Fire Safety Report 2007-2008 Prepared by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research University of Florida